Eyelash permanent extender

We, two women inventors, have designed this Eyelash Permanent Extender, our devotions and contributions are for to enhance, improve and provide the innovative make-up goods for women; this device of new invention, in contrary with the gluing traditional eyelash piece on eyelid skin, will eliminate the hectic, time consuming and difficult tasks of gluing a pair of eyelash pieces on women eyelids; this device will also avoid the uncomfortable feeling of eyelids skin from their reactions to the adhesive agents, which uses to glue the eyelash pieces; and at last, in a sense of economical, this device will save money over the traditional way of beautifying our eyelash. The device, which carries supplies of designed 45 degrees curved artificial hair shafts for many services, has option of supplies of their four different artificial hair lengths for selections; this device, with its design of meticulous glue transferring, will advance forward the artificial hair shafts to their destinations for cleanly glue transferring, self actuate the artificial hair shafts advancing, extruding them through its retaining blade in layer and in controlling numbers; from which, by coordinating between the pressing blade of its press-on actuator with its pyramid hair dividers, the device will individually, practically press to join them artificial hair shafts on the natural eyelash timelessly, meticulously, cleanly, and individually; there-at, the natural eyelash will get their hair shafts extended permanently and beautifully curved at 45 degrees.

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This invention relates to an eyelash permanent extension device. The invention here is to provide new product that truly means more convenience, innovative and economical of make-up goods for women. This invention is not a wishful thought but rather practical that has put into working tested prototype. At the present time, women must take several minutes to glue eyelash pieces on their eyelids and endure the uncomfortable eyelash skin, from their reactions to adhesive agent, or even deal with good chances of the eyelash pieces that might come loosed after hours of wearing. This device does not just save time, for attaching the eyelash pieces on their eyelids, but rather completely stop gluing them eyelash pieces on eyelids, and turn them eyelash pieces obsolete. This new invention provides a new beautiful line of affordable eyelash piece, creates a new method of extending the natural eyelash hair shafts, saves time consuming as less frequently buying new eyelash pieces, eliminates the uncomfortable skin reaction to an adhesive agent. The consumer will have more selection of eyelash looks, and confidently and comfortably wear them for long period of days or weeks, not worry of them occasionally coming lose from eyelids skin.


FIG. 1 is the cross-sectional view of The Eyelash Permanent Extender at its position of the glue transferring arm.

FIG. 2 is the cross-sectional view of The Eyelash Permanent Extender at its positions of glue transferring arm of its linkage.

FIG. 3 is the cross-sectional view of The Eyelash Permanent Extender at its glue transferring arm widely opening of 60 degrees position and its advancing U channel bar pulled back.

FIG. 4 is the elevational view of the glue transferring arm with its concave-up U channel bar and rubber blade.

FIG. 5 is the cross-sectional view of The Eye Permanent Extender at its hair support platform position, with its linkage connecting to the pivotal pin.

FIG. 6 is the elevational view of the hair retainer blade with its concave-down U channel bar; whereat, its two ends and the ends of rubber blade are flush. The figure also shows the hair flowing direction.

FIG. 7 is the elevational view of the hair support concave-up metal platform with its attached three strip of plastics and two turnable linkages.

FIG. 8 is the elevational view of the concave-up main metal plate with its two side metal frames.

FIG. 9 is the elevational view of the concave-up main plate with its glue transferring arms fully opening at 60 degrees, its hair advancing U channel bar at its retracted position.

FIG. 10 is the elevational view of the concave-up main metal plate with its glue transferring arm at its completed closed position, its hair advancing U channel bar at its forwarded position, its center plastic strip shown within the largest empty space of main metal plate.

FIG. 11 is the elevational view of the concave-down hair advancing blade, the figure is at its up-side-down illustrated image for easily specifying the set-back of the ends of rubber blade with the ends of U channel bar, the figure also shows the direction of hair advancing.

FIG. 12 is the elevational view of the main metal plate that is in an illustrated up-side-down image of the main plate, which is separating in two sections for easily recognizing the hair dividers and their positions.

FIG. 13 is the front view of the hair divider with their gaps.

FIG. 14 is the side view of the hair divider with their gaps and front empty spaces.

FIG. 15 is the elevational view of the hair dividers with their gaps and front empty spaces.

FIG. 16 is the elevational view of the hair dividers at the frontal edge of the main metal plate.

FIG. 17 is the side view of the hair dividers at the frontal edge of the main metal plate.

FIG. 18 is the front view of the hair dividers at the frontal edge of the main metal plate.

FIG. 19 is the top view of the main metal plate; whereat, the figure shows, its hair dividers are set-up inline of concave arcs, their gaps are set-up inline from the first concave to the fifth one.

FIG. 20 is the elevational view of the completed Eyelash Permanent Extender device; the figure shows that the device has its glue transferring arm completely closed, the device has attached to its press-on actuator.

FIG. 21 is the elevational view of the completed Eyelash Permanent Extender device; the figure shows the device has its arm totally opening at 60 degrees; the device has attached to its press-on actuator, ready to perform the eyelash extension.


We, the inventors Miss Christina L. Nguyen and Ms. Hoangmy T. Nhan, have invented this new device for eyelash permanent extension, as set forth in the following specification. The claimed eyelash permanent extension device is, by these specified parts, artificially extending the natural eyelash hair shafts lengths permanently.

The figure number one is the cross-sectional view of the Eyelash Permanent Extender, which shows the major parts of device. All parts of device will bear their own specification numbers through out every figure thereof from 1 to 18; these specification numbers of figure number one have specified as follow:

Specification #1 is the main metal plate; from which, the hair dividers are set-up by one next to another in series, punched downward, stuck-out from the surface of bottom of main plate; on its two sides of metal plate are its side metal frames (specification #15), directly on their tops and right-on the side edges of main metal plate are two metal guiders (specification #13); whereat, the U channel bar of advancing rubber blade travels back and forth.

Specification #2 is the concave-up U channel bar, which conforms with the front edge of main metal plate (specification #1); this U channel bar holds within its tract a glue transferring rubber blade (specification #4); the bar is also a joint in between of two concave-up arc glue transferring arms (specification #6).

Specification #3 is the hair retainer U channel bar, which keeps within its tract a hair retainer rubber blade (specification #5); this U bar attaches in between the two metal frames (specification #15) of the main metal plate (specification #1).

Specification #4 is the 0.06 inch width glue transferring rubber blade; it stays within the tract of U channel bar (specification #2); this blade has its top flat in order to wear a thin layer of 0.06 inch width of transferring glue, which will get applied on by user.

Specification #5 is the hair retainer blade; it stays within the tract of U channel bar (specification #3); this blade has its top cut to a sharp 45 degrees angle; together with the surface of main metal plate to form a directional angle, its rubbery condition, from all of these designed features built to this retainer blade, which will only allow a directional limited number of hair hafts extruding, in single layer of hair shafts spreading out from one end of concave arc to its other, and keep the artificial hair shafts in place.

Specification #6 is the glue transferring arm, which built by a pair of concave-up arc metal rods, joined in between by a U channel bar (specification #2); this bar holds within its tract a flat top rubber blade (specification #4) for transferring glue to the end of artificial hair shafts; these arms pivot over a pivotal pin (specification #12) and under retrieved pressure of a pair of torsion springs, which are hanging on the pivotal pin and hooking to an empty hole on the metal side frames (specification #14).

Specification #7 is the hair support metal plate; which have on its top three plastic strips (specification #8); the center strip is a platform for the advancing blade to slide back and forth, advancing the artificial hair shafts over; the two side plastic strips are for clasping the artificial hair shafts in place of 45 degrees angle.

Specification #9 is the concave-down U channel bar, which holds within its tract the hair advancing rubber blade (specification #10); this U channel bar will travel within the hair advancing guider (specification #13).

Specification #10 is the hair advancing blade, which has its top cut to a degrees angle tip; like the designs of hair retainer blade, this hair advancing rubber blade will advance forward the artificial hair shafts, keep them stop in place after get advanced. Specification #10 e is the ends of the hair dividers blade; these ends design to have the blade fitted within the empty space (specification #18) for traveling back and forth, advancing the artificial hair shafts toward their destinations.

Specification #11 is the hair dividers, which formed by punched stamping; There are five concave arc lines; each concave line is built up by 22 hair dividers in series.

Specification #11 t is the hair dividers at the very frontal edge of the main metal plate; these hair dividers have their tops cut to the small angle of safety tips; these tips will force the natural eyelash hair shafts into the hair dividers gaps; from which, the natural eyelash hair shafts will individually and meticulously glue to the extending artificial hair shafts.

Specification #12 is the pivotal pin, which placed on each metal frame; on each pin hang a pair of torsion springs, one is controlling pressure of the hair supporting platform and the other is exerts on the movements of the glue transferring arm.

Specification #13 is the metal guider of the U channel bar; whereat, the U bar will travel back and forth; there is one of this guider on each side of the main metal plate.

Specification #14 is an empty space; whereat, the torsion springs hook up as a foundation for exerting force.

Specification #15 is the metal frame, which attaches to each side of the main metal frame (specification #1); each frame attaches with a pivotal pin (specification #12) and an empty space (specification #14).

The figure number two is the cross-sectional view at glue transferring arm position with its linkage (specification #16) to the hair advancing U channel bar (specification #9); all other shown specification numbers have identified on the description of figure of number one.

The figure number three is the cross-sectional view at its glue transferring arm position (specification #6); whereat, the arms are fully opening, pulling back their linkages (specification #16), retracting the hair advancing U channel bar (specification #9).

The figure number four is the elevational view of the glue transferring arm (specification #6); all other shown specification numbers have been identified in the previous description of figures.

The figure number five is cross-sectional view of The Eyelash Permanent Extender at its position of the hair support platform (specification #7) with its linkages are hooking on the pivotal pins; the (specification #8) is the plastic strips; all other shown specification numbers have been identified in the previous description of figures.

The figure number six is the elevational view of the hair retainer blade; its two ends (specification #5 e) line-up with the ends of U channel bar (specification #3); this figure shows the form of blade is a concave-up arc to conform with the front side of main metal plate, which will conform with eyelid curve; the sharp angle of the tip of the blade is the same direction of the hair advancing direction.

The figure number seven is the elevational view of the hair support platform, which has three strips of plastic (specification #8); the middle strip is a surface platform; whereat, the artificial hair shafts get to slide on by the force from hair advancing blade; the other two strips at the sides of platform (specification #7) are for clasping the artificial hair in place at 45 degrees angle; this figure also shows the platform has its linkages (specification #17) available to hook on the pivotal pins (specification #12).

The figure number eight is the elevational view of the main metal plate (specification #1); which shows its common empty space (specification #18); this space locates between two concave-down arcs of hair dividers (specification #11); from this empty space, the hair advancing blade is traveling back and forth.

The figure number nine is the elevational view of the glue arm transferring arms at their 60 degrees opening position; this figure illustrates the hair advancing blade at its retrieved position; through the middle empty space (specification #18), the other partial of the concave-up glue transferring U channel bar (specification #2) with its rubber blade are shown; in a true picture shot, this partial arm and its blade will not be seen due to the obstruction view of the hair support platform.

The figure number ten is the elevational view of the glue transferring arm (specification #6) at its closed position; this figure shows the hair advancing U channel bar (specification #9) at its forwarded position, through the middle empty space of main metal plate, which partially unveils the middle strip of plastic (specification #8); whereat, the artificial hair shafts have slid forward; the artificial hair are having glue transferred.

The figure number eleven is the elevational view of the hair advancing blade at its up-side down of a picture shot; the two ends (specification #10 e) of rubber blade set-back from the ends of U channel bar (specification #9); the extra metal distances at the ends of U channel bar are for traveling on the surface of the main metal plate and within the metal guiders; the blade itself will travel within the largest empty space (specification #18) of the main plate.

The figure number twelve is the elevational view of the main plate; the figure is at a up-side-down angle, due to the hair dividers are cut and punched downward and stuck-out through the bottom surface of the main metal plate; which have cut to four concave arcs full of hair dividers (specification #11), which stand by one next to another; the figure is an illustration of the plate separating in two sections; one section has its hair dividers and their gaps enlarged 10 times of their sizes for better recognizing, while the other section is left un-changed; in this figure, it is recognizable that the gaps (specification #19) among every hair dividers, from the first concave to the last one, form the straight lines in the concave-up 45 degrees angle; the middle largest empty space (specification #18) between the second and third concave arc is for the hair advancing blade to travel within; the other two concave smaller empty spaces (specification #18 s) are in the front of first and last concave arcs of continued series of hair dividers; these spaces are for keeping the hair inside dried, and the hot air flowing through, bending the inside hair at 45 degrees.

The figure number thirteen is the front view of the hair dividers; the (specification #1) is the body of main metal plate; the (specification #11) is the body of hair divider.

specification #19 is the gap between a pair of hair dividers.

The figure number fourteen is the side view of the hair divider, which cut by metal stamping; these hair dividers body bended down from the bottom surface of the main metal plate (specification #1 b s).

The specification #1 t s is the top surface of the main metal plate.

The figure number fifteen is the elevational view of the hair divider; the specification #1 e is the empty space that cut out from stamping; these spaces will let the air flow through as for keeping the inside hair dried.

The figure number sixteen is the elevational view of the pyramid hair dividers at the frontal edge of main metal plate; the (specification #1 t s) is the top surface of the main metal plate; (specification #11 t) is the small angle tip of frontal pyramid hair dividers.

The figure number seventeen is the side view of the frontal pyramid hair dividers; (specification #1 t s) is the surface top o main metal plate.

The figure number eighteen is the front view of the frontal pyramid hair dividers.

The figure number nineteen is the top view of the main metal plate; this figure identifies the gaps between hair dividers that set inline from the first concave arc to the last one; except the hair dividers at the first concave arc, the sizes of hair dividers are not critical but their gaps are inline of 0.02 inch maximal width; all specification numbers are identified in the previous figures.

The figure number twenty is the completed Eyelash Permanent Extender; it shows the position of hair glue transferring arms; whereat, the artificial hair shafts get glue transferred.

The specification #21 is a finger loop; whereat, consumer's fingers apply on for activating its pressing-on actuator; from which, that the pressing-on rubber blade (specification #22) is going up; thereafter, it presses the artificial hair shafts permanently on the natural eyelash for glue joining them together.

The specification #20 is the hair pressing-on actuator; whereat, the main plate of the Eyelash Permanent Extender attached on; all other specification numbers have identified on the previous figures. This figure shows the device works independently for opening and closing without interfering to the movement of press-on actuator.


The artificial hair shafts will be loading onto the hair support platform; whereat, its hair retainer blade controls the loaded hair shafts forward advancing; the loaded artificial hair shafts are advancing forward in single layer, and flatting out from one end of the concave arc to its other and in limit numbers of loaded hair shafts, by according to the number of gaps of hair dividers, which have already set-up; the hair advancing blade, by linking to the glue transferring arms, will travel back and forth within the largest empty space of main metal plate; the hair advancing rubber blade advances the loaded hair shafts to their destinations, without pulling them hair back, despite, the hair advancing blade is in its retrieval mode; the blade of glue transferring arm gets the ends of the artificial hair shafts glue transferred; the Eyelash Permanent Extender connected to its pressing-on actuator, its front edge gets placed on the top side of natural eyelash hair shafts and against their eyelid; there-at, the consumer get its pressing-on actuator activated, its pressing-on rubber blade, in coordinating with its pyramid hair dividers, will press to glue the artificial hair on the natural eyelash hair shafts permanently; the glue transferring arm, as its design, will precisely transfer glue over the ends of the artificial hair shafts cleanly and meticulously; from all above features, the natural eyelash will be extending longer in lengths with 45 degrees curve hair shafts permanently. That is all about the innovative design of our invention.

We declare to have only (1) one claim from this utility patent application that the ornamental design for The Eyelash Permanent Extender as shown and described. The claimed eyelash permanent extension device, by mechanical engineering, is innovatively beautifying the natural eyelash as artificially extending their lengths and forming their curves up to 45 degrees permanently.


1: This new device of permanent eyelash extender incorporates of seven parts: 1—a concave-up arc 45 degrees metal plate, 2—a hair support platform, 3—a hair directional retainer blade, 4—a hair glue transferring arm, 5—a hair directional advancing rubber blade, 6—two pairs of torsion springs, 7—and a hair pressing-on actuator.

Part #1 of device of the claim: Its front curve edge is cut to conform with upper eyelid's structure and forms a 45 degrees concave-up fan plate; within its bottom surface, there are many series of downward hair dividers, stuck-out from the surface; the hair dividers, one stands next to another continuously, have arranged them into concave arcs in the series of hair dividers; there are five concave arcs of hair dividers; from which, the smallest concave-up arc is starting at the front edge of main plate, then gradually stepped-up to a fifth largest one; the first two arc lines are in concave-up forms, while the rest of them turn into concave-down; every concave arc has 22 hair dividers; which, on the first concave-up arc, have their body widths particularly cut-out as small as 0.03 inch; these widths of hair dividers are similar to the distances among the natural hair shafts of eyelash; these body widths are, however, getting bigger from the third concave arc to the fifth one, as the form of metal plate is expanding; all hair dividers have their uniformed heights of 0.04 inch, accounting from the bottom surfaces of main plate; with the exception of the hair dividers at the first concave arc, these dividers have their tops cut to their small angle pointy tips like a series of pyramids; by this design, these pyramid tips will be the rail guiders for the press-on rubber blade to force and separate the natural eyelash hair shafts into the hair dividers gaps; in which, these natural hair shafts will be individually gluing on the artificial eyelash hair shafts meticulously; the lines of gaps, which are among the hair dividers, from their first concave arc to their fifth one, have a uniformed narrow widths of 0.02 inch, which approximately equal to the combination of three natural hair body widths; the 22 hair dividers yield 21 gaps on each concave arc; thus, there are 21 straight lines of gaps; these length of gaps are starting from the first concave arc to the fifth one; each line of gap will load, within itself, a pile of artificial hair shafts; together with the hair support platform, these lines of gaps keep the loaded hair shafts inline and curve at 45 degrees; by which, the arrangement for the loaded hair shafts is conforming to the form of concave-up main metal plate, and expanding outward like the structure of natural eyelash at longer lengths; by the combination of designed gaps with the heights of hair dividers, this device will use up its one supply of artificial hair shafts within 15 time of services; this device has options of loading of four different hair shaft lengths for selections, which start from 0.3 to 0.6 inch with increment of 0.1 inch; each concave arc has cut an equal perimeter of empty space at its front edge; theses concave arcs of empty spaces are to keep the loaded hair dried and to let hot air flowing through for bending them; the middle two concave-down arcs of dividers have a common concave-down empty space, which designed for the hair advancing blade to travel within, back and forth; this largest empty space has also set-up for incorporating with the middle plastic strip of support platform; whereat, the loaded hair shafts are pushing to slide forward by the force of hair advancing rubber blade.
Part #2 of device of the claim: The hair support platform can be lifted for artificial hair shafts loading; the platform has two metal linkages, which pivot over two pivotal pins; these pins base on the side frames of main metal plate; this platform constructs of a concave-up arc metal plate; which, on its surface top, has attached three plastic strips; the center strip is for the loaded hair shafts sliding on, the two side strips are clasping the loaded hair shafts for 45 degrees bended; the concave-up arc of the platform is to conform with the underneath of main metal plate; this platform is under pressured of 8 ounces force; through its pair of linkages, the platform is exerting pressure from a pair of torsion springs, which base on the same pivotal pins of the linkages.
Part #3 of device of the claim: The hair directional retainer rubber blade stays within the tract of concave-up U channel bar; which conforms with the front edge of main plate; the designed features of this blade are: 1) its tip is cut to a sharp angle of 45 degrees; 2) its tip is setting-up an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of main plate that will control the direction of extrusion of hair shafts; thus, the loaded hair won't be pulled back by the retraction of hair advancing rubber blade; 3) its tip is in rubbery condition; from the above incorporated features, this hair retainer blade will only allow the artificial hair shafts to extrude through and forward in single layer; there-at, the artificial hair shafts are flatting out from one end of the concave arc to its other end; the hair retainer blade also controls the number hair shafts forwarding through, as according to the designed numbers of hair gaps; the retainer blade also keeps them hair in place after extruded, despite, the advancing rubber blade gets retrieved; the completed function cycle of hair retainer rubber blade is to let the loaded hair shafts get forwarded through, stopped them, get them glue transferred, glued them on the natural eyelash, then to get the next loaded hair shafts forwarded again.
Part #4 of device of the claim: The glue transferring arm constructs of a pair of concave-up metal square body rods, which joined together by a concave-up arc U channel bar; this bar holds within its tract a 0.06 inch width rubber blade; which has its top flat, suitable to wear a thin layer of glue, which will be transferring over to the facing sides of the ends of loaded hair shafts; when this pair of arms get their angles shut to zero degree, its rubber blade transfers glue to the ends of loaded hair shafts; simultaneously, by their metal linkages, the hair advancing U channel bar gets pushing forward, its rubber blade gets to slide them hair shafts toward a maximal length of 0.13 inch; at their final destinations, the facing side of the ends of artificial hair shafts get glue transferred; the arms, which then release back to 60 degrees by their pair of torsion springs, simultaneously, pull back the U channel bar of hair advancing blade; through an inline center axe of rotation at the two pivotal pins, by the even distribution of force on the two arms, their rubber blade will flatly and evenly touch up a thin layer of glue to the ends of loaded hair shafts; thereafter, these 45 degrees curve loaded hair shafts will be gluing on the natural hair shafts of eyelash.
Part #5 of device of the claim: The hair advancing rubber blade is held within the tract of its concave-down U channel bar; just like the directional hair retainer rubber blade, the top of hair advancing rubber blade is cut to an angle of 45 degrees, with its rubbery condition and directional setting of its tip to the surface of main metal plate, the hair advancing rubber blade will affectedly advance the desirable number of artificial hair shafts to their final destinations; with the same features of the hair retaining blade, the hair advancing rubber blade will allow the artificial hair shafts stopped in place after they get advanced, allow them move forward in layer and in designed limit numbers, as equal to the numbers of designed hair divider gaps, and allow no artificial hair to be pulled back; despite, the hair advancing rubber blade is going back and forth for completing its cycle of movements.
Part #6 of device of claim: Due to the nature and simplicity of size of small torsion springs, it is impossible for them to be seen in a small drawing.
Part #7 of device of the claim: The pressing-on actuator is constructed by a pair of fingers handle pressing-on; its design of functions like a pair scissors; it has a concave-up U channel bar, which keeps within its tract a 0.06 inch width rubber blade; this U channel bar with its rubber blade will go up, together with the pyramid hair dividers, force the natural eyelash hair shafts into hair dividers gaps, where-at, press the natural eyelash hair shafts onto the glued ends of the artificial hair shaft for completing the natural eyelash hair shafts permanently extending. These total incorporated parts of the main metal plate, as the whole, then attaches to the pressing-on actuator; the eyelash permanent extender now has already completed; after the end of artificial hair shafts have already been transferred of glue; the frontal edge of device then place on the top side of the natural eyelash hair shafts, against their eyelid, the consumer squeezes in the two finger handles of pressing-on actuator, from which, its rubber blade goes-up, press to join the natural eyelash hair with the transferred glue artificial hair shafts, keeps on pressing for a minute or two until the transferred glue gets effective, then removes the device; the add-on artificial hair will stay back and keep gluing on the natural eyelash hair shafts, which now become longer in lengths and bended at 45 degrees; the extended eyelash hair will last on the eyelids as long as the consumer wants, until take off with warm water; unlike the traditional glue-on an eyepiece on the eyelid skin, this device will individual glue the designed artificial hair shaft on every natural eyelash hair shaft virtually; the designed artificial hair shafts, as by the consumer's selections of the hair shafts lengths, can be reloaded when they completely ran out; that is our only claim and all about our designs of the Eyelash Permanent Extender.
Patent History
Publication number: 20120160259
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 23, 2010
Publication Date: Jun 28, 2012
Inventors: Christina L. Nguyen (Garden Grove, CA), Hoangmy T. Nhan (Garden Grove, CA)
Application Number: 12/928,930
Current U.S. Class: Eyelash Or Eyebrow (132/216)
International Classification: A41G 5/02 (20060101);