Patents Issued in March 13, 1984
  • Patent number: 4436150
    Abstract: An inner mandrel extends the full length of the bridge plug, and carries a top sub at its upper end for latching engagement with a conventional overshot to retrieve the plug. A tubular outer mandrel is slidably mounted on the inner mandrel for limited axial sliding movement. A partial central bore in the inner mandrel and coacting ports adjacent the upper ends of the two mandrels provide a valved bypass passage bridging the seal element. External slips are carried in a slip carrier axially fixed to the inner mandrel by shear screws. A tubular setting assembly consisting of a lower top wedge for expanding the external slips, an upper compression member, and an annular elastic seal element disposed for compression between the wedge and compression member, is yieldably secured to the outer mandrel by means of shear pins. Second yieldable shear pins couple the top wedge and compression member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Otis Engineering Corporation
    Inventor: James M. Barker
  • Patent number: 4436151
    Abstract: An apparatus for effecting two stage cementing of well conduits by supplying cement through a smaller diameter tubular member. The apparatus involved provides a tubular assembly attachable to the bottom end of a well conduit. The tubular assembly defines an axial cementing passage through its bottom end. Cementing ports are provided in the tubular assembly above its bottom end to implement the second stage cementing operation. A tubular member is sealingly secured in the upper end of the tubular assembly and valve units are provided between the end of the tubular member and the cementing ports. The lower annular valve unit is selectively releasably positioned in a closed position relative to the radial cement ports. At the conclusion of the first stage of cementing, a first sealing plug is dropped through the tubular member into sealing engagement with the bore of the lower annular valve unit and fluid is applied through the tubular member to shift the lower annular valve unit to an open position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Baker Oil Tools, Inc.
    Inventors: Rudy B. Callihan, Lyndon R. Stone
  • Patent number: 4436152
    Abstract: An improved shifting tool connectable in a well tool string and useful to engage and position a slidable sleeve in a sliding sleeve device in a well flow conductor. The selectively profiled shifting tool keys provide better fit with and more contact area between keys and slidable sleeves. When the engaged slidable sleeve cannot be moved up and the shifting tool is not automatically disengaged, emergency disengagement means may be utilized by applying upward force to the shifting tool sufficient to shear pins and cause all keys to be cammed inwardly at both ends to completely disengage for removal of the shifting tool from the sliding sleeve device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Otis Engineering Corporation
    Inventors: Ernest P. Fisher, Jr., William R. Welch
  • Patent number: 4436153
    Abstract: A method of controlled thermal linking of an injection well and a production well, both penetrating an underground formation, accomplished by injecting oxidant into the annulus of the injection well and fuel into the tubing of an injection well in stoichiometric proportions, and initiating a combustion zone at the production well which propagates along a predictable path in the formation which is a deviated or horizontal portion of the injection well.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 31, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Standard Oil Company
    Inventor: Francis M. Carlson
  • Patent number: 4436154
    Abstract: A method of recompleting or controlling the flow of a formation which is inaccessible through the original wellbore and which is losing valuable hydrocarbons to another formation. A second borehole is formed in close proximity to the first wellbore, and at least the bottom end of the new borehole is slanted until it penetrates the hydrocarbon bearing formation within shooting distance of the bottom end of the first wellbore. A large casing gun is run downhole through the new borehole. All of the shaped charges of the gun are oriented in the same direction. Indexing means are included by which all of the shaped charges of the gun are oriented to fire towards the casing of the first wellbore. After the gun is discharged, cement is pumped down the borehole, through the tunnels formed by the shaped charges, and into the perforations of the wellbore casing, thereby killing the flow of hydrocarbons from the damaged wellbore.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Geo Vann, Inc.
    Inventors: Roy R. Vann, Flint R. George
  • Patent number: 4436155
    Abstract: A well cleanup and completion apparatus and technique. A packer is located downhole in a borehole, and a tool string comprising a one-way vent assembly and a one-way circulating valve assembly is connected above a perforating gun. The tool string is used to run the gun downhole through the packer until the gun arrives at a location adjacent to the formation to be perforated. During this time, the packer assembly must be in a configuration which admits flow from the lower to the upper annulus. Cleaning fluid is circulated down the entire tool string to the one-way circulating valve assembly located immediately above the firing head of the gun, thereby displacing fluid from the lower annulus, and cleaning any debris from the gun firing head. The packer is next closed, the gun detonated, whereupon the formation is perforated and production fluid flows through the perforations, up the lower annulus, into the one-way vent assembly located below the packer, into the tubing, and to the surface of the ground.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: GEO Vann, Inc.
    Inventor: Emmet F. Brieger
  • Patent number: 4436156
    Abstract: A method for placing a foamed treating fluid in the upper portion of a fracture comprising the steps of: (i) introducing a foamed preflush fluid into the fracture; (ii) introducing an inert gas into the fracture to form a flow channel over the foamed preflush fluid located therein and (iii) introducing a foamed treatment fluid into the fracture whereby said treatment fluid is caused to flow through the flow channel over the foamed preflush fluid and enter the upper portion of the fracture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Halliburton Company
    Inventor: Sherman E. Fredrickson
  • Patent number: 4436157
    Abstract: A test assembly is provided for incorporation within a blowout preventer stack above a subterranean well and provides inner and outer latching connections between upper and lower portions of a tubular conduit extendible to a production zone within the well. The test assembly has valve means in the lower conduit portion manipulatable between open and closed positions by a reciprocable actuator to control flow of fluid within the conduit. Retaining means are provided for each of the inner and outer latches to insure that such latches may not be disengaged when the valve means is in other than an open position. The retaining means are operable by either the application of fluid pressure or through mechanical manipulation of the tubing string to be shifted to a non-retaining position relative to both the inner and outer latches, thus permitting selective disconnection and reconnection of the upper and lower portions of the tubular conduit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 7, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Baker International Corporation
    Inventor: Robert T. Brooks
  • Patent number: 4436158
    Abstract: A drill string working tool is provided that may be releasably engaged to and removed from a drill string member. The tool, such as a cylindrical stabilizer body, is positioned around a cylindrical drill string member, the inner diameter of the stabilizer body being greater than the outer diameter of the drill string member, so as to provide an annular cavity between the stabilizer body and the drill string member. A heating element disposed within a protective outer sheath is mounted axially along the inner surface of the stabilizer body. For installation, a low melting point solid material such as zinc or a zinc alloy is poured in to substantially fill the annular cavity. The stabilizer compression preloads the zinc onto the drill string member, and thus the stabilizer body is non-rotatably attached to the drill string member. For removal, the low melting point fill material is removed from the annular cavity by remelting with the interior heating element and pouring out the fill material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Kenneth J. Carstensen
  • Patent number: 4436159
    Abstract: A discharge valve adapted to be affixed to a container housing pressurized fire extinguishing materials. The discharge valve is opened by activating an explosive squib to provide a shock wave which destroys a diaphragm sealing the contents of the fire extinguishing fluid within the container or housing therefor. There are two explosive squibs, one of which may be electrically operated and the other of which may be manually operated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Kidde, Inc.
    Inventor: Blaise Revay
  • Patent number: 4436160
    Abstract: A sprayer spraying liquid or pulverulent substances, particularly fire-extinguishing or fire-inhibiting substances, comprises a tank adapted to hold the substance to be sprayed, a sprayhead, a rising pipe extending from said tank to said sprayhead, and a pressure vessel, which contains a gaseous fluid and communicates through a shutoff valve with the tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Franz Ragailler
  • Patent number: 4436161
    Abstract: A soil cultivating implement having an elongated frame portion which extends substantially horizontally perpendicular to the direction of travel of the implement mounts a side plate at each lateral end. The frame portion carries a row of rotary tined soil working members and the side plates can move upwardly and downwardly to cooperate with the adjacent soil working members and a rear supporting roller. In order to prevent the formation of the stream of soil produced by this cooperation into a ridge, the side plate comprises a rim having a lower substantially horizontal ground-engaging portion and also comprises a rear surface that is bent over inwardly towards the center of the implement to deflect the stream of soil towards the neighboring end of the following ground roller when the implement is in operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Cornelis van der Lely
  • Patent number: 4436162
    Abstract: An implement attachment for the front end of a tractor comprises a tractor frame having transporting wheels and a frame device fixedly carried by the tractor frame, which extends parallel to the direction of transport. The frame device projects forwardly beyond the front end of the tractor. An actuating linkage movably carried by the tractor and also projects forwardly thereof and in combination with the frame device carries a three point hitch, one of the three points being on the linkage and the other two being on the frame device. The two hitch points are horizontally spaced transversely of the tractor and the one hitch point is disposed above such two hitch points. A conventional three point hitch can be connected to the three hitch points and manipulated by means of the actuating linkage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Michael J. Seibert
  • Patent number: 4436163
    Abstract: A power operated tool includes a prime mover, an output member and a power transmission mechanism arranged to transmit rotary motion of the prime mover to a reciprocatory output member. The power transmission mechanism includes a first member mounted for reciprocating motion, a link coupled at one end to the first member, and a second member mounted for rotation about an axis transverse to the path of reciprocating motion of the first member. The arrangement is such that rotation of the second member reciprocates the first member and also imparts a cyclic partial rotation to the first member during said reciprocation. The second member has a bore therein spaced from the axis of rotation and inclined there towards. The bore has an axis which intersects the axis of rotation at an angle of about one quarter of the angle through which the first member partially rotates.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Black & Decker Inc.
    Inventor: Frank F. Simpson
  • Patent number: 4436164
    Abstract: A lubrication failure detection system for utilization with an earth boring drilling system having at least one rotary drill bit coupled to a drill string, the drill string having an internal passage adapted to receive drilling fluid under pressure. A lubrication reservoir is disposed near said rotary drill bit and coupled to bearing surfaces within said rotary drill bit by a lubrication passageway. A flexible membrane separates the lubrication reservoir from drilling fluid within the annulus formed by the rotary drill bit and distends inward in response to the pressure of the drilling fluid. The distention of the membrane forces lubricant into the lubrication passageway and when the membrane has distended to a selected point, the membrane actuates a mechanism which opens an orifice into the internal passage of the drill string, thereby abruptly decreasing the pressure of the drilling fluid within the drill string.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Globe Oil Tools, Inc.
    Inventor: Lloyd L. Garner
  • Patent number: 4436165
    Abstract: A method for enhancing the recovery of liquid products from a wellbore having at least one laterally extending drain hole wellbore extending therefrom, wherein a portion of the primary wellbore near the drain hole wellbore and a portion of the drain hole wellbore itself are completely filled with a hardenable material and the hardened material is then re-drilled leaving an outer layer of hardened material to line the primary wellbore and part of the drain hole wellbore so that gas cannot prematurely cone into the primary wellbore, thereby enhancing liquid recovery by way of the unlined portion of the drain hole wellbore before any gas reaches the drain hole wellbore.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 2, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Atlantic Richfield Company
    Inventor: Leonard W. Emery
  • Patent number: 4436166
    Abstract: A drilling sub is provided in a drill string above a drill bit. The drilling sub includes a nozzle oriented to eject drilling fluid from said drill string into an annulus between the drill string and a well bore hole at an elevation above the drill bit with a horizontal velocity component tangential to said annulus to thereby impart a swirling motion to drilling fluid in the annulus. This creates a vortex extending down to the drill bit to enhance the cleaning of cuttings from the bore hole and to reduce a pressure differential thereby increasing a penetration rate of the drill bit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 1980
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Gill Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Asadollah Hayatdavoudi, Ladd M. Adams
  • Patent number: 4436167
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for excavating pile holes of various shapes, including a pile hole with a widened bottom and a pile hole with a widened top and widened bottom, by means of an excavating bit and widening bits.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 30, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Okumura Corporation
    Inventors: Masakazu Masuda, Hironori Matsumoto
  • Patent number: 4436168
    Abstract: The present invention provides an electrically powered system for advancing a rotary boring tool in situations where the inclination of the bore hole is such that the force of gravity does not provide sufficient forward thrust. One or more marine screw propellers are rotated by the motor which itself is restrained from rotation by being fixedly connected to a flexible, twist resistant conduit for conducting the drilling fluid and electric power from the surface. The system may also provide for different rotative speeds for propeller and bit and for counter-rotating propellers to minimize torque forces on the conduit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Newton B. Dismukes
  • Patent number: 4436169
    Abstract: An elevating and tilting mechanism for a crane cab having a sub-frame mounted to the upper works, a pair of outer arms pivotally connected to the sub-frame and to the platform, a central inner arm pivotally connected to the sub-frame and the platform to form a parallelogram linkage. A pair of elevating rams connected between the cab frame and the outer arms. A cab is pivotally mounted at its rear to the platform and has a pair of hydraulic tilting rams connected between the platform and the cab.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: FMC Corporation
    Inventors: Dennis A. Jennerjohn, Lyle B. Jensen
  • Patent number: 4436170
    Abstract: An externally mechanically track-guided vehicle, especially for the public local passenger traffic, which is equipped with a vehicle axle having steerable wheels and with support arms arranged at the wheel hubs of the steerable wheels and extending forwardly in the driving direction on one side of a respective hub. Cross-guide rollers for automatically influencing the deflection angle of the steerable wheels are provided at the forward end of each support arm which are located in front of the steerable wheels, as viewed in the driving direction. The support arms are constructed as bending-rigid as possible under elimination of elasticities or yieldingnesses while the metallic cross-guide rollers are provided with a solid rubber tread.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 1978
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Herbert Mehren, Ferdinand Panik
  • Patent number: 4436171
    Abstract: A power-assisted steering device for a vehicle. The two parts (13A and 13B) of the steering column have the limited relative angular play permitting an angular offset of the rotor discs (23A, 23B) of the distributor (21). The parts (13A and 13B) are coupled by a torsion bar (52). An annular sealing gasket (70) is engaged in the perforation (50) of at least one of the parts (13A and 13B) round the main portion (53) of the torsion bar (52) and is applied against a widened head (56) of this torsion bar (52). The torsion bar (52) has, between the main portion (53) and the widened head (56), a fillet (57) against which the annular sealing gasket (70, 70') wedges itself. In this way, perfect leak-tightness is provided between the distributor (21) and the outside environment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: VALEO
    Inventor: Patrice Bertin
  • Patent number: 4436172
    Abstract: A motorcycle having an engine with a turbo-supercharger in which the engine is mounted on a body frame between front and rear wheels. A first and a second muffler are disposed on the opposite sides of the rear wheel. An exhaust pipe extending from the engine is connected to the first muffler. The supercharger has a turbine disposed in the exhaust pipe so that it is driven by exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust pipe. A waste pipe is branched from the exhaust pipe at a position upstream of the turbine and is connected to the second muffler for discharging a part of exhaust gas while bypassing the turbine. With this arrangement, layout of the exhaust system can be effected neatly to provide a good appearance as well as a good balance in weight-distribution and in banking angle of the motorcycle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Kazuo Inoue, Tsuneo Otsuka
  • Patent number: 4436173
    Abstract: An improvement in a shaft drive apparatus which is an outer casing extending over and liquid-tightly enclosing a torque damper on a propeller shaft which interconnects the output shaft of an internal combustion engine to a bevel gear mechanism on the rear wheel of a motorized two-wheeled vehicle. The casing is attached to the propeller shaft to rotate therewith. An outer covering can cover a universal joint which interconnects the torque damper and the input shaft of the bevel gear mechanism. The outer cover extends over and liquid-tightly surrounds the universal joint and engages the outer casing and has its interior in communication with an interior of the outer casing. The interior of the bevel gear casing can also communicate with the interior of the outer casing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Hirotake Takahashi
  • Patent number: 4436174
    Abstract: In a vehicle wherein a rear wheel is supported by a power unit which comprises an integral combination of an engine and a transmission case incorporating a transmission mechanism and which is suspended from a rear part of a vehicle body frame through a damper, a power unit supporting device which supports the power unit for swinging motion at an intermediate portion of the vehicle body frame. The power unit supporting device comprises a front bracket fixed to the vehicle body frame, a rear bracket pivotably connected to the power unit, and leaf spring members having the front and rear ends thereof fixed to the front and rear brackets, respectively, and which cross each other to define substantially an X-shape in side elevation. The power unit supporting device has a relatively high rigidity in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle and in the right and left torsional direction and a relatively low rigidity in the vertical direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Akira Morisono
  • Patent number: 4436175
    Abstract: A front engine - front wheel drive automobile having an engine located transversely of the automobile body and a differential gear unit which is sidewardly offset from the longitudinal center line of the automobile body. A left and right drive shafts extend from the differential gear unit to a left and right front wheels and have different lengths so that the drive shafts are inclined with respect to a horizontal plane by different angles. The wheel which is connected with the drive shaft with a larger inclination angle has a larger camber angle than the other wheel. The arrangement is effective to decrease the difference between turning moments about the left and right king pin axes due to the difference in inclination angles of the driving shafts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kenichi Watanabe, Takashi Sumimoto
  • Patent number: 4436176
    Abstract: A delayed vehicle starter (DVS) that prevents a motor vehicle from being started and driven away before the driver has observed and determined that there are no persons or objects in the vicinity of the vehicle that may cause an impact. To preclude such an impact the driver must sequentially depress a series of switches, strategically located at the front and rear of the vehicle, within a preset time before the vehicle can be started. If the driver successfully performs the required sequential steps the DVS enables the vehicle ignition system allowing the vehicle engine to be started. Once started, the vehicle must then be moved for a predetermined distance within the preset time or the DVS will disable the vehicle ignition system. To restart the vehicle after the ignition system is disabled the required sequential steps must be restarted from the beginning.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventors: Albert O. Cota, Dean C. Obray
  • Patent number: 4436177
    Abstract: An operator cab for an over-the-road truck includes a forward disposed driver's compartment and a separate equipment control station disposed rearwardly of the driver's compartment. The control station includes a control panel disposed below a window in the rear wall of the cab. The cab provides standing head room at the control station whereby equipment on board the truck may be monitored and controlled from the control station and instrumentation on the driver's compartment instrument panel may also be viewed by the operator at the control station. A combination bunk and operator's seat is disposed across the interior of the cab between the driver's compartment and the control station and, together with foldable curtains disposed within the interior of the cab, defines a convertible sleeping compartment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 19, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Hydra-Rig, Inc.
    Inventor: Thomas L. Elliston
  • Patent number: 4436178
    Abstract: The invention relates to a housing loudspeaker which in addition to the loudspeaker opening has a further opening in its outer wall of the housing. Components are provided in the inner space between the loudspeaker and the opening which should eliminate the sound emitted into the inside by the loudspeaker. For a surprising effective elimination of the sound and a corresponding capacity increase of the loudspeaker a consistent filling of a cross sectional face in the box intermediary space is provided which is composed of two partial faces with mutual components of different functions. One of the partial faces is designed as a large face and consists of a flow tight finishing of an elastically vibrating braced mass, for which a plate combination is used in particular. The other partial face is designed of a smaller face and consists of a flow opening which, however, is closed with a layer of granulated or transversely directed thread like material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Hans-Joachim Gieger
  • Patent number: 4436179
    Abstract: A noise control apparatus for reducing a sound volume of a noise propagating from a noise source such as a railroad includes a sound arresting wall placed apart from the noise source. Means for shifting in phase and refracting the acoustic wave of the noise is disposed at substantially the top of the noise arresting wall. The above means, for example, has a plurality of passageways extending substantially along the propagating direction of the acoustic wave of the noise and the length of the passageways varies. Through the above means, a part of the acoustic wave from the noise source is refracted and the phase thereof is shifted to be a refracted propagating sound, which thereafter interferes with the other part of the acoustic wave directly from the noise source to thereby reduce a sound volume to a great extent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignees: Japanese National Railways, Bridgestone Tire Company Limited
    Inventors: Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Norihisa Taniguchi, Kazuyoshi Iida, Yoshikazu Kondo
  • Patent number: 4436180
    Abstract: A method and a device for pivoting an accommodation ladder from a stowing position on a ship's deck to an active position outside the ship's side by means of at least one davit (17) and a pulley (21) for the operating wire (22) of the ladder, said pulley being pivotably mounted at the davit. The pulley is pivoted between two positions admitting the center of gravity of one ladder to pass the vertical line through the pivot axle (14) of the ladder when the ladder by means of the operating wire (22) is pivoted from stowing and active position resp. The pivoting of the pulley (21) is achieved by means of a member (27), e.g. a wire transmitting a pull to the pulley caused by the weight of the ladder during the downward movement thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: AB Welin
    Inventor: Per Nilsson
  • Patent number: 4436181
    Abstract: An escape system (10) for lowering a user mounted thereon in a vertical direction (12) at a predetermined rate of descent responsive to a user applied force in predetermined areas on a seat member (22). The escape system (10) includes a mounting bar member (16) which extends in a longitudinal direction (18). The mounting bar member (16) is secured to a base surface (14) which may be a wall of an edifice, or some other vertically directed surface. A seat member (22) extends in the longitudinal direction (18) which provides containment or a seat for the user. A pair of first and second pulley members (32 and 34) are displaceably coupled to the seat member (22) through a rope element (36) passing between first and second pulley members (32 and 34) and cooperating with seat member (22).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: David Gutman
  • Patent number: 4436182
    Abstract: The apparatus comprises a reversible conveyor disposed between a deflection station and an access slot. The deflection station allows the dispensing of an empty envelope from a magazine 11 towards the conveyor and the deposition of an envelope containing valuables from the conveyor into a drawer. The apparatus further comprises a printing device at an intermediate position along the length of the conveyor for printing data serially on the envelope during its transfer to the drawer. This is disposed in a safe and is of the sealed type, including two motor driven rollers for inserting the envelope into the drawer. The rollers can be locked in such a way as to close the access to the drawer when the drawer is open. The apparatus is controlled by a microprocessor in two way communication with a central control unit of the apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 14, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A.
    Inventors: Lucio Simonotti, Carlo Motta
  • Patent number: 4436183
    Abstract: A lift apparatus for use in material handling characterized by a self-propelled and steerable chassis which mounts a pair of laterally spaced multi-stage mast assemblies for raising and lowering a lift carriage, and a stabilization torsion bar system actuatable by the mast assemblies for maintaining the lift carriage in a horizontal plane during such operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Victor R. Laurich-Trost
  • Patent number: 4436184
    Abstract: An elevator system including an elevator car having an electromechanical door restraint mechanism which prevents the forceable opening of an elevator car door by passengers when the elevator car stops outside a predetermined zone adjacent to a floor level, at least to an extent which would enable passenger exit from the car.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
    Inventors: John G. Dorman, Anthony M. Balbo, Charles E. Randall, Robert A. Sette
  • Patent number: 4436185
    Abstract: A method of reinitializing an elevator system upon the return to service of an elevator car following the occurrence of an event which could result in the car stopping in the hatch without regard to floor level. The method includes the steps of determining if the elevator car is within a predetermined small distance from any floor, and if it is, the advanced car position is set to that floor. If the elevator car is not within this predetermined distance from a floor, the advanced car position is set to the closest floor in a predetermined travel direction, such as the travel direction of the car at the time of the event which terminated normal operation. The car is then moved to a predetermined floor, which is the floor of the advanced car position when there are no registered hall calls, and the floor of a predetermined car call, or hall call, where there is a registered call.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
    Inventors: Richard H. Ludwig, Wing C. Quan, Alan L. Husson, Linus R. Dirnberger, Marjorie J. Polis
  • Patent number: 4436186
    Abstract: A disc brake includes a caliper assembly (12) cooperating with a pair of friction elements ((14, 16) to brake a rotor (10). A pin assembly (30) supports the caliper assembly (12) and includes a bolt (34) defining an axial spacing for a sleeve (36) which engages the caliper assembly (12) via a resilient bushing (32). The sleeve is permitted to move axially through a clearance (62) with each brake application and a spring (38) biases the sleeve and caliper to always retract through the clearance upon termination of braking.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: The Bendix Corporation
    Inventors: Irving R. Ritsema, James J. Colpaert
  • Patent number: 4436187
    Abstract: A disc brake assembly includes a torque plate (14) with a radial portion (16) and an axial portion (18). The axial portion (18) defines a pair of arms (22,24) with slots (28,32) receiving pin assemblies (36,38). One of the pin assemblies defines a slot (60 or 62) and the torque plate (14) defines a slot (84) to releasably lock a spring (50) in engagement with the pin assembly (36).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: The Bendix Corporation
    Inventors: Daniel L. Bolenbaugh, John R. Wegh
  • Patent number: 4436188
    Abstract: A controlled motion apparatus capable of at least three degrees of freedom, such as apparatus for vibration testing of equipment, comprises a support suspended from a reaction mass by three anti-rotation, linear motion displacement actuator devices each extending and movable along one axis of an XYZ coordinate system. Each actuator may be independently activated to cause the support to undergo simultaneously controlled motion along the three axes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Cecil R. Jones
  • Patent number: 4436189
    Abstract: A lightweight traveling bag having a garment bag portion, side bag compartment portions and a briefcase compartment portion, all fabricated from flexible fabric and all of which compartments are releaseably attached to the outsides of the garment bag portion for selective use in various combinations, wherein the garment bag portion with the side bag compartments and briefcase compartment attached can be folded lengthwise to assume the size and appearance of a composite piece of hand luggage for convenient carrying. The garment bag assembly can be released for unfolding to its full length for hanging in the garment bag compartment while traveling in a commercial aircraft or for hanging in an ordinary closet, a hook being provided at the upper end of the garment bag portion for this purpose.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: Frank Baum
  • Patent number: 4436190
    Abstract: A drum-type apparatus for feeding and retrieving electrical signal cable, having an intermediary reel and cable arrangement for preventing torsional cable stresses anywhere between the drum and the output circuitry. The reel is coaxially mounted with the drum, and rotates simultaneously therewith. A ribbon cable is coiled in layers around the reel, and has one end connected to the tail end of the signal cable such that the connection rotates in unison with the drum and reel. Preferably, a housing is provided around the reel to maintain the concentricity of the ribbon cable layers. As the drum rotates, the average effective diameter of the ribbon cable coil changes without causing torsional stresses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 29, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Combustion Engineering, Inc.
    Inventor: Timothy H. Wentzell
  • Patent number: 4436191
    Abstract: A vehicle hand operated engine throttle and brake control system has a dash-mounted and operator actuated pivotable tubular control arm with a rotary knob on its outer end. A cable has a first end being drivingly connected to the knob on the control arm and a second end connected to a throttle on the vehicle carburetor so that rotation of the knob controls the carburetor.A vacuum operated power assist means is connected to the cable for aiding in movement of the cable against the force of the throttle spring and for maintaining the cable in any given position of adjustment. A rod connects the control arm to the brake on the vehicle so that pivotal movement of the control arm controls the vehicle brakes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: William E. Perry
  • Patent number: 4436192
    Abstract: A ribbon drive clutch comprises a stepper motor which has an output shaft on which there is mounted a clutch plate and a pair of cams. A plurality of pawls are each pivotally mounted on the clutch plate and are disposed to engage the first cam for rotation with the output shaft responsive to rotation of the output shaft in a first direction and disposed to engage the second cam for rotation with the output shaft responsive to rotation of the output shaft in a second direction. A first cam follower is disposed for operation of a ribbon drive linkage to drive a first ribbon responsive to rotation of the first cam and a second cam follower is disposed for operation of a ribbon drive linkage to drive a second ribbon responsive to rotation of the second cam.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: SCM Corporation
    Inventor: Scott J. Longrod
  • Patent number: 4436193
    Abstract: The present invention deals with a variable pulley transmission assembly operable between a prime mover and a driven means. The assembly includes input and output pulleys each with a movable sheave, where the pulleys are connected by a flexible belt, a fluid-actuated and fluid cooled starting clutch, a forward-reverse-neutral gear arrangement and a differential drive system connected to the driver means. The system also includes a control system to control the fluid actuated clutch and the movable sheaves. The clutch includes a deeply grooved pattern to provide adequate cooling with low pressure oil before its return to sump. This assembly provides a slippable clutch that acts analogously to a fuse under certain conditions to avoid excess loads to the belt means and also to provide lower operating pressure limits on the movable sheave maintaining belt tension. The clutch further provides a low end lugging limit slip to thereby avoid "torsionals" being transmitted past the clutch.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Borg-Warner Corporation
    Inventor: Richard L. Smirl
  • Patent number: 4436194
    Abstract: A coin operated delivery system for manual dispensing of products from vending machines. The system, being manually operable and of relatively simple construction, is intended for use in low volume sales locations where the use of large expensive electrically operated vending machines cannot be justified because of insufficient sales volume. The system comprises an elongated open top horizontal channel in which is disposed an elongated helix of substantially the same length. The coils of the helix are widely spaced apart to receive the individual items of product to be dispensed between the adjacent coils. The helix is linked to a rotatable coin receiver mechanism. Upon insertion of a coin, the coin receiving mechanism and the helix may be rotated through one full rotation to force the unit of product contained in the outermost coil of the helix to be discharged from the channel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 3, 1983
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Inventor: James O. Hanley
  • Patent number: 4436195
    Abstract: An improved coin chute is disclosed which incorporates a diameter gauging dog which is capable of tilting and lateral shifting whereby it actively seeks out a peripheral gap in a coin socket created by an undersize coin and penetrates deeply into said socket so as to arrest movement of the coin chute slide. Also disclosed is a novel arrangement of coin tilting mechanism and an abutment member which cooperatively operate to prevent further forward motion of the slide, or to strip a coin from a strip of tape intended to defeat the discharge or depositing of the coin and thereby permit retrieval of the coin by the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Reed Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Donald C. Schmitt, Melvin J. Harvill
  • Patent number: 4436196
    Abstract: The invention relates to a coin validator for use in a micro-processor controlled call coin box telephone instrument. The validator comprises first and second coil sets driven by square wave interrogation pulses. The arrangement of the coils is such that when a coin is in the coin-runway of the call coin box, one coil pair is used to interrogate the coin in the runway while the other coil pair provides environmental conditions apertaining to the runway. The information generated by both coil sets is combined thereby compensating for environmental changes and drift. Information pertaining to the relative response times of the secondary coils is then used to determine coin validity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Plessey Overseas Limited
    Inventors: Malcolm Crisp, Christopher Lewis
  • Patent number: 4436197
    Abstract: An apparatus for orienting a plurality of articles with a head and a shank. An elevator dumps the articles onto a track having a pair of laterally spaced apart rails which slope downwardly so that articles can slide toward the lower end of the track. Some of the articles fall off the track, others assume a desired orientation with their heads bearing on the rails and their shanks depending therebetween, and the remainder begin to slide down the track in other orientations. A gate associated with the track permits only those articles in the desired orientation to continue sliding down the track and prevents all the articles in other orientations from going past the gate. To remove the misoriented articles, a discharge section of the track immediately upstream from the gate is moved intermittently so that the articles fall off this section of the track.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 15, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Clyde Corporation
    Inventor: Murdo A. MacDonald
  • Patent number: 4436198
    Abstract: Existing conveyor belt rip detection systems presently incorporate a synchronous detector circuit for increasing the rejection of electrical noise. In order for the detector circuit to work at peak efficiency, the input signal occurring when an antenna is over the detector probes must be tuned in phase with the reference signal. The circuit to effect such tuning includes a light emitting diode as an indicator for determining the optimum phase tuning of the oscillator signal through the probes and antennae to a related synchronous detector for achieving maximum signal to noise ratio. A thumb wheel switch is employed to shift the phase of one of the signals with respect to the other to effect the tuning while the light emitting diode is utilized to detect when the thumbwheel switch has shifted the signals into an optimum synchronous relationship.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: The B. F. Goodrich Company
    Inventors: Robert J. Houck, Kevin J. King
  • Patent number: 4436199
    Abstract: In apparatus for transferring articles through a series of processing stations, a multistroke feed mechanism is operatively connected to a feed member which reciprocates for causing the transfer of the articles. The multistroke feed mechanism comprises a set of disc cams having lobes of different radii and splined to a camshaft for joint rotation therewith and sliding motion in its axial direction. A cam follower lever is arranged for abutment against any selected one of the disc cams thereby to be oscillated through a corresponding angle. For causing the axial sliding motion of the disc cams over the camshaft, a sleeve is fitted over the camshaft and secured to the cams for axial motion therewith. Formed between the camshaft and the sleeve are a pair of opposed fluid chambers for moving the sleeve to any desired position where a selected one of the disc cams is engaged by the cam follower lever.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1982
    Date of Patent: March 13, 1984
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Komatsu Seisakusho
    Inventors: Kiyokazu Baba, Kenji Nishida