Removable vehicle seat headrest cover
FIG. 1 is a front elevated view of a removable vehicle seat headrest cover showing my new design.
FIG. 2 is a rear elevated view of the removable vehicle seat headrest cover.
FIG. 3 is a side elevated view of the removable vehicle seat headrest cover.
FIG. 4 is a top plan view of the removable vehicle seat headrest cover.
FIG. 5 is a bottom plan view of the removable vehicle seat headrest cover; and,
FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the removable vehicle seat headrest cover.
The broken line showing of a name, in FIGS. 1 and 2, and a seat and support, in FIG. 6, is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
The ornamental design for a removable vehicle seat headrest cover, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D478763
Type: Grant
Filed: Dec 26, 2002
Date of Patent: Aug 26, 2003
Inventors: Cherise Brown (New Orleans, LA), Jimmie Brown (New Orleans, LA)
Primary Examiner: Ian Simmons
Assistant Examiner: Monica A. Weingart
Application Number: 29/173,208
Type: Grant
Filed: Dec 26, 2002
Date of Patent: Aug 26, 2003
Inventors: Cherise Brown (New Orleans, LA), Jimmie Brown (New Orleans, LA)
Primary Examiner: Ian Simmons
Assistant Examiner: Monica A. Weingart
Application Number: 29/173,208
Current U.S. Class:
International Classification: 0613;
International Classification: 0613;