Neon sign with clock
The broken lines on the sign and the clock face form no part of the claimed design.
The ornamental design for a neon sign with clock, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
D118145 | December 1939 | Shapiro |
D118450 | January 1940 | Landau |
D120596 | May 1940 | Strauss |
D132009 | April 1942 | Blankenship |
D155328 | September 1949 | Baker |
D162596 | March 1951 | Trame |
2554063 | May 1951 | Serrine |
D190961 | July 1961 | Florian |
D496966 | October 5, 2004 | Ulrich |
Patent History
Patent number: D619176
Type: Grant
Filed: Dec 31, 2008
Date of Patent: Jul 6, 2010
Assignee: Cornhusker Sign Manufacturing Corp. (Gretna, NE)
Inventor: Ronald P. VanOeveren (Gretna, NE)
Primary Examiner: Janice E Seeger
Assistant Examiner: Mary Ann Calabrese
Attorney: Suiter Swantz pc llo
Application Number: 29/330,215
Type: Grant
Filed: Dec 31, 2008
Date of Patent: Jul 6, 2010
Assignee: Cornhusker Sign Manufacturing Corp. (Gretna, NE)
Inventor: Ronald P. VanOeveren (Gretna, NE)
Primary Examiner: Janice E Seeger
Assistant Examiner: Mary Ann Calabrese
Attorney: Suiter Swantz pc llo
Application Number: 29/330,215