Strawberry plant named ‘Driscoll El Dorado’


This invention relates to a new and distinct variety of strawberry named ‘Driscoll El Dorado.’ The variety is similar to the varieties ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana.’ The variety is distinguished from ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana,’ in particular, by a greater number of teeth per Terminal Leaflet, fewer achenes per fruit, a rounded shape of the base of terminal leaflets, a rounded shape of the teeth terminal leaflets, sparse to medium petiole pubescence, larger size of calyx in relation to fruit on secondary fruit, and a medium sized hollow center of fruit.

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1. Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: The variety is botanically identified as Fragaria×ananassa.

1.1 Variety denomination: The strawberry variety denomination is ‘Driscoll El Dorado’.


The new variety originated as a result of a controlled cross between the strawberry plants ‘62C131’ (unpatented) and ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708) in an ongoing breeding program, and was discovered as a seedling in Ventura County, Calif. in 1999. The original seedling of the new cultivar was asexually propagated by stolons in a Nursery in Shasta County, Calif. Propagules were transplanted to a controlled breeding plot in Ventura County, Calif., where the variety was identified and selected for further evaluation. ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ was subsequently asexually propagated and underwent further testing in Ventura County, Calif. for five years. This propagation and testing has demonstrated that the combination of traits disclosed herein which characterize the new variety are fixed and retained true to type through successive generations of asexual reproduction.


The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of strawberry named ‘Driscoll El Dorado.’ The variety is botanically identified as Fragaria×ananassa. The new variety is distinguished from other varieties by a number of characteristics as set forth in Tables 1-4.


The varieties which we believe to be similar to ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ from those known to us are ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708) and ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469). There are several characteristics of the new variety that are different from, or not possessed by ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana’. For example, the new variety has a greater number of teeth per Terminal Leaflet, fewer achenes per fruit, a rounded shape of the base of terminal leaflets, a rounded shape of the teeth terminal leaflets, sparse to medium petiole pubescence, larger size of calyx in relation to fruit on secondary fruit, and a medium sized hollow center of fruit.

Maternal Parent ‘62C313’ was not available for side by side comparison with ‘Driscoll El Dorado’. ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ is distinguished from its maternal parent ‘62C313’ by its earlier date of harvest commencement, firmer fruit flesh, and less creasing on the fruit. ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ is distinguished from its paternal parent ‘Camarosa’ as indicated in Tables 1-4.


The accompanying photographs show typical specimens of the new variety, including fruit, foliage and flowers, in color as nearly true as it is reasonably possible to make in color illustrations of these characteristics.

FIG. 1 shows the whole the plant.

FIG. 2 shows the upper side of the leaves of the plant.

FIG. 3 shows the underside and upperside of the flowers.

FIG. 4 shows a close-up of the fruit.

FIG. 5 shows the fruit in longitudinal cross-section.


The following detailed description of the new variety is based upon observations taken of plants and fruit grown in Ventura County, Calif., U.S.A. This description is in accordance with UPOV terminology. Observations of ‘Driscoll El Dorado’, ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana’ were taken in side by side comparison in the 2004 spring season. Plants were grown in raised beds of soil under conditions typical of commercial strawberry production in Southern California. Fruits were harvested twice weekly for yield determination from early January to late May. Measurements of plant, flower, and fruit characteristics were made in April, approximately six months after planting. Color designations, color descriptions, and other phenotypical descriptions may deviate from the stated values and descriptions depending upon variation in environmental, seasonal, climatic and cultural conditions. Colors are described and the most similar color designations are provided from The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.) Colour Chart.


The new variety is principally propagated by way of stolons. Although propagation by stolons is presently preferred, other known methods of propagating strawberry plants may be employed.


Information on the new variety is presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. In the tables, the flowers described are secondary flowers except where indicated. The fruit described is the secondary fruit on six month old plants. Fruit and flower measurements are an average of both primary and secondary fruit and flowers.

Table 1 provides information on the plant and fruit characteristics of the new variety ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ compared with characteristics of ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana.’ Table 2 provides additional information of the plant and fruit characteristics of the new variety ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ compared with characteristics of the varieties ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana.’ Table 3 provides reactions of the new variety to stresses, pests and diseases compared with reactions of the varieties ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana.’ Table 4 provides isozyme characteristics of the new variety as compared to that of the varieties ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana.’

TABLE 1 QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON OF ‘DRISCOLL EL DORADO,’ ‘CAMAROSA,’ AND ‘VENTANA’ ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ ‘Camarosa’ ‘Ventana’ Plant Characteristics Height of Plant (cm)  24.0  30.7   24.8 Spread of Plant (cm)  27.5  31.4   28.3 Number of Crowns  5.4  8.8    5.4 Leaf Characteristics Terminal Leaflet Length (cm)  7.4  7.5    7.3 Terminal Leaflet Width (cm)  6.0  6.8    5.6 Terminal Leaflet  1.24  1.10    1.31 Length/Width Ratio # Teeth/Terminal Leaflet  20.5  18.5   18.3 Color of upper side 139A 141A 141A medium to medium light to dark green green medium green Color of under side 138B 138C 139C light gray light gray light gray green green green Petiole Length (cm)  16.6  21.0   18.0 Petiole Color 145B 145A 145A yellow green yellow green yellow green Petiolule Length (mm)  7.0  12.1    5.8 Petiolule Diameter (mm)  2.0  1.8    1.8 Petiolule Color 145B 144B 145A yellow green yellow green yellow green Bract Frequency  0  0    0 Stipule Length (cm)  3.49  3.30    3.52 Stipule Width (cm)  1.0  1.2    1.1 Stolon Characteristics Anthocyanin color  59C Diameter at bract (mm)  2.59 Avg. # of Daughter plants 129 (2003 Nursery) Flower Characteristics Petal Length (cm)  1.24  1.13    1.25 Petal Width (cm)  1.24  1.11    1.32 Petal Length/Width Ratio  1.00  1.02    0.95 Flower Diameter (cm)  2.45  2.21    2.73 Calyx Diameter (cm)  4.10  4.23    3.66 Sepal Length (mm)  18.05  17.92   15.31 Sepal Width (cm)  7.61  7.72    6.00 Petal Color 155C 155C 155C white white white Receptical Color  7A  7A  7A yellow green yellow green yellow green Anther Color  14B  14B  14B yellow yellow yellow Fruiting Truss Length (cm)  24.5  25.2   24.2 Fruit Characteristics Fruit Length (cm)  4.5  4.7    4.4 Fruit Width (cm)  4.1  3.5    3.6 Fruit Length/Width Ratio  1.10  1.33    1.21 Average Berry Weight (g)  22.8  21.3   24.4 External Color  46A  46A  44A dark red dark red red Internal Color  42A  43A  42B orange red medium red orange red Achene Coloration 12B to 184A 11A to 179B 11A to 176B yellow to yellow to yellow to grayed red grayed red grayed red Achenes per berry 247 310   319 Achene weight (g)  0.00049  0.00055    0.00042 2004 Marketable Yield 830 766 1,016 (g/plant)

TABLE 2 QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF ‘DRISCOLL EL DORADO,’ ‘CAMAROSA,’ AND ‘VENTANA’ ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ ‘Camarosa’ ‘Ventana’ Plant Habit globose globose flat globose Canopy Density dense dense dense Vigor strong strong medium to strong Leaf Shape in cross section slightly concave concave concave Interveinal blistering weak medium to weak to strong medium Glossiness medium weak to weak to medium medium Number of leaflets three only three only occasionally 4 Terminal leaflet margin revolute to revolute to revolute profile flat flat Terminal leaflet shape of base rounded obtuse slightly oblique Terminal leaflet shape of teeth rounded obtuse obtuse Stipule pubescence sparse medium medium Petiole pubescence sparse to dense dense medium Petiole pose of hairs upwards to upwards upwards outwards Stolon Anthocyanin coloration medium Thickness thin Pubescence medium Inflorescence Position relative to foliage above level with to level with to above above Diameter of calyx relative to larger larger smaller corolla on secondary flowers Diameter of inner calyx smaller to smaller larger relative to outer on secondary same size flowers Spacing of petals overlapping overlapping, touching to occasionally overlapping free Fruiting Truss Attitude at first picking prostrate prostrate prostrate Fruit Predominant shape conical almost conical to cylindrical almost cylindrical Difference in shapes between slight moderate to slight to primary and secondary fruits marked moderate Band without achenes narrow to medium to narrow to medium broad medium Unevenness of surface weak strong medium Evenness of color even slightly even uneven Glossiness strong strong strong Insertion of achenes below below below surface surface surface Insertion of calyx level set above level fruit Pose of the calyx segments spreading to spreading to spreading reflexed reflexed Size of calyx in relation to larger same size to smaller fruit on secondary fruit smaller Adherence of calyx strong strong strong Firmness of flesh firm firm to extremely extremely firm firm Evenness of flesh color slightly even slightly uneven uneven Distribution of flesh color mariginal mariginal mariginal and central and central and central Hollow center size medium small small Sweetness medium medium medium Texture when tasted medium coarse coarse Acidity medium medium medium Time of First Flowering in Late- Late- Late- 2003-2004 November November November Harvest Interval in 2004 Early- Early- Early- January to January to January to Late-May Late-May Late-May Type of Bearing partially partially June bearing everbearing everbearing


TABLE 3 REACTIONS TO STRESS PESTS AND DISEASES FOR ‘DRISCOLL EL DORADO,’ ‘CAMAROSA,’ AND ‘VENTANA’ ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ ‘Camarosa’ ‘Ventana’ Reaction to Pests Tetranychus urticae susceptible moderately moderately resistant resistant Lygus hesperus susceptible susceptible susceptible Reaction To Diseases Botrytis fruit rot susceptible Powdery mildew moderately moderately moderately resistant resistant resistant Verticillium wilt moderately moderately susceptible susceptible Strawberry Mottle Virus moderately moderately moderately resistant resistant resistant Xanthomonas fragariae moderately susceptible


In addition to the morphological description above, the new cultivar ‘Driscoll El Dorado’ has been analyzed to obtain an indication of its genetic makeup to provide further means for identifying the new variety and distinguishing it from other somewhat similar and/or related strawberry varieties. Specifically, leaf samples of ‘Driscoll El Dorado’, ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Ventana’ were analyzed by electrophoresis for isozyme patterns of the enzymes phosphoglucoisomerase (“PGI”), leucine aminopeptidase (“LAP”) and phosphoglucomutase (“PGM”). See J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106:684-687. Isozyme characterizatin of the three varieties is presented in Table 4, with the letters representing the banding patterns for each enzyme as designated in the above-identified article.

TABLE 4 ISOZYME ANALYSIS FOR ‘DRISCOLL EL DORADO,’ ‘CAMAROSA,’ AND ‘VENTANA’ ‘Driscoll El Locus Dorado’ ‘Camarosa’ ‘Ventana’ PGI A2 A2 A1 LAP B1 B3 B1 PGM C3 C1 C2


1. A new and distinct variety of strawberry plant, substantially as shown and described.

Patent History
Patent number: PP16238
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 4, 2004
Date of Patent: Feb 7, 2006
Inventors: Amado Q. Amorao (Camarillo, CA), Michael Ferguson (Moorpark, CA), Arnoldo Solis, Jr. (Oxnard, CA)
Primary Examiner: Anne Marie Grunberg
Assistant Examiner: Annette H Para
Attorney: Jones Day
Application Number: 10/957,845
Current U.S. Class: Everbearing (PLT/209)
International Classification: A01H 5/00 (20060101);