Gaillardia plant named ‘Frenzy’

A new cultivar of Gaillardia named ‘FRENZY’ that is distinguishable by compact dwarf habit, medium-green foliage, and large red tubular flowers with bright yellow petal tips, blooming from early through late summer. In combination these traits set ‘FRENZY’ apart from all other existing varieties of Gaillardia known to the inventor.

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Genus: Gaillardia.

Species: ×grandiflora.

Denomination: ‘FRENZY’.


The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of blanket flower, an ornamental grown for landscape and container. The new invention is known botanically as Gaillardia×grandiflora and will be referred to hereinafter by the cultivar name ‘FRENZY’. Gaillardia is in the family Asteraceae, under which the commonly referred to “flower” is actually the inflorescence, and made up of smaller ray flowers and disc florets.

The new Gaillardia variety named ‘FRENZY’ is a hybrid seedling selection that resulted from the deliberate cross-pollination between, as female parent, a Gaillardia plant which the inventor had raised from seed collected from a plant of Gaillardia×grandiflora ‘Fanfare’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 15,892) and, as male parent, a plant which the inventor discovered as a naturally-occurring mutation of Gaillardia ‘Burgunder’ (unpatented). The goal set forth by the inventor was that of producing new Gaillardia varieties exhibiting improved flower color, higher petal count, and improved flower form, over all other varieties known to the inventor.

Breeding and selection was conducted by the inventor, at the inventor's nursery located in the state of Washington. The inventor selected ‘FRENZY’ in 2004 based on the criteria of flower color and plant habit.

The distinguishing characteristics of ‘FRENZY’ are habit, flower color, flower dimensions, and quantity of flowers.

‘FRENZY’ is readily distinguishable from the female parent by the color and number of the ray flowers. Although both varieties bear tubular ray flowers, the ray flowers of ‘FRENZY’ are predominantly red in color, with yellow coloration to the petal tips, whereas the ray flowers of the female parent are more equally yellow and red in color. The typical number of ray flowers in a single inflorescence of ‘FRENZY’ ranges between 25 and 30, whereas the typical inflorescence of the female parent contains 18 to 25 ray flowers.

‘FRENZY’ is readily distinguishable from the male parent by the shape of the ray flowers. The ray flowers of ‘FRENZY’ are tubular in shape, whereas the ray flowers of the male parent ‘Burgunder’ are planar.

The closest comparison plant known to the inventor is the inventor's variety Gaillardia ‘TIZZY’ (U.S. co-pending application 12/075,635). Whereas both ‘FRENZY’ and ‘TIZZY’ bear tubular ray flowers, the ray flowers of ‘FRENZY’ are red and yellow in color, whereas the ray flowers of ‘TIZZY’ are uniformly red.

The new Gaillardia variety named ‘FRENZY’ exhibits compact dwarf habit, large red tubular flowers with bright yellow petal apices, and medium-green foliage. Flowers are fragrant and bloom profusely from early to late summer. Cultural requirements include full sun and well-draining soil such as loam, given moderate water. Hardiness is classified as USDA Zone 5.

The first asexual reproduction of ‘FRENZY’ was conducted in 2005 at the inventor's nursery in Washington. Asexual propagation was carried out by the inventor, and the method used was softwood cuttings. Since that time under careful observation ‘FRENZY’ has been determined uniform, stable and true to type in subsequent generations of asexual propagation.


The following traits have been repeatedly observed and represent the distinguishing characteristics of the new Gaillardia cultivar named ‘FRENZY’. These traits in combination distinguish ‘FRENZY’ from all other existing varieties of Gaillardia known to the inventor. ‘FRENZY’ has not been tested under all possible conditions and phenotypic differences may be observed with variations in environmental, climatic, and cultural conditions, however, without any variance in genotype.

    • 1. ‘FRENZY’ exhibits compact dwarf habit.
    • 2. ‘FRENZY’ exhibits medium-green foliage.
    • 3. ‘FRENZY’ exhibits large red tubular flowers with bright yellow petal tips.
    • 4. ‘FRENZY’ grows in full sun and well-draining soil, given moderate water.
    • 5. ‘FRENZY’ is 40 cm. in height and 47 cm. in width in a 1-litre container.
    • 6. ‘FRENZY’ is hardy to USDA Zone 5.
    • 7. ‘FRENZY’ blooms from early summer to late summer.


The accompanying color drawings illustrate the overall appearance of the new Gaillardia cultivar named ‘FRENZY’ showing color as true as is reasonably possible to obtain in color reproductions of this type. Color in the drawings may differ from color values cited in the detailed botanical description, which accurately describe the actual color of the new variety ‘FRENZY’. The drawings were made in summer of 6-month-old plants grown under glass then moved to a retractable roof house. The plants are in 1-litre containers and were grown in Washington State.

The drawing labeled FIG. 1 shows in the foreground a whole plant of ‘FRENZY’ with flowers at all stages from bud, through fully expanded, to petal drop.

The drawing labeled FIG. 2 exhibits a close up view of a single inflorescence of ‘FRENZY’ and depicts the predominantly red-colored tubular ray flowers and the bright yellow petal tips.

The drawing labeled FIG. 3 depicts and compares the inflorescences of ‘FRENZY’ (on the right) and the comparison plant Gaillardia ‘TIZZY’ (on the left).

The drawings were made using conventional techniques and although flower and foliage color may appear different from actual color due to light reflectance, it is as accurate as possible by conventional photography.


The following is a detailed botanical description of the new Gaillardia×grandiflora cultivar named ‘FRENZY’. Observations, measurements, values and comparisons were collected in Arroyo Grande, Calif. during summer, from 6-month-old plants growing out-of-doors in 1-litre containers. Color determinations are made in accordance with the 2001 Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart from London, England, except where general color terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used.

  • Botanical classification: Gaillardia×grandiflora ‘FRENZY’.
  • Family: Asteraceae.
  • Genus: GAILLARDlA.
  • Species ×grandiflora.
  • Denomination: ‘FRENZY’.
  • Common name: Blanket flower.
  • Habit: Dwarf compact habit.
  • Commercial category: Ornamental.
  • Use: For landscape or container.
  • Suggested commercial container size: 1-litre container.
  • Parentage: Gaillardia×grandiflora ‘FRENZY’ is a hybrid seedling selection resulting from the deliberate cross-pollination of the following parents:
      • Female parent.—A seedling of Gaillardia×gandifora ‘Fanfare’. (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 15,892).
      • Male parent.—A single plant mutation of Gaillardia ‘Burgunder’.
  • Propagation method: Softwood cuttings.
  • Rooting system: Fine and fibrous.
  • Vigor: Moderate.
  • Time to develop roots (range): 14 to 20 days are needed for an initial cutting to develop roots.
  • Temperature to develop roots (range): The recommended air temperature is 20-21° Centigrade.
  • Crop time (range): 4-6 months to produce a 1-litre container from a rooted cutting.
  • Plant dimensions (1-litre container): 40 cm. in height and 47 cm. in width.
  • Cultural requirements: Grow in full sun and well-draining soil such as loam, given moderate water.
  • Pest or disease resistance: No disease or pest resistance known to the inventor.
  • Hardiness: USDA Zone 5.
  • Flowering requirements: 12 hours of light or more is preferred for best flowering.
  • Stem:
      • Color.—138C.
      • Length (average).—20 cm.
      • Width.—0.50 cm.
      • Shape.—Sub-cylindrical.
      • Surface-Villous.
  • Foliage:
      • Type.—Evergreen.
      • Arrangement.—Alternate.
      • Internode length (average).—1.50 cm.
      • Division.—Simple.
      • Margin (range).—Entire to crenate.
      • Shape.—Spatulate.
      • Dimensions (range).—9 cm-16 cm. in length and 1 cm.-3 cm. in width.
      • Apex (range).—Rounded to broadly acute.
      • Base.—Attenuate.
      • Venation.—Pinnate.
      • Vein color (abaxial and adaxial surfaces).—147D.
      • Surface (abaxial and adaxial).—Scaberulose.
      • Attachment.—Clasping.
      • Stipules or spines.—None observed.
      • Leaf color (abaxial surface).—146C.
      • Leaf color (adaxial surface).—146B.
      • Fragrance.—Resinous scent when bruised.
  • Inflorescence:
      • Inflorescence type.—Capitulum.
      • Inflorescence quantity (range).—25-30 per 1-litre container plant.
      • Aspect.—Facing upward.
      • Inflorescence dimension.—8.75 cm. in diameter and 4.50 cm. in depth.
      • Inflorescence arrangement.—Terminal inflorescence.
      • Blooming season.—Early to late summer.
      • Peduncle dimensions (average).—13 cm. in length and 0.35 cm. in width.
      • Peduncle shape.—Cylindrical.
      • Peduncle surface.—Villous.
      • Peduncle color.—Ranges between N138D and 189D.
      • Peduncle strength.—Strong.
      • Receptacle shape.—Convex.
      • Receptacle diameter.—3 cm.
      • Receptacle depth.—1 cm.
  • Ray flower:
      • Bud color.—77C.
      • Bud surface.—Lanate.
      • Bud apex.—Rounded.
      • Ray flower shape.—Tubular.
      • Ray flower quantity (range).—25-30 per inflorescence.
      • Ray flower color.—17A towards the tips darkening to 46A and 46B towards the base.
      • Ray flower depth.—3 cm. in depth and 2 cm. in diameter.
      • Ray flower corolla tube width.—0.50 cm.
      • Ray flower surface (ventral surface).—Glabrous.
      • Ray flower surface (dorsal surface).—Pubescent.
      • Ray flower arrangement.—Radiate.
      • Petal quantity.—4 per ray flower.
      • Petals fused or unfused.—Midway and basally fused.
      • Petal apex.—Rounded.
      • Petal margin.—Entire.
      • Petal dimensions.—1 cm. in length and 0.60 cm. in width.
      • Petal color (abaxial and adaxial surfaces).—17A towards the tips darkening to 46A and 46B towards the base.
      • Sepals.—Absent.
      • Reproductive organs.—None observed to date.
      • Involucral bract.—Quantity (average): 35 per inflorescence. Bract color (abaxial and adaxial surfaces): Ranges between 144A and 146A. Bract dimensions (average): 1.25 cm. in length and 0.40 cm. in width. Bract apex: Apiculate. Bract base: Truncate. Bract surface (abaxial and adaxial): Villous. Bract shape: Lanceolate. Bract margin: Entire.
  • Disc floret.
      • Disc floret bud color.—1B.
      • Disc floret bud surface.—Lanate.
      • Disc floret bud apex.—Rounded.
      • Disc floret quantity (range).—Approximately 70 per inflorescence.
      • Disc floret dimensions.—12 mm. in depth and 3 mm. in diameter.
      • Disc floret surface (ventral and dorsal).—Lanate.
      • Disc floret color.—53A.
      • Reproductive organs.—Observed present.
      • Pappus.—Pappus quantity (average): 6 per disc floret. Pappus color: 160C. Pappus apex. Caudate. Pappus dimensions: 4 mm. in length and 1 mm. in width.
      • Fragrance of inflorescence.—Slightly sweet fragrance.
      • Lastingness of inflorescence (range).—7-14 days on or off the plant.
  • Reproductive organs:
      • Stamen quantity.—4.
      • Stamen length.—6 mm.
      • Stamen color.—161A.
      • Anther length.—<1 mm.
      • Anther color.—N186D.
      • Anther shape.—Lanceolate.
      • Pollen quantity.—Heavy.
      • Pollen color.—17A.
      • Pistil quantity.—1.
      • Pistil length.—150 cm.
      • Stigma dimensions.—2 mm. in height and 3 mm. in width.
      • Stigma form.—Plumose.
      • Stigma shape.—Forked.
      • Stigma color.—N186D.
      • Ovary position.—Inferior.
      • Ovary color.—150D.
      • Ovary shape.—Globose.
      • Ovary dimensions.—<1 mm. in width and <1 mm. in height.
  • Fruit:
      • Fruit type.—Cypsela.
      • Fruit shape.—Obpyramidal.
      • Seed.—None observed to date.


1. A new and distinct cultivar of Gaillardia plant named ‘FRENZY’ as described and illustrated herein.

Patent History
Patent number: PP19943
Type: Grant
Filed: Mar 12, 2008
Date of Patent: Apr 21, 2009
Inventor: John Dixon (La Conner, WA)
Primary Examiner: S. B McCormick Ewoldt
Application Number: 12/075,634
Current U.S. Class: Gaillardia (PLT/431)
International Classification: A01H 5/00 (20060101);