Golf training device

A swing training device which positively prevents a player's wrists from uncocking until a desired point the swing is reached.

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This invention relates to a swing training device for golf clubs, tennis rackets, baseball bats, or the like, which enables a user to feel the correct timing and level of the hinging (cocking) and un-hinging (uncocking) of the wrist during the swing.


Sports such as golf, baseball, hockey and tennis require the holding and swinging of a shaft or handle (which maybe a club, racket or a stick) to hit an object (which may be a ball or a puck), with a high swing speed that generates strong force. The swinging of that shaft or handle be it a baseball bat, golf club, hockey stick or a tennis racket requires skill and a lot of practice, over a long period of time in order to do it well. Some of the problems are that such swing occurs so fast and is so complex with so many body parts moving simultaneously that it is impossible to figure out how well one is doing it and even more difficult to control the precise timing of these complex movements.


During the swing the player takes the club, bat or racket backwards and then with a fast forward movement impacts the ball or puck. During the backwards movement the wrist is hinging (cocking) so as to create a longer backswing distance and an increased stored energy so that the forward movement can be faster and stronger. During the forward portion of the swing the wrist must become un-hinged. To those who are skilled in the art of swinging a club it is well known that the timing of un-hinging of the wrists is a major contribution to a good swing. There are many swing training devices on the market giving audible and visual indications of some portion of the swing. None of these training devices controls a desired precise timing of the un-hinging of the wrist by restricting such movement until the precise movement of time during the swing when the restriction is released so as to allow the un-hinging can take place.


The present invention comprises a swing training device, which is adapted to be secured to the arm of the person making the swing and attached to the shaft of a sport club, such as a golf club, a hockey stick, a tennis racket, a baseball bat or the like.

The swing training device comprises four major components: a club or racket, a main body, a cord or linear connector and a control lever. The main body of the training device is attached to the arm of the swinger. A special cord or other linear element is connected to the swinging club in two places and routed along or through the main body of the device. The fourth main component of this device, i.e., a control lever extending outwards from the main body in the direction of the shoulder, has a component which is adjustable.

During the backswing, the wrists hinge (cock) causing the special cord, which is attached to the club, to shift or move linearly relative to the main body of the device. The device is so designed that this shifting of the special cord is possible in one direction only, and such shifting will shorten the length of the cord, i.e., in on direction, between the main body of the device and the butt end of the club or the like in one direction and will lock the hinged or cocked wrists in the most extreme rotated position. When the backswing of the arms and wrist hinging are complete, the swinger will start his/hers forward swing. As the forward swing starts, the locked cord continues to restrict the unhinging of the wrists. At a predetermined time during the forward swing, i.e., when the still hinged wrists arrive to the desired spatial position, the control lever, extending from the main body of the device on the swinger's arm, makes contact with the body of the swinger. At this time, the locking of the special cord is released so the cord can now shift in the opposite direction relative to the main body, allowing un-hinging of the wrists to then occur. The control lever has an adjustable component that can be adjusted to suit each individual swing style, body size and build. After the control lever is activated by body contact to release the cord, it will become latched in a new, open position, and even when there is no longer contact of the control lever with the body, the control lever will not return to its point of origin.

After the contact between the control lever and the swinger's body occurs, un-hinging of the wrists is no longer restrained, and such takes place as the swing continues to the contact point with the ball or the puck. From there, it follows through to the top of the swing at which time some hinging of the wrist may again occur as the special cord may shift relative to the main body of the devise as the cord will not become locked because the control lever is latched in its release position.

The correct timing of the unhinging of the wrists is the one most important component that contributes the most speed to the swinging of a golf club-head to create a powerful and a long shot. This is so because, while the hands holding the shaft are traveling only a very short distance, at the same time the head of the club, stick or bat will travel a much longer distance so as to reach a high speed. If the un-hinging of the wrists occurs too early in the forward swing, e.g. just as the hands start to travel forward, the increased speed takes place before the club, stick or bat makes contact with the ball or puck, and as a result, contact is made at a slower than desired speed and with a weaker force.

Many top sport players reach a very high speed at the time of contact simply because of their perfectly timed and what is known as late release. Such late release is by far the most important reason for being able to generate a high speed and powerful swing. It is also one of the most difficult movements to control. The swinger desires to make hard contact as he or she unleashes a powerful blow resulting most often in an early release. The fast speed of the forward swing is also a reason why learning this timing is very difficult. Many sport teachers, coaches and trainers use high speed photo recording equipment to illustrate the timing of the un-hinging to their students. But even with such aid, it is very difficult to repeatedly control the un-hinging timing on every swing. With this invention, such un-hinging can only take place once a fixed position in the forward swing has been reached, resulting in a perfectly repeatable time and position for un-hinging. Many swingers have been known to understand the importance of this late release term but are unable to duplicate it even after making attempts to generate it at slower swing speed. The fast forward swing changes the feeling attained by the slower swing, and error tends to repeat. It is much easier to repeat a movement after performing it many times at the correct swing speed.

Another advantage of this invention is that a swinger can control the degree of the hinging of the wrists on the backswing. The device can be designed to generate a clicking sound as a given degree of hinging takes place between the pivotal lever and the main body of the device on the swinger's arm. The sound repeats as the lineal travel of the special cord continues each given increment. The higher the degree of rotation—the higher the number of clicking sounds. This enables the swinger to know the degree of hinging of the wrists that he or she achieves. It also gives them an opportunity to repeat it, increase it, or reduce it by attempting to generate the same, a higher or a smaller number of clicking sounds. In another embodiment of this invention, the lock between the cord and the device only occurs at one point of the hinging of the wrists, and at this point a clicking or other sound will occur. This can indicate that the hinging is complete and that a forward swing is ready to commence. This is especially suitable when training for a lower level of wrist hinging.

Hinging is also a very important part of the third part of the swing. The first part of the swing is known as the backswing. The second part of the swing is known as the forward-swing at the end of which a contact with the ball or puck takes place. The third part of a good swing is known as the follow through. This portion of the swing is also critical to ensure a good balance and position which are major contributors to the direction at which the ball or the puck will be traveling after the impact. During the follow through part of the swing, the wrists should again hinge. It is therefore another advantage of this invention which allows the swinger to swing in the correct way and create a clicking sound during the follow through part of the swing,

This swing trainer is manifestly for the use by male as well as female sport swingers and for right-handed as well as left-handed sport swingers, and this device will be marketed with right and left handed models.


FIG. 1 is a front view of a golfer with a right handed swing training device attached to a golfer's right arm and connected to a golf club at the time of addressing the ball.

FIG. 2 is a front view showing the fully hinged position at the top of the backswing when the special cord is locked in its most highly shifted position.

FIG. 3 is a view taken from the right side and rear showing the position when contact between the control lever and the body of the golfer occurs at the exact point in the forward swing when it is desired that the lock be released so the golfer can start un-hinging the wrists to accelerate the club-head.

FIG. 4 is a front view showing the fully hinged position at the top of the follow trough when the control lever has been latched in a position which releases the special cord.

FIG. 5 is a perspective view of one embodiment of a swing training device embodying various features of the invention in association with grip end of a golf club.

FIG. 6 is a perspective view of one embodiment of a specially designed overwrap unit, which can be wrapped on a standard grip of any club, making it possible to quickly install the training device upon a golfer's favorite club or a swinger's bat.


In accordance with this invention, FIG. 1 shows a golfer in the address position with the main body 1 a of the swing trainer device 1 attached by two straps 2 to the back or top surface of the forearm. The golfer is a right handed player, and the swing training devise is attached to the right arm as he/she prepares to start the backswing. The golf club 3 with a grip 4 is made of a special design so as to have two connectors 5 and 6 to which a special cord 7 can be attached. The connectors flank the grip region with one connector 5 located directly below the grip 4 and the second connector 6 (shown in FIG. 4) located above the grip 4, preferably at the butt end of the club, bat or racket. The special cord 7 is connected to these two connectors 5 and 6 and is routed along or through the main body of the devise 1. The control lever 8 is shown in its active position wherein the cord 7 is restrained so that it can shift in one direction only.

At the top of the backswing, as shown in FIG. 2, the cord 7 has shifted linearly relative to the devise, and it is now locked in position with only a minimal length between the connector 6 and the main body and with the cord restrained from moving in the opposite direction. The wrists are fully hinged, and the only possible forward movement from this position is downward movement of the arms with the fully hinged position of the wrists being maintained. This is a very important stage when the swinger will be able to feel the correct start of the forward and downward swinging action.

FIG. 3 shows the position at which the cord's lock is released. The control lever 8 has an adjustable component 9 which is so positioned that the adjustable component of the lever will make contact with the torso 10 of the swinger at the predetermined position in the swing when unhinging should occur. This contact will shift the lever 8 and release the locking of the special cord 7. The wrists will then be free to un-hinge so that contact with the ball will occur with the club-head moving at high speed. If the swinger feels that the release took place too early or too late for his liking he/she can simply adjust the adjustable component 9 of the control lever 8 so that a slightly earlier or later contact with the body 10 will occur and thus change the timing of release.

Once the control lever 8 has been pivoted by the momentary body contact to a new release position, it will not return to its original active position because it becomes latched in this release. At this release position, the control lever 8 has no ability to lock the cord, and the cord is free to shift in both directions.

In FIG. 4, the swing is complete, and the wrists have hinged again. Because the control lever is in the release position, the cord remains free to shift in other direction. The golfer can return to the original address position by simply unhinging the wrists. To start the next training swing, the control lever 8 must be manually returned to its active position which it occupied before the body contact occurred. This can easily be done with the left hand for a right-handed player and with the right hand for a left-handed player.

Shown in FIG. 5 is one embodiment of a swing training device. The main body 1 a of the device 1 is attached to the distal end of the forearm of the swinger along the top or back surface. The main body 1 a is formed with a concave cavity 13 that is designed to accommodate the ulna of the right forearm for a right handed swinger, or over the left ulna of the left forearm for a left handed swinger. The main body la is secured in its operative position by more than one strap. These straps 2 may use a Velcro fastening system or any other securing method.

When the device is secured in position, the swinger takes hold of the club by gripping the lower region of the grip of the club 4 with the hand of the arm on which the device is attached. With the other hand, the swinger pulls the special cord 7 in direction B until tight. The special cord 7, which has one end attached to connector 5 that is on the shaft just below the grip 4 on the club 3, has its other end attached to the other connector 6. This connector is located above the grip 4 at the butt end of the club 4. This connector 6 is so designed that the cord can be slipped into a specially designed slot where it will remain clamped in this position throughout the swing. Once the specially designed cord is secured in position, the golfer grips the club 3 with the other hand on top region of grip 4.

The devise is ready, and the swing can begin. As the hinging of the wrists takes place the cord will be moved in the direction of arrow A. This movement is permitted as the control lever 8 has teeth or detents with camming surfaces that allow the specially designed cord to pivot the lever against the force applied by an elastic band 11. For example, a saw-teeth design 13 of the control lever 8 permits a special cord 7, which can be of a design involving small balls strung along a strong wire, such as used in electric light pulls, to slide in direction A as the wrists are cocked (hinged). The special cord can be made of steel, plastic or a combination of the two.

Lever 8 is attached to the main body la by a pivot lever pin 14, and it is prevented from pivoting or rotating counterclockwise (FIG.5) by stop 15 against which it is seated by an elastic band 11 which encircles the stop and an upstanding boss 16 on the control lever. The adjustable component 9 of the lever 8 is secured in desired position by a screw, washer and wing-nut assembly 17.

When the adjustable component 9 of the lever 8 makes contact with the swinger's body, it will apply sufficient force to overcome the seating force of the elastic band 11 and will pivot the lever to a new position where a small protrusion formed on the undersurface of the lever 8 will enter an indentation or cavity 12 on the body la causing the lever to remain latched in this new release position.

With the lever in this position, the specially designed cord 7 is no longer restrained by the saw-teeth 13 on lever 8, so the cord can now shift in direction B, allowing the swinger to unhinge the wrists.

To start a new swing, the control lever 8 must be slightly twisted to unlatch the protrusion from its temporary residence in the indentation 12 and thus return the control lever to its active position, seated against stop 15.

Shown in FIG. 6 is an embodiment which is an alternative to the separate installation of the connectors 5 and 6 to the grip region of a golf club 3 as shown in FIG. 1 for use as a part of a swing training device. A specially designed overwrap unit 18 is provided which can be wrapped on a standard grip of any club, making it possible to quickly install the training device upon a golfer's favorite club or a swinger's bat.

The overwrap unit 18 illustrated in FIG. 6 is designed to be installed over the grip end of a standard club so that it simply envelops the present grip, with the closed end of the generally tubular body of the unit seated against the butt end of the shaft so that an upper connector part 20 of the unit protrudes there from. A flat, apertured lower connector 19 extends radially from the pliable tubular body, which is split along its length to allow one edge of the split body to be wrapped over the other. The body of the unit 18 may be made of thin polymeric material of the type that adheres to itself, such as is marketed for overwrapping the grip portion of tennis racquet or the like; alternatively, it can be made of any suitable thin, flexible material. After being fitted onto the club, with the edge 22 of the overwrap unit in place on the grip, the edge 21 is wrapped over the edge 22 to tightly envelop the grip. If the material is not of the self-adhering type, it can be held in place with tape if desired, or the grip of the swinger will simply secure it in place as long as the club is being held. Alternatively, the tubular body might be made of elastic material which could be stretched to allow it to be installed like a sheathing over the grip end of the club.

The linear element or cord 7 is then installed as before. If, for example, the linear element is a ball chain, one end of it can be inserted through a keyhole slot 23 in the connector 19 with clearance being provided in the round section and insertion into the narrow slot portion 24 securing the linear element 7 at the desired location along its length. The other end of the linear element 7 is then received in a specially designed slot 25 in the end of the upper connector 20, which slot is contoured to the configuration of the linear element or cord.


1. A swing training device which comprises:

a main body adapted to be secured to the upper surface of the forearm of a player,
means for securing said main body to a player's forearm on the upper surface thereof,
a linear element for connection at two locations spaced apart along the length of a shaft or handle or bat to be swung having a region to be gripped, which locations flank the grip region thereof, said linear element being routed along or through said main body,
a control lever connected to said main body, and
restraining means for allowing linear movement of said linear element in only one direction,
wherein said control lever effects release of said restraining means when said control lever comes into contact with the side of the player's body at a desired moment during the player's swing.

2. The device of claim 1 wherein said control lever is biased to an active position to activate said restraining means.

3. The device of claim 2 wherein said control lever has an adjustable component.

4. The device of claim 2 wherein said control lever becomes latched in a release position after said contact with the player's body occurs.

5. The device of claim 2 wherein said control lever is pivotally connected to said main body and is elastically biased against a stop where said restraining means is activated.

6. The device of claim 5 wherein said control lever has a protrusion which is received in a cavity in said main body to latch it in the release position.

7. The device of claim 2 wherein said restraining means comprises a series of detents in an edge of said control lever which contact said linear element and allow movement thereof in only one direction

8. The device of claim 7 wherein said linear element comprises a ball chain in contact with said series of detents.

9. A swing training device for use with a golf club, which device comprises:

a main body adapted to be secured to the upper surface of the forearm of a player,
strap means for securing said main body to the upper surface of a player's forearm,
a linear element for connection to a shaft of a golf club having a grip region at two spaced apart locations along the length thereof which locations flank the grip region thereof, said linear element being routed along or through said main body,
a control lever pivotally connected to said main body, and
restraining means for allowing linear movement of said linear element in only one direction while in an active position, so that shifting of said linear element as the wrists are hinged during backswing occurs and locks said linear element against movement in the opposite direction until said control lever comes into contact with the side of the player's body at a desired moment during the player's swing to thereby effect release of said restraining means from the active position.

10. The device of claim 9 wherein said control lever is biased to the active position to activate said restraining means and becomes latched in a release position after said contact with the player's body occurs.

11. The device of claim 9, wherein an overwrap unit is included for installation over the end of the shaft of the golf club, which overwrap unit includes a generally tubular body that carries two spaced-apart connectors, to which the linear element can be connected.

Patent History
Publication number: 20090176592
Type: Application
Filed: Jan 4, 2008
Publication Date: Jul 9, 2009
Inventor: Joseph Sery (San Diego, CA)
Application Number: 12/006,656
Current U.S. Class: Wrist (473/213); Nonhandle Element Engagable With Body (473/227)
International Classification: A63B 69/36 (20060101);