Solar/electromagnetic energy collector, solar heating element, solar lamp

This invention provides a unique Solar/Electromagnetic Energy Cell, Solar/Electromagnetic Energy Collector which can be used to harness solar energy, Solar Lamp which provides light from the output provided by Energy Collector/Cell, Solar Heating Element which can provide energy for cooking food, water heater, room heater or any heating application.

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US Patent Documents 4045246 August, 1977 Mlavsky et al. 136/246. 4337759 July, 1982 Popovich et al. 126/684. 4344417 August, 1982 Malecek 126/687. 4581897 April, 1986 Sankrithi 126/680. 4788555 November, 1988 Schultz et al. 126/438. 5404868 April, 1995 Sankrithi 126/604. 5,507,276 April, 1996 Holland; Beecher J. 126/693 5,529,054 June, 1996 Shoen; Neil C. 126/681 5,653,222 August, 1997 Newman; Michael D. 126/653 6061181 May, 2000 Fereidooni 359/625. 6,131,565 October, 2000 Mills; David 126/577 6,598,601 July, 2003 Schutz; Udo 126/655 6,700,054 March, 2004 Cherney; Matthew 136/246


This invention relates to Solar/Electromagnetic Cell( referred as Energy Cell hereafter) and Solar/Electromagnetic Energy Collector system( referred as Energy Collector system hereafter) capable of harnessing solar energy without tracking position of Sun. This also describes a basic Solar lamp and Solar Heating Element which can be used to provide lighting and heating respectively.


The Solar cell and Solar/Electromagnetic energy Collector system presented here is unique in the sense of not only being simple but it allows the concentrated energy to be transported to a location different than where its collected.


Center of this invention is Energy Cell. This is based on the principle of electromagnetic/optical reflection. Sun light or electromagnetic waves falling on vertical cone shape cells get trapped in and are guided into narrow tubes. Diameter of these tubes is much smaller than that of the mouth of the cone and hence leads to energy concentration. Output of these tubes can be further combined in a similar fashion to achieve further concentration.

Once an Energy collector system is deployed for collecting solar energy, output from these tubes can be used in various ways. Some of the examples are as below.

    • a. These tubes can be wired in a building and Solar Lamp can be connected at the end, thereby providing the lighting.
    • b. Output of Energy collector can be given to a generator which can convert this into electricity.
    • c. Output of Energy collector can be used for cooking food, heating water and buildings.

Energy cells can be used to collect electromagnetic radiation as well, thereby acting as antennas.


FIG. I. This shows two different types of Energy Cells

FIG. 2 This shows Energy Collector system with Type-II cells

FIG. 3 This shows Energy Collector system with Type-I cells

FIG. 4 This shows how output from each Cell can be combined together

FIG. 5 This shows a Solar Heating Element

FIG. 6 This shows a Solar Lamp


Energy Cell (FIG. 1)

Two different types of cells can be used. The cell with lens provides greater efficiency. Each cell consists of two parts. These could be combined in one as well. Top portion is above boundary A-B. Top of these cells can be hexagonal, octagonal, or any other shape. Diameter shrinks towards the bottom and shape becomes circular at the boundary A-B forming a conical object. Bottom portion of cell starts as circular opening with diameter smaller than top of the cell and merges in to a smaller diameter tube. This tube can be a rigid or flexible based on requirements. Height of cell can be varied in ratio with diameter of top to vary the efficiency of the cell.

All internal surface of Energy Cell and tubes providing output for Solar energy will have reflective coating. Alternatively internal and external space of cell can be filled with different material to provide total internal reflection at the internal surface of the cell similar to as used in optical fiber used in communication systems. This helps guide the waves inside it.

All internal surface of Energy Cell and tubes for electromagnetic energy can be coated with suitable material which acts as reflecting surface for the wavelengths in the spectrum being captured.

Type-I: In this type cell will have vertical dividing walls in the top portion. Top can be covered with transparent surface to prevent anything falling inside.

Type-II: Here a convex cell is placed at the mouth of the cell, which helps collimate light inside the cell.

Energy Collector (FIG. 2)

This describes the Energy collector based on type-II energy cell. Multiple cells can be placed in a plane to collect energy for a bigger surface area. These collectors can be placed on building roofs, walls, windows or any suitable surface where the radiation being captured are available. Output from these collector can be taken to destination for various use.

Infrared and ultraviolet filters can be applied at the output when its used for lighting application to avoid heating and harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Energy Collector (FIG. 3)

This describes the Energy collector based on type-I energy cell. Except for being based on type-I Energy Cell, its same as Energy Collector described above.

Energy Combiner (FIG. 4)

This describes the arrangement to combine output of Energy collector into less no. of tubes. This will result in more energy concentration.

Solar Heating Element (FIG. 5)

This describes the arrangement to convert energy output from Energy collector to heat which could be used for any application requiring heating. For most part this is same as type-II Energy cell with exception that energy is an input from the tube at its bottom and at the top it has black body cover which absorbs all energy input and radiates outside the cell from top in the form of heat. The black dot on the input tube represents the intensity control/ON/OFF switch.

Solar Lamp (FIG. 6)

This is similar to Solar Heating Element except the top cover is a made of translucent material so that it diffuses all the light coming as input.


1. Energy Cell comprising of conical shaped module with two parts as shown in FIG. 1. These could be of two types. Type-I is based on principal of reflectivity of internal surface used for concentrating Solar/Electromagnetic energy to small diameter( smaller than the top opening diameter of the Cell) tube. This type will be covered with transparent material to avoid any extraneous object falling into the cell. Type-II uses convex lens at the top opening of the cell. In both types internal surface of cell is coated with a substance to provide reflectivity to the waves(Solar/Electromagnetic) being captured. Top opening can be of any shape like hexagon/octagon/circle etc. Ratio of diameter of top opening and height of cell can be selected to adjust the efficiency of the cell. If needed cell can be made as single piece.

2. Energy Collector comprising of multiple Energy Cells as shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3. This can provide output from multiple tubes. This output can be combined to reduce the no. of outlets. This will be in the shape of few inches thick plane with some output tubes.

3. Solar Heating element comprising of conical object as shown in FIG. 5. Top cover will be made of black body material. This will take energy from Energy collector as input and convert into heat, which will be radiated through the top curved surface. Provides an intensity control switch.

4. Solar Lamp comprising of conical object as shown in FIG. 6. Top cover will be made of translucent material. This will take concentrated light from Energy collector as input and diffuse into through the translucent top surface. Infrared and ultraviolet filters can be placed inside to remove heat and harmful ultraviolet radiation. Provides an intensity control switch.

Patent History
Publication number: 20060037606
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 21, 2004
Publication Date: Feb 23, 2006
Inventor: Amar Singh (San Jose, CA)
Application Number: 10/924,171
Current U.S. Class: 126/698.000; 126/648.000
International Classification: F24J 2/08 (20060101);