Patents Issued in February 13, 2001
  • Patent number: 6186328
    Abstract: A light weight low depth nestable tray for containers comprising an open lattice floor structure and a wall structure that is contoured to reduce the amount of material used for the tray. The wall structure comprises a plurality of columns interconnecting the floor to a band that is generally spaced above the floor and extends around the periphery. The band is contoured at a number of points along the periphery of the tray to reduce the number of columns as compared to the prior art trays which generally have columns at each of the corners and along the end walls and side walls. The reduction in the number of columns reduces the weight of the tray and therefore is more economical. The contour is V-shaped and the band actually connects directly to the floor at those points. The contoured wall structure provides a lighter tray that can be stacked, nested and handled in the same way as prior trays and while maintaining the structural integrity of the bulkier, heavier trays.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 19, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Rehrig Pacific Company
    Inventor: William P. Apps
  • Patent number: 6186329
    Abstract: An improved post made of multiple sheets of paper for supporting and cushioning a product. The sheets are joined end to end and wound into a tubular shape having a strong-weak-strong profile in the transverse direction. The ends of the sheets are joined together in such a way that the post has a uniform wall thickness.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 27, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Sonoco Development, Inc.
    Inventor: Yanping Qiu
  • Patent number: 6186330
    Abstract: A shock absorber which is put in a storage box, including: a main body portion having an accommodation portion on which a product to be accommodated in the storage box is put; at least one shock absorption portion which is provided to the main body portion and supports the product put on the accommodation portion; and a shock absorption guide portion which is provided to the main body portion and guides the shock absorption portion when the shock absorption portion is deformed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventor: Naomi Yoshimura
  • Patent number: 6186331
    Abstract: A container for receiving a detesting dust article and transporting thereof, which is mounted on a loader disposed in a border portion between a high cleanliness room and a low cleanliness room, including means by the use of which a cover thereof is opened and closed by an opener mechanism to communicate and shut the opening portion thereof and the high cleanliness room.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 24, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignees: Dainichi Shoji K.K., Rorze Corporation
    Inventors: Mineo Kinpara, Toshio Ishikawa
  • Patent number: 6186332
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a compact disc (CD) and booklet display stand that enables a plurality of such CDs and booklets to be stored for convenient access, such as in a desktop environment. The display stand mounts a plurality of CD/booklet holders to a stand that places the holders for convenient access by a user. Some embodiments of the display stand may be folded for secure transportation or storage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Discom Technologies, LLC
    Inventor: Jeff Combs
  • Patent number: 6186333
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method for controlling a multi-step screening apparatus (1), the method comprising controlling other accept, reject and dilution flows in relation to the flow measured in the accept channel (7a) of the first screening step (3a). Thus a simpler control unit (9) can be used and accept of higher quality can be obtained than before. The invention further relates to an apparatus for controlling a multi-step screening apparatus (1), said apparatus comprising a control unit (9) arranged to measure the flows of all accept, reject and dilution water channels (7a-7c, 5a, 5b, 11a, 11b) and to adjust the flow of the other channels on the basis of the flow of the accept channel of the first step.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valment Corporation
    Inventors: Jouko Hautala, Juhani Valli, Timo Vuorinen, Jorma Petäjistö
  • Patent number: 6186334
    Abstract: In a method of screening bulk material, a gas is conducted in counterflow to a direction of movement of bulk material for separating the bulk material into a fraction of coarse particles and a fraction of fine particles. In order to limit the amount of coarse particles in the outgoing fraction of fine particles, the amount of coarse particles contained in the fraction of fine particles is measured and compared with a desired value. When encountering a deviation of the measured the amount of coarse particles contained in the fraction of fine particles form the desired value, the energy of gas is so controlled as to match the amount of coarse particles contained in the fraction of fine particles with the desired value.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Waeschle GmbH
    Inventors: Heinrich Dohmann, Hans-Heinrich Westendarp
  • Patent number: 6186335
    Abstract: A improved process for beneficiating kaolin clays to remove discoloring impurities is disclosed. The beneficiation of kaolin clay is improved by fractionating a kaolin clay starting material into a lower brightness first fraction having a majority of the discoloring impurities and a higher brightness second fraction with less impurities. The first fraction is then beneficiated (such as by flotation, selection flocculation, high intensity magnetic separation and/or leaching) to produce a kaolin clay product with improved optical properties. The first and second fractions may be combined to produce a product with improved optical properties.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Thiele Kaolin Company
    Inventors: Lee Ann Arrington-Webb, Robert A. Lowe, Chris B. Maxwell, Prakash B. Malla, Amy C. Semratedu, Cesar I. Basilio
  • Patent number: 6186336
    Abstract: A dredge includes a primary grizzly with a sieve for separating dredged material initially into recoverable and discharge portions. A second or auxiliary grizzly and sieve are also provided on a chute extending from the primary grizzly to further remove remaining recoverable material from the portion of material discharged from the primary grizzly. A gate is provided for selectively opening and closing access to the auxiliary grizzly depending upon the make-up of the material discharged from the top of the primary grizzly. The combination of the primary and auxiliary grizzly provide for increased efficiency and effectiveness in recovering a larger percentage of recoverable material from a water-based dredging operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Jochen Rohr
  • Patent number: 6186337
    Abstract: A new screen has been invented for use with vibratory screening apparatuses which has, in certain aspects, a base, a first screen on the base, and a scalping screen on the first screen, the first screen assembly including a corrugated screen having alternating crests and valleys, and the second screen assembly secured to the crests of the corrugated screen, and cushion members disposed between the first and second screen assemblies, the corrugated screen of the first screen assembly having first end openings beneath valleys on two sides thereof, and end plugs within the first end openings to sealingly close off the end openings to fluid flow. The present invention has other embodiments disclosed herein from. A screening apparatus or shale shaker and methods of their use have been invented that use such screens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Tuboscope I/P, Inc.
    Inventors: Thomas C. Adams, Loyd R. King
  • Patent number: 6186338
    Abstract: A self-propelled material-processing apparatus (10) comprises a chassis (12), an engine (13) mounted on the chassis near the forward end thereof, and endless tracks (14) permanently supporting the chassis (12) and power-operated by the engine (13). A supply conveyor (18) has a material-receiving end (15) which projects forwardly of the forward end of the chassis (12) and an opposing upper discharge end (21). A material processing device (11), e.g., a screen box, is mounted directly or indirectly on the chassis (12) generally above the rear end of the chassis (12). The material processing device is arranged to receive material from the discharge end (21) and is configured for movement between an operative position and a transport position. The weight of the apparatus, when in the operative position, is generally balanced by the engine (13) and forward end (15) of the conveyor (18) at the forward end of the chassis and the screen (11) and discharge conveyor (121) at the rear of the chassis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 4, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Patrick Joseph Douglas
  • Patent number: 6186339
    Abstract: A device for processing accepted banknotes uses a processing junction with banknote accumulators arranged on either side thereof and a banknote vault or stacker located at one end of the processing junction. A banknote dispensing outlet is associated with the banknote accumulators for receiving previously accumulated banknotes which are dispensed through the outlet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 25, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Cashcode Company
    Inventors: Leon Saltsov, Sergiy Bukhman, Oleksandr Onipchenko
  • Patent number: 6186340
    Abstract: A drum filter comprises a pair of circular disks connected in coaxial relation by a plurality of axially extending disc support rods. A cylindrical filter media is disposed between the disc support rods. Unfiltered liquid is admitted to the interior of the drum filter and flows radially outwardly therefrom through the filter media. Reciprocating backwash nozzles direct high pressure liquid radially inwardly against the exterior surface of the filter media to backwash contaminants collected on the radially inner surface thereof into a contaminant collector disposed internally of the filter drum. The filter media is sealably connected to the circular disks by a novel retention system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Gene Hirs
  • Patent number: 6186341
    Abstract: The hydrophilicity of porous separation membranes is maintained by bonding the membranes to thermoplastic fiber substrates at least on their peripheries before the membrane peripheries are sealed in a thermoplastic resin. The membranes are capable of being integrity tested.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Sartorius AG
    Inventors: Peter Konstantin, Oscar-Werner Reif, Jürgen Rupp, Peter Soelkner
  • Patent number: 6186342
    Abstract: Described is a semipermeable capillary having a tubular semipermeable wall composed of a membrane-forming material (2) and a tubular strengthening layer (1). The tubular strengthening layer includes an elongated tape having mutually overlapped longitudinal edges. The tubular strengthening layer has an open cohesive structure that is embedded in the membrane-forming material whereby the mutually overlapping longitudinal edges are joined together by the membrane-forming material and a continuous phase is formed between the semipermeable wall and the strengthening layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Stork Friesland B.V.
    Inventor: Casper Johannes N. Rekers
  • Patent number: 6186343
    Abstract: A support element for optical disks, compact disks (CDs) or containers therefor which is able to maintain the disks or containers in a substantially vertical position. The support element includes a casing which includes a first part and a second part, the second part being hingedly connected to the first part such that the first and second parts each have a free end. The casing is structured and arranged to have a first closed position in which the first and second parts are mutually superposed and a second open position in which the free end of the first part is angularly displaced from the free end of the second part in a first direction such that the first and second parts are able to support the disks or their containers in a substantially vertical position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 24, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Rexite S.p.A.
    Inventor: Julian Francis Brown
  • Patent number: 6186344
    Abstract: The present invention discloses a cassette for loading glasses, the cassette capable of preventing the bending phenomena of the glasses due to its weights, and capable of discharging the static electricity formed on the glasses and cassette, and capable of preventing the drifting away of the glasses via front side of the cassette. The cassette includes a plurality of side plate which are parallel to each other and having a plurality of slot for loading the glasses therein. And a top plate is connected to one ends of the plurality of side plate and a bottom plate is connected to second ends of the plurality of side plate. In addition a plurality of supporting bar, which is prolonged to support the glasses, are formed on said plurality of side plate. The plurality of side plate, the top plate, the bottom plate and the plurality of supporting bar are made of a metal conductor and a conductive resin to discharge the static electricity formed on the glasses and the cassette.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 1996
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Byung-Kwen Park, Sung-Cue Choi
  • Patent number: 6186345
    Abstract: A stackable case has a base wall, a pair of opposed side walls and a back wall which are molded together to form a unitary crate structure with an open top and an open front. The open top and open front are designed to provide access to the articles to be accommodated in the crate structure. The base wall is arranged so that its upper surface provides a low friction, article-carrying floor inclined downwardly toward the open front. Partitions are provided to divide the floor area into two or more parallel tracks for receiving articles in rows. The tracks extend forward from the back wall so that the articles in each track are carried by the floor and are allowed to gravity feed toward the open front. A front stopper is provided at the open front for engagement with the leading article in each track to prevent the leading article from falling out of the crate structure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 21, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Display Industires, LLC.
    Inventor: James David Robertson
  • Patent number: 6186346
    Abstract: A multi-position boom nose includes a support structure disposed at one end of a boom. The support structure supports at least a first sheave set, and the first sheave set includes at least one sheave. A pivot arm has a first end pivotally connected to the support structure. A second end of the pivot arm supports a second sheave set, and the second sheave set includes at least one sheave. The pivot arm has a first working position, a second working position and a stowed position. The pivot arm extends towards the boom in the stowed position. Specifically, the pivot arm extends into the boom in the stowed position. In the first working position, the pivot arm extends perpendicular to the boom. In the second working position, the pivot arm extends away from the boom, and the first sheave set supports a first load bearing member, while the second sheave set supports a second load bearing member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Grove U.S. L.L.C.
    Inventor: Eric L. Reitz
  • Patent number: 6186347
    Abstract: A mobile crane including an inclinable telescopic jib having a base case, a plurality of telescoping segments which can be extended and retracted, at least an inner-most one of the telescoping segments being pivotable in a direction of the inclinable jib and connected to a non-bending one of the segments by a hinge which forms a bending point which can be closed and opened, the hinge of the bending point being arranged on the underside of the jib, and an adjusting device arranged on a topside of the jib for opening and closing the bending point.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Mannesmann AG
    Inventors: Christian Reifenscheid, Walter Stowasser
  • Patent number: 6186348
    Abstract: A bottle includes an inner vessel for sealingly containing a liquid such as perfume or beverage, two externally flock-coated shell elements cemented to the inner vessel, a joint cover for covering a joint line between both shell elements, and a collar for aesthetically covering the upper regions of the shell-elements and the joint cover ends.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Escada Beaute
    Inventor: Sophie Rouët
  • Patent number: 6186349
    Abstract: A case composed of at least two shells. In a preferred embodiment, two semi-cylindrical shells are provided. The shells are coupled for relative rotation about an axis and are sized so that each shell segment nests within an adjacent shell. The shells are rotatable between a closed position, in which the shells cooperate to define an enclosed compartment, and an open position, in which said shells nest inside one another to provide access to the compartment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Bee Incorporated
    Inventor: David Tempongko
  • Patent number: 6186350
    Abstract: A box comprises two box elements attached together at a contact surface and connected together in a releasable manner in each of two opposite assembly areas. Each box element includes in each assembly area at least one clipping member which hooks onto a complementary clipping member in corresponding relationship to it on the other box element and at least one journal member which cooperates pivot fashion with a complementary journal member in corresponding relationship to it on the other box element. At least the clipping member of at least one of the box elements is carried by an elastically deformable arm. Applications include boxes for light fittings.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignees: Legrand, Legrand SNC
    Inventors: Emmanuel Barrier, Jean-Jacques Domingues
  • Patent number: 6186351
    Abstract: A portable salad cooler for storing and transporting salads, condiments and vegetables. The portable salad cooler includes a chest has an open top, a bottom wall and a perimeter side wall upwardly extending around the bottom wall. A lid substantially covers the open top of the chest. The perimeter side wall of the chest has an inwardly extending shelf lip extending therearound into the chest. A tray is disposed in the chest and is rested on the lip. The tray has plurality of receiving holes therethrough. A plurality of storage containers are provided each having a removable top lid with an outwardly extending resting lip therearound. Each of the storage containers is associated with a corresponding receiving hole of the tray into which the storage container is inserted so that the resting lips of the storage containers rest on the tray.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Frank Coyle
  • Patent number: 6186352
    Abstract: A portable food container for feeding animals is provided and includes a container having a threaded opening engaged with a threaded lid, a pair of bowls engageable with two ends of the container respectively and each including a protrudent retaining hole respectively engageable with a pair of retaining pins of an elastic arcuate handle. This disclosure is characterized in ready assembling or disassembling and in corresponding with the environmental sanitation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Yaw-Shiun Hwang
  • Patent number: 6186353
    Abstract: A removable battery cover on an electrical device such as a toy or appliance is secured to the device with a tether. The tether may comprise a flexible elongated member with an adhesive connector attached to each end.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Elizabeth P. Crocker
  • Patent number: 6186354
    Abstract: A wedge box of alveolar material having a container and a lid. The container or the lid includes a window which is transparent and which is integrated and molded in the alveolar material to permit viewing the contents of the box. The box is molded by means of a mold having two cavities which include several raised surfaces. The raised surfaces are separated by a space which permit gripping of a transparent member which is to be integrated into the box as a window. Alveolar material is introduced into the molding cavity and is then expanded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 16, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Knauf
    Inventor: René Claude Pascal
  • Patent number: 6186355
    Abstract: A collection device (10′) for the collection and disposal of cigarette butts (11), and other small combustible debris found in and around smoking areas. The collection device includes a body member (8″) within which is defined a receptacle chamber (21′) and a funnel-shaped throat passage (33) communicating with the receptacle chamber. The body member has an attached throat passage (33) extension that has side portals which communicate with the throat passage. As debris is received through the side portal, it is directed along the throat passage (33) and into the receptacle chamber (21′) for collection.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Carol S. Luedecke
  • Patent number: 6186356
    Abstract: This pressurized-gas storage assembly includes a pressure vessel having a gas storage chamber and access opening, a polar boss extending through the access opening, a plastic liner lining the gas storage chamber, and a fitting body. The plastic liner includes a nipple portion that extends into the polar boss, terminates at an annular rim, and has a screw-threaded radially inner surface region. The fitting body includes a head portion, an extension longitudinally extending from an end of the head portion and having a screw-threaded radially outer surface region, and an annular shoulder. The annular shoulder has an annular recess formed therein, with a compressible O-ring being accommodated within the annular recess.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Cordant Technologies Inc.
    Inventors: George A. Berkley, Mark J. Warner
  • Patent number: 6186357
    Abstract: A hatch assembly with a removable cover comprises a generally rectangular frame member, a pair of two piece hinge assemblies and a mating cover which is rotatably attached to the frame member by the hinge assemblies. Each of the two piece hinge assemblies include a first hinge element which has a generally J-shaped pivot member and a second hinge element having a longitudinally extending generally cylindrical recess and a longitudinally extending slot along one side thereof. The generally cylindrical recess and slot are adapted to receive the J-shaped pivot member therethrough and into the recess when the cover is in a first position as for example 120° from its closed position. When the cover is rotated toward closure, the J-shaped pivot member is retained within the recess so that the cover can be rotated between about 110° and 0°. Then when rotated to 120° the cover can be readily removed from the frame.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Pompanette, Inc.
    Inventor: James H. Kyle
  • Patent number: 6186358
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for an improved frozen vending machine having a glass front which provides the customer the opportunity to view the actual product they wish to purchase, while ensuring the maintenance of a freezing environment and utilizing a product conveyor system which reliably delivers a larger selection of frozen product to the customer than has been available in the past. The present invention also provides a method and kit for modifying existing vending machines into the frozen vending machine described herein.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Alfred W. Peteraf
  • Patent number: 6186359
    Abstract: An attaching ring or fixing ring is provided for attaching or fixing a dispenser member to a neck of a receptacle containing a substance to be dispensed. The ring is annular and has a bottom portion and a top portion. In a preferred embodiment, the bottom portion includes snap-fastening tabs for fixing the ring to the neck. The top portion includes an opening for the dispenser and a surrounding structure for securing the dispenser member to the neck. The top portion further includes at least one guide wall element extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the dispenser member and around the periphery of the fixing ring substantially in line with the snap-fastening tabs. A hoop can be provided for preventing the tabs from splaying apart. The hoop can include an internal projection, such as a vertical rib or a thread.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valois of America, Inc.
    Inventors: Olivier de Pous, Yannic Hermouet
  • Patent number: 6186360
    Abstract: Disclosed is a machine for unloading a bulk-material bag of the type having a bottom portion, a side portion and a transition portion between the bottom and side portions. The machine includes an apparatus aiding discharge of the material from the bag. In the improvement, the apparatus includes a tri-section panel mounted for movement on the machine, thereby configuring the panel to sequentially contact the bottom, transition and side portions of the bag. The panel has first, second and third segments angle-mounted to one another. In a specific embodiment, the segments are substantially planar. A microprocessor-based controller is coupled to the actuator and regulates its movement as a function of a process parameter, e.g., the compressibility of the bag and/or the weight of the material contained in the bag. A highly preferred embodiment of the machine also has a bag lifting mechanism above the tri-section panel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Schenck AccuRate, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven L. Becker, Thomas G. Kelly, Jeffrey M. Nauman
  • Patent number: 6186361
    Abstract: A liquid dispenser for use with a disposable liquid supply container and a method of using the dispenser is described. The dispenser regulates the flow of liquid by way of a clamping device which substantially seals the liquid from the ambient air. A support for holding the container in an elevated position above the clamping device contains guide flanges which are used to adjust the area in which the container is positioned in the dispenser to accommodate several volume sizes. The liquid flows from the container by gravity through a connector passage which is regulated by the clamping device. In a preferred embodiment, a cooling device is provided to cool the liquid as it flows from the container.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Creamiser Products Corporation
    Inventor: Charles F. Teetsel, III
  • Patent number: 6186362
    Abstract: An extractor neatly and cleanly empties a tube of toothpaste, or the like. The extractor includes a pair of roller assemblies and a pair of end caps. Each roller assembly has a pair of balls which fit within sockets formed in the end caps. In one embodiment, the balls have slits to enable sections of the balls to move towards and away from each other. The balls are made of resilient material, such that the sections tend to assume a spaced-apart position in the absence of an applied compressive force. As the ball is urged into the socket, the sections of the ball become compressed, thus enabling the ball to pass through a hole in the end cap and into the socket. When the ball has reached its socket, the sections return to their initial position, so as to lock the ball within the socket. In an alternative embodiment, the ball is not compressible, but is instead inserted into a deformable socket having resiliently movable walls which lock around the ball.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 4, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Charles K. Smith
  • Patent number: 6186363
    Abstract: A bayonet attachment on a cartridge for attaching a mixer or accessory to a multiple component cartridge is formed as a ring-shaped bayonet socket with two internal recesses and two diametrically opposed cutouts forming one bayonet coupling part, whereas the bayonet attachment of the mixer or accessory comprises two bayonet lugs corresponding to the cutouts. In a preferred embodiment, the respective inlets of the mixer housing or the outlets of the cartridge have different sizes or shapes to provide coded alignment between the cartridge and the mixer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventors: Wilhelm A. Keller, Richard J. Wilson
  • Patent number: 6186364
    Abstract: A manually actuated pump dispenser has a control ring mounted on the pump body for rotation about its central axis and engaging the pump plunger for controlling the number of plunger strokes and thereby the dosage of the dispenser for each cycle of revolution of the control ring, the plunger being releasably locked with the control ring against plunger reciprocation at the commencement and at the end of each cycle of revolution of the control ring to thereby render the same child-resistant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Calmar Inc.
    Inventor: Douglas B. Dobbs
  • Patent number: 6186365
    Abstract: A pump sprayer having a lock slidably mounted on the plunger head for locking the pump sprayer against reciprocation within a sleeve on a closure provided for mounting the sprayer to a container. The lock has a body with a rear portion, a cap portion, a pair of arms with flanges and a stop projection. The arms define springs in one embodiment for engaging a portion of the pump sprayer and providing a restoring force that enables the locking mechanism to be self-resetting to a locked position. The body is capable of being moved by the operator of the pump sprayer within the peripheral outline of the plunger head. When in a forward position, the lower edge of the rear portion of the lock is disengaged from an upper edge of the sleeve placing the pump sprayer in an unlocked position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Calmar Inc.
    Inventor: Stuart DeJonge
  • Patent number: 6186366
    Abstract: The nozzle cap of the dispenser is rotatably supported at the nozzle end of the dispenser body for rotation between ON and OFF positions. At least one locking member is integrally connected to the body to form a flexible connector which permits rocking movement of the locking member. The locking member extends laterally from one side of the body so as to be in full view when the dispenser is held in the hand of a user. The locking member fits within a recess formed in the nozzle cap to lock the nozzle cap against rotation when the nozzle cap is in OFF position. Inward pressure on the locking member releases it from the recess to permit rotation of the nozzle cap to ON position. The nozzle cap includes a discharge passage in communication with a discharge opening and may also include one or more additional passages which provide communication between a portion of the nozzle cap near the discharge opening and ambient air to prevent a child from sucking contents of the container through the discharge opening.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Calmar Inc.
    Inventors: Robert J. Good, Phillip J. Dimaggio
  • Patent number: 6186367
    Abstract: The present invention is a metered liquid squeezable dispenser, which includes a squeezable container having an open end and neck for dispensing liquid. A trap chamber base non-rotatably attached to the container and a trap chamber is rotatably attached to the trap chamber base. A dip tube is located in the base and extends into the container. There is an air inlet orifice located on the base. The trap chamber has a dispensing outlet, at least one metered dosage inlet pipe passing through the bottom of the trap chamber, extending upwardly therefrom for a predetermined height, and an air pipe passing through its bottom. The base and trap chamber align with one another for squeeze, metered dose filling, and then rotational realignment for squeeze dispensing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 19, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valley Design Inc.
    Inventor: John E. Harrold
  • Patent number: 6186368
    Abstract: A finger operated pump assembly comprising a pump body having a base supporting an outer housing and an inner housing and defining a first portion of a compression chamber therebetween. A piston is at least partially received within the pump body and is slidable relative to the pump body along an inner surface of the outer housing. The piston has an annular lip for providing a sealing engagement with the pump body, and the piston is provided with a piston outlet defined by a poppet valve seat. A poppet is accommodated by the inner housing and the poppet is biased away from the base into engagement with the poppet valve seat by a spring to normally close the piston outlet. The poppet, the base and the inner housing all define an interior cavity. A peripheral passageway communicates with the compression chamber, and the passageway includes a one-way valve which allows the product to flow along the passageway toward the compression chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Michael Gene Knickerbocker
  • Patent number: 6186369
    Abstract: On order to simplify the design of a pump intended for use with flowable elements, especially a cosmetic pump provided with a base plate (1) which can be secured to a container (2) and presents, once mounted, a lower side (6) turned to the container and an upper side (7) turned in the opposite direction, with an inlet (14) for letting through the element stored in the container (2) and, around the inlet on the upper surface, a sleeve for receiving a pumping device with a cover-fitted piston (21), which is pushed by at least one compression spring against the base plate (1), while said piston cover has a lower side (21a) turned to the container (2), an upper side (21b) turned in the opposite direction and an outlet (23), while said lower side (21a) is provided with a sealing sleeve (22) mounted moveable in a substantially axial direction, it is suggested that the pumping device should be fitted with a valve spring (4) presenting a sealing bottom plate (20) laid on the inlet in the base plate and a sealing top
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: INNOCOS Innovative Verpackungen für die kosmetische Industrie GmbH
    Inventor: Karl-Heinz Rosenthal
  • Patent number: 6186370
    Abstract: A device for fixing a metering member having a body, such as a pump, in the neck of a receptacle containing a substance to be dispensed, the body of the metering member having a smaller-diameter portion and a larger-diameter portion the maximum outside diameter of the body being smaller than the inside diameter of the neck the device being characterized in that the housing is formed in the neck of the receptacle, the housing being suitable for receiving a deformable member which, in the assembled state of the fixing device, is deformed and/or compressed in such a manner that it exerts a radial force on the neck and on the body, the force serving to fix the metering member in sealed manner in the neck of the receptacle, the deformable member being placed, prior to assembly, on the smaller-diameter portion and being deformed and/or compressed in the housing during assembly by the larger-diameter portion of the body of the metering member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valois S.A.
    Inventors: Olivier de Pous, Thierry Faucon, Claude Jouillat
  • Patent number: 6186371
    Abstract: A device for dispensing a fluid material from a container, including a conventional pump or valve comprising a fixed body in which an actuating rod (11) is movable between an inoperative position and a dispensing position, said rod (11) being hollow so that it defines a discharge channel (15) providing fluid communication between at least one part of said fluid material and outlets (12) on the rod; and a dispensing member (3) secured to said body and provided with a fixed dispensing outlet (20) and means (31, 34) for providing fluid communication between said movable outlets (12) and the fixed dispensing outlet (20), at least in the dispensing position, as well as a push button (13) mounted on the actuating rod (11) for sealing the top end of the discharge channel (15).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valois S.A.
    Inventors: Olivier de Pous, Stéphane Jumel
  • Patent number: 6186372
    Abstract: A device enabling a fluid dispenser to operate both in the upside-down position and in the rightway-up position, the dispenser comprising a fluid tank, and a dispenser member having an inlet and a dip tube, said device having a chamber in communication with said inlet of the dispenser member, said chamber having a top inlet and a bottom inlet that are selectively closable by respective top and bottom check valves, the top check valve having a moving valve element suitable for closing the top inlet of the chamber in the rightway-up position, wherein the bottom check valve has a moving valve element that floats, being of a density that is lower than the density of the fluid, and being adapted to close the bottom inlet of the chamber in the upside-down position when the chamber is filled with the fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Valois S.A.
    Inventors: Firmin Garcia, Michel Brunet, Aline Abergel
  • Patent number: 6186373
    Abstract: A bin or hopper, preferably with one-dimensional convergence, has a slot outlet at its bottom for discharging bulk solid particulate material (such as coal, wood chips, sugar, plastic pellets, etc.) to a screw in a trough. The screw has varying flight diameter, shaft diameter, and average pitch along its length to a discharge so as to provide substantially uniform material flow velocity distribution along the slot outlet. One or more flow rate adjusters may regulate flow of material being transported by the screw. Each flow adjuster may be a vertical plate with a substantially straight-across bottom curved about a substantially horizontal axis, or with a bottom two-dimensional curvature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Andritz-Ahlstrom Inc.
    Inventor: Jerry R. Johanson
  • Patent number: 6186374
    Abstract: A dispensing structure is provided for discharging the contents from the interior of a container. The structure includes a body for extending from the container. The body defines a dispensing opening and a sealing surface around the dispensing opening. A lid is provided for movement between open and closed positions. The lid has a frame defining a lid dispensing passage through the lid. The lid has a mounting flange extending inwardly adjacent the dispensing passage, and the lid has a valve mounted to the lid flange across the dispensing passage. The flexible valve has self-sealing slits which open to permit flow therethrough in response to increased pressure on the side of the valve facing the container when the lid is closed. The valve has a lower flange which is below the lid flange and which sealingly engages the body sealing surface when the lid is in the closed position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Seaquist Closures Foreign, Inc.
    Inventor: Richard A. Gross
  • Patent number: 6186375
    Abstract: The push-pull spout assembly (10) is configured to dispense fluid materials from a container (12). The spout assembly (10) includes a pair of generally tubular, telescopically interfitted first (20) and second members (54) defining a fluid passageway (22). Each member includes a complemental closure wall (30,58) projecting into the fluid passageway (22). In a blocking position the complemental walls (30,58) are aligned and block fluid flow through the passageway (22) and in an offset position the members (20,54) are shifted axially relative to one another to allow fluid flow through the passageway.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Blitz U.S.A., Inc.
    Inventors: Larry L. Chrisco, Charles L. Forbis
  • Patent number: 6186376
    Abstract: A clothes hanging device, for supporting a garment in a vehicle, from grab handles located in the vehicle interior near the ceiling. The hanging device comprises a pair of hooks and a bow. The bow has a horizontal member having pair of ends, and a having pair of downwardly and outwardly sloping members. Each of the downwardly and outwardly sloping members connects one of the ends of the horizontal member with one of the hooks. The bow supports a garment, and the hooks engage the grab handle to support the garment therefrom. The bow is substantially planar, and the hooks are twisted outward therefrom so as to extend over the grab handle to support the bow substantially parallel to the grab handle, and parallel to the vehicle window.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Inventor: Peter Hyun
  • Patent number: 6186377
    Abstract: Shirt pressing apparatus capable of pressing long or short sleeve shirts. The apparatus includes a buck for receiving a shirt to be pressed and a sleeve expander assembly mounted on each side of the buck, the sleeve expander assembly being adjustable for use with either long or short sleeve shirts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Hoffman/New Yorker, Inc.
    Inventors: John T. McCormick, Michael J. King, Robert A. Hadsall