Chrysanthemum plant named Dark Eyes

- Fides Beheer B.V.

A new and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum plant. The new plant is characterized by its flat capitulum form, anemone capitulum type, lavender ray floret color, darker contrasting disc floret color, a diameter across face of capitulum of 3.5-6.0 cm, spreading to upright branching pattern with 4-7 breaks after a single pinch, a flowering response of 56 to 60 days from the start of short days, and a plant height for 6.5 in. (16.5 cm) pot of about 40 cm with 1-2 applications of B-9 at 2500 ppm.

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1. The Field of the Invention

This invention relates to Chrysanthemum plants. More particularly, the present invention comprises a new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant, botanically known as Dendranthema grandiflora and hereinafter referred to by the cultivar name "Dark eyes."

2. Background of the New Plant

Dark Eyes, identified as 86.2469, was originated from a cross made by Jack Van Der Knaap in a controlled breeding program at De Lier, Holland in 1985.

The female parent of Dark Eyes was an unnamed seedling, and the male parent was Wall Street (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 6,869).

Dark Eyes was discovered and selected as one flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross by Jack Van Der Knaap in 1986 in a controlled environment at De Lier, Holland.

The first asexual reproduction of Dark Eyes was accomplished when vegetative cuttings were taken in 1986 in a controlled environment at De Lier, Holland by technicians working under the direction and supervision of Jack Van Der Knaap.


The basic characteristics which have been repeatedly observed in Dark Eyes and which, in combination, distinguish this Chrysanthemum plant over related known varieties and its antecedents are:

1. Flat capitulum form.

2. Anemone capitulum type.

3. Lavender ray floret color.

4. Darker contrasting disc floret color.

5. Diameter across face of capitulum 3.5-6.0 cm.

6. Branching pattern is spreading to upright with 4-7 breaks after a single pinch.

7. Flowering response is 56 to 60 days from the start of short days.

8. Plant height of 6.5 in. (16.5 cm) pot is about 40 cm with 1-2 applications of B-9 at 2500 ppm.

Horticultural examination of controlled flowerings of successive plantings has shown that the combination of characteristics and distinctions as herein disclosed for Dark Eyes are firmly fixed and are retained through successive generations of asexual reproduction.


FIG. 1 is a photographic print in full color showing typical inflorescence and leaf characteristics of Dark Eyes grown as a pinched spray pot mum with 5 cuttings in a 6.5 inch (16.5 cm) pot, the colors being depicted as nearly true as it is reasonably possible to make the same in a color photograph of this character.


Dark Eyes has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary significantly with variations in environment such as temperature, light intensity, and day length.

The following is a detailed description of Dark Eyes, with color terminology in accordance with The Royal Horticulture Society Colour Chart, except where general color terms of ordinary dictionary significance are obvious. The following observations, measurements and comparisons were made of plants grown at Nipomo, Calif. in controlled environments. Unrooted cuttings were directly stuck into 6.5 inch (16.5 cm) pots and grown in a controlled environment under the natural temperature and day length prevailing during October to December of 1990.


Botanical.--Dendranthema grandiflora cv. Dark Eyes.

Commercial.--Flat anemone to be grown as a spray pot or cut spray mum.


A. Capitulum:



Diameter across face: 35-60 mm when fully opened.

B. Corolla of ray florets:

Color (general tonality from a distance of three meters).--Lavender with dark purple eye.

Color.--Front: 75 C. Back 75 C with a 77 B stripe down the center.

Shape.--Oblong with a rounded tip.

C. Corolla of disc florets:

Color.--Medium lavender 75 C. Graduating to a very dark eye of 77 A.

D. Reproductive organs:

Androecium.--Present on disc florets only; insignificant.

Gynoecium.--Present on both ray and disc florets; insignificant.


A. General appearance:

Height.--When grown in 6.5 in. (16.5 cm) pots with 1-2 applications of B-9, the total plant height including the pot will be approximately 40 cm. When grown as a cut mum, the plant will be 1-1.5 meters high.

Branching pattern.--Spreading with 4-7 breaks after the pinch. As a cut flower the plant is normally grown unpinched, single stem with the top bud removed to form an open spray type form.

B. Foliage:

Color (upper surface): 147 A.

Color (lower surface): 147 B.

Shape.--see FIG. 1.

Dark Eyes can be well distinguished from other commercial Chrysanthemum cultivars, including Autumn Eyes (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 712,334 filed Jun. 7, 1991), Definite Eyes (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 712,086 filed Jun. 7, 1991), Quiet Eyes (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 712,052 filed Jun. 7, 1991), Tara (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 6,313), and Vibrant Eyes (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 712,901 filed Jun. 7, 1991). See in this regard the data presented in Table A hereafter. Also, the blossom coloration of Dark Eyes can be readily distinguished from Rave (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 5,738), and Remember (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 5,973) as described and illustrated in the respective U.S. Plant Patents.

Similar traits to the other above-mentioned Eye varieties are capitulum form and type (with the exception of Quiet Eyes which is a flat daisy type), branching pattern, and the distinctly contrasting center of the disc. However, each Eye variety varies in color of the disc and ray florets, making each a unique and different cultivar.

Similar traits to Tara are capitulum form and type, and branching pattern. Dark Eyes generally has more breaks per pinch, more disc florets, and is approximately 4 days slower than Tara. Tara tends to have more flowers per break than Dark Eyes. The coloration of the petals is very different between Tara and Dark Eyes.

                TABLE A                                                     
              Autumn Eyes Dark Eyes   Definite Eyes                            
              flat        flat        flat                                     
              anemone     anemone     anemone                                  
     diameter ca. 3.4 cm  ca. 3.5-6.0 cm                                       
                                      4.0-7.0 cm                               
     across face                                                               
              upright     spreading   upright and                              
     pattern                          spreading                                
              ca. 4.0     4-7         3-5                                      
     height in 6.5                                                             
              30-40 cm    ca. 40 cm   40-52 cm                                 
     in. (16.5 cm)                                                             
     pot with 1-2                                                              
     of B-9                                                                    
     disc floret                                                               
              golden 11 A medium      56 C on the                              
     color    tipped with lavender 75 C                                        
                                      outer petals                             
              dark maroon 59                                                   
                          graduating to                                        
                                      graduating to a                          
              A; eye is dark                                                   
                          a very dark eye                                      
                                      dark purple                              
              maroon 59 A of 77 A; tube                                        
                                      eye of 59 A                              
                          75 C                                                 
     no. disc ca. 171     ca. 145     ca. 255                                  
     length disc                                                               
              ca. 1.0 cm long                                                  
                          1.0-1.5 cm long                                      
                                      up to 2 cm long                          
     ray floret                                                                
              front: golden                                                    
                          front: 75 C front: 69 D                              
     color    yellow 11 A back: 75 C with                                      
                                      back: some 70 C                          
              back: pale  a 77 B stripe                                        
              yellow 11 B down the center                                      
     no. ray  ca. 22      24-27       average of 27.3                          
     shape ray                                                                 
              oblong with oblong with elliptic                                 
     florets  rounded to flat                                                  
                          rounded tip                                          
     length ray                                                                
              1.0-1.5 cm long                                                  
                          up to 2.5 cm                                         
                                      up to 4 cm long                          
     florets              long                                                 
     width ray                                                                 
              0.3-0.5 cm wide                                                  
                          up to 0.75 cm                                        
                                      up to 1.0 cm                             
     florets              wide        wide                                     
     no. flowers/                                                              
              ca. 9.6     average of 5.16                                      
                                      average of 5.3                           
     leaf     front: 147 A                                                     
                          front: 147 A                                         
                                      front: 147 A                             
     color    back: 147 B back: 147 B back: 147 B                              
     leaf length                                                               
              ca. 7.5 cm long                                                  
                          up to 8 cm long                                      
                                      up to 6 cm long                          
     leaf width                                                                
              ca. 5.0 cm wide                                                  
                          up to 4.5 cm                                         
                                      up to 4 cm wide                          
     response time                                                             
              8.5 weeks   8.5 weeks   8.5 weeks                                
              Quiet Eyes  Tara        Vibrant Eyes                             
              flat        flat        flat fresh;                              
     form                             puffy rounded                            
              daisy       anemone     anemone                                  
     diameter 8-10 cm     5.0-6.5 cm  3-4 cm                                   
     across face                                                               
              spreading   spreading   upright to                               
     pattern                          spreading                                
              3-4         3-5         4-5                                      
     height in 6.5                                                             
              ca. 40 cm   ca. 37 cm   42-52 cm                                 
     in. (16.5 cm)                                                             
     pot with 1-2                                                              
     of B-9                                                                    
     disc floret                                                               
              lemon yellow                                                     
                          lemon yellow                                         
                                      from 155 D                               
     color    1 A graduating                                                   
                          10 A        graduating                               
              to a large              toward a dark                            
              green eye of            purple eye of                            
              143 A                   77 A                                     
     no. disc ca. 200     70-120      ca. 125                                  
     length disc                                                               
              1.3 cm long up to 1.5 cm                                         
                                      ca. 1 cm long                            
     florets              long                                                 
     ray floret                                                                
              front: 75 B front: 155 A                                         
                                      light pink to                            
     color    back: 75 D  back: 155 D white;                                   
                                      front: 155 A                             
                                      back: 155 B                              
                                      bright green                             
     no. ray  20-24       15-17       ca. 22                                   
     shape ray                                                                 
              oblong      elliptic    oval with                                
     florets                          rounded tip                              
     length ray                                                                
              up to 4 cm long                                                  
                          up to 3 cm long                                      
                                      up to 1.7 cm                             
     florets                          long                                     
     width ray                                                                 
              up to 1.5 cm                                                     
                          up to 1 cm wide                                      
                                      up to 0.5 cm                             
     florets  wide                    wide                                     
     no. flowers/                                                              
              ca. 5.2     ca. 11.3    ca. 8.4                                  
     leaf color                                                                
              front: 147 A                                                     
                          front: 147 A                                         
                                      front: 147 A                             
              back: 147 B back: 147 B back: 147 B                              
     leaf length                                                               
              up to 10 cm up to 9 cm long                                      
                                      up to 5.0 cm                             
              long                    long                                     
     leaf width                                                                
              up to 5.5 cm                                                     
                          up to 5 cm wide                                      
                                      up to 3.0 cm                             
              wide                    wide                                     
     response time                                                             
              8.2 weeks   8.0 weeks   8.0 weeks                                


1. A new and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum plant, substantially as herein described and illustrated.

Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
PP5738 May 6, 1986 Duffett
PP5973 May 5, 1987 van der Jagt
Patent History
Patent number: PP8244
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 7, 1991
Date of Patent: Jun 1, 1993
Assignee: Fides Beheer B.V. (De Lier)
Inventor: Jack Van Der Knaap (De Lier)
Primary Examiner: Howard J. Locker
Law Firm: Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis
Application Number: 7/712,903
Current U.S. Class: Plt/741
International Classification: A01H 500;