Hydrogen Gas Electrolysis and Supply Apparatus and Method

An electrode assembly for use in an electrochemical cell, said electrode being in the proportions of a pyramid with the proportions of the pyramidal shape being determined by a specific formula where the height is multiplied by a figure between 1 and 2 to determine the four side lengths and the height is multiplied by a figure between 1.20 and 2.22 to determine the four base lengths. The invention also comprises methods and techniques for adjusting an internal combustion engine and/or electric power generator to allow for the engine to run on hydrogen generated from water using an electrolysis cell. The methods have been developed to reduce the likelihood of hydrogen ignition flame back.

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To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I Deane Lewis Sutherland, a scientist and a citizen of New Zealand who resides at Papakura, South Auckland, have invented certain new and useful improvements in the CREATED AS REQUIRED hydrogen gas production and regulation controls for use in internal combustion engines and/or energy generators, using only small amounts of water, of which the following is a specification with reference to drawings accompanying and forming a part of the same. The present application is based upon an apparatus that I devised and employed for the purpose of producing larger quantities of hydrogen gas, through my own particular CREATED AS REQUIRED method. This process and the manufacture of such instruments are wholly incapable of producing or practically utilising the destruction of the apparatus itself and danger to persons approaching or handling the instruments. The initial energy-generating portion of the invention has no moving parts; in fact, small circulation pumps and micro-valves, that control the flow of water and gases, are the only mechanical aspects of my invention and apparatus and process. The secondary energy-generating portion of the invention involves some further moving parts; this is a method and/or process of channelling exhaust vapours, from the initial energy-generating device, over a blade or blades and/or a paddle or paddles and/or a bucket or buckets, of a turbine or turbines, to produce electrical energy. The improvement involves a novel form of hydrogen producing apparatus, and an improved system for the transmission of electrical energy by means of modified current regulation. This is achieved by utilising pulse width modulation circuitry, coupled together, with an electronic gas pressure detecting and on/off-electricity delivery switching system. The purpose of which is to regulate the said electric current to the electro-chemical cell. The energy of the source is raised or lowered depending on the quantity of hydrogen gas required at any given time. The apparatus is constructed with reference to the production of such a potential and so as to be not only free from danger of injury from destruction, but also safe to handle. To this end I have constructed an electro-chemical cell, gas transport and/or delivery process, which is unique, in such a manner that the hydrogen and/or oxygen produced is utilised immediately to high efficiency and does not require storage potential. The type of electro-chemical cell mentioned above features a pyramid shaped, ceramic and/or vinyl/plastic, electrolyte compartment of specific geometrical proportion. This form I generally employ. Regulated electric current is delivered to the electro-chemical cell and the created hydrogen gas, from such a process, is transporting and delivered to the valves within traditional internal combustion engines, for its combustion, in a novel and/or unique manner. The resulting kinetic energy, produced from the exhaust water vapour, is produced from the combustion of newly produced hydrogen with air and/or oxygen. This kinetic energy is converted into mechanical energy by the impulse and/or reaction of the here said water vapour exhaust with and/or on blades arrayed about the circumference of a turbine (e.g. of a cylinder/wheel or other turbine type design). This mechanical energy is then converted by the turbine into electrical energy. The water vapour, once it has been utilised for a transfer of kinetic energy to mechanical energy, is re-condensed via water vapour cooling tubes/pipes to be recycled and reintroduced back into the electro-chemical cell. (Wherein the metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides and/or metal chlorides and/or other contaminants remain, because they do not reduce and/or oxidise, and therefore can not be removed from the electro-chemical cell unless the electro-chemical cell is intentionally drained of all its contents).


Each half of the electrode assembly is separated from the other by sufficient electrical insulation, therefore not giving cause to the potential of electrically faulting the electrolysis process (That is, a unique dividing wall within the electro-chemical cell). I may depart from or vary this form, however, in particulars hereinafter specified. In constructing my improved hydrogen gas CREATED AS REQUIRED apparatus, I have employed a vacuum/air pump for the purpose of assisting the immediate transportation of the newly produced hydrogen gas through to the valve chambers. This can be achieved through utilising a negative or low-pressure 1, 2 or 3 stage gas (in which features a constant velocity air mixer) regulator. A water atomization injection system can be utilised to introduce a fine water mist spray into the mixer to quench the hydrogen and thus reduces the gases flash point. Alternatively, a hydrogen gas-port injection system utilised in conjunction with a fine water atomization injection system directly into the back of the valve chambers can be introduced. The latter option is only slightly more effective and more complex and expensive to install, as my system is micro-processor controlled and which detects, monitors and/or regulates all gas ratios, mixing and/or delivery for transportation to the valve chambers of internal combustion engines and electric power generators. There is absolutely no storage of any gas, which will be extremely effective in the provision against injury to persons or to the apparatus.


FIG. 1/ electro-chemical cell connection schematic; is a diagram illustrating the complete methodical process and apparatus for producing, the ‘CREATED AS REQUIRED’ hydrogen/oxygen, and its regulation. Once the said hydrogen gas is produced, it will be immediately delivered to the valve chambers for combustion. The produced exhaust vapours kinetic energy can be converted into mechanical energy by the impulse and/or reaction of the fluid or gas on a series of blades, paddles or buckets arrayed about the circumference of a cylinder or wheel.

(e.g. rotating a blade or blades on a turbine), (i.e. within internal combustion engines and/or electrical power generators for Instant use).


FIG. 2/ is a diagram of FIG. 1 shown without the electric circuitry.

FIG. 3/ EXPLODED SECTIONAL ELEVATION: is a side elevation displaying the electro-chemical cell. The electrode assembly, within the electro-chemical cell, functions as anode and cathode. The drawing shows a dividing wall frame that will separate newly produced (rising) hydrogen gas, at the cathode, from newly produced (rising) oxygen and/or chlorine gas, at the anode. This separation of gases is achieved by the dividing wall frame that is located within the said electro-chemical cell. This dividing wall frame also electrically insulates the cathode from the anode. FIG. 3: 1/ bolt to connect electro-chemical cell housing to electro-chemical cell base plate, 2/ electro-chemical cell housing, 3/ dividing wall frame. 4/ electrode and/or electrode assembly, to illustrate how it is positioned into the electro-chemical cell. 5/ nut to connect electro-chemical cell housing to electro-chemical cell base plate. 6/ gasket/washer for assisting with water-tight proofing mechanics (i.e. securing nut & bolt). 7/ gaskets for sealing electrode assembly and/or water inlet/air under-pressure openings within the electro-chemical cell. 8/ electro-chemical cell base plate. 9/ gasket for electro-chemical cell base plate. 10/ gasket lay-line on electro-chemical cell base plate. 11/ positive terminal located on the anode electrode. 12/ water inlet located on the anode electrode. 13/ negative terminal located on the cathode electrode. 14/ air under-pressure inlet located on the cathode electrode. This dividing wall frame, stated in line 87, has a dual purpose in that firstly the wall separates (rising) cathode produced gases from (rising) anode produced gases. Secondly the dividing wall frame electrically insulates the positive electric current from the negative electric current. Newly produced hydrogen gas can not mix with the newly produced oxygen and/or chlorine gas within the electro-chemical cell. In fact this ceramic dividing wall frame within the electro-chemical cell (FIG. 3, ref 3, stated on line 87) completely divides the entire electro-chemical cell in half, except for a 3 mm gap at the base of the electro-chemical cell for the sole purpose of allowing an unrefined natural sea salt, or metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide, water-based solution to move freely between and within both sides of the electrode assembly. The hydrogen gas, when it vacates the electro-chemical cell, flows through the one-way check valve and a gas cooling apparatus (e.g. a methylated spirit and/or alcohol-based solution reservoir). It is then vacuum/air pumped (view FIG. 1, ref 21) immediately through a low gas pressure regulator and computer controlled hydrogen port/water spray atomization injection system directly into the valve chambers (see FIG. 10). Alternatively, a simple to install negative or low-pressure (i.e. between one sixteenth of a PSI & four PSI, depending on application) constant velocity air/gas mixer regulator can be utilised, that can also introduce, an optional, fine water atomisation into the mixer. This is to quench the hydrogen gases flash point. (Thus; Risk of pre-detonating newly created hydrogen gas is reduced). The latter option requires the following apparatus and/or methodical improvements in order to operate to high efficiency. A low-pressure gas regulator with NO heating features. This is necessary as the hydrogen gas can pre-ignite due to the warming temperature within the regulator. Sufficient heating is desired within LPG low-pressure gas regulators because if the regulator is under heated the butane could liquefy and propane could boil off. This is due to Propane and Butane having different boil off points. Another reason for warming the low-pressure gas regulators and/or internal combustion engine manifolds was originally to avoid the icing up of the fuels in very cold conditions. Hydrogen is a low refrigerant gas unlike LPG, which is a high refrigerant (This means hydrogen will not ice up, in very cold weather, unlike LPG). This is another reason why heating the engine manifold and the low-pressure gas regulator is NOT required or desired when utilising my unique apparatus and/or method. (Heating features within engine manifolds and low-pressure gas regulators, within internal combustion engines, are removed. By removing engine manifold and/or gas regulator heating features, within internal combustion engines, pre-detonation of hydrogen is avoided and observed to work very effectively). A fine mesh grill is to be placed at the base of the carburettor. This is a device and precaution to avoid possible damage to apparatus caused by any hydrogen pre-detonation flames back travelling up through the intake valves. (This was observed to happen when the heating features within engine manifolds and low-pressure gas regulators were not removed). This fine mesh grill has very tiny pin-like holes approximately 0.1 of a millimetre. This is required because the hydrogen gas and the very fine water atomization can travel freely through the fine mesh grill through to the valve chambers. Any possibility of a hydrogen pre-detonation flame travelling back up through the intake valves, to the gas mixers and/or low-pressure gas regulators and/or air cleaner/filters, is removed as the flame can not penetrate the fine mesh grill. Retarding ignition Timings and Cam-Shaft Timings. (The retarding of the ignition timing is required to delay the detonation, of the hydrogen gas, and bring detonation closer to Top Dead Centre or between 0 & 25 degrees after Top Dead Centre). The retarding of single cam-shaft timings, on internal combustion engines, is required to delay the opening of the exhaust valve and thus remove all potential of hydrogen flame back fire through the exhaust valve. This adjustment is needed because of the extremely fast hydrogen flame speed. These methodical improvements and/or adjustments have been observed to work to high efficiency. Reducing intake valve duration, on single cam-shaft internal combustion engines is achieved by adjusting the rocker arm on the tappets or by re-shaping the cam profile. This is achieved by grinding down and re-shaping the cam profile. (This is completed so that intake valve openings are later and intake valve closures are earlier). This adjustment is required due to the extreme speed of the hydrogen flame. (On twin cam-shaft internal combustion engines, the rocker arm/tappet adjustments are always required, as the reduction of intake valve durations are achieved mainly by adjusting and re-setting the second cam-shaft. The introduction of water atomization, within the gas regulator/mixer, helps to reduce the flash point of newly created hydrogen gas when this method and/or process is utilised within newly created hydrogen gas high-demand scenarios. Thus, the hydrogen flash point is quenched which also slightly reduces the gases volatility. When very dense hydrogen gas fuel concentrations are desired, that is bringing hydrogen molecules closer to each other; this is achieved by subjecting the newly produced hydrogen gas to cooling agents and/or processes, (e.g. through an alcohol-based solution). Internal combustion engine compression ratios are sometimes reduced required so that the engines do not over-heat.

Please see Illustrations FIG. 1 and/or 2. The oxygen can be released back into the atmosphere or transported separately, from the hydrogen, to be introduced via a second low pressure gas regulator into the air filter/cleaner system for valve chamber delivery. Chlorine gas is only produced if a sodium chloride solution and/or an unrefined natural sea salt water-based solution are utilised. NO detection of chlorine production is observed within the hydrolysed water-based metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide solutions. This is due to the low level of chlorides within metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide solutions. A high increase of electrical conductivity within solution is achieved by the addition of various metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides. The ratio of water to either metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt ratio is measured by volume. FIG. 4/ DC SPEED CONTROLLER: is a diagram illustrating the Pulse Width Modulation control circuitry, for regulating the pulse width of the said electrical current. This modulation is required in order to determine the speed at which the hydrogen gas is produced, for delivery to the hydrogen feed line at any given time. The electrical current supply to the cell is regulated by a potentiometer. The person adjusting the potentiometer, which in turn adjusts the pulse width of the modulated current that is to be sent to the electrode assembly, regulates the feedback to the cell. Depending on the application; a hand operated potentiometer and/or an electronic ignition potentiometer may be employed for utilisation within automobiles (the latter being operated by cable via a standard accelerator pedal) FIG. 4 references 1/ is the positive, from primary energy source, to pulse width modulation circuitry. 2/ is the negative, from primary energy source, to pulse width modulation circuitry. 3/ is the negative, from pulse width modulation circuitry, to the anode electrode. 4/ is the positive, from pulse width modulation circuitry, to the cathode electrode. 5/ D C Speed Controller (featuring pulse width modulation circuitry). 6/ is a potentiometer (for manual adjustment of said current to input into cell. The voltage can be constant. FIG. 5/ reference SECTION A-A: is the base plate and/or bottom elevation/part section of the electro-chemical cell in accordance with my invention. The; ‘Electric Current Terminals’, ‘Water-Based Solution Inlet Pipe’ and ‘Metal Bicarbonate’ and/or ‘Metal Hydroxide Solution Drain Tap’ protrude from the base of the electro-chemical cell. FIG. 5 reference number 2/ shows the base plate for electro-chemical cell. 4/ shows the outline of an electrode, which would be concealed inside the electro-chemical cell housing. 11/ electro-chemical cell gasket lay-line. 12/ opening, in the base plate of the electro-chemical, for the electrode to protrude from. 14/ opening, in the base plate of the electro-chemical cell, for water (to the anode side of the cell) and/or air under-pressure (to the cathode side of the cell) to enter.

FIG. 6/ EXHAUST SYSTEM SCHEMATIC: is the water recovery system. After the hydrogen gas has been combusted, with oxygen and/or air, inside the valve chambers of internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators; the produced exhaust water vapours kinetic energy is then captured and/or converted and/or transferred into mechanical energy, by the impulse and/or reaction of the moving water vapour (gas) on a blade or a series of blades arrayed about the circumference on a turbine. The resulting mechanical energy, of the turbine, is now converted into electrical energy. The muffler/exhaust water recovery system then recovers the water vapour, after the water vapour has reacted with a series of blades and/or buckets and/or paddles of a turbine, which condenses inside the exhaust vapour transportation pipes and/or tubes onto the water storage tank for re-use. (when Na Cl is utilised; the electro-chemical cell will have to be drained periodically). FIG. 6 references 24/ exhaust water vapour from engine exhaust valves. 35/ turbine or device with similar function to convert kinetic energy of the exhaust water vapour to mechanical energy, and this mechanical energy is utilised to generate electrical energy. 25/ water pump for transporting newly re-condensed water, which was the exhaust water vapour, to water storage tank (ref 1). 34/ electric's, to primary energy source or if warranted, to the run-on timer (FIG. 1, ref 17). 33/ transportation tube, for newly condensed water, that leads to the water storage tank (FIG. 1, ref 1). 32/ breather cap for the water storage tank. 1/ water tank (see also FIG. 1, ref 1).

FIG. 7/ WATER LEVEL REGULATION/ELECTRO-CHEMICAL CELL: monitors and/or determines the water-based solution level in inside the electro-chemical cell as shown. FIG. 7 references 2/ electro-chemical cell. 4/ water level regulator. 37/ water inlet to the water level regulator. 38/ water level sight tube, for cell and/or regulator. 39/ breather tube (optional in variations of invention). The ‘electro-chemical cell’ and/or ‘electro-chemical cell water level regulator’ can be held together and secured in a specific suspension device achieve this. This device has one of two rings moving inside each other at right angles. It functions the same as how a ships compass is suspended. This is a precaution to offset the disadvantage of utilising the apparatus on unlevelled ground. (i.e. ‘Ships Gimbals’). The desired water level, within the electro-chemical cell, can be pre-adjusted via this water level regulator. (VIEW FIG. 9 for detailed view of water level regulator).

FIG. 8/ SECTIONAL ELEVATION: the electrode assembly is preferably constructed as shown in the illustration. The full geometrical dimensions of the said electrode assembly should be as in drawing FIG. 8, ref 36, the ‘SECTIONAL ELEVATION’ and replaced into the electro-chemical cell as outlined in FIG. 3, ref 4 the ‘EXPLODED SECTIONAL ELEVATION’. FIG. 8 references: 2/ electro-chemical cell outer shell. 11/ anode electrical terminal. 12/ cathode electrical terminal. 13/ water inlet flow line. 14/ air under pressure entry location into the cathode side of the electro-chemical cell. 36/ electrode assembly.

FIG. 9/ DETAILED VIEW OF THE WATER LEVEL REGULATOR: This illustrates a detailed view of the open (ref 3) and closed (ref 6) water flow valve within apparatus. The flow of water-based solution, to the electro-chemical cell, is entirely regulated by this device. FIG. 9 references 1/ is the water level regulator side wall. 2/ is the water inlet. 3/ is the water flow shut-off valve open position. 4/ is the water level regulator sight tube. 5/ is the water level regulator outlet for entry to the inlet pipe of the electro-chemical cell when valve is open. 6/ is the water flow shut-off valve closed. 7/ is the water level regulator outlet for entry to the inlet pipe of the electro-chemical cell when valve is closed.

FIG. 10/ HYDROGEN PORT INJECTION OPTION: This illustration shows the incorporation of my ‘CREATED AS REQUIRED’ hydrogen producing apparatus utilised within a fuel port injector system within an internal combustion engine schematic.

    • Inlet Air Line
    • Water Feed Line
    • Reference Manifold
    • Exhaust
    • Electrical Wiring

FIG. 10 References: 1/ Water Storage Tank. 2/ Water Filter. 3/ Water Pump. 4/ Water Pressure Regulator. 5/ Air Intake Box. 6/ Air Filter. 7/ Air Temperature/Pressure Sensor. 8/ Idle Air Valve. 9/ Throttle Body. 10/ Throttle Position Sensor. 11/ Hydrogen Vapour Fuel Injector. 12/ Electro-Chemical Cell Water-level Regulator. 13/ Electro-Chemical Cell. 14/ Pressure Sensing/Electric Current Cut-Off Switch. 15/ Spark Plug. 16/ Ignition Coil. Engine Temperature Sensor. 18/ Crankshaft Position Sensor. 19/ Engine Control Unit {ECU}. 20/ Ignition Switch. 21/ Battery. 22/ Air under Pressure Device.

DETAILED REFERENCES FOR FIG. 1, are, unless otherwise stated. 1/ Water-Based Solution Storage Tank: This stores the metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide water-based solution. (An un-refined natural sea salt water-based solution can also be utilised). 2/ Electric Water-Fuel Pump: for pumping water-based solutions from FIG. 1, ref-1 (the water-based solution storage tank) through to the electro-chemical cell (i.e. FIG. 1, ref 8). 3/ Water Filter: this removes any solid matter within the water-based solutions preventing it from reaching the electro-chemical cell. 4/ Electro-Chemical Cell Water Level Regulator: the purpose of this device is to monitor and/or control the water-based solution level inside the electro-chemical cell. (Also view FIG. 7). This is achieved by placing the ‘Electro-Chemical Cell’ and ‘Electro-Chemical Cell Water Level Regulator’ together in a suspension device, which is constructed with one of two rings moving within each other at right angles. That is, a device that functions similarly to a ship's gimbals that suspend and consistently level a ship's compass. 5/ Water-Flow Shut-Off Valve: this shuts off the water supply to the electro-chemical cell. When the water inside the electro-chemical cell reaches a pre-determined maximum level, the water-based solution supply and flow is halted until the water-based solution level, inside the electro-chemical cell, drops below the pre-determined maximum. As previously mentioned The Electro-Chemical Cell’ and the ‘Electro-Chemical Cell Water Level Regulator’ are secured together within the gimbals device. Thus the mineralised water-based solution level inside the electro-chemical cell water level regulator is the same as in the electro-chemical cell. 6/ Fuse: this is to prevent any possible electric current over-load. 7/ On/Off Switch: this turns on and/or off all electrics to the Water/Flow Shut-Off Valve (view ref 5) and Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch (view, ref 22). 8/ Electro-Chemical Cell: this contains the anode, cathode (i.e. electrode assembly) and water-based solution. Hydrogen gas and oxygen gases are produced, when metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides, are utilised within this cell once sufficient electric current is delivered to it. (The preferred embodiment for the electro-chemical cell is measured as follows: The determined height multiplied by 1.49, calculates each of the four side lengths, and the determined height multiplied by 1.57, calculates each of the four base lengths). The apparatus provides a pressurized environment for the electrolysis process to take place. (Air under-pressure is delivered to the cathode side of the electro-chemical cell through reference 14, on FIG. 1, labelled drainage tap to assist the removal of hydrogen gas bubbles from the negative electrode surface). Some air pressure will escape through to the anode side of the electro-chemical cell, via the 3 millimetre gap at base, and displace some of the oxygen bubbles from the positive electrode surface. See FIG. 8 for this. The Electro-Chemical Cell (featuring a non-electrically conductive enclosure) contains the electrode assembly. This cell is preferably a solid 2-piece ceramic device, or similar device material that features non-flexible and non-conductive electrical properties. The cell wall angles have the same outside geometrical proportion as the outside view of the electrode assembly. This is so the electrode assembly (please view FIG. 3, ref 4 for example of an electrode placement) fits snugly inside the electro-chemical cell and can be replaced, with ease when required. This is achieved by removing the base of the electro-chemical cell (please view FIG. 3, ref 8), as it is removable and can be re-attached to electro-chemical cell main structure (FIG. 3, ref 2). Illustrations FIG. 5, reference 11 and FIG. 3, reference 10 show the gasket lay-line, for holding a circular rubber gasket. This is for ensuring the mineralised water-based solution does not escape from the said electro-chemical cell. {Please view FIG. 8 for complete electrode assembly view}. At the highest point of the electro-chemical cell (Please view FIG. 3, ref 3) there are two gas outlet channels, one from each of the two separate sides, within the electro-chemical cell. (i.e. the cathode gas outlet collects and transports the gas produced at the negative side of the electro-chemical cell, through to the valve chambers of internal combustion engines and/or generators, via a port injection system, or a conventional engine manifold and negative gas pressure regulator with all heating features removed, for immediate combustion. A water vapour port injection delivery system, via atomization, is an additional modification option which operates well in conjunction with the hydrogen port injection delivery system to raise the quench point of the hydrogen gas. This is needed to avoid any pre-detonation, or back firing, within extremely high performance and hard working internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators, due to hydrogen's naturally low flash point). The anode gas outlet can either expel the rising gas back into the atmosphere as illustrated in FIG. 1, or alternately be transported separately to the valve chambers and only be introduced to the said hydrogen gas immediately prior to its combustion; thus increasing intensity of hydrogen ignition. The gas contents of both pipes never mix; except where oxygen is desired to be transported, as an additive to increase combustion intensity, with the said newly produced hydrogen gas immediately prior to its combustion). The gas outlet channel from the negative electrode (i.e. the cathode side of the electro-chemical cell) transports the newly produced hydrogen gas directly to the valve chambers for immediate combustion. The gas outlet from the positive electrode (i.e. the anode side of the electro-chemical cell) transports the oxygen gas either into the atmosphere or transports it separately, as a safety precaution, to be mixed with the hydrogen gas immediately prior to combustion. No detectable chlorine gas is observed with the utilisation of metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide water-based solutions) Still; it is safer to transport the oxygen separately from the hydrogen, for delivery to the valve chambers, in the rare possibility of the formation of hypo-chlorite. Note: (THERE ARE NO REFERENCES FOR 9 & 10—SO PLEASE DO NOT LOOK FOR THEM) 11/ Electrical Terminal Anode: the positive electric current is delivered to the cell via this terminal. Each electrode is one half of the electrode assembly (i.e. being an exact copy of each other). The electrodes should be preferably cast from 99.9% pure nickel metal to ensure they do not waste too quickly and are able to withstand a higher input of electric current level during electrolysis. (The preferred embodiment for the electrode assembly is measured as follows: The determined height multiplied by 1.49, calculates each of the four side lengths, and the determined height multiplied by 1.57, calculates each of the four base lengths). Note: that this geometrical proportion is anode and cathode together—one half of the entire electrode assembly is either anode or cathode. Each electrode is illustrated in detail, within this patent application as FIG. 8, ref 36. (This drawing illustrates the placement of either cathode or anode). FIG. 3, ref 4, demonstrates the placement/replacement and/or removal features of an electrode within the electro-chemical cell. The electrode illustrated here is shown as an outline dimension only. FIG. 1 is an overview of my regulated production of, ‘Created as Required’, hydrogen and/or oxygen gases or hydrogen and/or chlorine gases. 12/ Electrical Terminal Cathode: the negative electric current is delivered to the cell via this terminal. Each electrode is one half of the electrode assembly (i.e. being an exact copy of each other). The electrodes should be preferably cast from 99.9% pure nickel metal to ensure they do not waste too quickly and are able to withstand a higher input of electric current level during electrolysis. (SEE lines 344 and 345 for how complete geometrical dimensions are calculated). Each electrode is illustrated in detail, within this patent application as FIG. 8, ref 36. (This drawing illustrates the placement of either cathode or anode). FIG. 3, ref 4 demonstrates the placement/replacement and/or removal features of an electrode within the electro-chemical cell. The electrode illustrated here is shown as an outline dimension only (as previously mentioned). FIG. 1 is an overview of my regulated production of, ‘Created as Required’, hydrogen and/or oxygen gases or hydrogen and/or chlorine gases. 13/ Inlet: the coarse un-refined natural sea-salt or metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide water-based solution enters the electro-chemical cell via this inlet. 14/ Air Under-Pressure Pump/Drainage Tap: the metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide build-up can be removed, via this opening, from the electro-chemical cell along with the cell's entire liquid contents. (i.e. This is done when apparatus is turned off) The high mineral solution that has been drained out can be collected and re-used, by being diluted, and then re-introduced within the water tank. This very same opening, into the cathode side of the electro-chemical cell, is utilised as the entry for ‘air under-pressure’ As previously stated the purpose of this is to pre-mix the newly produced hydrogen gas with air and to displace newly produced hydrogen gas bubbles, from the negative electrode surface, for the purpose of freeing the electrode surface area for further hydrogen production and thus assist's in speeding up the hydrogen gas production process. When the apparatus is turned off, the electro-chemical cell can be drained of its entire contents and re-filled from the water-based solution storage tank. The entire electro-chemical cell should be drained approximately every 900 km (i.e. of its entire enclosed solution.) This is to remove any metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide build-ups, which will happen with continued use. The metal ions are not reduced at the cathode, and the bicarbonate and/or hydroxide ions are not oxidized at the anode. The purpose of this draining process is to avoid chemical interference within the electrolysis process, due to large quantities of metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide build-up, in this specific hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and chlorine producing process. 15/ DC Speed Controller: (The Pulse Width Modulation Control Unit). (refer to FIG. 4 for complete schematic). The feedback is controlled by either a hand-controlled potentiometer or by a cable controlled electronic ignition potentiometer, which is operated by a pedal. (i.e. similar to potentiometers found in most recent automobiles). When cold cranking occurs the DC speed controller is by passed to protect it from receiving 430 cranking amperes, to avoid destroying the unit, as it is only rated to a maximum of 40 amperes, which is required during standard operation. There should be one DC Speed Controller for each electro-chemical cell utilised. This is mentioned here because, depending on how much hydrogen gas is desired, a series of multiple electro-chemical cells can be run together in unison. 16/ Primary Electric Energy Source: in this situation a standard 12 volt automotive battery is used. The cold cranking amps required will depend on the quantity of hydrogen gas required at the ‘Start up Process’ (I have utilised a 430 cold cranking ampere automotive battery with this particular example). An alternator or multiple alternators can be utilised, after start-up to recharge the battery or batteries, to replace all required energy within this specific process and/or apparatus. 17/ Adjustable Run-on Timer: ensures that electric current is still sent to the vacuum/air pump (ref 21) and spark plugs (within ref 18), or like purpose arrangement, after the electrical energy has been disconnected to the electrode assembly, in order for all excess hydrogen gas still present within the apparatus to be combusted, leaving the entire apparatus totally void of any hydrogen when not in operation. 18/ Valve chambers: utilising spark plug and/or like technology to ignite the newly produced hydrogen gas within internal combustion engines and/or power generators. IMPORTANT NOTE; the newly produced hydrogen gas is delivered to the valve chambers for combustion, via a “2 stage” low-pressure gas regulator (with heating its features removed, by adding a cooling system) and transported through the engine manifold (also with its heating features removed, also by adding a cooling system). Further to this; retarding the ignition and cam-shaft timings are also observed to be highly effective within these methodical improvements and/or apparatus. The retarding of the ignition timing is required to delay detonation, of the said hydrogen gas, and bring it closer to Top Dead Centre or 0 to 25% after Top Dead Centre. I discovered that retarding the cam-shaft timing, to delay the opening of the exhaust valves, is required to remove the potential of engine/generator hydrogen flame back-firing through the exhaust valves. On twin cam-shaft operating engines and/or generators, the intake valve cam-timing needs to be adjusted so that the intake valves are well closed before the spark, of the plug, ignites the newly produced hydrogen gas. (i.e. to reduce the intake valves travel duration by opening the intake valves later and closing the intake valves earlier). These methodical improvements and/or adjustments are well needed, because the ignition flame speed, of the here said hydrogen gas, is extremely fast. (By this, I mean, hydrogen has a much faster flame speed than petrol, LPG, CNG and/or other fossil fuel commercial gases). Without these methodical adjustments, because the hydrogen gas flame speed is so quick, the flame will travel back-up through the intake valves and through to the air-filter and can destroy the air-cleaning unit). These methodical improvements and/or adjustments have been observed to work to high efficiency. In the scenario of operating my ‘CREATED AS REQUIRED’ hydrogen producing apparatus on a single cam-shaft driven internal combustion engine and/or electric power generator successfully (that is, wherein the intake and/or exhaust valves are only adjustable on a single cam-shaft engine). It is desirable and/or necessary to delay the opening of the exhaust valves by retarding the single cam-shaft timing, which then removes the threat of hydrogen flame back-fire. It is also necessary to advance events of intake valve closure, via adjusting the rocker arm travel distance and timing on the tappets. By doing this I have reduced the intake valve travel duration (e.g. securing adjustment to open the intake valves later and closing the intake valves earlier) as previously stated this rocker arm/tappet adjustment is required on single cam-shaft internal combustion engines. Thus; when the intake valves close earlier the possibility of a hydrogen ignition flame back travelling up through the carburettor and/or to air filter/cleaner is removed. I have introduced an optional water vapour atomization injection system (for high performance internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators) to be utilised in conjunction with a valve port injection system option for the newly produced hydrogen gas. This water vapour injection system assists avoiding pre-detonation of the hydrogen gas. Water vapour injection raises the quench point of the said hydrogen gas (in other words raising the hydrogen gas flash point). (also: see Ref 31 for a further cooling method of hydrogen gas within this particular apparatus). Hydrogen port injection is a safe alternative option, however; more expensive to install. 19/ Air Filter/Cleaner: (optional: cleans and allows air to enter this is desired to permit air to mix with the hydrogen, prior to combustion, in order to produce a greater and more powerful hydrogen combustion. The oxygen produced from the cathode side of the electro-chemical cell (only when metal bicarbonates and/or hydroxides are utilised), can be introduced, via another low-pressure gas regulator before the engine manifold (both with their respective heating features removed), and be mixed with the newly produced hydrogen prior to its combustion in the valve chambers (oxygen port injection is another option observed to operate successfully within this apparatus). An oxygen probe can also be utilised, along with the oxygen low-pressure regulator (within the engine manifold) as a measuring reference of the oxygen to hydrogen ratio. The air to hydrogen fuel ratio been observed to have a high tolerance in application. (i.e. depending on desired air to fuel ratios, within internal combustion engines, the newly produced hydrogen has been observed to operate to high efficiency anywhere from 1 part hydrogen/23 parts air through to 1 part hydrogen to 4 parts air. The said newly created hydrogen fuel appears to have a very wide operating tolerance and can be run very lean or rich unlike CNG, which operates best at 1 part fuel/7 parts air and LPG, which operates best suited at 1 part fuel/15 parts air. 20/ Low Pressure Regulator: this is to regulate the flow of hydrogen to the valve chambers. The hydrogen gas pressure is monitored and/or controlled through a two stage low-pressure gas regulator and constant velocity air mixer. In this example the FIRST STAGE is regulated to 12 psi, The SECOND STAGE is regulated to a negative pressure. A negative pressure draw of approximately ⅛ to ¼ of a singular psi measure was observed to operate to high efficiency, when utilising newly created hydrogen gas as a fuel at 20 degrees Celsius. Minimal air ratio's were utilised and observed to work extremely well when applied within an internal combustion engines (4 parts air to 1 part hydrogen operated extremely well, as did 23 parts air to 1 part hydrogen). This would appear to indicate extremely wide air to fuel ratio tolerance levels, when utilising hydrogen as a fuel within internal combustion engines. This can be operated by either a hand controlled cable lever or a cable controlled automotive pedal. 21/ The Vacuum/Air Pump: assists the transportation and/or removal of the newly created hydrogen gas, from the surface of the electrodes and electro-chemical cell, through to the valve chambers for immediate combustion. This vacuum/air pump also assists this immediate hydrogen gas transportation through creating a low-pressure environment within the electro-chemical cell. (i.e. promoting the removal of the newly produced hydrogen gas from the electro-chemical cell). Utilising a vacuum air/pump assists in creating a low-pressure environment on the surface area of the, metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide and/or metal chloride, water-based solution. (Because hydrogen is lighter than air and/or the water-based solutions, the low-pressure water surface provides an environment more efficient for the removal of newly created hydrogen gas from the electro-chemical cell). 22/ Pressure Activated Electric Current/Switch: this electronic switching system deactivates the electric current to the electro-chemical cell when gas pressure in the hydrogen feed line rises to a pre-determined level. This very same electronic switching system re-activates the electric current to the electro-chemical cell when gas pressure in the hydrogen feed line drops below a predetermined level. (The pressure switching level is adjustable for connection and/or disconnection, of the said electric current, within the electronic switching circuitry). I have utilised 12 psi as the pre-set reactivation pressure level, for the said electric current, and 18 psi is the pre-set deactivation pressure level, for the said electric current. An alternative hydrogen production method I observed to work extremely effectively is an electric current regulator/sensor unit that increases hydrogen production yield as needed; by increasing the electric current to the electro-chemical cell as engine revolutions per minute (RPM) increase. (i.e. Electric current to RPM ratio is adjustable depending on the amount of hydrogen gas required per separate application). 23/ Dash Mounted Pressure Gauge: this gauge displays gas pressure in the hydrogen feed line. When direct current (12 volts 430CCA) is activated and delivered to the electro-chemical cell hydrogen pressure builds up in the hydrogen feed line. This is displayed via the dash-mounted pressure gauge. When the pressure gauge reads approximately 18 psi, the internal combustion engine and/or generator is ready to commence combustion (This should take approximately 30 seconds). 24/ Stainless Steel Turbo Muffler: 90 degree Stainless Steel fittings welded to muffler. (Also view FIG. 6 for full illustration). 25/ Dash Switch Activated Electric Pump: this electric pump transports all re-condensed water to water storage tank (FIG. 1, ref 1). (Also view FIG. 6 for full illustration). This switch is to be manually activated when the electro-chemical cell is in standard operation. This electric pump transports the newly condensed de-ionised water emitted from the exhaust stroke, from within the valve chambers, of internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators back to the water storage tank (FIG. 1, ref 1) for re-use. 26/ Hydrogen Feed Line: this is for the transportation of the newly created hydrogen gas, that is, to be delivered to valve chambers for instant combustion. The hydrogen is delivered through, a vacuum/air pump, to the negative pressure gas mixer regulator for water atomization injection and through the engine manifold (which has the water/coolant heating removed) through to the valve chambers for combustion. As previously mentioned this can alternatively be achieved via direct valve chamber port injection (where the water atomization is also introduced to quench the hydrogen flash point). This process avoids the engine manifold delivery system and is completely micro-processor computer software controlled. The hydrogen gas feed line is rated to a maximum of 1500 psi. 27/ Chlorine or Oxygen Line: this transportation tube's sole purpose is to emit all oxygen from the anode side of the electro-chemical cell. (As previously mentioned this will be only oxygen when metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide water-based solutions are utilised, as they are extremely low on chlorides). Alternatively, as previously mentioned, the oxygen can be transported separately and mixed with the newly produced hydrogen immediately prior to combustion via an adjustable low-pressure gas regulator. There are NO 28 or 29 reference listings on FIGS. 1 and 2. 30/ One Check Valve: this is to ensure that the newly created hydrogen gas does not return back to the electro-chemical cell, in the event of the cell being turned upside down. 31/ Gas Cooling System: the newly created hydrogen gas bubbles through this reservoir (This process is very effective when utilised in very hot climatic temperatures). The gas's temperature can be cooled by its contact with the mentholated spirits and/or similar substance with gas molecule cooling abilities (Such as; methanol, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, butane alcohol or other system to lower gas temperature etc). The hydrogen molecules are drawn closer together due to this cooling. This means, due to an increase of hydrogen gas molecules within any given space, there is a greater combustible energy potential through creating this denser hydrogen molecule environment (e.g. inside the valve chambers). This result has a similar effect to raising the octane rating of various fossil fuels. That is, a higher energy output is achieved during combustion. This cooling feature also contributes to the avoidance of any possible pre-detonation of hydrogen gas due to the low quench point of hydrogen. (This is achieved by cooling the hydrogen gas's temperature); thus raising hydrogen's quench point. Further References: FIG. 3 (ref 3) Gas-Dividing Wall. This wall is needed for electrical insulation between the anode and cathode and for maintaining separation of opposite electrode produced gases within the electro-chemical cell (i.e. hydrogen from oxygen and/or chlorine). It is part of the electro-chemical housing (refer also to FIG. 3). This dividing wall frame is a part of FIG. 1, reference 8. It completely separates both sides of the enclosed electrode assembly (except for 3 millimetres at the base of the electro-chemical cell). This is to allow free flow of the water-based unrefined natural sea salt and/or metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide solutions to both sides of the electrode assembly. The dividing wall, within the electro-chemical cell, does not allow the electrodes to touch or allow gases that are produced, from opposite electrodes to mix. There is a dual purpose within this method and apparatus. Dual purpose comprising: 1/ to electrically insulate the cathode from the anode and 2/ to stop any mixing of produced hydrogen, oxygen and/or chlorine gases. (That is; in the possibility of high levels of chlorides being present, within a water-based solution, to avoid any formation of hypochlorite within apparatus). Electrolysis of the water-based unrefined natural sea salt or metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide solutions produce the following:(Note: the mix ratio is 55 parts tap and/or natural spring waters (untreated with ozone) to 1 part unrefined natural sea salt or metal bicarbonate and/or metal bicarbonate/metal hydroxide; measured by volume. At the anode electrode (+) oxygen is the only gas produced. There is no detectable oxidation of bicarbonate or hydroxide ions at the anode. (There is no detectable chlorine gas, due to the low chloride content within the water-based metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide solution, except when deep-sea water, brine solutions or a water-based unrefined natural sea salt solution is utilised). The metals, not being of gas form, are retained within the electro-chemical cell as only gas can depart during standard operation. (Metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides therefore cannot depart the electro-chemical cell via the hydrogen feed line). Periodically, (i.e. once every 900 km) the electro-chemical cell should be drained of its entire liquid and solid contents and refilled. The reason for this is the eventual build-up of metal carbonates and metal hydroxides, over time, will be so concentrated that it will eventually affect the quality of hydrogen production. This must be completed while the automotive engine and/or electric power generators are not running and/or working. These, to be drained, solutions that have high concentrations of metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides can be collected after the draining process and be eventually re-used by being re-introduced, by using the same water/electrolyte additive ratio stated above, to the water based solution storage tank. The water should NOT be treated with ozone. Because treating the water with ozone removes all the iron (FE) and various other trace elements within the water-based solution. This result reduces the water-based solutions electrical conductivity. The mineral to water ratio is measured by volume. Approximately 55 parts tap and/or natural spring waters to 1 part un-refined natural sea salt or metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide concentrate. (It should be noted that water from different geographical areas will need varied water to mineral ratios, as naturally occurring contaminants will vary from region to region) (It should also be noted that the water-based solutions also contain various other trace elements, minerals and contaminants). I.e. standard tap and/or other untreated natural spring waters will contain many naturally occurring minerals, trace elements and contaminants. This stated ratio is the most effective concentration for use within my improved method of producing the said hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and chlorine gases of high potential as required.) Un-refined natural sea salt, metal bicarbonates and/or metal hydroxides added to water will increase the ionic and/or electrical conductive capacities, thus producing larger quantities of required hydrogen and oxygen gases or required hydrogen and chlorine gases through this specific apparatus and process. The mineral bicarbonate/hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt water-based solutions, prior to delivery into the water tank, are channelled in an optimized direction of flow along, semi-hollow cylinders containing fluid that has been enhanced by being imprinted and/or subjected with specific oscillatory frequencies. During this process the laminar (rectilinear flow is divided into individual, turbulently moving partial streams, which with intensive intermixing also improves the mean activation probability by the hollow cylinders. As a result, the optimal interaction is achieved between the said fluid and the mineral/metal bicarbonatelhydroxide and/or un-refined natural sea salt water-based solution to be treated. This process allows the “Tuning Fork” effect to occur (i.e. one vibrating tuning fork sharing its vibration when brought into proximity to a second tuning fork), thus changing the water's specific set of waveform characteristics. This arrangement is surrounded by a magnetic jacket whose magnetic field is conducive to the above-mentioned interaction and thus contributes to a further increase in efficiency. The mineral/metal bicarbonate/hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt water-based solution is channelled in an anti-clockwise direction and thus reverses the polarity of solution. This reversal of solution polarity is observed to increase the efficiency of hydrogen and/or oxygen production within my methodical process and/or apparatus. (It should be noted that when performing this, mineral bicarbonate/hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt water-based solution, treatment in the northern hemisphere the solution to be treated should be channelled in a clockwise direction). It is observed that after treatment water-based solutions have a reduced water cluster size. Due to this water cluster reduction the permeability of water-based solutions is observed to result in an increased efficiency within the hydrogen and/or oxygen producing process. Water-based electrolyte solutions that are treated in this manner undergo lasting change during this revitalisation process. The mineral bicarbonate/hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt water-based solutions to be treated in most cases comes into contact with only high grade brass or stainless steel. The water pressure maximum for successful treatment is 10 bar. Temperature maximum is 95 degrees Celsius. Freezing should not be allowed to occur. References: Professor Gerhard Pioch, of Munich. Professor Vladimir Kondratov, Academy of Natural Sciences, of Moscow. Professor Yuri Rachmanin, Vice President of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow. Dr Walter Heginger, with Austria's Minister of Science.

Chemical process as formulated: Magnesium Bicarbonate and Potassium Hydroxide water-based solutions are utilised here, as the metal bicarbonate (example 1) and metal hydroxide (example 2), for the chemical equation examples. Un-refined natural sea salt (example 3) is utilised as the Sodium Chloride water-based solution example. Any electrolyte mixture and/or varieties of metal bicarbonate and/or metal hydroxide or un-refined natural sea salt (metal chloride based) water-based solutions stated within this patent application description could be utilised. The reactions at the electrodes produce the following equations.

EXAMPLE 1 Solution Prior Electrolysis

After electrolysis
at the anode at the cathode (aqueous Magnesium Bicarbonate)
(Note that No Net Magnesium Bicarbonate is Consumed)

That is, the magnesium ions do not reduce at the cathode and the bicarbonate ions do not oxidize at the anode.

EXAMPLE 2 Solution Prior to Electrolysis

After electrolysis
at the anode at the cathode (aqueous Potassium Hydroxide)
(Note that NO net Potassium Hydroxide is consumed) That is, the potassium ions do not reduce at the cathode and the hydroxide ions do not oxidize at the anode.

EXAMPLE 3 Solution Prior to Electrolysis

After electrolysis
at the anode. at the cathode (aq′ Sodium Hydroxide)

Only minimal oxygen is observed at the anode and Sodium Hydroxide is also produced at the cathode. (Note that NO net Sodium is consumed). That is, the sodium ions do not reduce at the cathode; however hydroxide ions are formed along with hydrogen gas at the cathode. The chloride ions oxidize, at the anode, to form chlorine gas. “IMPORTANT”: During engine idle the current input is a constant 12 volts and can be variable between 0 and 40 amperes. 12-volts constant and 430 cold cranking amperes is required to be delivered to the electro-chemical cell for the start up process. This is needed for running internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators. This initial high current input is required to produce hydrogen gas pressure rapidly within the hydrogen feed-line. As previously stated once the maximum pre-determined pressure, within the hydrogen feed-line has been attained, the Pressure Activated Electric Current/Switch disconnects the entire electric current to the electro-chemical cell. (i.e. and protects the entire apparatus from over-pressurisation). Alternatively; an ‘Electric Current ratio to ‘Revolutions Per Minute’ ratio adjustable regulation system was observed to work effectively.

(e.g. as the RPM's, of an internal combustion engine, increase the electric current is increased to compensate for hydrogen gas that is required at any given time intervals). Drawings FIG. 1, ref 8 and FIG. 8, ref 2: show the electro-chemical cell, this being of ceramic or other material with similar non-flexible and non-electrically conductive properties, containing equally sized halves of the electrode assembly (FIG. 8, reference 36). This electrode assembly will eventually waste away and can be changed and/or replaced as required. The electro-chemical cell, itself, will not waste. (NB: part of the electrode assembly, that is the anode and cathode terminals, shown as FIG. 1, reference 11 and 12 protrude outside the base of the electro-chemical cell). This system will operate harmlessly without danger to persons or other apparatus. In FIG. 1, where such a system is illustrated, the primary source of energy (in this example) is a standard automotive 12-volt battery, featuring 430 cold cranking amperes. Ref 16) is utilised. The 12-volt battery, here mentioned, is supplying the required electric current to the “DC Speed Controller” and the “Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch”. They in turn deliver regulated electricity to the electro-chemical cell (ref 8). The “DC Speed Controller” (ref 15) can send variable levels of the said electric current to the electro-chemical cell. This is achieved by means of modulating the pulse width of the said electric current, which can in turn increase or decrease the effectiveness of the electrolysis process. (Thus: to produce variable quantities of hydrogen gas as required). This is required to fine-tune the continuous production of the hydrogen gas in conjunction with the pressure activated electric current switch that also regulates electricity delivery to the electro-chemical cell and operates on pressure sensing alone. (i.e. when the hydrogen gas pressure within the hydrogen feed line is detected to be beyond the maximum pre-set and/or pre-determined level, via the pressure activated electric current switch, the whole electricity supply to the electro-chemical cell is disconnected. The electricity to the electro-chemical cell is only re-connected, via the “Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch” when the hydrogen gas pressure, within the hydrogen feed-line, drops below a pre-set and/or pre-determined level. Therefore; the “DC Speed Controller” varies the amount of electric current delivered to the said electro-chemical cell and the “Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch” controls supply of the entire electric current to the said electro-chemical cell. The Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch does not vary the amount of electric current. It only connects and/or disconnects the said electric current to the electro-chemical cell via this electronic switching process. The amount of electric current to be sent to the “Electro-Chemical Cell” (FIG. 1, ref 8) is regulated by the corresponding devices: FIG. 1, ref 15 modulates the pulse width of the said electric current. The feedback to the electro-chemical cell can be manually controlled by a hand-operated or foot pedal-operated potentiometer. (Please view FIG. 4) The ampere level may vary in modified forms of regulation. The “DC Speed Controller” delivers variable amounts of electric current through to the electro-chemical cell, which in turn, creates more or less hydrogen gas. This is required to determine how fast or slow the operator wishes to replace hydrogen gas pressure, in the hydrogen feed line, as it is being used up within the valve chambers. (e.g.; when the electrolysis process is utilised by operating on a constant 12 volts and variable electric current between 0 & 40 amperes, larger amounts of hydrogen gas will be produced when the ampere level is raised and delivered to the electro-chemical cell. The electric current delivered to the “Electro-Chemical Cell” is also regulated by FIG. 1 ref 22, which deactivates and/or reactivates the entire electric current to the “Electro-Chemical Cell”. This is due to specific hydrogen gas pressure detection within the hydrogen feed line (FIG. 1, ref 26) via an electronic-based pressure sensing electricity on/off switch. The “Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch” (FIG. 1, ref 22) over-rides the “DC Speed Controllers” (FIG. 1, ref 16) transmission of electrical energy to the “Electro-Chemical Cell” (FIG. 1, ref 8). This is so there is NO possibility of hydrogen gas pressure overload as multiple pressure sensors are utilised within the hydrogen feed line. In the possibility of the “Pressure Activated Electric Current Switch” (FIG. 1, ref 22) that is; the electricity on/off switch failing to disconnect the electricity supply to the “Electro-Chemical Cell” beyond the pre-determined cut-off pressure sensing level; a complete electricity supply shut down occurs to the “Electro-Chemical Cell”. In practice for apparatus designed, (i.e. for ordinary usage), the “Electro-Chemical Cell” is preferably constructed on the plan as illustrated in FIG. 8. (For an overview of complete operating apparatus and/or process please refer illustrations FIG. 1 and FIG. 2). The hydrogen gas, once it leaves the cathode side of the “Electro-Chemical Cell”, vacates through a “One Way Check Valve” (FIG. 1, ref 301. This is so the gas, for any reason, cannot travel back to the “Electro-Chemical Cell”. As pressure builds up in the “Hydrogen Feed Line” (FIG. 1, ref 26) the hydrogen gas bubbles through the “Gas Cooling System” (FIG. 1, ref 31) or like material with gas cooling abilities (such as; methanol, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol etc). The purpose of this process is to concentrate the hydrogen molecules within any given space. Greater hydrogen gas concentration, within any given space, is achieved by cooling the gas between O and 12 degrees. (That is; immediately prior to being combusted within valve chambers). It is a feature of this invention that with continuous use, of this specific hydrogen producing process and/or apparatus, the older internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators will be completely cleaned of their carbon deposits (i.e. their carbon “HOT SPOTS”). The advantage of this is that these carbon deposits, within older internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators, are prone to pre-detonation (i.e. back-firing is caused by carbon “HOT SPOTS”). These CARBON HOT SPOTS have formed because of the continuous combustion, over time, of various carbon forming fossil fuels. This pre-detonation of fuel gas occurs because carbon doesn't dissipate heat very well and creates pre-detonation areas (i.e. it creates internal heating problems). This heat, conducted by the carbon deposits, can ignite fossil fuel gas and/or hydrogen gas prematurely. (i.e. before the gas can make it to the compression stroke, within valve chambers, of internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators). This produces specific problems when utilising hydrogen, that has not been cooled or where its flash point has not been raised, within internal combustion engines as this gas has a very low flash point naturally. The gradual removal of these carbon deposits, which is achieved by the continuous use of this ‘Created as Required’ hydrogen producing method and/or apparatus, will result in a better and/or clean functioning older internal combustion engine and/or electric power generator. This method and apparatus is extremely effective when utilised within later model internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators. This technology is breathtaking in its simplicity and offers a new mechanism to meet residential and/or commercial energy requirements. The combined energy potential of combusting, ‘Created as Required’, hydrogen (in air and/or oxygen) with electrical energy (that is produced from the resulting water vapour exhaust (i.e. kinetic energy) over a turbine (i.e. mechanical energy) will make energy very economical. In closing I would like to add that with my “Created as Required” hydrogen producing apparatus, where the ONLY fuel is a mineralized water-based solution, there are no huge infrastructure set-up costs to support this process. This apparatus will be fitted to existing internal combustion engines and/or electric power generators in much the same way as CNG and LPG kits have been fitted to present day automobiles. Utilising my method and apparatus would mean that there will be NO need for the set-up of expensive hydrogen storage tanks, as would be required with the use of the hydrogen fuel cell, and the supply of hydrogen to new filling stations. There would be NO need to transport bulk hydrogen which would also be extremely dangerous. There would be NO need for New Labour laws in order to put all this into action. The cost of, well publicised, hydrogen fuel cell support infrastructure would be in the billions. I simply offer a solution to ease global warming, end exhaust pollution and keep fuel costs extremely affordable for everyone, without replacing the internal combustion engine.


1-47. (canceled)

48. An electrode assembly for use in an electro-chemical cell, the assembly comprising:

an electrode assembly frame having a generally pyramidal shape, the frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, and wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H;
an anode formed within a first half of the assembly frame; and
a cathode formed within a second half of the assembly frame.

49. The electrode assembly of claim 48, wherein the anode and cathode comprise nickel.

50. An electro-chemical cell comprising:

a housing being of solid 2-piece ceramic construction and non-conductive electrical properties;
an electrode assembly having
an electrode assembly frame including a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, and wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H,
an anode formed within a first half of the assembly frame, and
a cathode formed within a second half of the assembly frame; and
wherein the electrode assembly is removably held within the electro-chemical cell.

51. The electro-chemical cell of claim 50, wherein the electrode assembly further comprises a central dividing frame that allows electrical insulation and separation of the anode from the cathode while still promoting internal electrolyte flow to both the anode and the cathode, and that allows for separation of newly created hydrogen gas from newly created oxygen and/or chlorine gases.

52. The electro-chemical cell of claim 50, wherein the electrode assembly frame has a generally pyramidal shape.

53. A method of installing an electrode assembly within an electro-chemical cell, the electrode assembly having an electrode assembly frame, an anode, and a cathode, wherein the electrode assembly frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H, and wherein the anode is formed within a first half of the assembly frame and the cathode is formed within a second half of the assembly frame, the method comprising:

detaching the base plate of the electro-chemical cell, wherein the electrode assembly is located inside the electro-chemical cell.

54. A method for using an electro-chemical cell having an electrode assembly, the electrode assembly having an electrode assembly frame, an anode, and a cathode, wherein the electrode assembly frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H, and wherein the anode is formed within a first half of the assembly frame and the cathode is formed within a second half of the assembly frame, the method comprising:

producing fuel for operating an internal or external combustion engine, wherein the fuel produced consists essentially of a mix of hydrogen, oxygen and air, or a mix of hydrogen, chlorine, and air.

55. A method for using electrical energy within an electro-chemical cell having an electrode assembly, the electrode assembly having an electrode assembly frame, an anode, and a cathode, wherein the electrode assembly frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H, and wherein the anode is formed within a first half of the assembly frame and the cathode is formed within a second half of the assembly frame, the method comprising:

producing electrical energy from the action of water vapor exhausts onto turbines.

56. The method of claim 54 further comprising:

producing variable yields of fuel by varying a pulse width of an electric current and/or quantity of electric voltage delivered to the electro-chemical cell, wherein a potentiometer is used to regulate the varying pulse width.

57. The method of claim 54 further comprising:

transporting produced fuel using an air under pressure device from the electro-chemical cell to a valve chamber within an internal or external combustion engine.

58. The method of claim 54 further comprising:

transferring excess gas remaining within any part of an internal or external combustion engine to a valve chamber or similar functioning apparatus for combustion; and
disconnecting all electrical energy provided to the electro-chemical cell from the electro-chemical cell; and
delivering electric current to an air under pressure device, a spark producing device, or a same purpose ignition functioning device, after the electrical energy has been disconnected from the electro-chemical cell.

59. A method for using an electro-chemical cell having an electrode assembly, the electrode assembly having an electrode assembly frame, an anode, and a cathode, wherein the electrode assembly frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H, and wherein the anode is formed within a first half of the assembly frame and the cathode is formed within a second half of the assembly frame, the method comprising:

increasing ionization and/or electrical conductivity of a water-based solution by adding at least one of metal bicarbonates, metal hydroxides, and metal chlorides to the water-based solution prior to electrolysis, the water-based solution to be used as at least part of a fuel mixture having cations and anions, the fuel mixture comprising:
a metal cations mixture having one of the following combinations of elements: magnesium and sodium, sodium and magnesium and potassium, potassium and magnesium and calcium, calcium and magnesium and lithium, lithium and magnesium, sodium and potassium, sodium and calcium, sodium and lithium, potassium and calcium, potassium and lithium, sodium and potassium and calcium and lithium, sodium and potassium and calcium and lithium and magnesium, magnesium and lithium and calcium, calcium and potassium and sodium, potassium and sodium and magnesium and calcium and lithium;
wherein the metal cations are mixed within an anion mixture having at least one of bicarbonates, hydroxides, and chlorides.

60. A method for using an electro-chemical cell having an electrode assembly, the electrode assembly having an electrode assembly frame, an anode, and a cathode, wherein the electrode assembly frame includes a base plate with four base edges and four sides converging to a top, wherein the four sides contact each other at four side edges, wherein the electrode assembly has a height H from the top to the base, wherein each side edge has a length L1 and each base edge has a length L2, wherein the length L1 is from one to two times the height H and the length L2 is from 1.20 to 2.22 times the height H, and wherein the anode is formed within a first half of the assembly frame and the cathode is formed within a second half of the assembly frame, the method comprising:

using a self-leveling gimbals device to promote optimum water levels within an electro-chemical cell, wherein the electro-chemical cell is operated on either unleveled or leveled ground.

61. The method of claim 54 further comprising utilizing at least one of an aqueous metal bicarbonate, a metal hydroxide, and a metal chloride water-based solution as an electrolyte within the electro-chemical cell.

62. The method of claim 54 further comprising using aqueous an alkaline water-based electrolyte solution consisting essentially of at least one of metal cations, bicarbonate anions, hydroxide anions, and chloride anions to produce fuel within the internal or external combustion engine.

63. The method of claim 54 further comprising removing carbon deposit build-up within the internal or external combustion engine by combusting the fuel within the internal or external combustion engine.

64. The method of claim 54 further comprising:

introducing at least one of metal bicarbonates, metal hydroxides, and metal chlorides within newly condensed de-ionized water;
reusing any minerals or trace elements left behind during one of electrolysis and hydrolysis within the electro-chemical cell by using a dispensing device within a water based electrolyte storage reservoir.

65. The method of claim 54 further comprising regulating produced gas pressures by either deactivating or reactivating electric current to the electro-chemical cell when produced gas pressures are beyond predetermined levels.

66. The method of claim 54 further comprising re-cycling newly condensed de-ionized water created from combustion of the fuel by returning the newly condensed de-ionized water to a water storage reservoir.

67. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing electrical conductivity and ionization of water-based electrolytes, wherein less electrical energy is required to be delivered to the electro-chemical cell during one of electrolysis and hydrolysis, wherein at least one of metal bicarbonates, metal hydroxides, and metal chlorides are added to a water-based solution of the electro-chemical cell to produce increased gas yields.

68. The method of claim 54 further comprising lowering the temperature of the fuel, wherein the fuel is exposed to one of a cool environment or an apparatus for cooling.

69. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing at least one of a molecular density and a concentration of the fuel within any given space by lowering the temperature of the fuel prior to combustion of the fuel.

70. The method of claim 54 further comprising using an un-refined natural sea salt water-based solution as an electrolyte within the electro-chemical cell.

71. The method of claim 54 further comprising vapor port injecting the fuel into a valve chamber of an internal or external combustion engine.

72. The method of claim 54 further comprising using a fine water vapor atomization injection system, wherein fuel temperatures are adjusted for use within at least one of a fuel vapor port injection system and a low pressure gas regulator, wherein a gas pressure of the fuel is regulated between one sixteenth of a pound per square inch of measure through, to, and including fifteen hundred pounds per square inch of measure.

73. The method of claim 54 further comprising utilizing at least one of a fine mesh grill and a flame arrestor to stop fuel ignition flame back-travel from an intake valve of the internal or external combustion engine, wherein the mesh grill includes grill holes which are from 0.001 millimeters to 12 millimeters in diameter.

74. The method of claim 54 further comprising lowering the temperature of the fuel by removing at least one of an engine manifold heating feature and a gas regulator heating feature from the internal or external combustion engine.

75. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing the efficiency of the internal or external combustion engine by retarding the ignition timings to between 0 and 25 degrees after top dead center of the piston travel.

76. The method of claim 54 further comprising removing hydrogen ignition flame back-travel from the internal or external combustion engine by either advancing an intake valve closure or by retarding intake valve openings or by reducing the travel duration of entire intake valve.

77. The method of claim 54 further comprising advancing intake valve closure by retarding intake valve openings or by adjusting valve rocker arm travel distances through varying timings on tappets of the internal or external combustion engine.

78. The method of claim 54 further comprising advancing intake valve closure by retarding intake valve openings or by adjusting one of a cam belt timing and a cam shaft traveling distance.

79. The method of claim 54 further comprising opening an exhaust valve of the internal or external combustion engine at an earlier time so that exhaust valve travel durations, cam-shaft timings, or cam-shaft traveling distances are adjusted as required.

80. The method of claim 54 further comprising reducing hydrogen gas flash points by subjecting the produced fuel to one of a cool environment or an apparatus for cooling prior to combustion.

81. The method of claim 54 further comprising reducing an H2O molecule cluster size within a water-based solution prior to performing electrolysis or hydrolysis by channeling electro-magnetic oscillations through the water-based solution and thereby producing increased quantities of fuel.

82. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing fuel production by reversing a polarity of a water-based or electrolyte solution by sending electro-magnetic oscillations into the water-based or the electrolyte solution prior to electrolysis or hydrolysis.

83. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing fuel production by channeling in a clockwise direction, within the northern hemisphere, electro-magnetic oscillations into and through a water-based or electrolyte solution prior to electrolysis or hydrolysis.

84. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing fuel production by channeling in a counter-clockwise direction, within the southern hemisphere, electro-magnetic oscillations into and through a water-based or electrolyte solution prior to electrolysis or hydrolysis.

85. The method of claim 54 further comprising using an air under pressure device to

a) move air over cathode surfaces or anode surfaces within the electro-chemical cell, pre-mixing produced fuel with air and removing all newly produced gas bubbles from the electrode surfaces, and to
b) increase fuel production without the need to increase electrical energy supplied to the electro-chemical cell by cleaning electrode surfaces of previously produced gases to promote further electrolysis.

86. The method of claim 54 further comprising increasing the temperature of an electrolyte or water-based solution between 0 to 60 degrees Celsius prior to or during electrolysis or hydrolysis of the electrolyte or water-based solution.

87. The method of claim 54 further comprising using air to fuel ratios when operating the internal or external combustion engine from one part air and one part fuel to 36 parts air and one part fuel.

88. The method of claim 54 further comprising creating electrical energy by channeling or directing kinetic energy impulses produced by exhaust emissions onto a mechanical energy producing turbine which produces electrical energy.

89. The method of claim 54 further comprising using electronic circuitry to monitor and increase electric voltage, electric current, and operation of an air under pressure device when the revolutions per minute of the internal or external combustion engine increase.

90. The method of claim 54 further comprising using electronic circuitry to monitor and decrease electric voltage or electric current and operation of an air under pressure device when the revolutions per minute of the internal or external combustion engine decrease.

91. The method of claim 54 further comprising running the internal or external combustion engine on the fuel, wherein the fuel is produced from water or water-based solutions, and wherein the energy provided to operate the electro-chemical cell is produced solely from operation of the internal or external combustion engine.

92. The method of claim 54 further comprising operating the internal or external combustion engine on the fuel, wherein the internal or external combustion engine has been designed to run on hydrocarbon fuels without previous modification for running on hydrogen, modifying a timing of an operation of an intake valve of the internal or external combustion engine to close earlier prior to combustion.

93. The method of claim 54 further comprising producing electrical energy when using water vapor exhaust kinetic energy to move turbines to create mechanical energy which then produces electrical energy.

Patent History
Publication number: 20070272548
Type: Application
Filed: Jun 15, 2005
Publication Date: Nov 29, 2007
Inventors: Deane Sutherland (Papakura), Michael Sutherland (Manukau)
Application Number: 11/570,871
Current U.S. Class: 204/242.000; 204/280.000; 205/349.000; 205/351.000; 205/630.000; 205/799.000; 29/825.000
International Classification: C25B 9/00 (20060101); C25B 1/04 (20060101); C25B 11/02 (20060101); C25B 15/00 (20060101);