Patents by Inventor Lili Ding

Lili Ding has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20110079554
    Abstract: A method for treating mixed wastewater from pharmaceutical chemical industry parks including introducing mixed wastewater into a regulation tank for regulation of water flow and water quality, and then into a hydrolysis tank having a hanged filler and employing upflow water distribution, into an anaerobic tank employing upflow water distribution, into a moving bed biofilm reactor having a suspended filler and an aeration device at the bottom thereof, into a biological aerated filter including a ceramic filler, and finally treating using coagulating precipitation process. The final effluent has less than 100 mg/L COD.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 30, 2010
    Publication date: April 7, 2011
    Inventors: Hongqiang REN, Lei GE, Feifei WANG, Lili DING
  • Publication number: 20090289007
    Abstract: A method for the treatment of waste water from florfenicol production is provided, which mainly comprises the steps as follows: adding iron chips or steel slag to waste water from a copper salt workshop, regulating the pH value, filtering, then adding limestone, lime or Ca(OH)2 and having a solid-liquid separation; blending the treated waste water and waste water from a splitting workshop, oxidizing the residual reductive matter by ozone and removing NH3-N by blowing; blending the treated water and waste water from esterifying or florfenicol workshops and diluting the blended water, adding phosphate and microelement, regulating the pH value, then having an anaerobic treatment in an anaerobic reactor; diluting the treated waste water, then having an aerobic treatment in an aerobic reactor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 28, 2006
    Publication date: November 26, 2009
    Inventors: Hongqiang Ren, Lili Ding, Bingqing Xin