Patents by Inventor Robert A. Trotta

Robert A. Trotta has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6041926
    Abstract: A cartridge dispenser for razor blade cartridges including latches that retain cartridges in predetermined positions permitting connection to a handle connecting structure on a handle as the handle is moved toward the cartridge, each latch having a latch camming structure that is shaped and positioned to interact with corresponding handle camming structure so as to cause the latch to be deflected and to unlatch a cartridge as the handle is moved toward and connected to cartridge connecting structure of a cartridge. The dispenser also has blade unit dividers that extend from the base, are substantially perpendicular to the base, and define blade unit regions in which the blade units are received, and angled dividers that extend from the ends of respective blade unit dividers at acute angles with the base and define angled regions through which the blade units pass in delivery to and removal from the blade unit regions and in which the cartridge connecting structure is received.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 1997
    Date of Patent: March 28, 2000
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: John D. Petricca, Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 5784790
    Abstract: A cartridge-connecting subassembly for a shaving razor handle including a cartridge connecting structure, a handle connecting structure, and a movable component within the cartridge connecting structure that interacts with a replaceable cartridge when it is connected. The cartridge connecting structure and handle connecting structure have outer side surfaces that mate with inwardly directed surfaces of the cartridge and handle so that the subassembly is substantially covered when it is mounted in the handle and a cartridge is connected. The subassembly has an assembly opening for receiving the movable component during assembly, a cartridge interaction opening through which the component is movable for interaction with the cartridge, and blocking structure that retains the movable component in the subassembly. The movable component is an ejector structure that is separate from the cartridge connecting structure. The subassembly is connected to the handle by staking.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 1997
    Date of Patent: July 28, 1998
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: William C. Carson, III, Alejandro C. Lee, Stephen C. Metcalf, Paul Nowak, Robert A. Trotta, Charles B. Worrick
  • Patent number: 5497550
    Abstract: A shaving system with a blade member with a cutting edge of wedge shape that is defined by main facets with an included facet angle in the range of in the region forty micrometers from the cutting edge. The blade is mounted between leading and trailing skin-engaging surfaces so that the blade tangent angle is less than and the interior main facet of the blade is disposed at an angle of more than to a reference line that extends from the cutting edge of the blade to the skin-engaging point next forward of the blade edge.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 3, 1994
    Date of Patent: March 12, 1996
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Robert A. Trotta, Steve S. Hahn, John Madeira, Chong-ping P. Chou, Lamar E. Brooks
  • Patent number: 5299354
    Abstract: An oscillating wet shave razor with a battery powered motor rotating an eccentric element within the head portion of the razor handle to generate an oscillating vibration signal which is transmitted to the razor blade cartridge to desensitize the facial nerves from the discomforts of shaving. The vibration which is transmitted to the cartridge is partially damped in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the cartridge that engages the user's face so that the blades mounted in the cartridge tend not to chop at the whiskers of the user's beard during shaving.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 1990
    Date of Patent: April 5, 1994
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Stephen C. Metcalf, Robert A. Trotta, Donald R. Chaulk, Hiroshi Harigai
  • Patent number: 5232127
    Abstract: A dispenser device for a foam producing gel includes an actuator and a hood, the actuator being mounted at the top of a gel container and having an inlet contacting the valve stem of the gel container and a nozzle having an outlet directed radially outwardly from the top of the container. The hood is open at the bottom and engages the outer surface of the actuator to cover the actuator when not in use. An opening is provided in the hood and a notch in the rim of the opening contacts a detent on the outer surface of the actuator to ensure that the hood opening is opposite the nozzle outlet of the actuator when the hood is in place. The hood opening when so positioned serves to inhibit excess foaming of gel remaining between the actuator inlet and nozzle outlet when the hood is in place after usage, and a notch is formed in the nozzle structure below the actuator outlet to provide a path of flow downwardly from the outlet as foamed product expands outwardly from the outlet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 3, 1993
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Robert A. Trotta, Brian A. Rogers, Stephen C. Metcalf
  • Patent number: 5084968
    Abstract: A razor blade assembly comprising a platform member, blade means mounted on the platform member, the blade means having cutting edge means generally facing in a direction toward at least one side of the platform member, and a frame member adapted to receive the platform member interiorly of the frame member, the platform member and frame member being adapted to snap together such that the frame member extends around the platform member and provides skin engaging surfaces adjacent at least one side of the platform member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 4, 1992
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 5067238
    Abstract: A shaving system of the wet shave type includes body structure that incorporates guide structure and fixed skin-engaging structure with skin-tensioning surface structure. Blade structure, carried by the body structure rearwardly of the fixed skin-engaging structure, has a cutting edge extending along the length of the body structure, and movable guard structure is carried by the body structure between and adjacent to the fixed skin-engaging structure and the cutting edge of the blade structure. The movable guard structure includes a series of skin-tensioning crest portions disposed for skin-engagement between and adjacent to the fixed skin-engaging structure and the cutting edge. The movable guard structure is positioned in the body structure in engagement with biasing structure for dynamic movement of the movable guard structure relative to the fixed skin-engaging structure against the biasing structure as guided by the guide structure in the course of shaving.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1990
    Date of Patent: November 26, 1991
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Gary R. Miller, Frederick R. Borden, Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 5056222
    Abstract: A shaving system of the wet shave type includes body structure with blade structure that has a cutting edge. A housing assembly carried by the body structure adjacent the blade structure includes surface structure disposed for skin-engagement adjacent of the cutting edge, structure that defines an elongated apertured chamber extending generally parallel to the cutting edge of the blade structure, and a member of shaving aid material disposed in the housing chamber. The housing assembly also includes guide portions disposed in cooperating relation with guide structure of the body structure for dynamic guided movement of the housing assembly against the biasing structure during shaving. The housing structure apertures communicate with the shaving aid material in the chamber structure and enable shaving aid material to be released and applied through the apertures to the shaver's skin surface during the course of shaving.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 15, 1991
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Gary R. Miller, Chester F. Jacobson, Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 5036587
    Abstract: A razor blade assembly comprising a first body member, a blade disposed on the first body member, guard and cap skin engaging surfaces on the first body member, one of the skin engaging surfaces having a groove therein, and a second body member slidable into and out of the groove, the second body member comprising a shaving aid strip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 29, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 6, 1991
    Assignee: The Gillette Co.
    Inventors: Robert A. Trotta, Frederick R. Borden
  • Patent number: 5018274
    Abstract: A blade for use in a safety razor is manufactured by providing a block of green or uncured ceramic material. The block is in the form of a honeycomb structure having a plurality of substantially parallel cells formed therein and a portion is sliced and removed from the block forming at least one surface on the portion intersecting the parallel cells at an angle. The portion is cured, and the surface ground and polished to provide a plurality of cutting edges.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: May 28, 1991
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4963047
    Abstract: A two piece brush for dispensing and applying a material in gel form comprises a brush element having a plurality of bristles and an elongated handle pivotably secured to the brush element for movement from a position adjacent the brush element to a position substantially at right angles to the brush element. An opening is provided extending through the brush element to the bristles which aligns with an opening in the elongated handle entering into a gel retainer in the handle, when the handle is positioned at right angles to the brush element. A flange disposed on the brush element is effective to seal off the opening in the elongated handle with the elongated handle positioned adjacent the brush element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 16, 1990
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4875288
    Abstract: A tubular upstanding wall of a predetermined height and defining a central aperture has an integrally formed, inwardly facing flange on its upper end, and an integrally formed, outwardly facing flange on its lower end. The inwardly facing flange has a sharpened cutting edge thereby forming a razor blade. One or more razor blades are positioned through apertures in a top member and the outwardly facing flange cooperates with the lower face of the top member to control the vertical position of each razor blade.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 2, 1987
    Date of Patent: October 24, 1989
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Robert A. Trotta, Jeffrey C. Cerier
  • Patent number: 4807360
    Abstract: A plurality of individual thin-walled generally disk-shaped blades are resiliently mounted in an elastomeric pad. The elastomeric pad, with its individually mounted blades, is disposed over a flexible sponge-like member. The shaving device is flexible and maintains maximum skin contact regardless of the contour of the area being shaved by providing that each individual blade is independently movable with respect to the other blades.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 2, 1987
    Date of Patent: February 28, 1989
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Jeffrey C. Cerier, Robert A. Trotta, Jill M. Shurtleff
  • Patent number: 4777722
    Abstract: A safety razor assembly is provided having a removable cap slideably received in interfitting engagement with the razor head. The cap is provided with a shaving aid member having a skin contacting surface disposed adjacent, and extending along the forward edge thereof, and a cover wall. In the shaving mode, the cap is positioned on the shaving head with the cover wall below the head and the skin contacting surface disposed adjacent the blade edges in a preferred shaving geometry. The cap may be removed and positioned on the shaving head in the inverted position, with the cover wall disposed over the blade edges for protection of the blades, or adjacent items, during non-use of the safety razor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1987
    Date of Patent: October 18, 1988
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4624051
    Abstract: A shaving unit comprises at least one blade and blade support structure that has external guard and cap surfaces for engaging the user's skin respectively ahead and rearwardly of the blade edge or edges. A shaving aid member of extrusion-oriented polymeric material that includes an effective amount of a water-leachable shaving aid composition is permanently and substantially immovably affixed to the support structure with an upper surface protruding above one of the external skin engaging surfaces adjacent the cutting edge of the blade.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 25, 1986
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Domenic V. Apprille, Jr., Ralph J. Chesnauskas, Chester F. Jacobson, Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4511273
    Abstract: A correction fluid dispenser comprising a body member adapted to retain correction fluid, a barrel member received by the body member, a core portion extending axially of the body and barrel members, and a tip seal member disposed in a recess in the core portion and spring biased toward an orifice in the barrel member to block the orifice and prevent flow of fluid therethrough, the tip seal member being retractable against the spring bias to permit fluid flow through the orifice, the body and barrel members being operable to move the core portion, and thereby the tip seal member, into the orifice in blocking, nonretractable position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1983
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1985
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4486952
    Abstract: A shaving implement including a platform portion, a back portion, a cap portion overlying the platform portion, end walls interconnecting the platform and cap portions, the platform, back, cap and end wall portions being an integrally molded plastic unit, and a blade member permanently disposed between the cap and platform portions, the cap portion exercizing a clamping pressure on the blade member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 1983
    Date of Patent: December 11, 1984
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: 4422237
    Abstract: A razor handle comprising an elongated grip portion, a neck portion extending from one end of the grip portion and disposed at an angle to the grip portion, and a protrusion extending from an end of the neck portion remote from the grip portion, the protrusion having opposed planar surfaces extending from a free end of the protrusion at which the surfaces are closest to each other to a base portion of the protrusion at which the surfaces are farthest apart, wedge-shaped end walls interconnecting the surfaces, a connecting web joining the protrusion to the neck portion and being of reduced thickness to provide a recess between the neck portion and the protrusion, the neck and grip portions, web, and protrusion being a unitary molding.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1983
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventor: Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: D277987
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 12, 1985
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Chester F. Jacobson, Michael J. Gray, Robert A. Trotta
  • Patent number: D343255
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 11, 1994
    Assignee: The Gillette Company
    Inventors: Gary R. Miller, Chester F. Jacobson, Robert A. Trotta