RELATED APPLICATION DATA This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/665,790, filed on Sep. 20, 2000, currently pending, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates generally to an electronic offer management system and method thereof, and more particularly to a system that enables the electronic management of offers distributed by a plurality of different offer distributors to customers and the dynamic profiling of such customers so that improved offer targeting can be achieved.
Today, about twenty percent (20%) of all sales in grocery retail are covered by some promotion or offer. These offers are found in a variety of forms including temporary price reductions, in-store displays, manufacturer-sponsored coupon offers, advertisements, and frequent shopper (i.e., loyalty) discounts. Traditionally, such offers have been distributed to customers via “physical” media (i.e. direct mailers, printers, displays at the register, Sunday coupon inserts, magazines, etc.). Given the manual nature of such a system of distribution, however, customer-specific offers based on a variety of factors, such as demographics, past purchasing behavior, and price sensitivity are impractical. This in turn has a substantial impact on the effectiveness and cost of providing offers through such a system. For retailers having numerous competing product lines, such as supermarkets, this offer targeting capability is critical. Moreover, clearing and settlement of offers distributed in such a manner is technically infeasible with respect to time, labor and thus, cost intensive.
With the advent of the Internet as a new ecommerce tool, offers are now also being distributed “virtually” to customers. For example, companies such as Cool Savings, PlanetU and ValuPage are operating websites from which customers can obtain coupons redeemable at various retail stores and supermarkets, as well as at stores having an online presence. Traditional retailers are also beginning to distribute offers online. For example, Schnucks supermarket provides its weekly advertisements, as well as coupons online. Offer targeting across a plurality of different offer distributors or based on “non-customer” data, such as price, is not allowed. Moreover, the clearance and settlement of such offers are still performed largely through a manual process and in a decentralized manner. As a result, fraudulently fabricated offers cannot be accurately tracked and thus, prevented.
Finally, under current methods of offer distribution, retailers must customize their point-of-sale (POS) system according to each offer distributor's technical design structure. In addition, the entire offer transaction from creation through redemption, clearance and settlement is not centralized, thereby increasing the complexity of the interfaces needed between the parties to the entire transaction. Moreover, data relevant to the transaction and necessary for sophisticated levels of targeting cannot be obtained from a single source, thereby decreasing its accessibility, accuracy and completeness. Given that the primary purpose of providing such offers is to drive up the number of new sales, the inability to manage electronic offers in a centralized manner and to dynamically profile customers and target offers increases the overall costs and effectiveness of the offers.
Accordingly, there is a need for an electronic offer management system in which offers can be distributed by a plurality of different offer distributors for automatic routing to a store's point of sale system, and in which such offers can be automatically cleared and settled once redeemed, such that an electronic audit of the entire offer transaction, and dynamic profiling of customers for improved offer targeting can be achieved.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An electronic offer management system for offer transactions is disclosed. The system comprises receiving means for receiving information related to a plurality of offers distributed by a plurality of different offer distributors to customers for redemption at a plurality of stores, routing means for automatically routing the information related to each offer to a point-of-sale system of each store in which the offer can be redeemed, and clearing means for automatically clearing the offers redeemed by the customers at the stores. The plurality of offer distributors comprises at least one of an interne offer distributor, a retailer offer distributor, a kiosk offer distributor, a direct mail offer distributor, and an email offer distributor.
The clearing means comprises means for receiving redemption information from the stores, and means for comparing the redemption information to the offer information whereby each offer redeemed by the customers can be validated. The system further comprises settlement means for automatically reconciling financial obligations associated with each offer cleared by the clearing means, whereby a single, electronic audit of each offer transaction can be achieved.
The system further comprises activation means for selectively activating and deactivating each offer. The system also further comprises profiling means for dynamically profiling the customers so that the offers can be targeted to specific customers, and offer consolidation means for consolidating the offers available through the system for presentation to the customer at a plurality of levels. The profiling means preferably comprises at least one of a static profile, a persistent profile and a dynamic profile. The plurality of levels comprises at least one of an offer distributor level and a store level. Each offer corresponds to a reward, and the system further comprises reward deferral means for deferring issuance of the reward to a third party. The offer information comprises at least one condition, which is at least one of an item purchase condition, a department purchase condition, a total purchase condition, a time of day condition and a day of the week condition.
A method of electronic management of offer transactions is also disclosed. The method comprises receiving information related to a plurality of offers distributed by a plurality of different offer distributors to customers for redemption at a plurality of stores, automatically routing the information of each offer to a point-of-sale system of each store in which the offer can be redeemed, and automatically clearing the offers redeemed by the customers at the stores.
The method further comprises the step of automatically reconciling financial obligations associated with each cleared offer whereby a single, electronic audit of each offer transaction can be achieved. The method also further comprises the step of receiving redemption information from the stores, and comparing the redemption information to the offer information whereby each offer redeemed by the customers can be validated. The method also preferably comprises the step of selectively activating each offer, and consolidating the offers for presentation to the customer at a plurality of levels, such as offer distributor level and a store level. The method also further comprises the step of dynamically profiling the customers so that the offers can be targeted to specific customers.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 illustrates the flow of information in an electronic offer management system in accordance with the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a flowchart representing the process of dynamic profiling provided by the system of FIG. 1
FIG. 3A is a spreadsheet showing an example of a non-targeted offer.
FIG. 3B is a spreadsheet showing an example of a static profile-targeted offer generated through the system of FIG. 1.
FIG. 3C is a spreadsheet showing an example of a persistent profile-targeted offer generated through the system of FIG. 1.
FIG. 3D is a spreadsheet showing an example of a dynamic profile-targeted offer generated through the system of FIG. 1.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present invention is directed to an electronic offer management system and method thereof. FIG. 1 illustrates the main components of the system represented as 10, as well as the flow of information there through. In summary, offers are distributed to customers by a plurality of different offer distributors 12. The details of the offers are communicated to an electronic clearing network 13 and routed to the appropriate store 28 for redemption by customers. Transaction log files containing point-of-sale transaction details are forwarded back to network 13 where a clearing process identifies what offers have been redeemed and validates them against the offers communicated to network 13. Settlement details are also prepared for processing by a settlement agent 30. For the purposes of discussion only, system 10 will be described with respect to offers written in extensive Markup language (XML) having a representative documentation convention for XML element and attribute tags as described below. It can be appreciated by one skilled in the art, however, that the offer may be defined using other languages or formats that allow for the functionality described herein, such as for example the Hypertext Markup language.
Element/Attribute Tag Description
/SOX Element aggregate tag.
/SOX/@Version Element attribute tag identified with a @.
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Shortened form for:
OfferProperties /SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/
../RewardSet[ ]/ItemPurchase/ Element list has [ ] appended (occurrence
ItemList/Item[ ] indicator). In the example ../RewardSet[ ]
is an aggregate element that must appear
once or many times.
In this example, the ../Item[ ] element
must appear once or many times within
each instance of /RewardSet[ ].
Referring to FIG. 1, the process starts through the distribution of an offer to a customer by an offer distributor 12 that is available for redemption at one or more stores 28, which can be traditional brick-and-mortar stores, direct mail stores, online stores or any other type or form of store. In one embodiment, this is done in conjunction with a manufacturer (not shown) who is the sponsor of the offer and thus, bears the cost of it. Offers are distributed via a plurality of different offer distributors including but not limited to Internet offer distributors 14, in-store kiosk offer distributors 16, retailer offer distributors 18, and direct mail/email offer distributors 20. System 10 operates using five (5) XML document types, namely Offer, CustomerOffer, OfferAck, CustomerOfferAck and ErrorResponse.
The Offer document type defines the generic offer setup (i.e. offer properties, conditions, and rewards) and routing instructions. In a preferred embodiment, each Offer document is limited to information related to a single offer being distributed by a particular offer distributor 12. The maintenance actions supported by the Offer document type are to add, replace or delete an offer, and are identified in a tabular format as shown below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer Aggregate 0 Once Required Offer:
Always The /SOX/Offer aggregate element
may contain:
One /SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq
aggregate element and one
/SOX/Offer/OfferRouteReq aggregate
One /SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq
aggregate element only;
One /SOX/Offer/OfferRouteReq
aggregate element only.
../@OfferID String 12 Once Required Offer ID:
Always Number is provided by offer
distributor and must be unique for
that distributor.
../OfferMaintReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Maintenance Request:
Encapsulates Offer maintenance
request details for @OfferID
../OfferMaintReq/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
@Action String Offer maintenance action
Valid values:
The CustomerOffer document type defines any customer-specific offer setup and routing instructions. The OfferAck document type represents the positive acknowledgement returned by the network 13 upon its successful processing of an Offer document type. Likewise, CustomerOfferAck document type represents the positive acknowledgement returned by the network 13 upon its successful processing of a CustomerOffer document type. Finally, ErrorResponse document type represents the negative acknowledgement returned by the network 13 upon encountering an error in the course of processing an Offer or CustomerOffer document type. These document types preferably adhere to the document type definition (DTD) as identified in Appendix 1.
There are three (3) main components to each offer, namely offer properties, conditions, and rewards. Offer properties are the data elements that serve to generally describe an offer, such as a description, valid date range, and the number of times a customer may receive the reward(s) associated with that offer. Each Offer document includes a header, a representative sample of which is identified in a tabular format below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX Aggregate 0 Once Required Document Root Element:
Always Identifies this as a SOX XML
../@OfferDistributorID String 6 Once Required Offer Distributor ID:
Always Assigned by the ECN.
Value = 1-999999
../@SenderDocUID String 12 Once Required Sender's Document Unique ID:
Always Sender's unique reference code
for this document for audit
trail purposes.
../@Version String 3 Once Required SOX Version of File:
Always Version of SOX to which this
document conforms.
Value = 1.0
../@AckRequested Enumerated 7 Once Required Acknowledgement Requested:
String Always Defines type of
acknowledgement requested.
Supported values:
../@SOXType Enumerated 5 Once Required Sox Type:
String Always Indicates type of SOX XML
document. All SOX documents
have this attribute with
appropriate values.
Value = Offer
The header includes an @ Offer DistributorID parameter that represents an identifier assigned by the network 13 for each offer distributor 12 of system 10. The @ SenderDocUID parameter represents a unique reference code which identifies the XML document to its sender so he or she can later refer to it. This parameter is used for audit trail purposes. The @ Version parameter represents the version of the specification to which the Offer document conforms. The @ AckRequested parameter defines the type of acknowledgement requested for the Offer document (i.e., normal, terse, verbose). The @ SOXType document identifies the type of XML document (in this case, “Offer”).
A representative sample of the plurality of offer properties available through system 10 is identified in a tabular format as shown below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Properties:
OfferProperties Contains Offer Properties for
@OfferID above.
This element is required when
/SOX/Offer/@Action = “Add” or
It is not required when
/SOX/Offer/@Action = “Delete”.
../MemberOffer String 3 Once Required Member Offer:
Is loyalty program membership
Valid values:
When membership is not a
requirement, all customers are
eligible to participate in the
../StaffAllowed String 3 Once Required Staff Allowed:
Can staff participate in this
Valid values:
../OfferType String 6 Once Required Offer Type:
Coupon type for monetary
rewards. (For tax calculations.)
Valid values:
../OfferXactLimit String 2 Once Required Offer Transaction Limit:
Maximum number of times this
offer may be used per
Value = 0-9, or -1 (=
If value = 0, this offer is not
../OfferCustLimit String 2 Once Required Offer Customer Limit:
Total number of times this offer
may be used, across
Value = 0-9, or -1 (=
../OfferStartDateTime Aggregate 0 Once Required Offer Start Date Time:
Date/time when the offer becomes
Encapsulates the elements that
define the timestamp.
../OfferStartDateTime/ String 4 Once Required Offer Start Date Time: Year
Year Format: CCYY
../OfferStartDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer Start Date Time: Month
Month Format: MM
Value = 01-12
../OfferStartDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer Start Date Time: Day
Day Format: DD
Value = 01-31
../OfferStartDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer Start Date Time: Hour
Hour Format: HH
Value = 00-23
../OfferStartDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer Start Date Time: Minute
Minute Format: MM
Value = 00-59
../OfferEndDateTime Aggregate 0 Once Required Offer End Date Time:
Date/time after which the offer
Encapsulates the elements that
define the timestamp.
../OfferEndDateTime/ String 4 Once Required Offer End Date Time: Year
Year Format: CCYY
../OfferEndDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer End Date Time: Month
Month Format: MM
Value = 01-12
../OfferEndDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer End Date Time: Day
Day Format: DD
Value = 01-31
../OfferEndDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer End Date Time: Hour
Hour Format: HH
Value = 00-23
../OfferEndDateTime/ String 2 Once Required Offer End Date Time: Minute
Minute Format: MM
Value = 00-59
../OfferDescription String 40 Once Required Offer Description:
Text description of the
promotion - printed on checkout
Format on checkout receipt: 2
lines of 20 characters each.
../OfferReportDescription String 40 Once Required Offer Report Description:
Text description of the offer
for reporting purposes.
../OfferSponsorSettlementID String 9 Once Required Offer Sponsor Settlement ID:
Assigned by the ECN.
Value = 1-999999999
../DeferredReward String 3 Once Required Deferred Reward:
Is reward to be received in a
deferred manner (or directed to
another party), or is it to be
received at checkout.
Valid values:
“Yes” = Deferred receipt.
“No” = Checkout receipt.
MemberOffer is a field representing whether an offer is open to the public or requires membership to a frequent shopper, loyalty or similar-type program. StaffAllowed is a field representing the employees of the store to which the offer has been routed. OfferType is a field representing whether the offer is being offered by a vendor or a store. OfferXactLimit is a field representing the maximum number of times the offer may be used by a customer per transaction. OfferCustLimit is a field representing the maximum number of times the offer may be used by a customer across transactions. OfferStartDateTime is an aggregate field representing the date and time when the offer becomes active (broken down by year, month, day, hour and minute), while OfferEndDateTime is an aggregate field representing the date and time after which the offer may not be used (broken down by year, month, day, hour and minute). OfferDescription is a field representing a text description of the offer, which is preferably printed out on the customer's checkout receipt upon redemption. OfferReportDescription is a field representing a text description of the offer for reporting purposes, such as offer performance analysis. OfferSponsorSettlementID is a field representing the unique number used to identify the sponsor of each offer. DeferredReward is a field indicating whether a reward associated with an offer is to be received in a deferred manner or directed to another party. One skilled in the art can appreciate that the number and type of offer properties may vary depending on the application.
A representative sample of the plurality of conditions required for redeeming an offer through system 10 is identified in tabular format as shown below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Conditions:
OfferConditions Encapsulates the Conditions
applicable to @OfferID. This
element is required when
../Offer/@Action = “Add” or
It is not required when
../Offer/@Action = “Delete”.
/@ConditionSetCount String 1 Once Required Condition Set Count:
Number of Condition Set
instances in this document.
Value = 1-7
../ConditionSet[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Condition Set:
List or Encapsulates the details of a
Many single Condition Set. This
element must contain only one of
the following available
Condition Set type elements:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Enumerated 1 Once Required Condition Set ID:
@ConditionSetID String Value = 0-7
Value must be mutually exclusive
with other @ConditionSetID
values and
RewardSet[ ]/@RewardSetID values.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Item Purchase:
ItemPurchase Element which encapsulates the
details of the ItemPurchase
Condition Set type.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Enumerated 8 Once Required Measure:
ItemPurchase/@Measure String Defines the basis on which this
Condition Set type is measured.
Valid values:
Where “Amount” is a monetary
If “Weight” is specified, the
Offer Distributor is responsible
for ensuring that Items in
ItemList are sold by weight.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Item List:
ItemPurchase/ItemList Encapsulates items that may be
purchased interchangeably to
meet this Condition.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Item Count:
ItemPurchase/ItemList/ The number of ..ItemList/Item[ ]
@ItemCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 12 One Required Item:
ItemPurchase/ItemList/ List or UPC/EAN Code of eligible item
Item[ ] Many without the check digit. All 12
digits must be specified even if
leading zero's are needed.
Compressed UPC is not permitted.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 1 Once Required Condition Check Flag:
ItemPurchase/CondChkFlg Valid values:
“0” = Once conditions are met,
rewards issued for all
qualifying items thereafter.
“1” = Conditions must be met
each time to receive rewards.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Measure Value:
ItemPurchase/ Metric of
MeasureValue ../ItemPurchase/@Measure
required to be purchased.
Value = 1-2147483647
If ../ItemPurchase/@Measure =
Quantity, Value is in units. =
Weight, Value is in hundredths
of pounds. =
Amount, Value is in cents.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Department Purchase:
DeptPurchase Element which encapsulates the
details of the DeptPurchase
Condition Set type.
The Offer Distributor is
responsible for the correct
identification of departments.
It is recommended that only the
store operator uses this
Condition Set type.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Department List:
DeptPurchase/DeptList Element encapsulating the store
departments from which items may
be purchased interchangeably to
meet this Condition.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Department Count:
DeptPurchase/DeptList/ The number of ..DeptList/Dept[ ]
@DeptCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 4 One Required Department:
DeptPurchase/DeptList/ List or Store department from which
Dept[ ] Many items must be purchased.
Value = 1-9999
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 1 Once Required Condition Check Flag:
DeptPurchase/CondChkFlg Valid values:
“0” = Once conditions are met,
rewards issued for all
qualifying items thereafter.
“1” = Conditions must be met
each time to receive rewards.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Amount:
DeptPurchase/Amount The monetary amount required to
be purchased expressed in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Total Purchase:
TotalPurchase/ Element which encapsulates the
details of the TotalPurchase
Condition Set type.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Enumerated 12 Once Required Includes:
TotalPurchase/@Includes String Defines whether “All” items or
only those that are
“Discountable” are included in
the total of purchases to be
Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 1 Once Required Condition Check Flag:
TotalPurchase/CondChkFlag Valid values:
“0” = Once conditions are met,
rewards issued for all
qualifying items thereafter.
“1” = Conditions must be met
each time to receive rewards.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Amount:
TotalPurchase/Amount The total monetary amount
required to be purchased
expressed in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Time Of Day:
TimeOfDay Element which encapsulates the
details of the TimeOfDay
Condition Set type.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Start Time:
TimeOfDay/StartTime Encapsulates the details of
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Hour:
TimeOfDay/StartTime/ Format: HH
Hour Value: 00-23
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Minute:
TimeOfDay/StartTime/ Format: MM
Minute Value: 00-59
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required End Time:
TimeOfDay/EndTime Encapsulates the details of
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Hour:
TimeOfDay/EndTime/ Format: HH
Hour Value: 00-23
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Minute:
TimeOfDay/EndTime/ Format: MM
Minute Value: 00-59
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Day Of Week:
DayOfWeek Element which encapsulates the
details of the DayOfWeek
Condition Set type.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Sunday:
DayOfWeek/Sunday Indicates whether the Offer is
available on Sundays. Note that
at least one of the days should
have a “Yes” value.
Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Monday:
DayOfWeek/Monday Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Tuesday:
DayOfWeek/Tuesday Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Wednesday:
DayOfWeek/Wednesday Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Thursday:
DayOfWeek/Thursday Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Friday:
DayOfWeek/Friday Valid values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 3 Once Required Saturday:
DayOfWeek/Saturday Valid values:
Conditions are the rules or requirements for receiving the reward(s) associated with a particular offer. The conditions associated with an offer are defined by a plurality of condition sets. In one embodiment, there are five (5) types of condition sets, namely an item purchase condition set, a department purchase condition set, a total purchase condition set, a time of day condition set and a day of week condition set. The item purchase condition set identifies the item or items that must be purchased, which can be broken down by quantity, weight and/or amount. The department purchase condition set identifies the department or departments from which each item must be purchased. The total purchase condition set identifies the amount of total purchases required. The time of day condition set identifies a time period during which rewards may be received. The day of week condition set identifies the day(s) of the week on which the rewards may be received. Each condition set is programmed such that once conditions are met, rewards are issued for all qualifying items. While only one condition set type is allowed for each condition set, more than one condition set may contain the same condition set type. One skilled in the art can appreciate, however, that the number and type of condition sets may vary depending on the application. In one embodiment, seven (7) condition sets may be defined. When multiple condition sets are specified, all of the conditions in each set must be met in order to receive the corresponding rewards.
A representative sample of the plurality of reward parameters available through system 10 is identified in tabular format below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Rewards:
OfferRewards Encapsulates the Rewards
applicable to @OfferID.
This element is required when
/SOX/Offer/@Action = “Add” or
It is not required when
/SOX/Offer/@Action = “Delete”.
../@RewardSetCount String 1 Once Required Reward Set Count:
Number of Reward Set instances
in this document.
Value = 1-7
../RewardSet[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Reward Set:
List or Encapsulates the details of a
Many single Reward Set. This element
must contain only one of the
following available Reward Set
type elements:
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 1 Once Required Reward Set ID:
@RewardSetID String Value = 0-7
Value must be mutually exclusive
with other @RewardSetID values
ConditionSet[ ]/@ConditionSetID
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Item Discount:
ItemDiscount Element which encapsulates the
details of the ItemDiscount
Reward Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Basis:
ItemDiscount/ String Defines the basis on which
@Basis Rewards will be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Item List:
ItemDiscount/ Element encapsulating the items
ItemList that may receive this Reward.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Item Count:
ItemDiscount/ The number of ..ItemList/Item[ ]
ItemList/@ItemCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 12 One Required Item:
ItemDiscount/ List or UPC/EAN Code of eligible item
ItemList/Item[ ] Many without the check digit. All 12
digits must be specified even if
leading zero's are needed.
Compressed UPC is not permitted.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Reward Limit:
ItemDiscount/ Maximum number of Rewards which
RewardLimit can be issued each time the
Conditions of the Offer are met.
Value = 1-9, or −1 (=
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
ItemDiscount/ Metric of ../ItemDiscount/@Basis
BasisValue to be applied.
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the price of an item
will never be reduced below
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Department Discount:
DeptDiscount Element which encapsulates the
details of the DeptDiscount
Reward Set type.
The Offer Distributor is
responsible for the correct
identification of departments.
It is recommended that only the
store operator uses this Reward
Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Basis:
DeptDiscount/ String Defines the basis on which
@Basis Rewards will be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Department List:
DeptDiscount/ Element encapsulating the store
DeptList departments whose items are
eligible to receive this Reward.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Department Count:
DeptDiscount/ The number of ..DeptList/Dept[ ]
DeptList/@DeptCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 4 One Required Department:
DeptDiscount/ List or Store department whose items are
DeptList/Dept[ ] Many eligible to receive this Reward.
Value = 1-9999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Reward Limit:
DeptDiscount/ Maximum number of Rewards which
RewardLimit can be issued each time the
Conditions of the Offer are met.
Value = 1-9, or −1 (=
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
DeptDiscount/ Metric of ../DeptDiscount/@Basis
BasisValue to be applied.
If ../DeptDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../DeptDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the total value of
purchases of items in eligible
departments will never be
reduced below zero.
../RewardSet[ ]/Total Aggregate 0 Once Optional Total Discount:
Discount Element which encapsulates the
details of the TotalDiscount
Reward Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Basis:
TotalDiscount/@Basis String Defines the basis on which
Rewards will be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Reward Limit:
TotalDiscount/RewardLimit Maximum number of Rewards which
can be issued each time the
Conditions of the Offer are met.
Value = 1-9, or −1 (=
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
TotalDiscount/BasisValue Metric of
../TotalDiscount/@Basis to be
If ../TotalDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../TotalDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the total value of
purchases will never be reduced
below zero.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Free Item:
FreeItem Element which encapsulates the
details of the FreeItem Reward
Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Item List:
FreeItem/ Element encapsulating the items
ItemList that may receive this Reward.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Item Count:
FreeItem/ The number of ..ItemList/Item[ ]
ItemList/@ItemCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 12 One Required Item:
FreeItem/ List or UPC/EAN Code of eligible item
ItemList/Item[ ] Many without the check digit. All 12
digits must be specified even if
leading zero's are needed.
Compressed UPC is not permitted.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Reward Limit:
FreeItem/ Maximum number of Rewards which
RewardLimit can be issued each time the
Conditions of the Offer are met.
Value = 1-9, or −1 (=
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Replacement Price Method 1:
ReplacementPriceMethod1 Element which encapsulates the
details of the
ReplacementPriceMethod1 Reward
Set type.
The replacement price to be
applied follows IBM 4690
Supermarket Application pricing
method 1 logic. Pricing methods
0, 2, 3, and 4 may be supported
in future versions of the
system, if required.
This Reward Set type may not be
used for weighed or NSC 02
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Item List:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ Element encapsulating the items
ItemList that may receive this Reward.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 4 Once Required Item Count:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ The number of ..ItemList/Item[ ]
ItemList/@ItemCount entries to follow.
Value = 1-9999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 12 Once Required Item:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ List or UPC/EAN Code of eligible item
ItemList/Item[ ] Many without the check digit. All 12
digits must be specified even if
leading zero's are needed.
Compressed UPC is not permitted.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 8 Once Required Deal Price:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ Total price, in cents, of
DealPrice DealQuantity units.
Value = 1-99999999
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Deal Quantity:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ Number of units received for
DealQuantity DealPrice.
Value = 1-99
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Reward Limit:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ Maximum number of Rewards which
RewardLimit can be issued each time the
Conditions of the Offer are met.
Value = 1-9, or −1 (=
Rewards are the benefits received by the customers when the conditions are met. The reward(s) associated with an offer are defined by a plurality of rewards sets. In one embodiment, there are five (5) reward set types, namely the item discount reward, the department discount reward, the total discount reward, the free item reward and the replacement price reward. One skilled in the art can appreciate, however, that the number and type of rewards may vary depending on the application. For example, rewards can be deferred to a third party, such as deposits directly into a mutual fund or a child's college fund.
The item discount reward is applied to the price of a specific item or item(s). The department discount reward is applied to the price of items in a certain department or departments. The total discount reward is applied to the total price of a customer's total purchases. The free item reward is applied to reduce the price of a specific item or items to zero. The replacement price reward is applied to replace an existing price for a specific item or items. While only one reward set type is allowed for each reward set, more than one reward set may contain the same reward set type. When multiple reward sets are specified, all possible rewards are given if the corresponding conditions are met.
Once the offers have been created, they are routed to the appropriate store or stores in which they are valid for redemption. A preferred format for offer store routing is provided below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer/OfferRouteReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Route Request:
Encapsulates all Offer store
routing requests.
../StoreList[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store List:
List or Encapsulates details of all
Many stores for which the same
@Action is required for this
../StoreList[ ]/@Action Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
String Defines maintenance
operation to be performed
for this @Offer for this
StoreList[ ].
Valid values:
../StoreList[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Store Count:
@StoreCount The number of
../StoreList/Store[ ] entries
to follow.
Value = 1-2147483647
../StoreList[ ]/ Aggregate 0 One Required Store:
Store[ ] List or Encapsulates the details of
Many one store.
../StoreList[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Store ID:
Store[ ]/ Assigned by ECN.
StoreID Unique Store Identifier.
Valid value: 1-2147483647
../StoreList[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
Store[ ]/ Indicates maximum processing
ServicePriority delay for requested routing
Supported values for the
“ON” = Overnight
Beyond Pilot:
“RT” = Real-time
“15” = 15 Minutes
“HR” = 1 Hour
The OfferRouteReq parameter encapsulates all offer store routing requests. The Storelist parameter encapsulates the details of all stores for which the same maintenance action is required for a particular offer. In particular, the @ Action parameter defines the particular maintenance action to be performed for the list of stores identified by the Storelist parameter. The Storecount parameter identifies the number of stores to which to apply said action. The Store parameter encapsulates the details of one store, namely the identification value assigned to the store by network 13. The ServicePriority parameter identifies the maximum processing delay for the requested routing service (i.e., overnight, real-time, or set-time).
In a preferred embodiment, customer-specific variations can be introduced with respect to an offer through the CustomerOffer document type, which has the same header format as that for the Offer document type, with the value of the @ SOXType parameter being “CustomerOffer.” A customer offer contains replacement values for some of the offer properties and rewards that are “overlaid” on top of the “generic” offer values when a customer identifies himself or herself at the time of purchase, such as through a loyalty card. A preferred format for the maintenance, the offer properties, rewards and offer routing for the Customer Offer document type are similar to that for an Offer document type and are identified in tabular format below, respectively.
Customer Offer Maintenance Request
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Customer Offer:
or Always The /SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]
Many aggregate element may contain:
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/CustOfferMaint
Req aggregate element and one
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/CustOfferRoute
Req aggregate element;
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/CustOfferMaint
Req aggregate element only;
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/CustOfferRoute
Req aggregate element only.
../@OfferID String 12 Once Required Offer ID:
Always Number is provided by offer
distributor and must be unique
for that distributor.
Value = 1-999999999999
../@MerchantID String 10 Once Required Merchant ID:
Always Assigned by ECN.
Identifies the issuing
organization for the Customer's
loyalty card.
Value: 1-2147483647
../@CustomerID String 18 Once Required Customer ID:
Always Normally, the Customer's loyalty
card number for the merchant
represented by @MerchantID.
../CustOfferMaintReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional Customer Offer Maintenance
Encapsulates CustomerOffer
maintenance request details for
@OfferID and
@MerchantID/@CustomerID above.
../CustOfferMaintReq/ Enumerated 8 Once Required Action:
@Action String CustomerOffer maintenance action
Valid values:
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Optional CustomerOffer Properties:
CustOfferMaintReq/ Contains CustomerOffer
CustOfferProperties Properties for @OfferID for
@MerchantID/@CustomerID above.
This element is required when
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/@Action =
“Add” or “Replace” or
It is not required when
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/@Action =
../CustOfferXactLimit String 2 Once Required Customer Offer Transaction
Maximum number of times this
offer may be used per
Value = 0-9, or -1 (=
If value = 0, this
CustomerOffer is not active.
../CustOfferCustLimit String 2 Once Required Customer Offer Customer Limit:
Total number of times this
offer may be used, across
Value = 0-9, or -1 (=
Customer Offer Rewards
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional CustomerOffer Rewards:
CustOfferMaintReq/ Contains CustomerOffer Rewards
CustOfferRewards for @OfferID for
@MerchantID/@CustomerID above.
This element is required when
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/@Action =
“Add” or “Replace”.
It is not required when
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/@Action =
“Delete” or “Activate”.
../@RewardSetCount String 1 Once Required Reward Set Count:
Number of Reward Set instances
in this CustomerOffer[ ].
Value = 1-7
../RewardSet[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Reward Set:
List or Encapsulates the details of a
Many single Reward Set. This
element must contain only one
of the following available
Reward Set type elements:
Note that CustOfferRewards for
FreeItem are not meaningful.
../RewardSet[ ]/@RewardSetID Enumerated 1 Once Required Reward Set ID:
String Value = 0-7
Value is determined by the
@RewardSetID from the global
@OfferID which is to be
overlaid with the data in this
RewardSet[ ].
Additionally, the @RewardSetID
must refer to the same Reward
Set type and be measured on
the same @Basis as the global
@OfferID, or an error will
The system cannot successfully
overlay the customer-specific
data values onto the global
Offer unless they are
../RewardSet[ ]/ItemDiscount Aggregate 0 Once Optional Item Discount:
Element which encapsulates the
details of the ItemDiscount
Reward Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ItemDiscount/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Basis:
@Basis String Defines the basis on which
Rewards will be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
See comments above regarding
the need for compatibility
with default rewards.
../RewardSet[ ]/ItemDiscount/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
BasisValue Metric of
../ItemDiscount/@Basis to be
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the price of an item
will never be reduced below
../RewardSet[ ]/DeptDiscount Aggregate 0 Once Optional Department Discount:
Element which encapsulates the
details of the DeptDiscount
Reward Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Basis:
DeptDiscount/ String Defines the basis on which Rewards will
@Basis be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
See comments above regarding the need
for compatibility with default rewards.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
DeptDiscount/ Metric of
BasisValue ../ItemDiscount/@Basis to be
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the price of an item
will never be reduced below
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Total Discount:
TotalDiscount Element which encapsulates the
details of the TotalDiscount
Reward Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 8 Once Required Basis:
TotalDiscount/@Basis String Defines the basis on which
Rewards will be given:
Valid values:
“Percent” = Percentage off.
“Amount” = Amount off.
See comments above regarding
the need for compatibility
with default rewards.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Basis Value:
TotalDiscount/BasisValue Metric of
../ItemDiscount/@Basis to be
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Percent, then the value is the
percentage discount in whole
Value = 1-99
If ../ItemDiscount/@Basis =
Amount, then the value is the
discount amount in cents.
Value = 1-2147483647
Note that the price of an item
will never be reduced below
../RewardSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Replacement Price Method 1:
ReplacementPriceMethod1 Element which encapsulates the
details of the
ReplacementPriceMethod1 Reward
Set type.
../RewardSet[ ]/ String 8 Once Required Deal Price:
ReplacementPriceMethod1/ Total price, in cents, of
DealPrice DealQuantity units, where
DealQuantity is defined in the
default Rewards for @OfferID.
Value = 1-99999999
Customer Offer Store Routing
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional CustomerOffer Route Request:
CustOfferRouteReq Encapsulates CustomerOffer[ ]
store routing request details.
../StoreList[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store List:
List or Encapsulates details of all
Many stores for which the same
@Action is required for this
@OfferID and
../StoreList[ ]/@Action Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
String Defines maintenance operation
to be performed for this
StoreList[ ].
Valid values:
../StoreList[ ]/@StoreCount String 10 Once Required Store Count:
The number of
../StoreList/Store[ ] entries
to follow.
Value = 1-2147483647
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store:
List or Encapsulates the details of
Many one store.
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Store ID:
StoreID Assigned by ECN.
Unique Store Identifier.
Valid value: 1-2147483647
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
ServicePriority Indicates maximum processing
delay for requested routing
Supported values for the
“15” = 15 Minutes
“HR” = 1 Hour
“ON” = Overnight
“RT” = Real-time
As previously mentioned, the OfferAck document type is the positive acknowledgement returned by network 13 upon its successful processing of an offer document type. A preferred format for this type of document, including its header, is identified in a tabular format as shown below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX Aggregate 0 Once Required Document Root Element:
Always Identifies this as a SOX XML
../@Version String 3 Once Required SOX Version of File:
Always Version of SOX to which this
document conforms.
Value = 1.0
../@SOXType Enumerated 8 Once Required Sox Type:
String Always Indicates type of SOX XML
document. All SOX documents
have this attribute with
appropriate values.
Value = OfferAck
Offer Document Acknowledgement.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/OfferAck Aggregate 0 Once Required Offer Acknowledgement:
Encapsulates the acknowledgement
of the receipt of the Offer
../DistributorID String 10 Once Required Distributor ID:
@OfferDistributorID in the Offer
../AckRequested Enumerated 7 Once Required Acknowledgement Requested:
String @AckRequested in the Offer
../SenderDocUID String 12 Once Required Sender's Document Unique ID:
@SenderDocUID in the Offer
../SessionID String 12 Once Required Session ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN ID for the session in which
the Offer document was
transmitted to the ECN.
May be used for audit trail
../OffRcptCtrlID String 10 Once Required Offer Receipt Control ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN identifier used for tracking
the Offer document.
../SenderID String 8 Once Required Sender ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN user ID under which the
Offer document was transmitted
to the ECN.
../Date Aggregate 0 Once Required Date:
Generated by ECN.
Date of OfferAck creation.
../Date/Year String 4 Once Required Year:
Format: CCYY
../Date/Month String 2 Once Required Month:
Format: MM
../Date/Day String 2 Once Required Day:
Format: DD
../Time Aggregate 0 Once Required Time:
Generated by ECN.
Time of OfferAck creation.
../Time/Hour String 2 Once Required Hour:
Format: HH
../Time/Minute String 2 Once Required Minute:
Format: MM
../Time/Second String 2 Once Required Second:
Format: SS
../TimeZone String 3 Once Required Time Zone:
Generated by ECN.
Time Zone for OfferAck creation
With respect to the Offer Document Acknowledgement format, the DistributorID parameter identifies a unique identification value for the offer distributor distributing the offer. The AckRequested parameter reflects the requested level of acknowledgement identified in the @ AckRequested parameter of the header of the Offer document. The SenderDocUID parameter identifies the unique code identifying the XML document to its sender for audit trail purposes. The SessionID parameter is a unique identification value generated by network 13 identifying the session in which the Offer document was transmitted to it, and may also be used for audit trail purposes. The OffRcptCtrlID parameter is a unique identifier generated by network 13 for tracking the Offer document. The SenderID parameter is a unique identifier generated by network 13 representing the identity of the sender of the offer document under which the Offer document was transmitted to network 13. The Date and Time parameters are generated by the network 13 and identify the date and time, respectively, of the creation of the OfferAck document. A preferred format for the Offer Maintenance Request Acknowledgment and Offer Store Routing Acknowledgement identified in tabular format below.
Offer Maintenance Request Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer Aggregate 0 Once Required Offer:
Encapsulates results of Offer
../@OfferID String 12 Once Required Offer ID:
@OfferID in the Offer document.
../OfferMaintReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Maintenance Request:
This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
Offer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
maintenance processing.
../OfferMaintReq/@ Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
Action String @Action in the Offer document.
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Optional Offer Properties:
OfferProperties This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
Offer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
Properties processing.
../Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Conditions:
OfferConditions This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
Offer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
Conditions processing.
../@ConditionSetCount String 1 Once Required Condition Set Count:
Count of ../ConditionSet[ ]
elements to follow.
../ConditionSet[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Condition Set:
List or Encapsulates the results of
Many processing this @ConditionSetID.
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Enumerated 1 Once Required Condition Set ID:
@ConditionSetID String @ConditionSetID in the Offer
../ConditionSet[ ]/ String 9 Once Required Status:
Status Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../ConditionSet[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
Result See result structure above.
/SOX/Offer/OfferMaintReq/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Rewards:
OfferRewards This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
Offer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
Rewards processing.
../@RewardSetCount String 1 Once Required Reward Set Count:
Count of ../RewardSet[ ] elements
to follow.
../RewardSet[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Reward Set:
List or Encapsulates the results of
Many processing this @RewardSetID.
../RewardSet[ ]/ Enumerated 1 Once Required Reward Set ID:
@RewardSetID String @RewardSetID in the Offer
../RewardSet[ ]/Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../RewardSet[ ]/Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
Offer Store Routing Acknowledgement.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/Offer/OfferRouteReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional Offer Routing Request:
This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
Offer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
routing processing.
../StoreList[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store List:
List or Encapsulates the details of
Many stores for which the same
@Action is required.
../StoreList[ ]/@Action Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
String @Action in the Offer document.
../StoreList[ ]/@StoreCount String 10 Once Required Store Count:
Count of ../Store[ ] elements to
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store:
List or Encapsulates the details of one
Many store.
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Store ID:
StoreID StoreID in the Offer document.
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
ServicePriority ServicePriority in the Offer
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 9 Once Required Status:
Status Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
Result See result structure above.
Likewise, a preferred format for the CustomerOfferAck document type (which has the same header format with a value for the @ SOXType parameter being “CustomerOfferAck,” and includes Offer Document Acknowledgement, CustomerOffer Maintenance Request Acknowledgement and CustomerOffer Store Routing Acknowledgement are provided below.
Offer Document Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustOfferAck Aggregate 0 Once Required CustomerOffer Acknowledgement:
Encapsulates the acknowledgement
of the receipt of the
CustomerOffer document.
../DistributorID String 10 Once Required Distributor ID:
@OfferDistributorID in the
CustomerOffer document.
../AckRequested Enumerated 7 Once Required Acknowledgement Requested:
String @AckRequested in the
CustomerOffer document.
../SenderDocUID String 12 Once Required Sender's Document Unique ID:
@SenderDocUID in the
CustomerOffer document.
../SessionID String 12 Once Required Session ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN ID for the session in which
the CustomerOffer document was
transmitted to the ECN. May be
used for audit trail purposes.
../OffRcptCtrlID String 10 Once Required Offer Receipt Control ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN identifier used for tracking
the CustomerOffer document.
../SenderID String 8 Once Required Sender ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN user ID under which the
CustomerOffer document was
transmitted to the ECN.
../Date Aggregate 0 Once Required Date:
Generated by ECN.
Date of CustomerOfferAck
../Date/Year String 4 Once Required Year:
Format: CCYY
../Date/Month String 2 Once Required Month:
Format: MM
../Date/Day String 2 Once Required Day:
Format: DD
../Time Aggregate 0 Once Required Time:
Generated by ECN.
Time of CustomerOfferAck
../Time/Hour String 2 Once Required Hour:
Format: HH
../Time/Minute String 2 Once Required Minute:
Format: MM
../Time/Second String 2 Once Required Second:
Format: SS
../TimeZone String 3 Once Required Time Zone:
Generated by ECN.
Time Zone for CustomerOfferAck
creation timestamp.
Customer Offer Maintenance Request Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer Aggregate 0 One Required CustomerOffer:
or Encapsulates results of
Many CustomerOffer processing.
../@OfferID String 12 Once Required Offer ID:
@OfferID in the CustomerOffer
../@MerchantID String 10 Once Required Merchant ID:
@MerchantID in the CustomerOffer
../@CustomerID String 18 Once Required Customer ID:
@CustomerID in the CustomerOffer
../CustOfferMaintReq Aggregate 0 Once Optional CustomerOffer Maintenance
This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
CustomerOffer document.
Encapsulates results of
CustomerOffer maintenance
../CustOfferMaintReq/ Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
@Action String @Action in the CustomerOffer
/SOX/CustomerOffer/ Aggregate 0 Optional CustomerOffer Properties:
CustOfferMaintReq/ This element will exist if it
CustOfferProperties was present in the processed
CustomerOffer document.
Encapsulates results of
CustomerOffer Properties
../Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
/SOX/CustomerOffer/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional CustomerOffer Rewards:
CustOfferMaintReq/ This element will exist if it
CustOfferRewards was present in the processed
CustomerOffer document.
Encapsulates results of
CustomerOffer Rewards
../@RewardSetCount String 1 Once Required Reward Set Count:
Count of ../RewardSet[ ] elements
to follow.
../RewardSet[ ].. Aggregate 0 One Required Reward Set:
List or Encapsulates the results of
Many processing this @RewardSetID.
../RewardSet[ ]/@RewardSetID Enumerated 1 Once Required Reward Set ID:
String @RewardSetID in the
CustomerOffer document.
../RewardSet[ ]/Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../RewardSet[ ]/Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
Customer Offer Store Routing Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/CustomerOffer/ Aggregate 0 Once Optional CustomerOffer Routing Request:
CustOfferRouteReq This element will exist if it
was present in the processed
CustomerOffer document.
Encapsulates results of Offer
routing processing.
../StoreList[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store List:
List or Encapsulates the details of
Many stores for which the same
@Action is required.
../StoreList[ ]/@Action Enumerated 7 Once Required Action:
String @Action in the CustomerOffer
../StoreList[ ]/@StoreCount String 10 Once Required Store Count:
Count of ../Store[ ] elements to
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Store:
List or Encapsulates the details of one
Many store.
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 10 Once Required Store ID:
StoreID StoreID in the Offer document.
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
ServicePriority ServicePriority in the Offer
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ String 9 Once Required Status:
Status Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../StoreList[ ]/Store[ ]/ Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
Result See result structure above.
As previously mentioned, the ErrorResponse document type is the negative acknowledgement returned by the network 13 upon encountering an error in the course of processing an Offer or Customer Offer document type. ErrorResponse documents adhere to the DTD represented as SOXErrorResponse.dtd in Appendix 1. The header for this document type is the same as that for the OfferAck and CustomerOfferAck document types, with the exception that the value for @ SOXType parameter is “ErrorResponse.” A preferred format for this document is shown in tabular format below.
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/ErrorResponse Aggregate 0 Once Required Error Response:
Encapsulates the acknowledgement
of the receipt of the Offer or
CustomerOffer document.
../SenderDocUID String 12 Once Required Sender's Document Unique ID:
@SenderDocUID in the Offer or
CustomerOffer document.
../ErrorCode String 10 Once Required Error Code:
Generated by ECN.
Assigned according to the type
and source of the Error Code.
../ErrorDescription String 255 Once Required Error Description:
Generated by ECN.
The Error default text.
../ErrorCondition String 255 Once Required Error Condition:
Generated by ECN.
Used to further explain the
conditions that cause this Error
../ErrorMessage String 255 Once Required Error Message:
Generated by ECN.
../ErrorSource String 255 Once Required Error Source:
Generated by ECN.
../Date Aggregate 0 Once Required Date:
Generated by ECN.
Date of ErrorResponse creation.
../Date/Year String 4 Once Required Year:
Format: CCYY
../Date/Month String 2 Once Required Month:
Format: MM
../Date/Day String 2 Once Required Day:
Format: DD
../Time Aggregate 0 Once Required Time:
Generated by ECN.
Time of ErrorResponse creation.
../Time/Hour String 2 Once Required Hour:
Format: HH
../Time/Minute String 2 Once Required Minute:
Format: MM
../Time/Second String 2 Once Required Second:
Format: SS
../TimeZone String 3 Once Required Time Zone:
Generated by ECN.
Time Zone for ErrorResponse
creation timestamp.
../SessionID String 12 Once Required Session ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN ID for the session in which
the CustomerOffer document was
transmitted to the ECN. May be
used for audit trail purposes.
../OffRcptCtrlID String 10 Once Required Offer Receipt Control ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN identifier used for tracking
the Offer or CustomerOffer
../SenderID String 8 Once Required Sender ID:
Generated by ECN.
ECN user ID under which the
Offer or CustomerOffer document
was transmitted to the ECN.
../DTDErrorList Aggregate 0 Once Required DTD Error List:
Generated by ECN.
Encapsulates reporting of DTD
../DTDErrorList/ String 10 Once Required DTD Error Count:
@DTDErrorCount Count of ../DTDError[ ] elements
to follow.
../DTDErrorList/ Aggregate 0 One Required DTD Error:
DTDError[ ] List or Encapsulates the details of one
Many DTD error.
../DTDErrorList/ String 255 Once Required Path Name:
DTDError[ ]/PathName Path of DTD Error within the XML
../DTDErrorList/ String 10 Once Required Error Code:
DTDError[ ]/ErrorCode Assigned according to the type
and source of the Error Code.
../DTDErrorList/ String 255 Once Required Error Message:
DTDError[ ]/ErrorMessage Text description of the DTD
In particular, the parameter SenderDocUID represents the unique code identifying the XML document to its sender. The ErrorCode parameter represents the code assigned by the network 13 for the type and source of the error. The ErrorDescription parameter represents a description of the error generated by the network 13. The ErrorCondition parameter is generated by the network 13 and represents the condition(s) that caused the generation of the error code. The ErrorMessage parameter identifies an error message generated by the network 13 based on the error code. The ErrorSource parameter represents the source of the error generated by the network 13. The Date and Time parameters identify the date and time, respectively, in which the ErrorResponse document is created. The SessionID parameter represents the identification value assigned by the network 13 for the session in which the Offer or CustomerOffer document was transmitted to the network 13. The OfrRptCtrlID parameter represents an identifier generated by the network 13 which is used for tracking the Offer or CustomerOffer document. The ServerID parameter represents the identification value generated by the network 13 under which the Offer or OfferCustomer document was transmitted to the network 13. The DTDErrorList element encapsulates the reporting of DTD violations, including the count of error containing elements to follow, the details of each DTD error, which comprises the path of the DTD error within the XML document, the error code, and the error message.
The details of the offers being distributed by each offer distributor 12 are electronically communicated to a network server 22 of system 10, such as an IBM RS6000 server, preferably in real time. Connections to server 22 are made over the Internet via the HTTP protocol using X.509 certificates to identify and authenticate the sender. Server 22 is configured to receive and authenticate all offers having a uniform format such as that previously described herein. With respect to offers distributed to customers in a non-interactive medium, the offer details are communicated to server 22 prior to being presented to the customers. In the case of a kiosk offer distributor, the offer is distributed via a communications network (not shown), such as the Internet, to a kiosk 16 in communication therewith. Kiosk 16 may be directly in communication with the POS system 27 of the store in which it is located.
System 10 generates point-of-sale (POS) maintenance files that reflect all of the offers received from the offer distributors 12 and authenticated by server 22. These files are stored within a database of network 13 (not shown), preferably in a consolidated manner whereby information related to all offers available from various offer distributors at a given retailer can be viewed online by customers via a browser interface 30 thereto. These files may be forwarded to the appropriate retailer 26 for placement on the POS systems 27 of the relevant stores 28 in which the offer is valid or a server of network 13 such as server 22 may place the files directly on the POS system 27 of the relevant stores 28 in which the offer is valid.
In one embodiment, network 13 provides for the possibility of cooperation between agents and partners in presenting offers to customers or in recording the customer's acceptance of an offer. Once a business relationship between the cooperating parties is established, the network 13 sets up the proper information pathways so that the XML documents created by the network 13 can be routed to agents or partners for the purpose of synchronizing information between the parties so that everyone has an exact copy of the information received by the network 13 from the offer distributors 12. The preferred formats of the relevant Offer Agent Server Routing, CustomerOffer Agent Server Routing, Agent Server Offer Acknowledgement and Agent Server Customer Offer Acknowledgement documents are described below.
Offer Agent Server Routing
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/TargetServerList Aggregate 0 Once Optional Target Server List:
This element is not required.
Defines Agent servers to which
this document is to be
../@ServerCount String 6 Once Required Server Count:
The number of
../TargetServerList/Server[ ]
entries to follow.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Server:
List or Encapsulates details for one
Many Agent server.
../Server[ ]ServerID String 6 Once Required Agent Server ID:
Assigned by the ECN
Target Agent Server ID to
Receive a copy of this document.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ]/ServicePriority String 2 One Required Service Priority:
Indicates maximum processing
delay for requested routing
Supported values:
“15” = 15 Minutes
“HR” = 1 Hour
“ON” = Overnight
“RT” = Real-time
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/TargetServerList Aggregate 0 Once Optional Target Server List:
This element is not required.
Defines Agent servers to which
this document is to be
../@ServerCount String 6 Once Required Server Count:
The number of
../TargetServerList/Server[ ]
entries to follow.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Server:
List or Encapsulates details for one
Many Agent server.
../Server[ ]/ServerID String 6 Once Required Agent Server ID:
Assigned by the ECN.
Target Agent Server ID to
receive a copy of this document.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ]/ServicePriority String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
Indicates maximum processing
delay for requested routing
Supported values:
“15” = 15 Minutes
“HR” = 1 Hour
“ON” = Overnight
“RT” = Real-time
Agent Server Offer Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/TargetServerList Aggregate 0 Once Optional Target Server List:
This element will exist if it
was present in the Offer
document, and encapsulates the
results of Server Routing
Request processing.
../@ServerCount String 6 Once Required Server Count:
Count of
../TargetServerList/Server[ ]
elements to follow.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Server:
List or Encapsulates details for one
Many Agent server.
../Server[ ]/ServerID String 6 Once Required ServerID:
Requested ServerID.
../Server[ ]/ServicePriority String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
Requested service priority.
../Server[ ]/Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../Server[ ]/Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
Agent Server Customer Offer Acknowledgement
XML Element/Attribute Max
Tag Data Type Len Occur Usage Description
/SOX/TargetServerList Aggregate 0 Once Optional Target Server List:
This element will exist if it
was present in the CustomerOffer
document, and encapsulates the
results of Server Routing
Request processing.
../@ServerCount String 6 Once Required Server Count:
Count of
../TargetServerList/Server[ ]
elements to follow.
Value = 1-999999
../Server[ ] Aggregate 0 One Required Server:
List or Encapsulates details for one
Many Agent server.
../Server[ ]/ServerID String 6 Once Required ServerID:
Requested ServerID.
../Server[ ]/ServicePriority String 2 Once Required Service Priority:
Requested service priority.
../Server[ ]/Status String 9 Once Required Status:
Generated by ECN.
Valid Values:
../Server[ ]/Result Aggregate 0 Once Required Result:
See result structure above.
Customers redeem offers at a store electronically preferably via their loyalty cards or some other identification mechanism during the checkout process. The POS system 26 of that store integrates the offer details in the POS maintenance files received from server 22 into its POS master offer detail files so that the condition(s) associated with the offers can be validated. In a preferred embodiment, the validation is performed by FREEDOM-Shopper sold by Matra Systems. In one embodiment, this process is performed in batch mode given the processing-intensive nature of the operation that could adversely affect daily checkout operations.
POS system 26 generates transaction log files for any transactions at the stores 28 involving offers distributed by the offer distributors 12. These transaction log files are forwarded to system 10 for clearance and settlement. Clearing is the set of functions required to collect and analyze the transaction log files received by POS system 26 to extract the detail of the rewards given or due to customers, and to prepare the details of settlement required by the settlement agent. Clearing also includes extracting information from the transaction log files and comparing it against the corresponding offer details stored within the databases of network 13 in order to validate same. In one embodiment, clearance is performed via a program on the server 22 of the network 13. In a preferred embodiment, offer distributors 12 are notified of the redemption of their respective offers by means of a query service or XML-based data feed provided by server 22.
Once each offer is cleared, settlement of the offer with the appropriate settlement agent is performed. Settlement is the process of ensuring that the financial obligations associated with each offer are carried out. Specifically, the retailer is reimbursed for the value of rewards deducted from customer transactions involving offers. Payment must be arranged for fees due to the retailer and other parties for the processing and handling of the offer. Such settlement details are communicated electronically to a settlement agent 34 to complete settlement of the offer with the respective parties to the transaction.
Due to the centralized nature of the system 10 and the standardization of offers provided by the network 13, retailers can automatically accept offers from a plurality of different offer distributors, thereby relieving their burden to maintain sophisticated customer/price management systems. Moreover, system 10 allows paperless offer clearing at the POS level. In addition, system 10 provides for automatic settlement of offers which helps accelerate payment of the financial obligations associated therewith. In addition, given the centralized nature of the transaction information stored within the network 13, directories can be set up by network 13 whereby offer distributors, customers, stores, and other interested parties can easily look up information related to offers provided through network 13.
Furthermore, network 13 provides for the dynamic targeting of customers. The value of customer targeting is derived from wasting less money on promotional activity. Promotions are inherently wasteful because a large amount of the expenditures are not used to alter customer behavior. Promotion costs can be classified primarily into three areas; namely media costs, redemption costs and handling and administrative costs. Media costs are the cost of exposing customers to a promotion offer. Media costs include the advertising cost for placing promotional ads in newspapers, magazines, or on the Internet offer, and direct mail cost to send offers to households. Redemption costs are the cost of the discount. Cash discounts and other rewards have direct costs. Handling and administrative costs are inherent with coupon offers, which generally have costs associated with having the coupons counted and for billing and administration. Additionally, coupon issuers provide a fee to the retailer to cover their costs in handling the coupon. Moreover, all promotions require systems to accrue, track and generally administer promotions.
The value of an offer is equal to the profit for incremental sales less the sum of media, redemption and handling and administrative costs associated therewith. Targeting offers can impact the value of an offer dramatically by lowering the overall costs and more particularly the cost per incremental case. Dynamic customer targeting is greatly enhanced by the system 10, specifically, due to the centralized nature in which the network 13 manages offer transactions. In particular, system 10 categorizes customer profiles into three types; namely static, persistent and dynamic. Static profiles represent lifestyle and geo-demographic characteristics and are not changed by marketing activities. Persistent profiles are characterized by buying behavior that is relatively stable and only somewhat altered by marketing activities. Dynamic profiles are characterized by buying behavior that can directly be attributed to marketing activities like discounts and new product introductions.
Referring now to FIG. 2, the process of dynamic customer targeting according to the present invention is described. For the purposes of discussion, it will be assumed that customers are identified to the network 13 through a loyalty card. However, it can be appreciated by one skilled in the art that any method of customer identification can be used. At 100, a customer is identified via a loyalty card being scanned at the checkout counter of a store. At 102, the POS system of that store tracks a plurality of information such as the customer's identification number, the time, the checkout lane, the products purchased, the prices paid and the quantities purchased. At 104, the POS system matches this information with information stored within the POS system, such as full pricing information, discount information, display activity, advertising activity and baseline sales, to create a customer profile. At 106, the profile is transmitted to the network 13 and at 108, the profile is appended to a “master” database stored within a database of the network 13. At 110, the customer profile is queried against this database to create the static, persistent and dynamic profiles at 112. At 114, the customer profiles are forwarded to the appropriate offer distributor 12 so they can dynamically target customers based on such profiles.
To illustrate the advantages of dynamic profiling, FIGS. 3A-D illustrate an example of an offer for spaghetti sauce distributed based on a non-targeted profile, a static profile, a persistent profile and a dynamic profile, respectively. As shown, the dynamic profile provides a net value of $24,000, while the non-targeted and static profiles provide no value, and the persistent profile provides only a $3,975 value. Therefore, for spaghetti sauce, it is unlikely that static profile will greatly distinguish large numbers of spaghetti sauce customers from non-spaghetti sauce customer. In other words, static profile type offers will not add to the value of the promotion.
The foregoing constitutes a description of various features of a preferred embodiment. Numerous changes to the preferred embodiment are possible without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Hence, the scope of the invention should be determined with reference not to the preferred embodiment, but to the following claims.