Biocultural microcomputers and microprocessor toys for preliminary self-enlightening of an individual in Bioculture and Natural Hygiene and for subsequent simple, plain, easy-to-understand using of the American Natural Hygienic system

The special (“BIOcultural”) microcomputers and microprocessor toys for simple, plain, easy-to-understand using of the American Natural Hygienic System by an individual to preserve own good health or to restore health in a state of disease without the assistance of some medical professionals, without the employment of some drugs (chemotherapy) or other medical means and resources, without of some the effect of something foreign to the human body, but only by internal resources of the body and the healing power that resides in the body and is one of the cardinal functions of the living organism, in other words, only by the processes of self-healing and self-restoration, biological in character, that occur in the body and belong to the organism.

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[0001] The patent application presents a clarifying and further development of our U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 (LEONOV et al.), Jan. 30, 2001 and EPC Patent Application No. 96927817.5-2212 (including Amendments filed Apr. 18, 2001 by EPO), now abandoned,—both based on PCT Application No.: PCT/IB 96/00827 (Intern. Publ. No.: WO 97/32269, Sep. 4, 1997).


[0002] 1. Field of the Invention

[0003] 1.1. “Bioculture of the Individual” as first Field of the invention and as first basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of BIOcultural microcomputers proposed by given patent application.

[0004] “BIOCULTURE OF THE INDIVIDUAL”—this term, entered by us, is explained in detail in our book: Valery Leonov, Tatiana Malish (Leonova), Pavel Leonov, “Bioculture of the Individual, and the Individual Natural Hygiene, and Enlightening Microcomputers & Microprocessor Toys Specially for the Same” (Our Not Light Way to Health via BIOenlightenment), 2003, 816 pages, Russian Language. This our edition contain text of the given patent application and publicize the “BIOcultural Microcomputers” as future embodiments of the present innovation. The contents of the book is used by us as first basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of BIOcultural microcomputers proposed by given patent application.

[0005] The “BIOCULTURE OF THE INDIVIDUAL” guidelines basis—the first basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of “enlightening BIOcultural microcomputers & microprocessor toys” proposed by the given patent application—this is:

[0006] Valery Leonov, Tatiana Malish (Leonova), Pavel Leonov, “Bioculture of the Individual, and the Individual Natural Hygiene, and Enlightening Microcomputers & Microprocessor Toys Specially for the Same” (Our Not Light Way to Health via BIOenlightenment), 2003, 816 pages, Russian Language.

[0007] Sense of the term “Bioculture of the Individual”, entered by us, we explain below in detail on 17 examples because our book in Russian Language only.

[0008] Example first. To-day for any individual “BIOculture” is of same value as “Culture of Writing”, “Culture of Counts”, “Culture of Rights”, “Political Culture” et al, as non cultural man will be rejected by society and the man must understand elements of scientific knowledge, necessary for life in society. “BIOculture of Individual” is knowledge of biological and physiological elements of life as natural phenomenon and no person can escape their usage otherwise he will damage himself and society he is living in. BIOculture must be the first component of total culture. It is true that few time about first and main knowledge without which health can be achieved as due to own BIOignorance he suppose that health can be bought as he confines to assurances and proposals of Market, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Medical Profession. And it is true as very few think that Living Human Organism is contrast to all commercial laws is supplied by free of charge remarkable powers of self-healing and self-restoration being based on food and nutrition. For realization of remarkable powers biological by nature and having no relationship to Commerce and Medical Profession one need to fulfil Nature demands, demands of biological laws refer to food and nutrition. Health itself is not a market good, it cannot be purchased. It can be build only by individual himself not otherwise. Therefore, the person cannot escape of own BIOculture it is necessary to realize. In connection to these circumstances we propose our book “Bioculture of the Individual, and the Individual Natural Hygiene, and Enlightening Microcomputers & Microprocessor Toys Specially for the Same” (Our Not Light Way to Health via BIOenlightenment) and “Biocultural microcomputers for American Natural Hygienic System” as future embodiments of the present innovation in given patent application.

[0009] Example second. Meditating on oneself life and its quality (health, cheerfulness, etc.) supplying life duration, we inlaid in term “life” any other sense than BIO as biologists do. Base for our frequent indisposition, our being out of sorts, we are ready always to seek for anywhere or within anything except “Biological life of our own organism” that is not in “BIOlife” about which we have no idea and so expose our “BIOignorance”, which gives nutrition to our non rare indisposition, bad mood and severe diseases those symptoms were only recently detected and were taken off by modern medicine without proper attention to biological and physiological roots of these diseases. Namely in this connection we are to speak on “Individual BIOculture” and on necessity of “Individual self-BIOenlightenment”—that is on personal study of biology elements as knowledge as well as health is impossible to get and nobody will do or can do it instead of you. In this relation one should mention necessity of individual technical means, 1) helping at first to easy intuitive acceptance of hard, vital and useful biological and physiological data and later on 2) enable for easy play like usage these knowledge items for individual health.

[0010] Example third. Rather BIOculturally ignorant person considers that his own life (with archicomplex Living Human Organism for its support) was created for him by his parents, but not by Nature. Such a person respecting his parents and their advises-requirements does not realize that he has to relate with greater respect to Nature and its demands described by bio-scientists in their textbooks. Nature creates for each of us that Living Human Organism plus the Natural Human Nutrition and plus the Natural Human Food. Mentioned above Nature demands are absolutely necessary for organization of healthcare and for creation of nutrition as the first attribute of healthcare.

[0011] Example fourth. Rather BIOculturally poor person supposes that he is cured by widely advertised medical specialists and their widely applied drugs but not by Nature with its unadvertised means, as such publicity of Nature and its means in form of bio-processes of self-healing and self-restoration of the living human organism is unable to give anybody a profit. It's clear that those processes of natural healthcare realized by Nature in every man's body can only act positively after the determined demands of Nature are satisfied. But insufficient BIOcultural person does not aware of that properly and that's why he continues to hope vainly on medical staffs and specialists trusting them fully and relaying only on them. He does not pay any attention for such obvious fact that medical workers are ailing not more rare that anyone from us.

[0012] Example fifth. As in ancient times Nature supplies gratis everybody by remarkable power of self-healing and self-restoration without any permission and any assistance of Medical Profession. But BIOculturally poor individual does not master this information obtained with difficulty from biological manuals and he cannot rest upon it. BIOculturally poor individual is satisfied by easy obtained, brightly colored, especially made for him advertising information from the Medical Profession and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Such precisely designed and thoroughly prepared commercial advertisement acts hypnotically on almost everybody and is created now by specially hired for that highly qualified psychologists and other highly qualified specialists of Public Relations. That's why BIOculturally poor individual who pays small attention to self-BIOenlightenment continues to believe that he is cured by paid commercial service of modern Medical Profession and paid commercial means of modern Pharmaceutical Industry but not by Nature with its gratis means in form of bio-processes of self-healing and self-restoration of living human organism. There is nobody to advertise those Natural means, as they are not commercial objects but purely scientific and educational matter. It's clear that those giving health bioprocesses in every man's body are based first of all on the natural food and the natural nutrition and are realized in the individual's body by Nature itself without individual's mind involved. But: 1) choice of foods optimal from the Natural point of view for providing of nutrition; 2) choice of way of eating optimal from the Natural point of view for providing of nutrition,—those two choices are delegated by Nature to individual's mind with full responsibility for their reasonableness. In the same time nobody wishes and can make these two choices for the individual, moreover nobody would take responsibility for all of that.

[0013] Example sixth. As in ancient times only Nature continues to create for modern individual archicomplex molecules of so called organic substances within the natural foods which exactly fit to archicomplex molecular processes of the nutrition in the individual's body. With help of all of that Nature carries out in individual's organism those archicomplex and first of all molecular bio-processes of self-healing and self-restoration. These molecules of organic substances being archicomplex space constructions of billions of atoms are lightly damaged. Extra intensive culinary treatment of natural foods, their processing into various commercial mixtures using temperature impact and with adding of chemically active staffs for attractive taste, color, smell, for commercial appearance and long storage—all of that, as biologists say, are capable “to denaturate” the natural foods. Using regular language, “to denaturate” means “to deprive molecules of the natural foods their natural feeding nutritive attribute, to deprive them their biological value”, in other words to convert them in useless and even harmful for human organism. All of that remain unknown to BIOculturally ignorant individual who does not care about self-BIOenlightenment. Therefore he continues to eat widely advertised expensive “tasty, luxurious in appearance, smelling good, ready to eat” commercial foodstuffs from Food Industry, having ignored non-advertised cheap “not tasty” natural foods from wild Nature. Rather BIOculturally ignorant individual considers that those natural foods from wild Nature had been meals for savages and now they became meals to poor people who failed to get enough money for more expensive and luxurious foodstuffs from Food Industry. This is possibly most depressing exposure of our disrespect and childish hypocrisy before the face of our Mother-Nature, most depressing exposure of our BIOignorance, adopted by all of us—businessmen and non businessmen, merchants and non merchants, biologists and non biologists—as all of us eat the same food from the same stands after thorough professional treatment of our conscience by the same commercial publicity elaborated now by highly qualified psychologists—they earn their money this way in order to spend them together with us at the same stands.

[0014] Example seventh. Insufficiently BIOcultural individual even does not guess or does not pay proper attention to the fact that all those archicomplex molecules of our food and those archicomplex molecular bioprocesses of nutrition, self-healing, self-restoration are been produced only by so called Living Cells—the most wonderful creatures of Nature, the most unknown natural objects. Insufficiently BIOcultural individual even does not guess that our body is a community of those living cells, as in the same way with all plants and animals on the Earth, and in particular those which we have as our food. The Living Cell, plant and animal, is a unique object in nature which makes true the most unique nature phenomenon called by word Life (“BIO”) and creates all its attributes: Food, Nutrition, Health, etc. And it is really so.

[0015] Example eighth. Life on the globe as natural phenomenon (as BIO) is presented to us in no way but only in form of living organisms—that is an absolute fact, and every living organism is built from living cells—and that is also true. In the same time the Living Cell as such, which is mostly the same in all plants and animals including Man, in its activity is absolutely subordinated to genes in its nucleus, as a computer in its activity is absolutely subordinated to its inner software—and that is also an absolute fact. So the Genes as such give program of life-supply and life-activity for all living cells on Earth, for all plants and animals including Man. That directs to base unity of flora and fauna. In the same time it is useful to remember that mysteries of the Genes as such and mysteries of the Living Cells as such are extremely difficult to perceive and there is a lot of work for bio-scientists for lots of thousands years. So Life on the Earth—Life as a natural phenomenon, which organism of every of us is a direct participant of—is absolutely unit, extremely complicated and it will be always mostly unrecognizable for Man. It's hardly possible for every of us to pay poor attention to all of that in our every-day life and not to take care of own BIOculture which we need to base on doing our (*) choice of nutrition, (*) choice of own life-style, (*) choice of health-strategy. Moreover, we ponder rarely about a rather comic situation: Man, being a component of the phenomenon “Life as whole” is trying himself to grasp by his own mind this greatest mystery from inside of the phenomenon itself but not from outside where it would be more logical to place an observer-researcher. It reminds comical attempts of famous Baron Munghausen to pull himself and his horse from swamp by seizing his own hair. Today it's simply necessary for every individual to think of that when he organizes own nutrition and healthcare, trustfully using goods and services from the Market, the Commerce, the Food Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Medical Profession.

[0016] Example ninth. The Living Cell as such—is archicomplex bio-production of archi-bulky molecules of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and DNA/RNA; without those molecules Life on Earth is impossible and every of these molecules bears in its structure from thousands to billions of atoms. Let's note an important for our theme circumstance. To a living cell of a regular rice grain is given by the Creator a capacity to construct and build easily these archi-bulky molecules from two-atomic oxygen, three-atomic water and other simple substances of soil; then miraculously create from this non alive material its inner content—protoplasm—alive material. All biochemists at the world using all modern technical means and technologies are unable to do that; they do not even know yet clearly design draughts of these organic molecules which living cells of all plants are building easily every second. Moreover, all biologists accept unanimously that transformation of “non alive material of soil” into “alive material of cells” lays outside Man's competency. That's why it's not surpassingly that many biologists are also deeply religious and it does not prevent their science occupation. Thus, Life on Earth is really single, rather complex and it will always remain mainly unfamiliar to us, and therefore the matter of organization of own nutrition by individual is not so simple to delegate it completely to the Market, the Commerce, and the Food Industry. Here is only pair of examples.

[0017] Example tenth. An adult person's body contains 38-42 Liters of water, which is equal to 44-70% of body's weight. Water is an environment where all biochemical processes in our organism take place. Approximately two thirds of water are within cells and they renew nearly once per month while one third is located outside cells and renew every week. Non-stop supply of water to the organism is one of the main conditions of life-supply. And we talk about water, about clear fresh-spring or river water—that is just the product of Nature which is required by our organism being created by the same Nature. But ignorant BIOcultural man using commercial path slakes with not cheap natural water but with dozen of various expensive drinks prepared by the Commerce from water in order to get additional profit. These drinks, of course, contain the same water that our organism needs but in order to extract the one from a drink our organism has to spend (better—to expense) enormous physiological resources—those which we often need cheerful feeling or longer life. These are appearances and sequences of our individual BIOignorance and it refers to any of individual, to businessman or non-businessman, to merchant or non-merchant, to any of us.

[0018] Example eleventh. In well known “Dictionary of Natural Foods” by William L. Esser, one of founders of the American Natural Hygiene Society, there is a description of practically all the natural human foods, so called “God's table's” products. They are only approximately 200 products including tropical exotic ones: carrot, potato, apples, etc. However, a man is proposed today not less than 40000 of “modern foods” on the “Commercial table” that is in any supermarket. Of course, those are manufactured from the same 200 “natural” products; of course, it is done purely with commercial purposes that are to get what economists call “surplus value”. At ones, the Market, the Commerce and the Food Industry pursue first of all their own interests and then - the interests of others, that is quite natural, and it will last forever. Above is quite natural peculiarity of commercial organization of our modern nutrition. But not sufficiently BIOcultural individual does not take into account such important circumstance, does not notice it and does not try to elevate his level of BIOculture. He is lawfully punished for that and it refers to any individual, to businessman and non-businessman, to any of us.

[0019] Example twelfth. Human organism is originated from one cell-zygote, being result of fusion of two ancestral cells: sperm and ovule. Zygote nucleus bears molecules of DNA and RNA with genes—keepers of heredity information from parents to future organism (future man is not yet ready—he'll appear in 9 months, but Nature-Creator has already prepared life program and has codified it in individual structure of DNA and RNA of genes—only few of us meditate upon it). After zygote appearance under genes ruling its division takes place, giving daughter cells and genetic information is copied into them. Appeared cells proceed cell divisions and further they start self differentiation and appeared specialized “tissues” from which specialized “organs” (heart, liver, brains etc.) originated and later on are transformed into “systems of organs” and at last is born “organism” as representative of Life, as direct participant of the unique natural phenomenon. All further biological life and activity of born individual are supplied by alive cells, components of his body. Life is created by cells and nothing else, further human life, human health, human disease and his death—all are determined by alive cells of his body, but not these or those organs as the latters are cell aggregates and nothing more. Thus, from the position of biology and not medicine human disease is not determined by disease of heart or liver or both organs are only small aggregates of alive cells in human body while absolutely all functions of life supply and activity are performed by cells only and by all aggregates but not by separate groups. It is the greatest delusion to treat only heart or liver separately without having satisfied previously all natural demands of all body cells, when cell demands represent subdivision of biology and physiology but not medicine. These are positions of Professional Natural Hygienists, they are realities of modern life escaping from ordinary peoples attention; they are far from biosciences and Natural (non-medical) Hygiene but it is practically all humanity. So it is a high time now to any modem individual organizing own health care having used Market, Commerce goods and services to leave gregarious cry: “Do as all do!” but apply own brains and own BIOculture attained through own efforts and own self-education which cannot be purchased. About all it as well as about further data it is necessary to know today to each individual.

[0020] Example thirteenth. Cell represents self-reproductive physical-chemical system achieving Life. Any cell of living organism demands non stop input of raw materials for growth, propagation, for activity within organism, for self supply or self reproduction and for replacing of overworked parts. It was organized by Nature transport to every cell of simplest molecular units from which cell under gene guidance creates in nucleus building Blocks for a given moment or for life-supply (repairs or growth) or for life-activity of the whole organism. Repairing and building wastes are withdrawn outside cell membrane for further throw out into surroundings. So under gene guidance metabolism of substances occurs in alive cell and as summary effect in whole organism. If metabolism in organism cells accords to nature norms due to genes as a result of multi annual experience of Nature to sustain Life on the Globe feelings of individual, quantity and duration of life are corresponding to natural figures. Any disease represent sequence of metabolism disturbance and it does not signify what reasons have caused disturbance; the main cause is always metabolism disturbance. Continuously occuring metabolism embrace every cell of human body. Some cells are dying (firstly old ones or ill) and uninterruptedly new ones are born. It is known that at any moment approximately a billion of cells is in change-cells are dividing, regenerated or dying off. For day and night nearly 20 billions of new alive cells are originated for replacement of old cells which worked out physiological sources (=got ill). Nature has given a man capacity to self regeneration—self recovery through nonstop metabolism. Metabolism process is a natural doctor of any individual and it is with him always and single to trust completely. Metabolism process operates in alive cells, as life is made by alive cells only. That's why nutrition is to be obliged to obey demands of body. To ignore these demands and not damage oneself health is impossible to-day—these are realities of modern life and causes necessity of Individual self-BIOenlightenment. To-day for any individual BIOculture is of same value as “Culture of Writing”, “Culture of Counts”, “Culture of Rights”, “Political Culture” et al, as non cultural man will be rejected by society and the man must understand elements of scientific knowledge, necessary for life in society. BIOculture of individual is knowledge of biological and physiological elements of life as natural phenomenon and no person can escape their usage otherwise he will damage himself and society he is living in. BIOculture must be the first component of total culture. It is true that few time about first and main knowledge without which health can be achieved as due to own BIOignorance he suppose that health can be bought as he confines to assurances and proposals of Market, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Medical Profession. And it is true as very few think that Living Human Organism is contrast to all commercial laws is supplied by free of charge remarkable powers of self-healing and self-restoration being based on food and nutrition. For realization of remarkable powers biological by nature and having no relationship to Commerce and Medical Profession one need to fulfil Nature demands, demands of biological laws refer to food and nutrition. Health itself is not a market good, it cannot be purchased. It can be build only by individual himself not otherwise. Therefore, the person cannot escape of own BIOculture it is necessary to realize.

[0021] Example fourteenth. Each one is to realize that alive cells of his body of hundredth or thousand part of mm are capable to create gratis miracles which will surprise for millennia—self-propagate; self-develop; self-specialize and fuse into specialized tissues; self-organize into proper organs: kidneys, liver, intestine etc.; self-organize in digestive, blood, nervous and other systems of organs; self-renovate: man's epithelium of intestine—enterocytes are renewed completely in 3-4 twenty-four hours, half of hepatic proteins and Blood plasma are renewed in 10 days and nights, half of muscles proteins are renewed in 180, man proteins are renewed average in 80 days and nights—all this complies non medical gratis self-healing of man organism (following the Creator initiative) as a single natural mechanism of our cure, other paid treatment on initiative of earth doctors can only facilitate to this natural mechanism or contradict to it but unable to substitute. First of all, man is cured out by the Creator—that is: man is cured by his own genes as a carriers of million years experience of Nature in support of Life on the globe 1) if the food of the man is natural but not invented by Commerce for additional profit, 2) if the manner of eating natural but not imagined by Man or Commerce, 3) if way of living is natural (welcome by Creator or God or Nature that is by Creator). Rather suitable analogy—the finest and the most powerful car is turned out forceless 1) if it “meal” is not that one, 2) if manner of driving in its driver is not that one, 3) if the road is not that one single to which driver directed his finest car. One can enumerate numerous facts illustrating organism capacity to self-healing which is clear and understandable to a kid. Human blood contains 45% of alive and take an active part cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes). Erythrocytes—red blood cells in animal blood. They contain hemoglobin which links reversed oxygen in places its high concentration and return it to places of low concentrated O2—this is the way of oxygen transport. Leukocytes are larger and more rare in blood. They are important for defense against diseases—70% of alive and active leukocytes are capable to absorb and digest harmful bacteria; 4% of leukocytes are able to migrate through capillar walls into inflammation heath and to absorb and digest harmful bacteria; 24% of them can cause immune reaction and participate in antibodies formation for elimination of tumor cells; 1,5% of leukocytes can rise concentration in cases of allergy state. One can emphasize: life duration of leukocytes in blood-bearing stream is equal to several days; dying off leukocytes are replaced by newly life active cells—this is an example of self-healing and self-restitution of our organism. Rate of erythrocytes destruction and replacement depends on oxygen penetration from air. Low content of oxygen in Blood stimulates bone brain and it produces more erythrocytes than it is decaying in hepar. Call attention: for a second 2-10 millions of erythrocytes are destroyed and same amount are reappeared—an example of self-healing and self-restoration of our organism.

[0022] Example fifteenth. In normal conditions majority cells of human organism has physiological resource for 40-50 divisions then a cell lost capacity for exact genetic copying during division and it becomes dangerous for an organism. To prevent this situation a special genetic mechanism switches on weakened and growing old cells after the first mistake not obeying to genes are destroyed instantly and then are utilized with antibodies actions or immune complexes giving place to new young cells. In normal natural conditions physiological resource of organism self-restoration is designed according biologist for 120-130 years of cheerful life. Self-substitution of growing old cell by a new young can occur 50, 30 times or one—it depends on conditions of life of alive cell and proximity to Nature demands which is necessary to know and for prevention of health damage. It is represent of total modern BIOignorance when only extremely rare lucky peoples reach 130 years age. It seems unreasonable to reconcile with mass BIOignorance.

[0023] Example sixteenth. Man is existing for million years and he has learned to organize his nutrition and healthcare in human community scale. Functions of nutrition organization and healthcare of an individual are given to corresponding specialists who having been released a simple individual from solution of such complicated matters. It seems the simple individual can live without taking care “what and how to eat” or “what and how to cure out” as these matters are prerogatives of highly qualified specialists. Nevertheless there are some social problems escaping individual attention. In ancient times for support life and health Man applied directly to Nature without any mediators between him and Nature. In this case he was mostly lead by natural instincts as multimillion years experience fixed in his genes than by his own mind and experience obtained during his brief individual life. A set of natural instincts was quite enough and no peculiar knowledge was needed. In this sense, for supply of life and health an ancient Man has lived in complete harmony with Nature—which has created (*) the Man himself and his instincts, (*) his archicomplex organism with archicomplex processes of life-support inside, and also has provided (*) Man with nutrition in form of plants, which were the only given by Nature an ability to build from simple molecules of ground and atmosphere archicomplex and yet unclear molecules of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nucleic acids, without those neither animals, nor Man can exist, as with no of them Life on Globe, Life as such, Life as BIO is impossible. New situation is now. In search of means for life and health support Man applied not to Nature but to the Market and to the Commerce, those have taken mediator functions between Nature and individual in cases of his nutrition and health support, naturally following first of all interests of commerce. That is often ignored by individuals including those businessmen, as they are feed and cured in the same way as non-businessmen. As a result in our times 100% harmony with Nature becomes impossible for every individual in case of his nutrition and health support, if only the individual himself would take care and get away a dangerous illusion that the Market and the Commerce feeds and cures him. Everyday he refers to them but not to Nature, which he does not think of, because of what we agreed to call “BIOignorance”. This illusion originates very simply and firmly, namely: the Market, the Commerce, the Food Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Medical Profession almost every hour by their bright advertisement declare their existence to every individual starting from his very childhood and propose paid food products and paid medical drugs produced by above mentioned industries. In the same time free of charge archicomplex and single reliable activity of Nature on this field is absolutely invisible. That's why we find not necessary at least occasionally to look through ordinary textbooks on Biology for self-BIOenlightenment.

[0024] Example seventeenth. For conclusion of the division Description of “BIOculture of the Individual” as first Field of the invention one can emphasize the following utility of the BIOculture enable to understand and compare of scientific-biological essence of life and ground of its spiritual-religious acceptance. From these points of view all peoples practically accept their life with double profit for themselves for self-control of reason of actions and deeds. Genetic code represents a system of fixation of hereditary information in DNA and RNA molecules in man, animals, plants and microorganisms. Material carriers of this code are genes located in chromosomes. Chromosomes contain DNA. Gene corresponds to a sector of DNA molecule. This can bear from dozens to thousand and a half of nucleotides which bear millions or billions atoms. So archicomplicated individual is an atomic construction of separate gene (a passing remark—what is possibility that several billions of atoms in their chaotic movement in space cannot clasp to each other in a point and molecular forces caused their fusion into gene?). But gene is more complex construction of atoms it represents a material bearer of genetic programs, carrier of information and operators for program realization reminding somewhat a diskette with program supply for computer, feedback or a book with textual printed sequence of letters, figures and symbols. It means that sequences of nucleotides in DNA and RNA are not incidental as sequences of letters and words in any written instruction. These sequences present a genetic code. It is hard to imagine that a monkey sitting at the computer and chaotically beating keys is capable to print occasionally code of “Laws” of some country. To a reasonable person it seems impossible. And it looks like complete impossible to accept when billions of needed atoms incidentally encountered in a single point then fused into nucleotides and formed necessary strict sequence representation very genetic code of certain unicellular organism—the first alive in formation from which other alive beings evolutionarily originated. Those persons who accept this incidental case as a reality are atheists. Other ones who don't accept reality of this incidental case are the faithful that is they trust in the Creator or the God a single to all religions. But other inhabitants of the Earth do not think about it at all, biologists have not informed yet what is the difference of Homo sapiens from his “younger brothers”. One can assume that Genetic Program as such being inlaid in nucleus of every plant or animal cell is presented this Highest Mind (or the Creator Mind) that makes and support Life on the Globe, and biological life in each of us. It is known that Creator's Mind—the mind composing BIOlife is codified by Nature by archicomplicated network of billions of atom in each separate molecule of DNA in our body being codified and put into cell nuclei 9 months before our birth. This important fact is to be think over—it seems that “Creator's eye” and “Creator's reaction mechanism of our actions” are put into every cell of our sinful body. BIOcultural individual share this position having estimate disease as a preventive signal or symptom from Nature-Creator that due to his ignorance he has chosen wrong way of eating and living not following biological and physiological laws and to struggle with this signal-symptom by medicinal measures, alien to human body is equal to struggle with red on signal light on highways the danger is not in red light but behind light. Thus life in earth is common rather complicated and will not be enough understandable for us and matter of self-heading is rather complex to solved without own BIOculture using goods and service of Market, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Industry and Medical Profession.

[0025] The Market, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Industry, Medical Profession fulfil own interests firstly and later interests of other as it will be forever. These are peculiarities of our commercial treatment and paid cure those are not same with Nature healing but ignorant BIOculturally individual does not notice it and he does not wish to rise BIOcultural level and will be punished. It is referred to all of us as a single feeling from the Bible: “Do as all do!”. Following to same herd feeling everyone “eats as all” and “is cured as all”—which is rather unreasonable.

[0026] So, we have discussed sense and content of “Bioculture of the Individual” as first Field of the invention. All above mentioned represents quotations from our book “Bioculture of the Individual, and the Individual Natural Hygiene, and Enlightening Microcomputers & Microprocessor Toys Specially for the Same” (Our Not Light Way to Health via BIOenlightenment) content of which with content of the “American Natural Hygienic System” we use for internal stuffing of BIOcultural microcomputers proposed by given patent application.

[0027] 1.2. The “American Natural Hygienic System” as second Field of the invention and as second basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of BIOcultural microcomputers proposed by given patent application.

[0028] Progenitor of the medicine as a science is considered to be Hypporates from Greece. It seems nevertheless that his concept is referred to Natural (non-medicinal) Hygiene than Medicine. The main point is:

[0029] Hyppocrates was not delighted with contemporary physicians. Their medicines and speculative methods were so dangerous that they did not cure but had killed. Having given recommendations more for attentive study of human organism then it was accepted, Hyppocrates had created system of rules for good physicians to follow. The first rule is “Don't harm” or in more elaborated form “The most frequent best cure is the lacking of any care”; this means that “The living human organism possesses remarkable power for of self-healing and self-restoration from Nature” and from that free of change, non commercial approach “from Nature” good physicians had to start their work with patients, but not from paid commercial medicines alien to human organism.

[0030] However physicians of the globe had turned out to be rather either slow coaches (or desperate time-servers or hypocrites) as they managed to spend more than 2000 years more 20 centuries to pass from words to deeds namely from word declaration on adherence to Hyppocrates first rule to its practical application in clinics which had occured XIX century in USA.

[0031] At the beginning of XIX some progressive physicians started to use strange methods of patient treatment namely instead of traditional prescription of pills and other medical drugs they had started to apply nontraditional, original and new approaches as namely had placed sick patients into quite conditions of boarding houses in nature, they feed them by natural nutrition products as created by Nature in garden or kitchengarden; they permitted only minimal culinar treatment of these products created by Nature for human nutrition, exclusion surplus unnecessary and harmful for human meals so called stimulators of appetite as pepper, salt, vinegar etc., for drinking was recommended only clean natural water, fresh air, walking was recommended to prolong as well as to increase sleep duration. In case of demands of extra pills bread balls covered by icing. Results were extremely unexpected in comparison with pill and drugs treatment. It became a discovery called Hygiene (from Greece hygieinos—medicinal producing healing effect remedy) as a name of quite new, special original nonmedicinal treatment which was called later on as Natural Hygiene. Thus, at the start of XIX century non medical revolution in public health care has started and almost instantly jumped from states to other continents.

[0032] Start of this health care revolution was connected first of all with Isaac Jennings, M.D., who used widely in practice these non pilled methods of human cure. His ideas were supported by Sylvester Graham and he helps to propagate them across America. He achieved remarkable success. Soon there appeared Graham societies for men and women; Graham journals; the world's first health food store; and a bookstore devoted to Graham's teachings. A number of medical doctors, frustrated with the medical approach of that era, joined Graham in practicing and teaching the Hygienic approach with very successful results. Shortly thereafter, in 1852, the first professional school of Hygiene was created to teach these methods to medical doctors.

[0033] In XX century the greatest contribution in Hygiene development was made by Herbert M. Shelton, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. He wrote more than 40 books, published monthly journal for 40 years, and throughout most of his life operated a clinic which he called a health school, because it was a place where people learned how to build health. In 1948, Shelton and fellow doctors Gerald Benesh, D.C., William Esser, N.D., Jesse Mercer Gehman, D.C., and Christopher Gian-Cursio, D.C., helped to found the American Natural Hygiene Society. Through the educational efforts of these doctors, along with others who came later, the Society helped rekindle the Hygienic revolution in the world. In 1956, the British Natural Hygiene Society was found, then the Hygienic revolution was distributed to France, Spain, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Tunis, Egypt, India, China, and in 1960, the Hygienic revolution has reached coast of Australia and there in 1961 the Australian Natural Hygiene Society was found. In 1978, Dr. Shelton became one of the charter members of the International Association of Professional Natural Hygienists, an organization of licensed physicians, which was organized to further evolve the science of Natural Hygiene.

[0034] From the beginning of 1800 years till the middle of the 1900 years Natural Hygiene was developed in USA only and the level having been achieved for 150 years was described in the mostly systematized by Dr. Shelton in four books (the American Natural Hygienic System—ANHS) which spread to other continents and all other countries of the globe:

[0035] The “AMERICAN NATURAL HYGIENIC SYSTEM (ANHS)” guidelines basis—the second basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of “enlightening BIOcultural microcomputers & microprocessor toys” proposed by the given patent application—this is:

[0036] 1) “Natural Hygiene” (The Pristine Way of Life), 638 pages,

[0037] 2) “The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene” (Hygienic System: I), 420 pages,

[0038] 3) “The Science and Fine Art of Food and Nutrition” (Hygienic System: II), 591 pages,

[0039] 4) “The Science and Fine Art of Fasting” (Hygienic System: III), 384 pages, all by Herbert M. Shelton and published by the American Natural Hygiene Society (

[0040] Hygiene as a new and more long-ranged approach to human health enables to realize deeper the content of the subject of “Health cure as such” in comparison with vision of the topic from Orthodox Medicine position. In XX century Hygienists had started to proclaims loudly and openly that pathway of Orthodox Medicine is a blind alley if in “Health care” continuation of eyes close up on adjacent Knowledge on most general subjects as Biology, general Physiology, Human Physiology, Physiology of digestion and nutrition.

[0041] It stands too reason, that public wide-scaled advertisement of Hygienists has caused natural resistance of orthodox physicians. This behavior was very strong at the end of XIX century and in the first half of XX century. It remains powerful and it will be getting on which is only natural in development of any science and in any matter within it. Here we are speaking on public health care which is to fix as a scientific basis a whole set of extremely complex sciences as Physiology of Nutrition, Physiology of Digestion, General Physiology, and Biology at whole.

[0042] But nevertheless, progressive physicians of USA manage to broaden Procrustean bed of Orthodox Medicine by incorporating for 1,5 centuries from the beginning of XIX century till the middle of XX into scientific base of health case some certain data from Physiology and even Biology.

[0043] It was a small but significant step in understanding of biological foundation of Hygiene as “Natural public health care”—health care based not on ideas of orthodox medicine but on biology and physiology that is health care with main trend of training to elements of biology and physiology for support and reconstruct health by natural means by same Nature 1) which is investigated by biologists, physiologists and other biospecialists but not physicians, by means of the Nature 2) which creates extremely complicate and insufficiently investigated human organism operated completely by the genes—by genetic program codified in archicomplicated and ultra complex DNA and RNA molecules, by the Nature 3) who creates archicomplex and insufficiently known molecules of the natural foods which are designed for the nutrition being molecular on its biochemical and biophysical main point. To fix this trend in interpreting of biological essence of Hygiene as a “Natural health care of man” it was decided to replace the term Hygiene by a new one Natural Hygiene as the latter term has reflected and emphasized inner biological belonging of the new introduced scientific-research and practical subject.

[0044] For development of this new subject prolonged efforts of bioscientists of extremely wide profiles are necessary. Professionals in Natural Hygiene call biologists, physiologists and other biospecialiasts to participate more actively in scientific and practical plan in Man Health care and to get proper financial compensation for their help to ordinary peoples, teaching them to create their own health independently and without drugs it is impossible to purchase but possible to build if you have set of necessary and proper elementary biological and physiological knowledge if you lean upon above date but not upon the idea “Do it as everybody does!”.

[0045] It seems clear, that these wide public slogans of Hygienists directed to biospecialist and ordinary persons never will be of interest to orthodox physicans not wanting to divide their pie share with others and mainly not wishing to loose enormous mass of clientele who will start to leave them and their subordination in health matters and who start to escape drug store medicines in large scales having prefer to support their health by 1) biologically and physiologically provided choice of food as Nature created, and by 2) biologically and physiologically provided way of eating, and by 3) biologically and physiologically proved way of living.

[0046] That's why orthodox physicians resistance was extremely strong at the end of XIX century when Hygiene influence ordinary people brains throughout States; therefore it remained strong at the start of XX century when serious scientific biological base was put beneath; that's why it remains unaltered now when ideas of Natural Hygiene are distributed from States in all the world,—this resistance is quite clear and natural. It seems unchanged that resistance will continue further on as amount of Natural Hygiene specialists reach equal to several hundreds when orthodox physicians are presented by many millions. Therefore quantity of arguments pro Natural Hygiene and contra Natural Hygiene can be equalized not soon; here huge financial interests of science sponsors are touched and salary of millions of specialists. As for persons distant from biosciences and other sciences they need to be patient and wait—wait for two-three centuries till when this “scientific” matter will be solved where enormous money are mixed up.

[0047] Biological sciences of XIX-XX centuries proved and followers of Natural Hygiene have informed all openly that subject “Health care” was extremely complex and slightly investigated and now on base of modern information is impossible to continue usage of specialized medicinal knowledge and application of a great lot of pills, powders, mixtures and other artificial drugs alien to human body and prepared first at all for commercial purposes. It is a high time to start usage as a scientific base of broader and more basic data of biology and physiology and not to restrain to narrow-specialized medicinal information, according to Hygienists, it seems inadmissible to continue to hammer into plain men minds the dogmatic truth “Medicine cures men” by commercial drugs this dogmatic sentence has replaced shamans' invocations who has worked in the same field.

[0048] According to Hygienists seems inadmissible to hide obvious truth “Nature cures men” by its noncommercial by archicomplex biological processes in human body by which Nature support biological life as a whole or as biological phenomen of any alive organism on the earth including organisms which destined to be a human meal. Nature cures men by means of extremely complex processes in human body and only this way. Nature cures men but only when the men follow its demands in food, nutrition, way of eating and living. In other words, the living human organism possesses remarkable power of self-healing and self-restoration from Nature when this human being is eating and living in harmony with Nature.

[0049] It seems inadmissible following Higienists to hide from ordinary men that bioprocesses in alive organisms are investigated by biologists and physiologists but not physicians. And it seems more reasonable cheaper and much more usable to hear advises of biologists and physiologists how to reach harmony with Nature in three matters: 1) choice of food, 2) way of eating, and 3) way of living instead of learning of hundred of various medicinal diseases and thousands of possible medical drugs as in a century it will be a million of names and orthodox physicians will drown in this sea of words—nowadays cardiologist is incapable to write out prescriptions for kidneys treatment while urologist is almost unable to write prescription for liver treatment etc. And what is waiting for us in hundred or two hundred years?

[0050] So the American Natural Hygienic System (ANHS) represents a successful well checked for hundred and half years practical experience generalized into a certain and well described system on non medicinal health cure which differs from drug healing first at all conceptually.

[0051] Health cure within ANHS is based on application in clinics following broad and single biological and physiological ideas: 1) on the living human organism as an individual unit, 2) the natural human nutrition, 3) the natural human food—all these fields of biology within the frames of the Hygienic System are linked by general fundamental concept of the Living Materia as whole.

[0052] Health curing within limits of Medical Profession is completely alien—it is based as known to everybody on own narrow and broken medicinal data on: 1) separate organs of human body and 2) on usage of specially prepared drugs for treatment of each separate organ. It seems reasonable that with such “detailed approach” to human health cure is close to “detailed repair” of car or other technical articles which represents extremely unnatural desintegration of human body into separate organs with further search of artificial medicines for every organ of body. It has not found up till now and it will not be discovered in future so long wished “Universal drug for the whole organism”. It seems strange that till now was not introduced in medicine institute and is not advised for future usage such a specialization named “Cure of the whole organism”. A set of couple tasks to Medical profession by some diletant can cause only smiles in “professional”.

[0053] For educated person matter of Natural Hygiene understanding and application of ANHS for own health is not so difficult as it seems in spite of some technological matters. For solution of these matters we have proposed our previous invention of special microcomputers fixed by claims in the U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 (LEONOV et al.), Jan. 30, 2001. But in the ANHS there are other problems of social character much more serious than technological ones; we have paid attention to them in patent application compiled in 1996, but we had not been ready to give them concrete technical decisions. For five years we succeeded to make something and this was discussed in given patent application.

[0054] It's worth repeating that extremely difficult matters of social character in American Natural Hygiene System are to supply with specific technical solutions otherwise the System can be buried to oblivion which cannot be allowed. That's why we will try most of all to describe the problems and indicate importance of their solution and only later on we'll formulate our proposals in given second our patent application.

[0055] The matter is:

[0056] To understand Natural Hygiene matter and apply ANHS for the save of personal health is extremely important and absolutely necessary for any person—ignorant and well educated, grown up or a child in any country of the world—it lays only here the greatest significance of above mentioned century and a half experience of progressive American physicians. There is no necessity to prove it to any sensible man as it has been done very thoroughly on 2033 pages of the American Natural Hygienic System. Nevertheless modem relationships between man and society where commercial interests and money are yet above common sense can bury this invaluable experience of the progressive American physicians—this is real social problem of the American Natural Hygienic System to be buried alive by existing vicious relationships of man and society.

[0057] With great ache and repeatedly it is discussed on the same pages of ANHS. Some abstracts on the matter seemed as a soul shout of the author Herbert M. Shelton, the greatest humanitarian among all the Americans and the most ardent and laborious person for the peoples of the globe.

[0058] This is only some phrases from “The Science and Fine Art of Food and Nutrition” (Hygienic System: II):

[0059] <<“Return to Nature” in your eating habits. Forsake the commercialized and spoiled foods that are fostered by the manufacturers of foodless foods (p. 75)>>; <<Manufacturing chemists, druggists, food manufacturers, etc., cannot compete with nature in preparing food for man (p. 86)>>; <<Back to natural eating, should be our rallying cry. Are we such fools that we are going on forever removing from natural foods essential nutritive factors and then replacing them with “just as good” synthetic substances? Shall we forever bow the neck to the yoke of commercialism and a false science created by this same commercialism? (p. 405)>>; <<I always suspect commercial motives in the physician (p. 20)>>; <<Unfortunately the medical profession does not fail to identify its own best interests with the perpetuation and aggravation of our present disabilities. In accordance with its own financial interests it has neglected (and discouraged in all others) any effort to restore natural conditions (p. 526)>>.

[0060] This is only some phrases from “Natural Hygiene” on the same matter:

[0061] <<With individuals as with society, we are all victims of false and vicious habits, customs, practices and doctrines and lack both the knowledge and the independence to live in ways that are right and good for us. We are slaves to fashions, folly and pride (p. 302)>>; <<In the world as at present organized, which is an irreversible antihuman machine, no individual can obey these laws so as to have integral health—it is an impossibility. We tend towards health as far as we and others become aware of the evils that exist. But if my neighbor poisons the air with the fumes of tobacco, if he pollutes the water with the exhaust from his factory, if he radiates evil wherever he goes, he makes me suffer with him. There is a unity in the race that makes the crimes of one man rebound to the hurt of another. We cannot repudiate this unity any more than we can repudiate the unity of our own body. I cannot be healthy alone—I cannot be honest alone. In a society in which dishonesty is the fashion, as it is everywhere, though people do not understand it, dishonesty is forced upon all. The full Hygienic life must await that broader social revolution that will liberate man from age-old slaveries that bind him to social evils (pp. 153-154)>>.

[0062] Dealing with microcomputerization for the American Natural Hygienic System (ANHS), we've found in Sheltons' words a kind of program, trend or tendency for our dealing with the System. Firstly we've realized that these words were bearing biological sense which expression as a separate book “BIOculture of the Individual . . . ” has become a part of our activity with patent; as its presence justify efforts in search of technical decision of the problem. Secondly we've realized that dealing with the American Natural Hygienic System usage terms “to await social revolution” is absolutely non-perspective occupation and one is to look for technical solution of the matter: “social revolution” had to substitute to “technical revolution”, as the social one applied to morals and politics while the second dealt with economy which was more effective. At last we understood that ANHS addressed by its content not to Professional Natural Hygienists, licensed physicians whose quantity amounts several hundreds throughout in the world but to ordinary peoples who comprise all humanity, so for technical revolution the most appropriate would be invention of certain toys, microprocessor toys as the most attractive to ordinary persons educated and simple, grown ups and kids. Lets discuss in details all above “biological sense”, “technical revolution” and “microprocessor toys for ANHS”.

[0063] From point of biology any human organism has two environmental spheres—external and inner. To this concept we add the following.

[0064] Firstly, “External biological environmental sphere of an individual” represents 1) extremely complicated and lightly wounded environment of this individual as a definite biological object and 2) extra complicated society those customs, rules traditions, laws and goods are used by the individual.

[0065] Secondly, “Inner biological environmental sphere of an individual” represents extra complicated and lightly wounded body of an individual as a definite biological object also.

[0066] And thirdly, above both spheres external and inner as extra complicated and lightly wounded in their defense from unreasonable human behavior as such which non-acceptance is equal to negation of human development.

[0067] Let's explain last circumstance more in detail.

[0068] To protect “natural environmental sphere of individual” is a task of “Ecology” and to defend social sphere of individual life from ancient times was a task of legislation—both these tasks are decided by mind and strength of human society.

[0069] But to protect its own inner sphere as a certain extra complex and lightly damaged biological object to protect own body from unfavourable impact of commercialized social sphere of habitat slightly regulated by modern considerably commercialized low creation and legislation, to defend oneself from importunate stupid proposals of all this commercialized society, namely 1) from hidden publicity of drugs and from open publicity of alcohol and tobacco—these three goods are most profitable and the most appropriate for maximal wringing money from common people, 2) by powerful pushing out of sensual voluptuous sensual intertainting fashionable style of life with easy pumping out wages from the most simple peoples, 3) from powerful advertisement of commercialized spoiled goods of nutrition with huge giant trade turn occur excellent suitable for pumping wages—from all above given to defend own body must make the individual as society is not yet ready to protect itself.

[0070] All this can and must be done by his own mind and by means of BIOculture as a set of elements of life biology that individual interconnected biological objects as 1) arch extremely complex and lightly wounded human organism; 2) arch extremely complex and lightly wounded nutrition of the human organism and 3) arch extremely complex and lightly wounded the natural foods which BIOcultural entity will never confuse with that “commercialized and spoiled foods that are fostered by the manufacturers of foodless foods”- as about it is spoken in the ANHS.

[0071] For attention to these biological trues and to understanding to certain degree health matters within the frames of ANHS one is to inlaid these books of 2033 pp. on ANHS. It stands to reason only Commerce can do it after great advertising of these scientific books. This must be performed by the individual himself as nobody can substitute him.

[0072] It seems clear that 1) simple individual “willingly everybody” is not ready and will never wish to take these 2033 pages scientific books on the American Natural Hygienic System, 2) Commerce realizes it clearly and it will never advertise them to be at a loss and therefore a simple man does not known likely of Hygienic System.

[0073] That is an absolutely hopeless perspective for an individual—it is not planned to raise quality of life by usage of ANHS.

[0074] That is also absolutely hopeless vista possibility for ANHS—its fate is to be buried alive in spite of extreme useful for every man of the globe.

[0075] But that is a topic for inventory devise to discover technical decision for application of ANHS by any man educated or non educated, mature or child in any place of the world. If this technical decision for use of this would be find Commerce will just notice it and will not loss itself chance to enrich—with following results 1) a man will improve his mode of life, 2) ANHS will be properly accepted by wide audience and 3) Commerce will get new and profitable good.

[0076] In this connection here is proposed technical solution: “microprocessor toys for preliminary self-enlightening of an individual in two closely-related subjects: the Individual Bioculture and the Natural Hygiene, and for subsequent simple, plain, easy-to-understand using of the American Natural Hygienic System”.

[0077] So we propose Commerce more profitable good: “microprocessor toys for grown ups and children”—“microprocessor toys” as future embodiments of the present innovation.

[0078] So the concept of “toy” with which claims are accompanied in the given patent application is destined to approach interests of business man and non business man, merchant and non, physician and non, at last, individual and society,—because everybody is interested in own health not less than in money.

[0079] So the concept of “microprocessor toy for the Individual Bioculture & the ANHS” can help solution of social problem of the American Natural Hygiene System as the latter can be buried alive by interrelationship of individual and extremely commercialized society sensu Dr. Shelton in above phrases on the matter.

[0080] It seems, that humanity enters new, long-waited and inevitable “Era of Biology”, “Era of BIOculture and BIOeducation”, and recently introduced notion “Ecology” demands urgently broadening and deepening in limits. Nowadays, Ecology (from Greek oikos—home, homeland) indicates to human community how to handle with “external sphere of environment” without inclusion “internal biological sphere of the organism” as its own inner sphere must be defended only by the individual itself. “Bioculture of Individual” is necessary to indicate the individual how to handle with its own “inner biological environment” as human body is definite biological object non less complicated and damaged as environmental sphere and it demands defence from human unreasonableness for escape of double unreasonable behavior. How can human individual defend his own biological environment without enough knowledge of biology or without own bioeducation or without bioculture? It is high time to realize all of that.

[0081] It's time to realize all of that and not only to include “Bioculture” into general culture of individual, but to put it there on the first place as reasonable person has nothing at first except is own health. That is why the notion Ecology, recently introduced, is to be naturally enlarged and deepened: Ecology, as a branch of science destined to protect external biological environment of human organism by community, is to be enriched by related scientific-instructive discipline “Bioculture of Individual” with its destiny to defend inner biological environment from unreasonable behavior by efforts and mind of given individual. Nobody and no community can do it as a whole—community consists of the personalities united in community by collective reason. Quality of “collective reason” is of importance far a long span of time and human community is doing a lot in this direction but quality of “individual reason, individual culture and, in particular, bioculture” is insufficient until now in spite of its necessity for individual and society as a whole.

[0082] Those are realities and necessities of modern life and contemporary development of Man and human society.

[0083] Thus, level of bio sciences development attained in XX century prompts to demonstrate to specialists in health care to change basis of health services from limited medicinal knowledge to broader areas of Biology and Physiology which was made by Hygienists for almost two centuries.

[0084] So development of bio sciences attained in XX centuries indicated to any sensible person that commonly accepted total relation to organization of nutrition and health care is extremely poor and ignorant from the point of biology and it is discussed in the American Natural Hygienic System.

[0085] Preservation of such “Individual Bioignorance” the lack of “Individual Bioculture” and absence of “Individual Bioeducation” in all of us (business men and non, commercial travellers and non, physicians and non and sometimes biologists) represent danger for an individual and society as a whole—that position of Professional Natural Hygienists and modern life realities which are omited by simple persons being distant from biosciences who composed the whole humanity.

[0086] In connection to these circumstances we propose our book “Bioculture of the Individual, and the Individual Natural Hygiene, and Enlightening Microcomputers & Microprocessor Toys Specially for the Same” (Our Not Light Way to Health via BIOenlightenment) and “Biocultural microcomputers for American Natural Hygienic System” as future embodiments of the present innovation in given patent application.

[0087] The Market, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Industry, Medical Profession and the Food Industry pursue first of all their own interests and then the interests of others, the interests of clients, the interests of any individual—that is quite natural, and it will last forever. These are peculiarities of our commercial treatment and paid cure those are not same with Nature healing, these are peculiarities of our commercial organization of our modern nutrition by modern foodstuffs those are not same with Natural foods but ignorant BIOculturally individual does not notice it and will be punished. It is referred to all of us as a single feeling from the Bible: “Do as all do!”. Following to same herd feeling everyone “eats as all” and “is cured as all”—which is rather unreasonable.

[0088] Same ideas are discussed in Shelton's American Natural Hygienic System: <<I always suspect commercial motives in the physician . . . Unfortunately the medical profession does not fail to identify its own best interests with the perpetuation and aggravation of our present disabilities. In accordance with its own financial interests it has neglected (and discouraged in all others) any effort to restore natural conditions . . . With individuals as with society, we are all victims of false and vicious habits, customs, practices and doctrines and lack both the knowledge and the independence to live in ways that are right and good for us. We are slaves to fashions, folly and pride . . . In the world as at present organized, which is an irreversible antihuman machine, no individual can obey these laws so as to have integral health—it is an impossibility . . . In a society in which dishonesty is the fashion, as it is everywhere, though people do not understand it, dishonesty is forced upon all. The full Hygienic life must await that broader social revolution that will liberate man from age-old slayeries that bind him to social evils>>.

[0089] Having great respect to the author of these words we, being authors of given patent claim reject his last words: “The full Hygienic life must await that broader social revolution that will liberate man from age-old slayeries that bind him to social evils” and we replace them by a little different ones: “The full Hygienic life must await that broader BIOcultural technical revolution that will liberate man from age-old slayeries that bind him to social evils”. And as “biocultural technical revolution” we proposed the “BIOcultural microcomputers” as future embodiments of the present innovation.

[0090] The Biocultural microcomputers being made in form of microprocessor toys for Natural Hygiene, for individual Hygienic Medication in place of Drug Medication, for the Medication by means from Nature or God in place of the Medication by means from Medical Profession are capable to close together interests of business man and non business man, merchant and non merchant, physician and non physician, individual and society as all persons are interested in own health not less than in money. So “microprocessor toys for American Natural Hygienic System” are able to make technical revolution in the widest popularization of the System as in both America and in the whole world. Having no analogues microprocessor technologies for the American Natural Hygienic System, proposed firstly by us in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and developed further in given patent claim are capable to simplify the System usage to the level attainable for kid perception and that's why this “technical revolution” is accepted by the authors of the invention as real and completely achieved.

[0091] What is the appointment of these microcomputers?

[0092] The “Biocultural microcomputers for the American Natural Hygienic System” are intended for in simple, plain, easy-to-understand, play form to educate user not wanting to handle with thick book on biology and 2033 pages to pick up information for health support and restoration—1) how does Nature supply human organism by remarkable powers of self-healing and self-restoration—here namely lays biological essence of Natural (non-medical) Hygiene and American Natural Hygienic System; 2) how these powers are linked with food and nutrition; 3) how is individual to organize health healing in accord to Natural (non-medical) Hygiene following biological and physiological principles; 4) how is he to organize way of eating and living in accordance with the Hygienic System on base of biological and physiological principles.

[0093] American Natural Hygienic System is set forth on 2033 pages of non simple text and in this form (completely non attractive for Commerce due to poor profit of sale for scientific books) it is selling for half a century in America and other continents. This is the first problem of popularization of American Natural Hygienic System in form of thick scientific books it does not fit completely Commerce.

[0094] There is the second problem in such book popularization of Natural Hygiene among common people practically for all humanity. If each earth inhabitant get gratis there 2033 pages in his own language, 99 person of 100 would not find time and desire to learn them in full size. Now only professional Natural Hygienists, licensed physicians and D. Sci. possess this system of knowledge.

[0095] Above two problems fusing have born third the most crying problem: the American Natural Hygienic System in printed form is not very acceptable for common persons and absolutely non adopted by Commerce will never be demanded by overwhelming majority humanity that is it will be buried in oblivion in spite of absolutely utility for each individual of the earth.

[0096] And that really is crying fact—overwhelming majority of humanity never know of the American Natural Hygienic System, that Natural Hygiene is an individual medication of each man by Nature itself, that Natural Hygiene presents knowledge how individual can restore his health free of charge, without any drugs and any help, that Natural Hygiene presents knowledge of individual usage and they are presented printed in the American Natural Hygienic System.

[0097] It seems possible to solve this whole humanity problem if it was managed to get extremely important data for everybody it would be possible to find way for data distribution.

[0098] For solution of this problem we propose to transfer knowledge of Natural Hygiene from special category (of realized understandable only by Professional Natural Hygienists, licensed physicians) into educationable ones, attainable for intuition of common people without special education as schoolboys for instance. For this purpose we have written and issued a book “BIOculture . . . ” where we give our version of Natural Hygiene essence having based it on double acceptance of life, namely on biological and religious one. Natural Hygiene in this BIOcultural interpretation is capable to attract attention of any man and kid.

[0099] To help technical solution of this task we propose the BIOcultural microcomputers as future embodiments of the present innovation. These apparatuses are proposed as “BIOeducational microprocessor toys for the American Natural Hygienic System”, permitting to their user to pay attention firstly to Natural Hygiene on own level of BIOculture on the necessity of own BIOeducation and to start application of Natural Hygienic System to support and restoration of own health. Otherwise we propose “Hygienic System-microcomputerized” as an alternative to “Hygienic System-printed” that is for popularization of the American Natural Hygienic System we proposed more profitable goods as “microprocessor toys for men and children” useful to anybody—business man and non business man, merchant and non, physician and non physician as Natural Hygiene is useful to everybody.

[0100] As it was mentioned earlier under natural normal conditions physiological resource of self-restoration and self-healing is calculated for 120-130 years of cheerful life as biologists indicate. Self-healing (self-restoration) can be during 130, 50 or one year—all depends of conditions of individual life or corresponding of life to Nature demands without knowledge of those and without damage of health is impossible to life nowadays—these are realities of modern life, and sequences of mass and total Bioignorance of men extremely rarely reaching 130 years of age due to incidentally formed circumstances for these lucky persons. It seems unreasonable to share this mass BIOignorance or to ignore Natural Hygiene, do not know and disuse the American Natural Hygienic System and probably the BIOcultural microcomputers as future embodiment of the present innovation will be accepted by broad public.

[0101] 2. Description of Technical Prior Art

[0102] So we propose “Hygienic System-microcomputerized” as an alternative to “Hygienic System-printed”.

[0103] Start of such microcomputerization of the American Natural Hygienic System was put by us in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 (LEONOV et al.), Jan. 30, 2001 and EPC Patent Application No. 96927817.5-2212 (including Amendments filed Apr. 18, 2001 by EPO), now abandoned,—both based on PCT Application No.: PCT/IB 96/00827 (Intern. Publ. No.: WO 97/32269, Sep. 4, 1997).

[0104] At this U.S. Patent preparing it was turned out that Field within the framework of “Natural Hygiene and the American Natural Hygienic System” was not elaborated technically and microcomputers, proposed in the U.S. Patent, are first and single the Technical Prior Art in this Field.

[0105] Field within framework of “Bioculture of the Individual” is determined above for the first time and therefore the present invention will be the first and a single Technical Art in this Field.

[0106] To emphasize that the present invention embraces both above Fields we call them as “Biocultural microcomputers for the American Natural Hygienic System”.


[0107] Topic of the given patent claim—microcomputerization of the American Hygienic System. In U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778, B1 we have proposed first microcomputers for some the most laborious and vital topics of the American Natural Hygienic System. By given patent claim we continue to develop the started earlier.

[0108] Firstly, in given patent application we are fixed again claims of the previous patent with additional details and supply by “toy” concept, essence of the “toy” concept is discussed above.

[0109] Secondly, we propose in the given patent application an independent version of the patented device as independently existing “BIOcultural microprocessor toys”. Their function is purely enlightening: at the beginning to attract attention of user for the Individual Bioculture, then to Natural Hygiene and at last to the American Natural Hygienic System. “BIOcultural microprocessor toys” are made for any individual educated and non educated, man or child. Having played with these toys, their user draw himself to more serious “toys”—to microcomputers for practical usage the American Natural Hygienic System for support and restoration of health by methods and means of the Hygienic System.

[0110] Thirdly, in the given patent application we propose the most universal model of our patented microprocessor device. This model covers all basic topics of the American Natural Hygienic System. Private realizations of the universal model can be considered microcomputers fixed already in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and described in details in the given patent application.

[0111] All above mentioned we name “microcomputerization of the American Natural Hygienic System”—the topic of given patent application as continuation of started by U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1.

[0112] Now children and grown ups possess a lot of various “microprocessor toys” sold successfully by Commerce why don't we add “special (BIOcultural) microcomputers and microprocessor toys” for Natural Hygiene, for Individual Hygienic Medication in stead of Drug Medication, for Medication by means from Nature-Creator in stead of Medication by means from the Medical Profession. Our proposed rather complicated multifunctional microcomputers and simple small functioned microprocessor toys for Natural Hygiene as it was cleared out at preparing U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 they have no world analogues and are lacking at market but being useful for everybody.

[0113] Nowadays Natural Hygiene presents a young seedling with weak root on American soil. At the same time Orthodox Medicine represents the most ancient, gigantic global tree with powerful root system not only in U.S.A. by throughout all continents. It is uncertain till whether Natural Hygiene will overwhelm such mighty monopoly from Orthodox Medicine an any rate in homeland.

[0114] Now system of knowledge of Natural Hygiene as a market good exists in form of four books “American Natural Hygienic System-printed” of more than 2000 pages of rather non simple text, rather unattractive for common people. It is evident that such market good is of no commercial value—profit equals zero and advertisement of Natural Hygiene is also nil, and if you ask any person and the American: “Natural Hygiene—what is it?” and no reply you'll get. “American Natural System-printed” is distributed over the world for half of century but only Professional Natural Hygienists, licensed physicians, as a rules Dr. Sci. When common people of the globe have heard nothing about Natural Hygiene. It seems expectation of half of century or several centuries will give nothing and invaluable experiment of progressive physicians in U.S.A. will be forgotten which is impossible to do.

[0115] For system of knowledge of Natural Hygiene as a market good is necessary to give alien non printed form capable for demands of common people as an alternative to “American Natural Hygienic System-printed” adapted only for educated persons.

[0116] As an alternative the U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 proposes:

[0117] claim 1—the microcomputer for digestive marking of food combinations at the single meal.

[0118] claim 2—the microcomputer for digestive marking of eating manners (ways of eating).

[0119] claim 3—the microcomputer for digestive marking of eating manners, but now with feedback.

[0120] The given patent application continues clarification and further development of items started in first patent. Clarification is linked with that the Description and claim 1 in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 are referred to Food Combining—one of the most hard topic of Natural Hygiene System—while claim 2 and claim 3 in Patent are belonging to Natural Hygiene System as a whole but this is not reflected in the Description. And vice versa, the word “toy” is met in the Description 11 times which is not reflected in claims and these claims in that patent need development which is done in the given patent application.

[0121] In the given patent application we inlaid mentioned clarifications and we fix those claims having referred them to Natural Hygienic System as a whole and for development we add concept “microprocessor toy”.

[0122] New claims in the given patent application are the following:

[0123] claim 1—an apparatus as the most simple few functional model of patent microprocessor advice as independent separate and purely enlightened “microprocessor toy” designated for first attention to the Individual Bioculture, then to Natural Hygiene and at last to American Natural Hygienic System from any individual educated or not, adult or child.

[0124] claim 2—the apparatus for general microcomputerization of Natural Hygienic System on the whole. It is the most multifunctional and most universal model of microprocessor device covering all basic topics of the American Natural Hygienic System. Separate realizations of this universal model can be considered the following microcomputers fixed by us in U.S. Pat. No. 6,279,778 B1 and described in details in the given patent application.

[0125] claim 3—the apparatus as a microcomputer guide for way of food combining.

[0126] claim 4—the apparatus as a microcomputer guide for way of eating.

[0127] claim 5—the apparatus as the special microcomputer against abdominal discomforts and stomach distresses.

[0128] The topic Food Combining is the most difficult among topics of Natural Hygiene System. Physiological essence of the topic is following. The changes through which foods go in the processes of digestion are effected by a group of agencies known as enzymes. Due to the fact that the conditions under which these enzymes can act are sharply defined, it becomes necessary to give heed to the simple rules of correct food combining that have been carefully worked out on a basis of the chemistry of digestion. These Rules of correct food combining are following:

[0129] The “CORRECT FOOD COMBINING” guidelines basis -the third basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of “enlightening BIOcultural microcomputers & microprocessor toys” proposed by the given patent application—this is: 1 Sweet Sour Non-Starchy Salad or Raw Acid Sub-Acid Sweet Fruits Protein Starch Fat Milk Milk Vegetables (cooked) Green Vegetables Fruits Fruits (Dried) Melons Protein bad bad bad bad bad good good poor* bad bad bad Starch bad good good bad bad good good bad bad poor bad Fat bad good good fair fair good good good good good bad Sweet Milk bad bad good poor poor fair fair bad bad Sour Milk bad bad good poor poor fair fair fair bad Green Vege.† good good good poor poor good good poor fair poor bad Sub-Acid bad bad good fair fair poor poor good good good fair Fruits† Acid Fruits bad bad good fair fair fair fair good good poor fair Sweet Fruits‡ poor poor good poor fair poor poor poor good good fair Melons bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad fair fair good *Acid fruits are fair with nuts. †Raw or cooked. ‡Dried.

[0130] It is clear that practical usage of date on Correct Food Combining is attainable to Professional Natural Hygienists and to common person distant from biochemistry of food products and combinative mathematic the topic Correct Food Combining is unreachable. That's why we have invented specialized microcomputer—a microcomputer guide for Correct Food Combining, being fixed in claim 1 in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and in claim 3 in the given patent application.

[0131] Correct food combining at a single meal represent only one of numerous rules “How to Eat” without damage to own organism. The matter is following.

[0132] So long as the body is normal, the digestive secretions are sufficient protection against the fermentation and putrefaction of food, which would otherwise be set up by microbes. If, however, the vital powers are lowered so that the secretions are deficient in quality or are insufficient in quantity, or, if there is disease, which impairs the digestive powers, bacterial fermentation sets in and we have indigestion. The fermentation produces toxins of various kinds, which, when absorbed into the Blood and lymph, serve to poison the body.

[0133] These processes of fermentation and putrefaction of food can set in completely healthy digestive system. During dozens of years all biologists and physiologists know about enzymatic limitations but vast large audience does not know about it sufficiently well and now almost every man allow fermentation and putrefaction of food in stomach. To prevent it the fermentation and putrefaction of foods in healthy digestion system. Professional Natural Hygienists elaborated simple and checked up rules “How to Eat”:

[0134] The “How TO EAT” (“CORRECT WAY OF EATING”) guidelines basis—the fourth basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of “enlightening BIOcultural microcomputers & microprocessor toys” proposed by the given patent application—this is:

[0135] 1. Eat your food in proper combinations: a) Never eat carbohydrate foods and acid foods at the same meal, b) Never eat a concentrated protein and a concentrated carbohydrate at the same meal, c) Never consume two concentrated proteins at the same meal, d) Do not consume fats with proteins, etc.

[0136] 2. Eat only when hungry. Always eat moderately.

[0137] 3. Never eat when in pain, mental and physical discomfort, or when feverish. Never eat during or immediately before or after work or heavy mental and physical effort.

[0138] 4. Do not drink with meals.

[0139] 5. Thoroughly masticate and insalivate all food.

[0140] 6. And so like.

[0141] It is clear that common man overburdened by everyday cares cannot remember about the rules having set for dinner. It is necessary to have enough time for alternate habit and to start eat “not as all do” but “as it is recommended by Hygienists” on their 150 years of clinics observation. It is impossible to master Natural Hygienic System quickly and easy. The microcomputer guide for way of eating fixed by claim 2 in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and claim 4 in the given patent application can help these problems decision. In description in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 character of “eating guidelines” from Natural Hygienic System was not reflected and it was not clear what was discussed. Now we have done this clarification and explanation.

[0142] As a next discovery step we supply the guide for correct way of eating by feedback function which fixed by claim 3 in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and claim 5 in given patent application. “Feedback” function is designed to solve the following problem.

[0143] Internal stuffing of the BIOcultural microcomputer is based on the American Natural Hygienic System. But any system of scientific knowledge as any science is enlarged in the course of time. Besides the Hygienic System is considerably statistically mean system of knowledge a kind of medium experiment of Professional Natural Hygienists - licensed doctors of Natural Hygiene who have treated their patients individually as digestion and its peculiarities in various individuals can vary considerably. But how can we teach BIOcultural microcomputer to individual approach that is at given proper recommendations to bear in mind his own digestion peculiarities but not generalized digestion details. It was necessary to solve this problem: but to find pathway of feedback between microcomputer and its user.

[0144] The next decision was made. In accord to user ask the “theoretical estimation” is given to the meal which is only planned. This theoretical estimation is calculated on date bases and base of leading principles laid in microcomputer's memory corresponding information of the American Natural Hygienic System. But after dinner user is able to appreciate the meal himself and to give real estimation. If the indigestion symptoms did not almost develop for 3-4 hours the “real estimation” would be high and otherwise it would be low. If in this case the BIOcultural microcomputer in this time will fix meal content and way of eating and “real estimation” given by user to his dinner then in microcomputer memory with theoretical basis from the Hygienic System would accumulate the second, “user's basis” which can be treated statistically and used with “theoretical basis” from Hygienic System for future recommendations to user. So we have proposed “feedback” between microcomputer and its user as it was fixed by claim 3 in U.S. Pat. No. 6,179,778 B1 and it was repeatedly fixed by claim 5 in the given patent application. In patent description characters of indigestion symptoms from American Natural Hygienic System were not reflected and it was sufficiently clear what we have spoken about. Now we are clarifying and giving detailed explanation.

[0145] For this sake in the given patent application we elucidate firstly what is meant under “The catalogue of the indigestion symptoms” from the American Natural Hygienic System and we clarify application of the microcomputer with “feedback” function as the special microcomputer against abdominal discomforts and stomach distresses. That microcomputer is fixed in the given patent claim by claim 5 and we refer it to the Preferred Embodiment.


[0146] There is no man young or old, man or women on the whole globe who does not feel to a certain degree of some symptoms of bad indigestion enumerated below:

[0147] The basis for “CATALOGUE OF INDIGESTION SYMPTOMS” (“Catalogue of Symptoms of gastro-intestinal indigestion in healthy digestion system”)—the fifth basis of guidelines for internal stuffing of “enlightening BIOcultural microcomputers & microprocessor toys” proposed by the given patent application—this is:

[0148] flatulence,

[0149] abdominal distention (the accumulation of gas in the abdomen),

[0150] a sense of discomfort running into pain in the abdomen,

[0151] gastric distress (“heartburn”),

[0152] gas,

[0153] the foul and unpleasant odor from the stools and from the expelled gases (the reeking decomposition which begins in the stomach and continues in the intestine),

[0154] the bad breath that grows out of gastrointestinal fermentation and putrefaction,

[0155] acid (sour) eructations (belchings),

[0156] mucus flow,

[0157] nervousness,

[0158] sleepless and unrefreshing nights,

[0159] furred tongue in the morning,

[0160] absence of desire for food,

[0161] constipation,

[0162] much foul stools, loose stools, impacted stools, pebbly stools, much foul gas, colitis, hemorrhoids, bleeding with stools from putrefaction occurring in the colon,

[0163] etc.

[0164] We are repeating there is no man, young or old, man or woman who does not test in any degree some abdominal or stomach discomfort given in the list. Nevertheless any man—“young or old, man or woman”—cannot have sick digestive system. So there is some general problem which is not observed or realized from the overwhelming majority of humanity. For Professional Natural Hygienists—for licensed doctors of Natural Hygiene there is no difficulty in understanding of the problem. What is more they are solving this problem without a ceremony with the aid of American Natural Hygienic System what is useful to know to any person in U.S.A. and in any country in the world.

[0165] Here are some abstracts from the American Natural Hygiene System (ANHS) on the matter.

[0166] ANHS: “It is commonly held that food may be taken into the digestive tract in the most indiscriminate and haphazard manner, in any possible combination, and in whatever amount the eater may desire and they will be well and efficiently digested. This view is not based upon physiology. A whole train of discomforts or symptoms accompany the progressive impairment of the function of digestion”. Catalogue of the symptoms that accompany indigestion is above. In accordance with the Hygienic System, the chief causes of gastro-intestinal indigestion are

[0167] 1) overeating;

[0168] ANHS: “Overeating overworks the digestive organs, as well as introduces more food into the system than is needed. Food eaten in excess is bound to accumulate as waste and decompose as poison.”

[0169] 2) enervation;

[0170] ANHS: “Enervating influences are anything that lowers nerve force and include such things as overwork, underwork, extremes of cold and heat, use of stimulants, sexual excesses, etc. Anything that enervates lessens digestive power and becomes an indirect cause of indigestion.”

[0171] 3) using of water, tea, coffee, cocoa or other watered drinks while eating;

[0172] ANHS: “It carries the diluted, and consequently weakened, digestive juices along with it, thereby interfering seriously with digestion. It is of no value to digestion to increase the secretion of digestive fluids, only to have them carried out of the stomach, into the intestine, before they have had time to act upon the food.”

[0173] 4) poor masticating and insalivating food;

[0174] ANHS: “Digestion begins in the mouth where the food is subjected to the mechanical process of grinding to break it up into smaller particles thus enabling the digestive juices to get at the food more readily. This also aids in mixing the salive of the mouth with the food. (Chewing or mastication is the only conscious work of digestion and all the subconscious processes depend upon how well this has been performed.)”

[0175] ANHS: “Food that has been completely broken up by chewing, is readily accessible to the digestive juices but foods that are swallowed in chunks require much longer time for digestion. Much energy may be saved in the digestive process if we but take a little time and chew the food. Besides this, swallowing food without chewing it leads to overeating, hurried eating and all the train of digestive evils that arise from these.”

[0176] ANHS: “Starches and sugars that are washed down with water or coffee, will be certain to ferment and give rise to acids which will make life miserable for the one who is foolish enough to eat in this manner. When starches and sugars are bolted, fermentation follows, even though there is no fault with the combination. This occurs because the food is not insalivated and there is no provision in the stomach for the digestion of these foods. Proteins do not require as much chewing as starches.”

[0177] 5) bad food combinations.

[0178] ANHS: “Other things being equal, digestion is more efficient when but one food is eaten. A single article of food will digest more quickly and perfectly than will the same food if mixed with other foods. The more foods one takes together, the less efficient is the process of digestion.”

[0179] ANHS: “What are those acid eructations (belchings) that so commonly follow meals of meat and bread, starch and milk, fruit and starch, sugar and starch, and other combinations we condemn? Are they symptoms of good digestion? There is gastric distress (“heartburn”), gas and eructations that cause throat irritation, mucus flow and coughing.”

[0180] ANHS: “The continuous struggle with indigestible food mixtures and with the poisonous products of their bacterial decomposition sooner or later wears out the body, for it is a break on the process of nutrition that involves a prodigious waste of the vital forces and draws upon physiological reserves which have been set aside for future use.”

[0181] ANHS: “When food is not digested, but undergoes fermentation, much calcium is used in neutralizing the acids which are formed as a result of the decomposition of carbohydrates. As a consequence there may be a calcium deficiency as a result of indigestion from improperly combining our foods. Poor combinations rob us of many minerals and vitamins and most assuredly cause the absorption of poisonous fermentation and putrefactive products such as the various toxic alcohols, acetic acid and indole, skatole and other highly toxic and carcinogenic products of rotting proteins.”

[0182] ANHS: “It is difficult to exaggerate the clinical picture resulting from the reeking decomposition which begins in the stomach and continues in the intestine as a result of food-mixtures which are all but indigestible.”

[0183] ANHS: “In order to neutralize, isolate and eliminate these poisons the body will be forced to draw upon its precious vital reserves. Such food mixtures not only do not yield up their calories and vitamins to the body in full measure, but they rob it of its reserves. For, when poisons accumulate in the body beyond its ordinary powers to neutralize and eliminate, its reserves are called upon and expended in freeing the body of the toxins.”

[0184] ANHS: “One of the greatest causes of gastrointestinal decomposition is wrong food combining. One of the greatest chief reasons for careful eating is to prevent fermentation and putrefaction of food.”

[0185] ANHS: “So long as the body is normal, the digestive secretions are sufficient protection against the fermentation and putrefaction of food, which would otherwise be set up by microbes. If, however, the vital powers are lowered so that the secretions are deficient in quality or are insufficient in quantity, or, if there is disease, which impairs the digestive powers, bacterial fermentation sets in and we have indigestion. The fermentation produces toxins of various kinds, which, when absorbed into the Blood and lymph, serve to poison the body. Some of these poisons are the ptomains and leucomains; phenol, cresol, leucin, tryson, ammonia, sulphurated hydrogen, fatty acids, oxalic and uric acids, alcohol and the xanthin bodies. Of these, indol is the most easily absorbed and is most readily recognized in the urine.”

[0186] ANHS: “The only reason that the great mass of poisons which arise out of the decomposition of our foods in our digestive tracts do not result in speedy death, is that nature has provided us with constitutional reserves with which to resist the recurrent accidents and emergencies of our daily lives. These reserves are especially intended to meet the needs of old age, when the forces of life are feeble and the self-regenerative powers of the body are impaired.”

[0187] ANHS: “If the body's reserves are carefully hoarded they will carry us well beyond the hundred-year mark with youthful enthusiasm and zest. Their depletion is one of the most common calamities of modem life.”

[0188] Here there are some extracts from the American Natural Hygienic System, characterizing causes and sequences of gastro-intestinal indigestion in healthy digestion system if the host prefers to feed using herd feeling “Do as all do” but not which we should like to call “BIOculture of Individual” that is having follow elements of biology and physiology in regard to 1) the living human organism, 2) the natural human nutrition and 3) the natural human food which are united by general fundamental concept of the Living Materia in whole.

[0189] That's an information which BIOcultural microcomputer as the “Special Microcomputer Against Abdominal Discomforts And Stomach Distresses” will remind its user choice this or that way of eating and living.

[0190] That is the information which BIOcultural microcomputer will use in order to produce a mark characterizing digestive efficiency of the eating manner selecting by the user on the basis of all eating guidelines in the memory.

[0191] But it was above-mentioned the “Special Microcomputer Against Abdominal Discomforts And Stomach Distresses” is supplied by feedback function: at the start of usage microcomputer will give recommendations on base of science inlaid in microcomputer memory but later of the second user's experimental base checking individual peculiarities of digestion, nutrition and user's way of living and current feel of user on his own estimations.

[0192] Otherwise, “Special Microcomputer Against Abdominal Discomforts And Stomach Distresses” 1) gives recommendations to user and 2) it accepts results of these recommendation applications. Thus in microprocessor memory experimental information is fixed accumulated and statistically summarized on improvement of user feel.

[0193] It is certain this accumulated experience is used in producing recommends to user and more frequent user will apply to his personal guide at the dinner table greater account of individual physiological peculiarities and higher results will be. So by aid of feedback function the “Special Microcomputer Against Abdominal Discomforts And Stomach Distresses” is changed into personal microcomputer investigator of digestion study.

[0194] The special microcomputer, had been accumulating information on user digestion for months or years becomes more “clever” and is acquainted on digestion greater than his user.

[0195] Simultaneously with microcomputer his host becomes more “clever”: 1) he has more rarely fermentation features and putrefaction mentioned in the catalogue of the indigestion symptoms from the Natural Hygienic System, 2) toxins of fermentation and putrefaction are lesser robbing mineral salts and vitamins that present the greatest source of his joyful mood, 3) fermentation and putrefaction toxins rob less and less special physiological resources of human body—this reserve funds supplied by Nature for extreme situations and old age , 4) gradually everyday feel is rising and total quantity of life is improving, 5) having observed it himself the user of the “Special Microcomputer Against Abdominal Discomforts And Stomach Distresses” becomes more “clever” gradually he does not sorry on some lost habits in nutrition organization, to separate with that was difficult at first.


1. An apparatus for preliminary self-enlightening of an individual in two closely-related subjects: the Individual Bioculture and the Natural Hygiene, and for subsequent simple, plain, easy-to-understand using of the American Natural Hygienic System to preserve own good health or to restore health in a state of disease without the assistance of some medical professionals, without the employment of some drugs (chemotherapy) or other medical means and resources, without of some the effect of something foreign to the human body, but only by internal resources of the body and the healing power that resides in the body and is one of the cardinal functions of the living organism, in other words, only by the processes of self-healing and self-restoration, biological in character, that occur in the body and belong to the organism, the apparatus comprising:

(a) memory means for storing information regarding:
(i) a biological knowledge database for self-enlightening in the Individual Bioculture to induce to the Natural Hygiene and the Hygienic System;
(ii) a playing algorithm for converting the apparatus into a “toy” to enlighten and train in at least one of the Individual Bioculture, the Natural Hygiene and the American Natural Hygienic System; and
(b) execution means for executing of the algorithm.

2. The apparatus according to claim 1, wherein:

(a) the memory means are destined also for storing information regarding:
(i) a database of the Natural Hygienic System guidelines relatively at least one of:
how the individual can take the Natural Hygienic effect by the choice of food based upon biological and physiological norms which take into account that the value of the food to the individual is partly determined by its digestibility and by the individual's present nutritive needs and powers of digestion and assimilation and utilization of the food at the time, because the individual have not the same digestive abilities under the varying circumstances of life, health, ill health, or emotional stress, and also the norms take into account that only the foods produced Mother Nature—natural foods, fresh foods, green foods, whole, unprocessed foods, unrefined foods, foods that have not lost their substances nor had their values deteriorated by heating, drying, cooking, canning, and refining processes—only these Nature's foods are full of the elements of superior nutrition and proper nourishing the individual,
how the individual can take the Natural Hygienic effect by the choice of way of food combining at the single meal which takes into account that the changes through which foods go in the processes of digestion are effected by enzymes and the conditions under which these enzymes can act are sharply defined, it becomes necessary to heed the rules of correct food combining that have been carefully worked out on a basis of the chemistry of digestion,
how the individual can take the Natural Hygienic effect by the choice of way of eating which takes into account that there are certain physiological limitations of the digestive glands and of the digestive enzymes and juices, that it should be considered in planning a meal for either the well or the sick, in planning food combinations at the single meal, etc., that it is important to respect this digestive limitations for better nutrition and proper nourishing the individual, and
how the individual can take the Natural Hygienic effect by the choice of way of living, which must supply all the requisites of physiology, such as fresh air, rest, sleep, sunshine, exercise, emotional poise, etc.;
(iii) an algorithm which makes at list one of said choices simple, plain, easy-to-understand for the individual;
(iv) an algorithm for pursuing by the individual at least one of four legitimate objectives of remedial care of the sick:
the removal of the biological and physiological cause or causes of sickness, but not medical symptoms of this sickness,
the conservation and hoarding of the powers of life,
promotion of elimination of toxic accumulations within the organism, and
the proper supply of the physiological needs of the organism; and
(b) execution means for executing of said algorithms.

3. The apparatus according to claim 1, wherein:

(a) the memory means are destined also for storing information regarding:
(i) natural foods databases,
(ii) a database of food-combining guidelines, and
(iii) an algorithm for:
selecting by the individual a combination of foods from among those in all foods databases in the memory in order to produce a mark characterizing digestive efficiency of the food combination,
producing the mark for the food combination selected by the individual for testing its digestive efficiency, and
presenting the mark for the food combination to the individual; and
(b) execution means for executing of the algorithm.

4. The apparatus according to claim 3, wherein:

(a) the memory means are destined also for storing information regarding:
(i) a database of eating guidelines, and
(ii) an extended algorithm, which further is destined also for:
selecting by the individual an eating manner on the basis of all eating guidelines in the memory in order to produce a mark characterizing digestive efficiency of the eating manner,
producing the mark for the eating manner, and
presenting the mark for the eating manner to the individual; and
(b) the execution means are destined also for executing of the extended algorithm.

5. The apparatus according to claim 4,

(a) wherein the memory means are destined also for receiving and retaining a database of information regarding individual's registered eating manners along with its corresponding individual's marks based upon indigestion symptoms, a posteriori—after eating by the manners, in order to use the information by a more extended algorithm for further digestive marking of that person's eating manners, and where the database is supplemented by the individual in the course of time; and
(b) comprising input means for entering the information into the memory.
Patent History
Publication number: 20030023147
Type: Application
Filed: Jun 5, 2002
Publication Date: Jan 30, 2003
Inventors: Valery Leonov (St. Petersburg), Pavel Leonov (St. Petersburg)
Application Number: 10162477
Current U.S. Class: Diagnostic Testing (600/300)
International Classification: A61B005/00;