Ace Deuce Poker (ADP)
Ace Deuce Poker is blend card game with the idea of Bridge game, Chinese 13 cards poker game and traditional poker game. Players have to use the poker ranking hand to get rid of the cards (13 cards) in their hand. It is a player against player poker game; house dealer just provides the service. The player gets rid of all the cards first won the pot.
Not Apply
FILED OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates to poker card games for entertainment or casino. It is a player play against to other player poker game. The one deck Ace deuce Poker card game is using one deck (52 card) of standard playing card without joker. At least two players have to participate the game. Four players are the maximum. The two decks Ace Deuce Poker card game is using two decks of standard playing card without joker. At least two players have to participate the game. Eight players are the maximum.
DESCRIPTION OF RELATED ARTThe poker games have been very popular with casino patrons. In general, poker is a card game played with a standard 52-card deck in which players bet into a communal pot during the course of a hand, and in which the player holding the best hand at the end of the betting wins the pot. There are many different types of poker games. Chinese 13 cards poker, 7 cards stud, 5 cards stud and etc. are players play against to each other. Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Draw, Let It Ride, Three Card Poker, and etc. are the house-bank poker games. Players are playing against to house. The Poker hands rank as follow: the highest hand is Royal Flush, A, K, Q, J, 10, all one suit. The second highest hand is Straight Flush, 5 cards of one suit in sequence. The third highest hand is four of a kind. The fourth highest hand is Full House, three of a kind plus one pair. The fifth highest hand is Flush; all five cards are one suit but not in sequence. The sixth highest hand is Straight, five cards in sequence of ranks but not in suit. The seventh highest hand is three of a kind. Then, Two pair is higher than one pair; one pair is higher than no pair.
The card game, Big 2, is a poker game that adopts the concept of Bridge, a card game for four players. Bridge is a card game that two players form a partner play against to the other two players. All the players are dealt 13 cards. Players then use a technique to set up the points (goal) for their own team to get the right to drop the first card to start the game. If the team can reach their goal by dropping all the cards in their hand, the team wins the game. The Big 2 is using the same idea of dropping all the cards in their hand, but players have to use the ranking system of Poker game to drop the cards. Players are playing against to each other to compete the pot.
To play the Big 2, players have to place an ante wager before any cards are dealt. All the wagers go into a communal pot. Player who drops all the cards first will win the pot.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe object of the present invention is to provide a new method of playing poker game in which players will have more options and confident to continue betting or not betting based on the total cards (13 cards) in their hand than betting on assume (blind) what card will they get.
Ace Deuce Poker provides each player a chance to take in charge. The in-charge player will have more control on the result of the game.
All the players have to use the ranking system of traditional poker hand to get rid of the cards in their hand, such as, royal flush, straight flush, 5 of a kind (two decks ADP), 4 of a kind, full house, flush, straight, 3 of a kind, 2 pair, 1 pair, and high card. All the patterns of the cards are ranked as follow, ace is higher than king, king is high than queen, queen is higher than jack, jack is higher then 10, 10 is higher than 9, 9 is higher than 8, and so on. The suit of the cards is also ranked as follow, spade, heart, diamond, and club.
The player has to get rid of their 13 cards as fast as they can by using the ranking system of traditional poker game. If there is no one able to get rid of all the cards, the player who has the last card first will be the winner.
The following players have to drop the same number of cards as the in-charge player dropped. If the following players are not able to drop the same number of cards as the in-charge player dropped, the following players have to pass their turn.
The deuces are the key cards, not the wild cards. When there is no player can drop any higher rank set of cards than the last player dropped, the player who dropped the last highest card or set of cards can drop the deuce to change the number of cards he/she desire to drop.
Each player is dealt 13-cards. The players have to place the ante said $10 before the 13 cards are dealt to them.
The players have to place the second wager said $1 after the in-charge player drop the deuce to start the second turn, if they want to stay in the game.
The players have to place the third wager said $2 after the in-charge player drop the deuce to start the third turn, if they want to stay in the game.
The players have to place the fourth wager said $3 after the in-charge player drop the deuce to start the fourth turn, if they want to stay in the game.
The players have to place the fifth wager said $4 after the in-charge player drop the deuce to start the fifth turn, if they want to stay in the game.
Any time during the game, any players can decide to fold their hand.
Two decks Ace Deuce Poker will have five of a kind as part of the ranking system. Five of a kind is higher than straight flush and four of a kind.
When there is on more deuces can be drop due to the reason of fold, or player use it as part of formation of poker hand, such as straight or flush, etc, players have to use the technique of check, bet, raise, or re-raise to continue the game.
If two players have the last card left in their hand, they can decide to split the pot.
If there are three players have last card left in their hand at the same time, they have to show the last to dealer, who has the lowest the numerical on the last card who wins the pot.
Ace Deuce Poker is a modified 13 cards poker game. It can be played with 1 or 2 decks of standard 52-card (regular playing cards) without jokers.
One of the players will be the in-charge player who decides the number of cards (from one card to five cards) should be drop in the first round. The other players then follow.
Ace is ranked as the highest card. The deuce is ranked as the lowest card. The deuces are also play as the key cards in the game. They are indicated that there is a new round (change) in the game. Any one of the players can use the deuce to take In Charge button from the other player. The player then becomes the in charge player after he/she gets the In Charge button. The in charge player can change the number of the cards he/she wants to get rid of from his/her hand after he/she dropped the deuce.
One deck ADP will have four rounds (changes) at the most. Two decks ADP will have eight rounds at the most.
Each player can choose to drop the same number of the cards as the previous player dropped or pass the turn by tapping the table or saying, “pass”. Each player can use all the strategies of traditional poker game, such as, bet, fold, check, raise, re-raise, call, and all in, any time in any round or just place the minimum wager, to play the ADP game.
The ADP game is played clockwise that every player has to wait for his/her turn. After every player gets a turn (It should be a full turn that every player passed their turn.) and there aren't any players who can drop any combination card that is higher than the last set of the combination card, the player who dropped the last set of combination card(s) can drop the key card (any deuce) to change the number of the combination card that he/she wants to get rid of his/her hand. If the player does not have the deuce, the next player can drop the deuce, and so on.
The player cannot hide the deuce when it is his/her turn. Even the deuce is part of the formation, such as, a pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, straight flush, 4 of a kind, or 5 of a kind, player still has to break it and drop it down.
The player must drop the deuce when there is no one can drop any card(s) that is higher than the last card(s). The In-Charge button will go to the player who dropped the key card (deuce). This change also called the 2nd round of the game. Every time when a patron drops the key card to change the number of the card, there will a new round of the game. A round is when every player has a turn to drop their card(s) or pass their turn. The 2nd round of the game cannot start until every patron passed his or her turn of dropping card on the 1st round, and so on.
1. A method of playing Ace Deuce Poker card game comprising: Players play against to players. The house (casino) only provides the service, dealing the cards to players. The traditional ranking system of poker game and strategies are using in ADP card game. The highest rank is royal flush, then, straight flush, 4 of a kind, full house, flush, straight, 3 of a kind, 2 pair, 1 pair, and high card. All the patterns of the cards are ranked as follow. For instance, ace is higher than king, king is high than queen, queen is higher than jack, jack is higher then 10, 10 is higher than 9, 9 is higher than 8, and so on. The suit of the cards is also ranked as follow. The spade is higher than heart. The heart is higher than diamond. The diamond is higher than club. The strategies include fold, check, raise, re-raise, and all in. One deck of Ace Deuce Poker can have two to four players to participate the game. Two decks of Ace Deuce Poker can have two to four players to participate the game. All players have to place a minimum ante wager to participate the game. Each player is dealt 13 cards. The game is playing clockwise. It starts with the player who has the lowest card, 2 of club. The player showed the 2 of club to other players in order to take the in-charge button. The player who has the in-charge button can decide to drop the number of the cards he/she wants to get rid of from his/her hand from one to five. Other players have to drop the same number of cards but the rank is higher than the previous player’ cards. Otherwise, the player has to pass his/her turn. The player who gets rid of all the 13 cards first is the winner of the game. Player has to place different wager to stay in each round of the game. The wager can be $1 for 1st round, $2 for 2nd round, $3 for the 3rd round, $4 for the 4th round, $5 for the 5th round, and so on.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the 2 of club is the lowest card. However, all the deuces are the key card. They are the cards to help player to get the In Charge button from the other player or keep the In Charge button in his/her hand. The deuce also indicates that there is a new round. The deuce is not the wild card like the joker. It cannot change its face or pattern to fit in any formation, such as, three of kind, four of a kind, straight, or flush. However, it can be use in any part of other formations, such as, part of a 2 pair, three of a kind, 4 of a kind, straight, or flush if the patron wish to. When it uses as any part of the formation, it will not be the key card any more.
3. The method of claim 1 wherein the player who has the In Charge button can decide to drop any number of the cards from 1 to 5. For instance, the in charge player can drop a straight that is a 5 cards combination. Then, the 2nd player has to drop a 5 cards combination that is higher than the in charge player's 5 cards. The 3rd player has to drop another 5-card combination that is higher than the 2nd player's 5 cards. It can be a higher straight, or a flush, or a full house, or a straight flush, or a royal flush. The in charge player also can drop a 2 pair (four cards) to start the game. Then the 2nd player has to drop another 2 pair that is higher than 1st player's 2 pair, or four of a kind, and so on. The in charge player also can drop a single card, for instance, the in charge player drop a card that is 7, that 2nd player can only drop a card that the number on the card should be higher than 7. It can be 9, 10, jack, or higher than jack. **The other player (follower) can only drop the same amount of cards as the in charge player dropped, but the ranking of dropping cards must be higher than the other one.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein each player gets 13 cards.
5. The method of claim 1 wherein each player has to use the knowledge of the traditional poker ranking system to get rid of the 13 cards in their hands. Who gets rid of all the cards first who wins the game.
6. The method of claim 1 wherein the players must follow the clockwise to take a turn to drop their cards.
7. The method of claim 1 wherein each player can choose to drop the cards or pass the turn by tapping the table or saying, “pass”. After every player gets a turn (It should be a full turn that every player passed their turn.) and there aren't any players who can drop any combination card that is higher than the last set of the combination card, the player who dropped the last set of combination card(s) can drop the key card (any deuce) to change the number of the combination card that he/she wants to get rid of his/her hand. If the player does not have the deuce, the next player can drop the deuce, and so on. The player cannot hide the deuce when it is his/her turn. Even the deuce is part of the formation, player still has to break it and drop it down. The player must drop the deuce when there is no one can drop any card(s) that is higher than the last card(s). The In-Charge button will go to the player who dropped the key card. This change also called the 2nd round of the game. Every time when a patron drops the key card to change the number of the card, there is a new round of the game. A new round is when every player has a turn to drop their card(s) or pass their turn. The 2nd round of the game cannot start until every patron passed his or her turn of dropping card on the 1st round.
8. The method of claim 1 wherein player has to place different wager to stay in each round of the game. The wager can be $1 for 1st round, $2 for 2nd round, $3 for the 3rd round, $4 for the 4th round, $5 for the 5th round, and so on.
9. The method of claim 1 wherein the dice are used to determinate where to start to deal the first hand (the 13 Cards). The card is dealt one at the time to every seat follow the clockwise until all the cards are equally delivery to all the seats or all the players. If there is no player who sits on any one of the seats, all the players have to wait the dealer to collect the 13 cards back from the empty seat before they can look their hand.
10. The method of claim 1 wherein when two players have one of the 2 of club, the first person who sits most close to the first hand (the starting seat to deal the first card) gets the In Charge button. During the game, when there is no player have any deuce because there are least players and the cards from the empty seats are collected back by the dealer, the last player who drops the highest card will be the in charge person and gets to hold the In Charge button.
11. The method of claim 1 wherein at the beginning, when there is no player who has the 2 of club because only few players who are playing the game, the starting card will go to next lowest card, which is the 2 of diamond, or the 2 of heart, or the 2 of spade. If there is no one has any deuce, the first hand patron (starting seat) gets the In Charge button. The patron who got the In Charge button is the player who in charge to drop the 1st set of the combination cards or card. **The game will run eight full round (four full rounds for one deck game) at the most. It will count as a round when the number of card(s) dropped is changed.
12. The method of claim 1 wherein patrons must stay in the game at least two rounds. Players can withdraw after the 2nd round of dropping card is fully rotated any time they want without paying the staying wager.
13. The method of claim 1 wherein players are not allowed to change any card after they drop it on the table.
14. The method of claim 1 wherein at the last round, the in charge player can ask to rise the staying wager or no wager (check) to stay in the game. The other players can only ask to press (raise) the wager at the last round of the game after the in charge player placed the wager to stay in the game or asked no wager to stay in the game.
15. The method of claim 1 wherein at the end of the game, the player drops the last card wins the game. If there is nobody dropped the last card, the player has least amount of cards left in his/her hand wins the game. If there is more than one player has the same amount of the cards left in their hand, the winner is determined by the player who has the lowest value card in their hand. If there are two or more players has same amount of the card left in their hand and they are equal value, these patrons get the split the pot. If the value on the card(s) are the same, but one patron has one card left and the other patron has two cards left, the patron who has one card left win the game. If all the patrons have one card left, the person has the lowest value card (the lowest card) wins the pot. For example, one player has a card with number 4, one player has a card with number 5, and another player has a card with number 6. The player has a card with number 4 win the pot.
15. The method of claim 1 wherein each player can only play one hand.
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 6, 2004
Publication Date: Feb 3, 2005
Inventors: Hui Chen (Quincy, MA), Martin Wong (Quincy, MA), Brian Wong (Quincy, MA)
Application Number: 10/833,214