Paint Torpedo
The Paint Torpedo is a small foam mini football shaped device, made of closed cell urethane, with an opening through the center, top to bottom, in which the handle of a paintbrush is inserted. The Paint Torpedo rests on the base or neck of the brush. To paint, one grasps the Paint Torpedo instead of the handle of the brush. With the football shape of the Paint Torpedo one is able to enjoy a firmer grip of the brush by a relaxed grasp on the flexible Paint Torpedo. The brush is held at a more natural angle and by grasping the soft device instead of the hard handle of the brush there is less stress, tension and strain on hand and wrist muscles. The results include cutting much straighter lines and a professional looking job, even by a novice.
Provisional Patent Application Filed Mar. 7, 2013
- Application No. 61/851,366
- Receipt Confirmation Number 1714
Not Applicable
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONMore and more individuals are becoming do it yourselfers and renovating their own homes, as well as doing their own home projects. With this growing trend across the country people are actively pursuing painting their own homes—inside and out.
As a professional painter I know the disadvantages of prolonged periods of painting and the effect this can have on the body. Often times it can lead to life-long injuries which result not only in discomfort but physical pain as well. An improperly held paintbrush can also produce an inferior paint job. This product, the Paint Torpedo, helps “DO-IT-YOURSELF” homeowners to paint like a pro.
A solution to the toll which hours of painting can produce on the body is my invention the Paint Torpedo (PT). The Paint Torpedo (PT) is a small lightweight device which fits over the handle of a paintbrush and rests firmly on the base, or neck, of the brush. The bristles of the brush extend below the Paint Torpedo.
The Paint Torpedo is made of closed cell urethane. The painter grasps the Paint Torpedo instead of the handle of the brush. Its football shape enables the painter to have a better, more secure grip on the device instead of a tight grip one would have while clutching a small paintbrush. This allows a more comfortable loose grip on the device instead of the usual tight grip which leads to poor hand circulation, tightened muscles and could eventually lead to carpel tunnel syndrome.
In addition to health benefits the Paint Torpedo allows the painter to cut much straighter lines producing a more artistic and more professional job.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThis invention, the Paint Torpedo, or PT, provides a means of providing comfort while painting thus reducing the possibility of strain to the hand muscles. A more relaxed hand posture and a better grip on the paint brush will result in a more professional looking project.
The PT is a small, lightweight mini football shaped foam device. It is placed over the paintbrush handle resting firmly on the neck of the brush. The foam material holds the brush firmly in place. Instead of grasping the brush by the handle of the neck, the brush is grasped on the foam PT. This provides a better grasp or grip on the brush, at a more relaxed angle, resulting in a more relaxed hand grip. Hand stress is reduced, and muscles are relaxed and less tense and the angle which the brush is held is more natural. There is less hand/arm discomfort using the device. This enables the painter to work for longer periods of time with no discomfort.
The PT is 4 inches long by 2.7 inches in diameter. The PT will be available to fit a standard, popular size 2½ inch paint brush.
If interest warrants additional sizes, I would like to produce these also. By using the PT a more professional paint job is realized. Paint lines are sharp and definite. This creates an improved appearance even if the work is done be a novice.
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The Paint Torpedo is a small, lightweight mini football shaped device through which a paint brush is inserted. Grasping the device instead of the brush handle for painting results in a relaxed hold thus reducing stress on hand muscles. A better grasp results in a more professional paint job, cleaner lines and less tension on wrist, arm and hand muscles.
The Paint Torpedo can be used by anyone who is able to paint with and hold a paint brush. No special training or skills are necessary. Made of soft urethane and football shaped to accommodate large or smaller hands the Paint Torpedo can be used easily by men or women.
To paint, a brush is inserted through the center of the device through a cutout inside the Paint Torpedo. The size of the cutout determines the brush size to be used as the brush must fit snugly through the Paint Torpedo. By grasping the Paint Torpedo with the hand, instead of the handle, a more relaxed grasp is obtained. This enables the painter to paint for longer periods of time without stress on the body. It also produces a professional paint job.
Made of soft urethane in a size comfortable to grasp by the hand (4 inches in length by 2.7 in diameter) the Paint Torpedo is football shaped. As interest warrants, additional sizes can be produced. A cutout goes through the center of the Paint Torpedo through which a 2½ inch brush is placed. The handle extends from the top of the Paint Torpedo. The Paint Torpedo rests on the base of the brush so the brush itself extends below the urethane football shaped device. (PT) To paint one grasps the Paint Torpedo instead of the handle of the paint brush.
1. the Paint Torpedo, or PT, a device shaped like a mini football with both pointed ends or tip removed and which fits securely over the brush/handle of a paint brush and rests on the neck or base of the brush.
- The size of the brush will determine the size of the urethane shaped device. A 2½ inch brush would fit securely in a Paint Torpedo with a 4 inch length and 2.7 inch diameter. The brush itself (bristles) extend below the Paint Torpedo.
- The neck or base of the brush is held securely in place by the cutout in the urethane which has been shaped specially to grasp the brush base.
- To paint, one grasps the Paint Torpedo. Made of closed cell urethane this firm but soft, pliable material enables the painter to maintain a natural, firm grip on the PT thus reducing the stress and strain on hand and wrist muscles. This more natural grip eliminates the tension, stress and strain often associated with the constant grip on the handle of a paint brush for prolonged periods of time.
- Painters can paint for longer period of time with less fatigue and with reduced use of hand and wrist muscles resulting in even lines and a more professional looking product.
- The product assists “do it yourself” homeowners to paint like a pro and enables the novice painter/homeowner to cut much straighter lines without spending additional time and money taping.
- It is proven to offer a much more secure handle or base to hold on to, minimizing stress on the hand, and helping to reduce the risk of carpel tunnel syndrome.
Type: Application
Filed: Sep 27, 2013
Publication Date: Apr 2, 2015
Inventor: NIcholas John Verzino, Jr. (Fort Worth, TX)
Application Number: 14/040,502