Patents Issued in April 17, 1979
  • Patent number: 4149953
    Abstract: A treating chamber operable as an electrolytic cell is provided, in which the electrodes have large surface areas relative to the volume of the electrolyte. The anode is composed of a quantity of aluminum particles and the cathode is composed of a quantity of iron particles disposed in close proximity to the aluminum. Waste water containing inpurities is introduced into the treating chamber and utilized as the electrolyte. An electric current is applied to the electrodes to dissolve aluminum and iron, and produce floc in the treating chamber. The impurities in the water are adsorbed and retained by the floc. The waste water may be continuously recirculated from the treating chamber to a holding chamber, or may be moved across the aluminum and iron electrodes in a continuous flow-through system at a predetermined flow rate. The floc containing the adsorbed impurities is separated from the water by conventional means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: R. H. Bouligny, Inc.
    Inventor: Stephen A. Rojo
  • Patent number: 4149954
    Abstract: A system, method and apparatus particularly useful in connection with film processing and like systems provides for the separation and removal of metal from a solution such as a fixing bath. The separator apparatus comrises a housing containing anode and cathode elements positioned concentric to each other and to a delivery tube. A distributor means, at the discharge end of the delivery tube, has no moving parts and is formed to induce a swirling helical flow of the metal bearing solution as it is directed thereby to the space between the anode and cathode elements of the separator. A simple block type manifold facilitates the circulation and recirculation of the metal bearing fluid within the separator and the delivery thereby of an essentially "clean" reusable fluid the metal content of which has been removed and left as a relatively hard plating on the cathode element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventor: Terry L. Ransbottom
  • Patent number: 4149955
    Abstract: There is used a structure modified so that the brine-introduction tube is mounted within a larger-diameter tube sealingly mounted in the brine-introduction opening in the side of the cell top, with an orifice member preferably being mounted within an end of the brine-introduction tube nearer to the cell. This makes it possible to avoid unwanted variations in the brine flow rate and to see instantly whether an orifice member is clogged.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: BASF Wyandotte Corporation
    Inventor: Albert J. Schweickart
  • Patent number: 4149956
    Abstract: Relates to anodes for electrolytic cells, for the electrolysis of brine solutions, having primary lead-in means of high conducting capacity (copper) for supplying anodic current to the cell from outside the cell and connected to a current supply source, primary conducting means of lower conducting capacity (titanium, or tantalum or alloys thereof) inside the cell, secondary conducting means of lower conducting capacity (titanium, or tantalum or alloys thereof) inside the cell for conducting current to an electrocatalytically active coating carried on a valve metal base, said electrocatalytic coating being capable of catalyzing halogen ion discharge without becoming passivated over long periods of time, said anodes serving to distribute the current in a cascade fashion from the primary lead-ins to the anode face.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 1973
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Diamond Shamrock Technologies, S.A.
    Inventors: James W. Bess, Sr., Oronzio De Nora, Richard E. Loftfield, Giovanni Trisoglio
  • Patent number: 4149957
    Abstract: An electrophoretic separation apparatus of the type described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,844,926 wherein the means for generating the electric field is constituted by an anode system and a cathode system, said systems being positioned on opposite sides of the annular separation chamber to one another and one or both of said systems comprising a semi-permeable membrane which defines the annular separation chamber, at least in part, and which is supported by a water-permeable resin-bonded cellulose fibre material, means for contacting said material with an electrolyte, and an electrode for supplying an electric current to the electrolyte.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
    Inventors: John A. Gibson, Michael J. Smyth, Derek J. Steptoe
  • Patent number: 4149958
    Abstract: A desalter/dehydrator having a plurality of electrified coalescing stages in a single vessel, wherein the stages are isolated hydraulically to allow parallel or serial stage operations. In one embodiment, several electrical stages, each separately energized, are operated in parallel to proportionately increase vessel throughput capacity. In another embodiment, series operation is employed, wherein each successive stage receives the product from the preceding stage as feed, with fresh water being added. Placement of electrodes, distributors, collectors, etc. are determined by the type of operation to be performed in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Petrolite Corporation
    Inventor: Robert B. Martin
  • Patent number: 4149959
    Abstract: A coal liquefaction chargestock is first treated with a gaseous mixture comprising at least 5 mole percent hydrogen sulfide at a temperature varying from about C. to about C. for at least 8 minutes and thereafter subjected to coal liquefaction conditions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
    Inventors: Roby Bearden, Jr., Clyde L. Aldridge
  • Patent number: 4149960
    Abstract: An improved processing technique is provided for gas oil pour point reduction and dewaxing. The improved technique comprises contacting an appropriate gas oil feedstock with a catalyst comprising a crystalline aluminosilicate zeolite characterized by a silica/alumina mole ratio of at least 12 and a constraint index, hereinafter defined, within the approximate range of 1 to 12 in the presence of a relatively large amount of co-fed water. The amount of co-fed water is maintained at from about 0.5 to about 15 moles of water/mole of gas oil feedstock.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation
    Inventors: William E. Garwood, Philip D. Caesar, James A. Brennan
  • Patent number: 4149961
    Abstract: Hydrocarbons are converted by contacting them at hydrocarbon conversion conditions with an acidic multimetallic catalytic composite comprising a combination of catalytically effective amounts of a platinum or palladium component, a rhodium component, an indium component, and a halogen component with a porous carrier material. The platinum or palladium, rhodium, indium, and halogen components are present in the multimetallic catalyst in amounts respectively, calculated on an elemental basis, corresponding to about 0.01 to about 2 wt.% platinum or palladium metal, about 0.01 to about 2 wt.% rhodium, about 0.01 to about 1 wt.% indium, and about 0.1 to about 3.5 wt.% halogen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: UOP Inc.
    Inventor: George J. Antos
  • Patent number: 4149962
    Abstract: Hydrocarbons are converted by contacting them at hydrocarbon conversion conditions with a novel superactive multimetallic reduced catalytic composite comprising a combination of a catalytically effective amount of an adsorbed rhenium oxide component with a porous carrier material containing a uniform dispersion of a catalytically effective amount of a platinum group component which is maintained in the elemental metallic state. In a highly preferred embodiment, this novel catalytic composite also contains a catalytically effective amount of a halogen component. The platinum group component, adsorbed rhenium oxide component and optional halogen component are preferably present in the multimetallic catalytic composite in amounts, calculated on an elemental basis, corresponding to about 0.01 to about 2 wt.% platinum group metal, about 0.01 to about 5 wt.% rhenium and about 0.1 to about 3.5 wt.% halogen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: UOP Inc.
    Inventor: George J. Antos
  • Patent number: 4149963
    Abstract: By manipulating the degree of stripping of the used or spent catalyst leaving the cracker, the afterburning in a regenerator is controlled both efficiently and rapidly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Phillips Petroleum Company
    Inventor: Paul D. Hann
  • Patent number: 4149964
    Abstract: A method of injecting a hydrocarbon feed into a catalytic conversion zone whereby wall temperatures within the conversion zone are reduced and overcracking of the hydrocarbon feed is minimized.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 5, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: UOP Inc.
    Inventor: David B. Bartholic
  • Patent number: 4149965
    Abstract: A naphtha hydrorefining process is initiated by contacting an olefinic naphtha feed at hydrorefining conditions including a pressure below about 200 psig, with hydrogen and a catalyst that has been partially deactivated by treating a fresh or a regenerated catalyst with a substantially non-metals containing hydrocarbonaceous oil in the presence of hydrogen under conditions sufficient to decrease the hydrogenation activity of the catalyst.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
    Inventors: Lloyd A. Pine, William E. Winter
  • Patent number: 4149966
    Abstract: This invention relates to an improved method of removing elemental sulfur from refined hydrocarbon fuels comprising adding an organo mercaptan compound and a copper compound capable of forming a soluble copper complex with said mercaptan and said sulfur and contacting said fuel with an adsorbent material to remove the copper complex and substantially all of said elemental sulfur.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventors: Joseph P. O'Donnell, John B. Gilbert
  • Patent number: 4149967
    Abstract: A so-called stone picker is provided with an inclined perforated sorting plate upon which the separating operation of stones and the like from grain is effectively made under the reciprocative oscillation of the plate with wind blowing through parrallel slots and parallel to the direction of said oscillation. Unique constructions of slit openings made in the plate are also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 19, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Iony Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Toyojiro Masumoto
  • Patent number: 4149968
    Abstract: When bentonite clays and portland cements are mixed with aqueous solutions or with mixtures containing polluting materials, a solid mass is formed. The quantities of bentonite and cement control the consolidation of materials and govern physical factors, such as the hardness and the chemical characteristics of the resultant material. This resulting product is chemically and physically stable; a solidified product which is almost completely insoluble in water, and in which, pollutants are encapsulated in the matrix so that the waste material is rendered non-polluting and fit for ultimate disposal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventors: Albert R. Kupiec, E. Dennis Escher
  • Patent number: 4149969
    Abstract: A process and a composition for inhibiting corrosion of metal parts in water systems such as in recirculating cooling towers and the like, while additionally suppressing scale formation and inhibiting corrosion of copper and copper-containing alloys which comprises adding and dissolving in the aqueous system, a controlled combination of active constituents in effective amounts comprising as essential constituents, an alkali molybdate salt, a divalent metal cation selected from the group consisting of ZN.sup.++, Mn.sup.++ and Ni.sup.++ ; 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid and the aqueous soluble alkali salts thereof; and an organic agent selected from the group consisting of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and the alkali salts thereof; 1,2,3-benzotriazole, and tolyltriazole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: AMAX Inc.
    Inventors: Dennis R. Robitaille, Mark S. Vukasovich
  • Patent number: 4149970
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for operating a nutrient film plant growth technique so as to minimize the build up of one chemical in the circulating solution without a corresponding build-up of other chemicals, notably nutrient chemicals, therein. For example the feed of nutrient chemicals is in proportion to the feed of water to the solution, or the concentration of non-nutrients is maintained at a low level or discounted when assessing the amount of nutrient to add to the solution to maintain the desired nutrient level.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 11, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Fisons Limited
    Inventors: Peter S. Atkins, Francis N. Wilson
  • Patent number: 4149971
    Abstract: A two-stage process for the separation of tar, from the condensates which result from the cooling of coke oven or generator gas, is disclosed along with the apparatus for carrying out the process. The condensates are first separated in a preliminary stage into a water phase, a tar phase and a thick tar phase. The tar phase is then further dehydrated in a pressure separator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Krupp-Koppers GmbH
    Inventors: Norbert Deuser, Friedrich-Paul Austermuhle
  • Patent number: 4149972
    Abstract: A waste water treating apparatus comprising thin fan-shaped sheets made of an unfoamed synthetic resin and assembled via spacers. A tubular member made of a synthetic resin is inserted through holes in the fan-shaped sheets and holes in the spacers to form an assembly of the sheets. The assembly is radially disposed around a rotating shaft and forms a generally circular rotary body, the tubular member having a metallic core shaft inserted therein, and the core shaft being secured to a frame for holding the rotary body.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Sekisui Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Noboru Iwai, Takashi Okumura
  • Patent number: 4149973
    Abstract: An oil-water mixture is introduced into a horizontal trough which is in a container and has baffles directing flow upwardly toward an opening in the container to a trap on the top of the container. Oil separates from the water as it flows along the baffles and moves by gravity separation up into the trap. An interface sensor in the trap opens an oil outlet from the trap whenever a sufficient quantity of oil accumulates. The water flows down from the upper part of the container through a coalescing filter to a water outlet located in the lower part of the container, being a three-stage separator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 10, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventor: Frank N. Harris
  • Patent number: 4149974
    Abstract: Strainer Apparatus for mounting within a tube, the apparatus comprising a strainer element having a cylindrical body portion and a conical end portion and a retainer having two concentric spaced cylindrical surfaces between which the strainer element is fastened, and a resilient collar containing a multiplicity of openings, said collar having an outside diameter greater than the internal diameter of the tube whereby upon insertion into the tube the collar is compressed forming a tight fit with the tube and holding the strainer apparatus stationary within the tube.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Carrier Corporation
    Inventors: Theodore S. Bolton, Charles N. High
  • Patent number: 4149975
    Abstract: Equal or better adsorbency at lower cost is obtained with a sheet filter of the type having a filtering layer comprised of a supporting layer formed of at least one fibrous material with at least one adsorbent material evenly distributed within the supporting layer, when the adsorbent material consists essentially of .gamma.-aluminum oxide instead of asbestos. A supplementary organic adsorbent material can be incorporated together with an inorganic filler such as kaolin or kieselguhr.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Filtrox-Werk AG
    Inventors: Ernst Keim, Istvan Laczko, Carl Ryffel
  • Patent number: 4149976
    Abstract: The powder for extinguishing fires of liquid substances or of a mixture of liquid substances forming part of the group comprising liquid metals and hydrocarbons contains at least two salts of alkali metals or alkaline earth metals in proportions such as to obtain a composition having a melting point which is lower than the flame temperature of the liquid metal or of the mixture of metals to be extinguished. The powder contains water of crystallization combined with at least one of the salts, the proportion of water being within the range of 1 to 15% of the weight of the powder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignees: Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR)
    Inventors: Marcelline Reuillon, Henry Mellottee, Lucien Alfille, Jacques Duco, Yves Fruchard, Jean-Claud Malet, Andre Chappellier, Bernard Devillers
  • Patent number: 4149977
    Abstract: Fabrics are treated in machine drying apparatus to reduce static electricity carried by the fabrics, soften the fabrics and improve other fabric properties. A reusable dispenser of solid or semi-solid fabric-conditioning agent is placed in the dryer drum and tumbled with the fabrics in the dryer thereby causing some of the fabric-conditioning agent to be transferred to the fabric. The fabric-conditioning agent comprises a fabric conditioner, a softening point modifier, and a viscosity modifier. When the dryer is heated, the heat of the dryer helps cause the fabric-conditioning agent to soften and assist in its distribution over the surface of fabric with which it is brought into tumbling contact.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 10, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Economics Laboratory, Inc.
    Inventors: Stephen A. Morganson, Richard C. Christenson
  • Patent number: 4149978
    Abstract: Textile treatment compositions comprise a water-insoluble cationic fabric softener and C.sub.12 -C.sub.40 hydrocarbon, optionally together with a water-soluble cationic surfactant. In two component systems, the ratio of cationic softener to hydrocarbon is from 5:1 to 1:3. Preferred hydrocarbon materials have from 14 to 18 carbon atoms and with such materials, highly concentrated fabric softeners can be prepared.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: Pierre C. E. Goffinet
  • Patent number: 4149979
    Abstract: Conditioning and water-repellent compositions containing agents for cellulose-containing textiles or leather comprising sulphonylureas of the formula ##STR1## wherein R is alkyl or alkenyl having 10-30 carbon atoms; B is a member selected from the group comprising ##STR2## wherein R.sup.1 is alkyl having 1-4 carbon atoms, R.sup.2 is hydrogen or alkyl having 1-4 carbon atoms and n is 2, 3 or 4;And X is .beta.-halogenoalkyl or alkenyl with 2 to 4 carbon atoms each. Also disclosed are novel sulphonylureas per se and a method of use for sulphonylureas as conditioning and water repellent compositions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 26, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Cassella Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Gustav Hudec, Karl-Heinz Keil, Volker Kohler, Joachim Ribka, Kurt Rosenbusch
  • Patent number: 4149980
    Abstract: Ashless lubricant additive compositions which contain a small but effective amount of overbased aminoguanidine sulfonate, sufficient to impart acid neutralization, antitrust, anticorrosive, dispersant, and detergent properties, are formed by reacting greater than about one mole of aminoguanidine with one mole of a hydrocarbon sulfonic acid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Standard Oil Company (Indiana)
    Inventors: A. Abdul-Malek, C. G. Brannen, W. C. Edmisten
  • Patent number: 4149981
    Abstract: A method for producing plastic and liquid lubricants characterized by conducting a dispersion of the starting components, such as thickeners or reagents for the formation thereof, additives and fillers and base liquids into a vortical bed of ferromagnetic particles formed under the action of a rotating magnetic field.The proposed method makes it possible to reduce the duration of chemical reactions between the dispersed components of lubricants by thousands of times as compared to the known batch processes and by dozens of times as compared to the known continuous processes. The method provides continuous conduction of technological processes with high productivity, reduces by 10-20% specific consumption of expensive components, by 2-3 times the consumption of energy, and allows the process to be conducted at lower temperatures and pressures.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventors: Viktor V. Kafarov, Alexandr V. Kuramzhin, Dmitry M. Bodrov, Evgeny I. Obelchenko, Adolf A. Chernyavsky, Margarita S. Yaschinskaya, Dmitry D. Logvinenko, Oleg P. Shelyakov, Karl L. Tsantker, Larisa B. Gladilina
  • Patent number: 4149982
    Abstract: Extreme pressure additives are provided which are used in lubricant compositions. The extreme pressure additives of this invention are prepared by sulfurizing a mixture comprised of (a) 50-85% by weight of an ester of a higher fatty acid and glycerol, or a mono-lower-aliphatic ester of fatty acid, or mixtures thereof and (b) 50-15% by weight of a mono-alpha-unsaturated olefin having about 15-20 carbon atoms. The extreme pressure additives of this invention are especially useful in improving the high pressure characteristics of greases, gear oils, way lubricants and the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1972
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: The Elco Corporation
    Inventors: Donald A. Lee, John A. Boslett
  • Patent number: 4149983
    Abstract: Compositions of 1,3,5-tris-(furfuryl)hexahydro-s-triazine are useful as antimicrobial agents particularly when added to metal-working compositions subject to fungal and bacterial attack.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Merck & Co., Inc.
    Inventors: Nathaniel Grier, Bruce E. Witzel
  • Patent number: 4149984
    Abstract: A method is disclosed for making a polymer-in-oil solution, useful for improving the viscosity-temperature relationship and low-temperature properties of lubricating oils when added thereto, which method comprises a first step of polymerizing a methacrylic acid ester of an alcohol having 8 to 18 carbon atoms in a solution, in a lubricating oil, of a polyolefin polymer of an olefinic hydrocarbon monomer having 2 to 4 carbon atoms, the oil solution of said polyolefin having a viscosity of less than 15,000 centistokes at C., and then, in a second step, adding further polyolefin polymer of the type defined herein until the total polymer content in the oil solution is from 20 percent to 55 percent by weight of said solution and said methacrylate ester comprises from 50 percent to 80 percent of said polymer content.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Rohm GmbH
    Inventors: Franz Wenzel, Ulrich Schoedel, Heinz Jost, Hans Pilz
  • Patent number: 4149985
    Abstract: Glycol composition useful as antifreeze compositions are prepared containing borates and silicates together with other corrosion inhibitors. The silicates are added to the glycol compositions after the other additives have been added and after the composition has been adjusted to a pH range of 9.5-10.5 in order to give maximum gellation resistance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 5, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: The Dow Chemical Company
    Inventor: David A. Wilson
  • Patent number: 4149986
    Abstract: A toilet bowl cleaner comprising sodium sulphate, urea, a surfactant, water, sodium stearate and a water soluble dye is disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Inventor: David J. Dickson
  • Patent number: 4149987
    Abstract: An oxyalkylated, halogenated product useful in making polyurethane foams is prepared by reacting an epoxide compound with a halogenated aromatic hydroxyl-containing compound (phenol) which is either a monohydroxy or polyhydroxy compound. Said aromatic hydroxyl compound has a hydroxy group attached directly to the aromatic nucleus. By the process of the invention, hydroxyalkylation occurs in the presence of a catalyst selectively active in the predominant oxyalkylation of aromatic hydroxyl groups, said catalyst selected from the group consisting of zinc, magnesium and a zinc or magnesium salt as defined. The reaction mixture can include an aliphatic hydroxyl-containing compound, a neutral phosphorus compound, and aliphatic or aromatic anhydrides or mixtures thereof to enhance the flame-retardant properties of the oxyalkylated product.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: BASF Wyandotte Corporation
    Inventors: Arthur L. Austin, William W. Levis, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4149988
    Abstract: Decomposition of chloroisocyanurates such as trichloroisocyanuric acid or alkali metal dichloroisocyanurates is inhibited by the presence of alkaline earth metal sulfates. The sulfates may be used in compositions with a solid chloroisocyanurate or they may be added separately, for example, to packages containing the chloroisocyanurate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Olin Corporation
    Inventors: James P. Brennan, John M. Casberg, Clair H. Putnam
  • Patent number: 4149989
    Abstract: Infrared-infrared phosphors having a composition represented by the general formulaAB.sub.1-x-y Nd.sub.x Yb.sub.y P.sub.4 O.sub.12wherein A is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Na, K, Rb and Cs, B is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Sc, Y, La, Ce, Gd, Lu, Ga, In, Bi and Sb, and x and y are numbers satisfying the conditions0.05.ltoreq.x.ltoreq.1.00.ltoreq.y.ltoreq.0.95x+y.ltoreq.1.0can be produced in the form of very fine particles and in a high yield by carrying out firing in the presence of a melt comprising a compound of the formulaAPO.sub.3wherein A is as defined above, and in such a specific composition and such a specific temperature range as said phosphor may be crystallized out.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Yasutoshi Kashiwada, Shinkichi Tanimizu, Atsushi Suzuki, Yoshio Furuhata
  • Patent number: 4149990
    Abstract: There are disclosed new solid catalyst-forming components for use in preparing catalysts for the stereoregular polymerization of alpha-olefins containing at least 3 carbon atoms, mixtures of alpha-olefins with one another and/or with ethylene, said components being obtained by reacting(a) at least one hydrocarbon-soluble halogenated Ti compound;(b) a product comprising a Mg dihalide obtained by decomposition of an adduct of at least a Mg dihalide and an electron-donor compound present in the adduct in an amount of at least 0.5 mole per mole of Mg dihalide, the decomposition product being characterized in that, in its X-rays powder spectrum, instead of the diffraction line of maximum intensity which appears in the X-rays powder spectrum of the normal Mg dihalide, a halo appears whose intensity maximum is shifted with respect to said line, and(c) an electron-donor compound which does not contain active hydrogen atoms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignees: Montedison S.p.A., Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd.
    Inventors: Umberto Giannini, Enrico Albizzati, Sandro Parodi
  • Patent number: 4149991
    Abstract: A process for desensitizing a hypersensitive, high activity reforming catalyst for suppression of hydrogenolysis which is particularly acute during the early portion of the period that the catalyst is placed on stream, i.e., at the startup of a reactor. The catalyst is constituted of a composite which includes a Group VIII noble metal hydrogenation-dehydrogenation component, notably platinum, iridium or rhenium, and tellurium. Hydrogenolysis is suppressed by incorporating within such reforming catalyst at the time of its preparation an element, or a compound or salt of tellurium.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
    Inventor: Paul E. Eberly, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4149992
    Abstract: In a method for preparing a phosphorus-vanadium-oxygen catalyst wherein a pentavalent vanadium compound and a trivalent phosphorus compound are brought together in a liquid reaction zone under conditions to provide a substantial amount of tetravalent vanadium and to form a phosphorus-vanadium-oxygen catalyst precursor having a phosphorus to vanadium atom ratio between about 0.9:1 and about 2:1, the improvement of this invention comprises adding a sufficient amount of a surfactant to the liquid reaction zone to form a dispersion which comprises a liquid, the surfactant and a dispersoid of the phosphorus-vanadium-oxygen catalyst precursor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Monsanto Company
    Inventors: Ramon A. Mount, Harold Raffelson, Warn D. Robinson
  • Patent number: 4149993
    Abstract: A process for the hydroisomerization of paraffinic hydrocarbons employing a catalyst composed of a noble metal, alumina and chlorine. The catalyst is prepared by treating a composite of noble metal and alumina with an aluminum compound such as an inorganic or organic salt of aluminum, preferably aluminum nitrate, calcining the treated composite and thereafter contacting the treated composite with a conventional chloride activating agent. By treating and calcining the composite with an aluminum salt, the amount of noble metal retained on the catalyst's surface during chloride activation is maximized enabling high conversions of normal paraffins to isoparaffins to be realized.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Texaco Inc.
    Inventors: Babu Y. Rao, John T. Nolan, Jr., John H. Estes
  • Patent number: 4149994
    Abstract: Granular activated carbon is manufactured from briquettes of about 1".times.2", formed from brown coal, from which iron material has been extracted and which has a moisture content of about 15% by weight, by crushing and screening the pretreated coal briquettes to produce 8/30 mesh granules, treating the granules with a dilute aqueous solution of inorganic acid (H.sub.2 SO.sub.4, H.sub.3 PO.sub.4 or HCl) at a concentration of about 1 to about 10% by weight to reduce the volatile content and thereby increase the fixed carbon content comprising: mixing the granules with the acid, washing off the acid, and drying the granules at least partially to a moisture content below about 25% by weight. In one case the washed granules are dried partially to a moisture content of about 10 to about 25% by weight without the addition of a carbonaceous binder such as coal tar pitch. In the other case the granules are dried thoroughly and mixed with about 5 to about 15% by weight of coal tar pitch.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: The Carborundum Company
    Inventor: Hari N. Murty
  • Patent number: 4149995
    Abstract: Granular activated carbon is manufactured from briquettes of about 1.times. 2" mesh formed from brown coal from which iron material has been extracted and which has a moisture content of about 15% by weight, by crushing and screening the pre-treated coal briquettes to produce 8/30 mesh granules, which are treated by mixing with about 5% by weight of concentrated inorganic acid (H.sub.2 SO.sub.4, H.sub.3 PO.sub.4, or HCl), without the addition of a carbonaceous binder such as coal tar pitch. The so treated granules are ground to form fine powder of more than about 65% by weight -325 mesh powder, more preferably 75 to 85% by weight -325 mesh, which powder has a moisture (including acid) content of about 21% by weight, as a temporary binder, and which powder is compressed into shapes such as pellets of 0.5" diameter and 0.5" long under a pressure of 40,000 to 80,000 psi, and then granulated to obtain 6/20 mesh granules.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: The Carborundum Company
    Inventor: Hari N. Murty
  • Patent number: 4149996
    Abstract: Magnesium chromites promoted with aluminum have been found to be superior to chromia-alumina type dehydrogenation catalysts, for example, in the dehydrogenation of n-butane. The aluminum is either added to the preformed magnesium chromite or is incorporated into the spinel structure of the chromite itself or added in both ways. The aluminum will be present in the catalyst from all sources in an atomic ratio of Al:Cr of 0.0004 to 1.2:1. The atomic ratio will more usually be 0.04 to 0.8:1, Al:Cr.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 1975
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Petro-Tex Chemical Corporation
    Inventor: Harold E. Manning
  • Patent number: 4149997
    Abstract: A catalyst having high activity at a low temperature is obtained by heating rhodochrosite in air at a temperature of C. A catalyst having still higher activity at a low temperature is obtained by mixing rhodochrosite with a specific amount of a specific metal compound and heating the resultant mixture in air at a temperature of C.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Kureha Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Tadashi Araki, Hatsuo Saito, Masayuki Funabashi, Ritaro Saito, Koji Seguchi
  • Patent number: 4149998
    Abstract: This invention relates to a class of heterogeneous catalysts. More particularly, it pertains to catalysts consisting of group VIII metals dispersed on oxide carriers selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Nb and Ta and mixtures thereof, and zirconium titanate and BaTiO.sub.3, it having been discovered that these oxide carriers are capable of exerting remarkable effects on the properties of the Group VIII metals so dispersed. Among the strong effects on the properties of supported Group VIII metals which these carriers have been observed to bring about are the suppression of the capacity of the Group VIII metals to chemisorb hydrogen at room temperature, the suppression of the capacity of the Group VIII metals to chemisorb carbon monoxide at room temperature and profound alterations in the activity and/or selectivity of various Group VIII metals in reactions such as the dehydrocyclization of n-heptane and the hydrogenolysis of ethane.These catalyst compositions which exhibit suppression of H.sub.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
    Inventors: Samuel J. Tauster, Lawrence L. Murrell, Shun C. Fung
  • Patent number: 4149999
    Abstract: An antistatic liquid, and method of use thereof, comprising an ionizable electroconductive polymer, an alcohol and a suitable solvent, for suppressing electrostatic charges which might otherwise develop in certain procedures relating to the manipulation and transport of microspheres, microbeads, or other microscopic particles, as well as the suppression of the reformation of polymers which might otherwise interfere with such procedures.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
    Inventor: John V. Butler
  • Patent number: 4150000
    Abstract: Novel allyl ethers are found to be useful as odor modifying ingredients. The new compounds are particularly useful in the preparation of perfumes and perfume compositions as well as for the manufacture or perfumed articles such as soaps, detergents and household materials in general.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Firmenich Sa
    Inventors: Khurshid P. Dastur, Joseph J. Becker
  • Patent number: 4150001
    Abstract: A built detergent bar has its sogginess reduced by including from 1% to 40% of XHPO.sub.4, wherein X is calcium or magnesium. The presence of silicates assists the phosphate in its action.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Lever Brothers Company
    Inventor: Bishnu P. Sen
  • Patent number: 4150002
    Abstract: Polyamides and polyesteramides having melt viscosities from 25 to 600 Pa.s at C. and useful as melt adhesives for textiles are disclosed, which materials are condensation products formed between (a) a dimerized fatty acid component containing at least 70 percent of dimeric acid; (b) a C.sub.6 -C.sub.13 aliphatic straight-chain co-dicarboxylic acid; (c) a C.sub.6 -C.sub.12 aliphatic straight-chain diprimary diamine; and (d) caprolactam and/or .epsilon.-amincaproic acid; the polyesteramides additionally contain a further component (e) which is caprolactone and/or .epsilon.-hydroxycaproic acid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Schering Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Manfred Drawert, Eugen Griebsch, Wolfgang Imoehl