Patents Issued in December 1, 2011
  • Publication number: 20110290491
    Abstract: A nano-dispersion well servicing fluid is disclosed. The well servicing fluid is formulated with components comprising: nanoparticles comprising at least one material chosen from aluminum oxides, aluminum hydroxides, aluminum hydroxyoxides, zirconium oxides, zirconium hydroxides, zirconium hydroxyoxides, wherein the concentration of nanoparticles is greater than 0.5% by weight based on the total weight of the nano-dispersion well servicing fluid. The well servicing fluid also comprises an aqueous base continuous phase. Methods of employing the nano-dispersion to service a wellbore are also disclosed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
  • Publication number: 20110290492
    Abstract: Embodiments of the current application are generally related to systems and methods for preparing emulsions. In some embodiments, there is disclosed an on-site emulsifying system comprising a first fluid tank, a second fluid tank, a circulation loop comprising a buffer tank and a pump. The first fluid tank and the second fluid tank are in fluid communication with the circulation loop via a first fluid inlet pipe and a second fluid inlet pipe, respectively. An outlet pipe is in fluid communication with the circulation loop.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 29, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Kim A. Hodgson, Clint Adams, Bartley Patton, Alexey Butrim
  • Publication number: 20110290493
    Abstract: Disclosed are compositions and methods for providing fluid-loss control in subterranean wells. Well-completion fluids contain fine particulate additives whose glass-transition temperatures are below the anticipated bottomhole temperature. The particles soften upon injection into the well, whereupon they soften and become deformable. The particles then migrate to the borehole wall and form a seal that reduces further fluid flow from the borehole into the formation. The additive may be supplied as a powder or in the form of a liquid suspension.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 3, 2009
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Simon James
  • Publication number: 20110290494
    Abstract: A method for removing a fluid influx from a subsea wellbore drilled using a pump to return fluid from the wellbore to the surface. The method includes detecting the influx when a rate of the return pump increases. Flow from the wellbore is diverted from the return pump to a choke line when the influx reaches the wellhead. A choke in the choke line is operated so that a rate of fluid pumped into the wellbore is substantially equal to a flow rate through the choke line. Fluid flow from the wellbore is redirected to the return pump inlet when the influx has substantially left the well.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 25, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: John Cohen
  • Publication number: 20110290495
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to methods and apparatus to construct subsea wells with redundant parallel fluid flow control systems to allow new methods to stop subsea blow outs. More specifically, this invention provides methods and apparatus to construct subsea wells with a plurality of redundant parallel paths allowing for the first time drill pipe and other intervention conduits, wire line, and fluids to be deployed below a damaged drilling riser and or a damaged blow out preventer through a separate blow out preventer and riser system presented in this invention.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 27, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: David R. Smith
  • Publication number: 20110290496
    Abstract: A gasless subsea accumulator having a series of opposing springs in two separate chambers defined by a central cross shaped member for translating force on a piston in the accumulator to dampen the movement of the piston. The body of the accumulator may be operably engaged to a bladder in fluid communication with one of the two chambers to provide additional dampening. The body may be vented through a port and have a port for controlling pressure on body through a pilot control circuit. The accumulator may be manually controlled by an ROV and operatively connected to a regulator.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 26, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Barry McMiles
  • Publication number: 20110290497
    Abstract: A subsea oil and/or gas production system comprises a host production facility and a plurality of subsea wells. A fluid conveying network is provided that connects each subsea well to the host production facility. A separate electrical power and data network is provided for conveying direct current electrical power and data, operatively connected to each subsea well for providing each subsea well with data transfer and electrical power services. The use of direct current ensures that the electrical power and data network can provide power over much greater distances than currently available, and the use of separate networks for conveying fluids and for providing electrical power and data transfer allows for a much more flexible system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Karl-Atle Stenevik
  • Publication number: 20110290498
    Abstract: A subsea production system, comprising a plurality of wells located on a sea floor, the wells producing a fluid comprising hydrocarbons; a cold flow center on the sea floor, the cold flow center fluidly connected to the plurality of wells; and a production facility on land or on a floating structure, the production facility fluidly connected to the cold flow center; wherein the cold flow center lowers a temperature of the fluid and produces a slurry of the fluid and suspended solids for transportation to the production facility.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 8, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Gregory John Hatton
  • Publication number: 20110290499
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for installing deepwater completions and performing well intervention from a vessel that can perform other duties while not running completions or performing interventions. The system for installing deepwater completions and performing well intervention may comprise a surface pipe handling and deployment package including a horizontally operated rig that may also be operated in a slanted mode. Deepwater completions may be deployed from the vessel via a buoyant horizontal riser (BHR), which may be supported by a submerged buoyant tensioning system (BTS). In this manner, the cost of performing completion or intervention operations may be significantly reduced compared to such operations run from a drilling rig.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Ronald Van Petegem, Kevin Quick, Egill Abrahamsen, Brian Michael Carline, Karsten Heidecke, Doyle Frederick Boutwell, JR.
  • Publication number: 20110290500
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for diverting fluids either into or from a well are described. Some embodiments include a diverter conduit that is located in a bore of a tree. The invention relates especially but not exclusively to a diverter assembly connected to a wing branch of a tree. Some embodiments allow diversion of fluids out of a tree to a subsea processing apparatus followed by the return of at least some of these fluids to the tree for recovery. Alternative embodiments provide only one flowpath and do not include the return of any fluids to the tree. Some embodiments can be retro-fitted to existing trees, which can allow the performance of a new function without having to replacing the tree. Multiple diverter assembly embodiments are also described.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 8, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Ian Donald, John Reid
  • Publication number: 20110290501
    Abstract: Systems and methods for quick access and control of a blown-out well or well that is flowing uncontrollably into the environment. Preferred embodiments of the present invention provide a re-entry of the casing of the blown-out well below the mud line and the inoperable blowout preventer. The present invention also provides a method to re-enter a production, or injection well, either subsea below the mud line or above the mud line for surface facility applications. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a miniature wellbore is created from the outer casing through the various smaller casing strings into the final wellbore to protect the structural integrity of the well. Once the casing is safely penetrated, coil tubing and or kill weight fluid can be introduced to stop the uncontrolled flow of reservoir fluid. The well can then be sealed with cement and abandoned as normal practice dictates.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 25, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: General Marine Contractors LLC
    Inventors: Iain Duncan, Martin Davidson
  • Publication number: 20110290502
    Abstract: A deep water system to control oil leakage on the ocean floor consists of two main parts. The two parts are common geometric shapes. The shapes are a torus and a sphere. A torus is placed on the ocean floor, enclosing the drill entry site (or leak area) within its inner perimeter. A sphere is placed and seated in the torus opening thus sealing the open area above the drill site. The torus, of course, by its weight, shape and mass, seals the area upon which it sits on the sea floor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 26, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: George Dennis Scheber
  • Publication number: 20110290503
    Abstract: Described is a well completion for evenly distributing a viscosity reducing injectant (e.g. steam and/or solvent, e.g. in SAGD or CSS) into a hydrocarbon reservoir (e.g. of bitumen), for evenly distributing produced fluids (most specifically vapor influx) and for limiting entry of particulate matter into the well upon production. On injection, the injectant passes through a limited number of slots in a base pipe, is deflected into an annulus between the base pipe and a screen or the like, and passes through the screen into the reservoir. On production, hydrocarbons pass from the reservoir through the screen into a compartmentalized annulus. The screen limits entry of particulate matter (e.g. sand). The hydrocarbons then pass through the slots in the base pipe and into the well. Where a screen is damaged, the compartmentalization and the slots in the base pipe limit particulate matter entry into the well.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 6, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Thomas J. Boone
  • Publication number: 20110290504
    Abstract: An improved control system for use in a subterranean well is described. The system comprises at least one apparatus positioned within the subterranean well, at least one power generation device positioned within the subterranean well, the at least one power generation device adapted to supply electrical power to the at least one apparatus and at least one control line positioned in the subterranean well. The at least one control line is adapted to supply a hydraulic pressure applied from surface to the at least one power generation device from which the at least one power generation device generates electrical power.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 1, 2009
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Daniel Purkis
  • Publication number: 20110290505
    Abstract: A tool assembly is provided. The tool assembly comprises a drilling deflector and a completion deflector, the completion deflector coupled to the drilling deflector.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 11, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: William Shaun Renshaw, Rob McCullough
  • Publication number: 20110290506
    Abstract: The subject disclosure discloses an apparatus and method of conveying magnetic particles into a wellbore. A plurality of particles which are magnetically attracted to one another in response to exposure to a magnetic field are delivered downhole via a degradable material. The degradable material confines the particles and conveys the particles to a desired location downhole. The structure comprising the degradable material and the confined particles can be lowered into a subterranean well by a cable or wire, or alternatively released into the well under the influence of gravity and flow induced forces. The material degrades in response to conditions encountered in a subterranean environment thus releasing the particles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: Schlumberger Technology Corporation
    Inventors: Murat Ocalan, Manuel Marya
  • Publication number: 20110290507
    Abstract: A method of providing a communication conduit for a down-hole tool includes the steps of: forming a communication port at an existing portion of the down-hole tool located below the valves of the Christmas tree; and extending the communication conduit through the formed port.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 6, 2009
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Daniel Stewart, Roland Van Dort
  • Publication number: 20110290508
    Abstract: A guard for a fire-suppression sprinkler head may be attached directly to a water supply pipe of the sprinkler head. A cage may be configured to surround the sprinkler head and a base plate may be configured for attachment to the pipe. The cage may be attached to the base plate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
  • Publication number: 20110290509
    Abstract: A landing pad with an inbuilt fire suppressor that includes at least one first interlocking unit. The interlocking unit includes a landing surface, wherein the landing surface includes openings distributed thereon; and at least one interlocking mechanism located along its periphery. The interlocking mechanism is adapted to interconnect with a corresponding interlocking mechanism from another interlocking unit. A hollow chamber is located beneath the landing surface such that the hollow chamber is in fluid communication with the openings. A heat conductive layer is arranged to span across the hollow chamber thereby subdividing the hollow chamber into an upper section and a lower section. The upper section is in fluid communication with the openings. The heat conductive layer is adapted to dissipate heat from a localized point thereon to over the entire heat conductive layer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 22, 2008
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Neelesh Uppal
  • Publication number: 20110290510
    Abstract: The present disclosure provides for an advantageous extinguisher or discharge assembly. In exemplary embodiments, the present disclosure provides for an improved hydro-pneumatic fire extinguisher or discharge assembly. More particularly, the present disclosure provides for an improved hydro-pneumatic fire extinguisher or discharge assembly that is configured and dimensioned to fire or release a fire fighting agent (e.g., a fluid and/or liquid based fire fighting agent) while the extinguisher/assembly is oriented in any position or angle relative to gravity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 6, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Michael P. Hanratty, Peter C. Hanratty, David G. Horton
  • Publication number: 20110290511
    Abstract: A turf aerator device for attachment to regularly disposed vehicle wheels, including lawnmower wheels. The device comprises two armed attachment bracket, a sliding attachment bracket, a locking pin plate and a plurality of penetrating spikes. The device easily attaches to the lawnmower wheels by hand, without any modification to, removal of, or elevation of the wheels. The spike mechanisms penetrate the lawn surface by using the weight of the lawnmower and accompanying wheel rotation, as the lawn is being mowed. Without interruption or adjustments during use, the spikes will penetrate lawn surface and retract when wheels roll over hard surfaces, preventing any damage to driveways, walkways and other surrounding surfaces.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 1, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: James B. Nahass
  • Publication number: 20110290512
    Abstract: A precision garden hoe includes a blade having a curved upper edge, a curved lower edge, pointed tips at the sides where the edges meet, and front and rear surfaces; a handle adapted to be held by a user; and a shaft having a front end attached to the rear surface of the blade, a rear end attached to the handle, and a bend so that the blade is at a non-perpendicular angle relative to the handle. The edges of the blade may be sharp. The bend in the shaft may be at an angle so that, when attached at a perpendicular angle to the front end of the shaft, the blade will be at a non-perpendicular angle relative to the rear end of the shaft.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Mark Cook
  • Publication number: 20110290513
    Abstract: A hydraulic control apparatus for a foldable farm implement has a first hydraulic control system is used to control weight transfer to a plurality of ground engaging tools mounted to stationary and wing frame sections of the farm implement. A second hydraulic system is used to fold and unfold the wing sections for placing the implement in a compact position for transport and storage. A hydraulic control is provided that interfaces with both hydraulic systems to control sequencing of the functions provided by the first and second hydraulic systems.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Cory Adrian Yuen, Nicholas Ryder
  • Publication number: 20110290514
    Abstract: A hydraulic control apparatus for a foldable farm includes first hydraulic control system is used to control weight transfer to ground engaging tools mounted to a stationary and foldable wing frame sections. A second hydraulic system is used to fold and unfold the wing sections. A hydraulic control is provided that interfaces with both hydraulic systems to control sequencing of the functions provided by the first and second hydraulic systems. The first and second hydraulically systems have mechanically controlled valves to control the flow of hydraulic fluid to various lifting, folding, and down pressure cylinders.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Cory Yuen
  • Publication number: 20110290515
    Abstract: A hydraulic control apparatus for a foldable farm includes first hydraulic control system is used to control weight transfer to ground engaging tools mounted to a stationary and foldable wing frame sections. A second hydraulic system is used to fold and unfold the wing sections. A hydraulic control is provided that interfaces with both hydraulic systems to control sequencing of the functions provided by the first and second hydraulic systems. The first and second hydraulic systems have electronically controlled valves to control the flow of hydraulic fluid to various lifting, folding, and down pressure cylinders.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Cory Yuen
  • Publication number: 20110290516
    Abstract: A farm implement has a frame that is foldable between an extended, working position and a folded, for-transport position has a hydraulic system that controls the flow of hydraulic fluid to a series of actuators that raise and lower the implement. The hydraulic system is controlled by a control lever or arm that rotates a rockshaft to open and close hydraulic valves to change the flow of hydraulic fluid to the actuators. To prevent the unintentional lowering of the implement frame when the implement is in transport, a lockout arrangement engages the rockshaft to prevent rotation of the rockshaft when the frame is in the folded position. The lockout arrangement locks out the rockshaft automatically when the frame is raised to the folded position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Cory Adrian Yuen
  • Publication number: 20110290517
    Abstract: A representative impact tool includes a bit holding device 104 that includes an elongate tool holder 151 having a bit holding hole 151a into which a tool bit 119 is removably inserted, an outer shell component 159 which forms an outer shell of the bit holding device 104 and is mounted onto a front end portion of the tool holder 151 by moving it from the front end of the tool holder 151 toward the tool body, a stopper 171 which is fitted onto the tool holder 151 such that it is prevented from moving in a longitudinal direction of the tool holder, and serves to prevent the outer shell component 159 from becoming detached from the front end of the tool holder 151, and an opening prevention member 175 which is disposed outward of a center position of the stopper 171 in the longitudinal direction of the tool holder 151 and opposed to an outer surface of the stopper 171 in a direction transverse to the longitudinal direction of the tool holder, and prevents the stopper 171 from opening in the direction transverse t
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 18, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Hajime TAKEUCHI, Masanori FURUSAWA, Naoki SOEDA
  • Publication number: 20110290518
    Abstract: An electrical junction box adapted for mounting on a drywall without attachment to a stud. The junction box carries four tabs that pivotally move between a retracted position inside the junction box and an extended position extending through respective slots formed in the junction body sidewalls. The tabs are turned by a turning screw into a position contacting the drywall. A pair of flange members is secured to a front edge of the box for engaging the interior surface of the drywall. The tabs and the flanges support the weight of the junction box on the drywall.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Rowland Bercy, SR.
  • Publication number: 20110290519
    Abstract: An electronic device enclosure includes an enclosure body, a bezel and a connecting assembly. The enclosure body includes a front panel. The front panel includes metal. The bezel includes bamboo and covers the front panel. The connecting assembly includes a fastener and a retaining clip engaged with the fastener. The fastener is fastened to the bezel and the retaining clip is clasped in the front panel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 10, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: YUN-LUNG CHEN
  • Publication number: 20110290520
    Abstract: A sealing structure for wire lead-out hole is provided with a wire lead-out hole (11) formed in a case (10), a resilient seal (20) to be mounted into the wire lead-out hole (11), and a bracket (40) for retaining the resilient seal (20) in the wire lead-out hole (11) by being fixed to the case (10). The resilient seal (20) includes a seal main body (21) including a plurality of wire insertion holes (22) for allowing insertion of wires (Y), outer lips (24) formed on the outer peripheral surface of the seal main body (21), inner lips (23) formed on the inner peripheral surfaces of the wire insertion holes (22), and a wire protecting portion (25) provided on the seal main body (21).
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 17, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Anna Nishimura
  • Publication number: 20110290521
    Abstract: According to the invention, a system for interconnecting communication cables is disclosed. The system may include an input cable, an output cable, and a cable adapter. The input cable may include a plurality of input wires, each of the plurality of input wires communicatively connected to an input port. The output cable may include a plurality of output wires, each of the plurality of output wires communicatively connected to an output port, The cable adapter may be for communicatively interconnecting the input cable and the output cable. The cable adapter may include a container, a lid and a plurality of attachment mechanisms. The lid may be movably attached to the container. The plurality of attachment mechanisms may be located in the container, each of the plurality of attachment mechanisms capable of communicatively and reversibly connecting one of the plurality of input wires with one of the plurality of output wires.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 27, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: Qwest Communications International Inc.
    Inventor: Matthew Fargano
  • Publication number: 20110290522
    Abstract: An object of the present invention is to provide a compact sliding device having a simple structure configured to reduce the number of cut lines formed on a mat mounted on a cabin of a vehicle. A sliding device 1 for routing an electric wire 5 between a vehicle floor and a seat includes: a rail 9 having a supporting rail 7 to which a supporting body 11 of the seat is attached, and a receiving part 8 extended along the supporting rail 7; a corrugate tube 4 receiving the electric wire 5; a slider 10 configured to slide in conjunction with the supporting body 11 while holding the corrugate tube 4 extracted into an inside of the supporting rail 7; and a guiding member 12 for bending the corrugate tube 4 extracted out of the supporting rail 7 in a U-shape, and guiding the corrugate tube 4 into an inside of the receiving part 8, and for guiding the corrugate tube 4 onto an inner side wall 81 of the receiving part 8 away from the supporting rail 7.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 19, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Tsukasa Sekino, Tomoyasu Terada, Shinji Katou
  • Publication number: 20110290523
    Abstract: A kit for forming a raceway assembly including a plurality of members can include a plurality of portions including channel portions and coupling portions, each of the portions extending in an axial direction and having a plurality of walls defining a generally U-shaped cross-section. Each channel portion may have at least one opening in at least one wall, and each of the coupling portions has at least one hole in at least one wall. Each coupling portion may be adapted to receive one or more of the channel portions so that axial directions of the received channel portions are aligned with the axial direction of the coupling portion and so that at least one of the openings of each received channel portion is aligned with at least one of the holes. The coupling portions and channel portions may have inter-engageable features which preclude movement of the received channel portions relative to the coupling portion other than in the axial directions thereof.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 17, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Richard C. Lacey, Jr., Patrick D'olive, Ralph K. Joffrion, Jr., James A. Roberts
  • Publication number: 20110290524
    Abstract: A cable for high speed data communications that includes a first inner conductor enclosed by a first dielectric layer and a second inner conductor enclosed by a second dielectric layer, the inner conductors and the dielectric layers disposed within the cable in parallel with a longitudinal axis of the cable; drain conductors disposed within the cable laterally to the inner conductors adjacent to the dielectric layers along the longitudinal axis of the cable and within thirty degrees of a horizontal axis through the inner conductors; and a conductive shield composed of a strip of conductive shield material wrapped in a rotational direction along and about the longitudinal axis around the inner conductors, the dielectric layers, and the drain conductors, including overlapped wraps of the conductive shield material along the longitudinal axis.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 25, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
  • Publication number: 20110290525
    Abstract: A fluorine-containing elastomer covered electric wire includes a conductor, and a covering layer on a periphery of the conductor. The covering layer includes a composition including 100 parts by weight of a tetrafluoroethylene-propylene system copolymer and 0.1 to 10 parts by weight of a fatty acid amide.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.
    Inventors: Hitoshi KIMURA, Takuya Suzuki
  • Publication number: 20110290526
    Abstract: A flat cable has a plurality of electric wires disposed in parallel, and a fiber member woven to thread through each of the electric wires along a juxtapositional direction of the electric wires. The fiber member is made of a fiber having an elastic recovery rate after elongation of 80% or more and 95% or less. The fiber has an initial modulus of 20 cN/dtex or more and 30 cN/dtex or less.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 26, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Detian HUANG, Takanobu WATANABE, Noriyuki IMAI, Norihiro NISHIURA
  • Publication number: 20110290527
    Abstract: The present invention relates to halogen-free compositions containing an additive of bohmite, nanoclay, microcrystalline talc, zinc hydroxystannate, and a polyolefin oil. The composition is useful as a covering material (e.g. insulation or jacket) for electrical cables with excellent flame resistance and mechanical properties, such as cold bend and thermomechanical properties.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 28, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: General Cable Technologies Corporation
    Inventor: Charles W. HILLS
  • Publication number: 20110290528
    Abstract: An insulating varnish includes a polyamide-imide resin varnish including a solvent and a polyamide-imide resin, and an organosol. The polyamide-imide resin varnish is obtained by a synthesis reaction between a resin component (X) and an isocyanate component (Y). The resin component (X) is obtained by a synthesis reaction between a diamine component and an acid component in presence of an azeotropic medium. The diamine component includes aromatic diamines including a divalent aromatic group having three or more aromatic rings. The isocyanate component (Y) includes a diisocyanate (Y1) a molecule of which includes a bend structure.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 4, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: Hitachi Cable, Ltd.
    Inventors: Yuki Honda, Tomiya Abe, Shuta Nabeshima, Hideyuki Kikuchi
  • Publication number: 20110290529
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a cable comprising a conductor surrounded by one or more layers, wherein at least one layer comprises a polymer composition comprising a multimodal copolymer of ethylene with one or more comonomers, to a process for producing the cable and to a polymer composition suitable as a cable layer material.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 12, 2009
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: Borealis AG
    Inventors: Anneli Pakkanen, Petri Rekonen, Michiel Bergstra, Thomas Steffl
  • Publication number: 20110290530
    Abstract: A ribbon for a photovoltaic module includes a plurality of first interconnection ribbons connected to one solar battery cell, a plurality of second interconnection ribbons connected to another solar battery cell, and a bus ribbon through which the first and second interconnection ribbons are connected. In the ribbon, the bus ribbon includes a first ribbon connecting portion connected to the plurality of first interconnection ribbons, a second ribbon connecting portion connected to the plurality of second interconnection ribbons, and a string connecting portion connected between the first and second ribbon connecting portions. Accordingly, it is possible to decrease resistance at the connected portion between the bus ribbon and the interconnection ribbon and to minimize loss caused by serial resistance, thereby improving the power and light conversion efficiency of solar battery cells.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 18, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Chang Sub Won, Bo Ram Kang, Kwang Wook Kim, Go Young Moon
  • Publication number: 20110290531
    Abstract: The invention relates to a wire electrode (1, 1?) for electric discharge cutting processes and a method for the production thereof. The wire electrode (1, 1?) has a core (2) containing a metal or a metal alloy, and a coating (3, 4; 3, 4, 5) that surrounds the core (2) and includes one or more coating layers (3, 4, 5), at least one (3) of which contains a phase mixture of ?-brass and/or ??-brass and ?-brass. In said at least one coating layer (3) containing ?-brass and/or ??-brass and ?-brass, the ?-phase and/or ??-phase and the ?-phase are arranged next to each other in a fine-grained structure in which the mean size of the ?-brass and/or ??-brass grains and the ?-brass grains amounts to a maximum of 5 ?m relative to the cross-section extending perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the wire electrode (1, 1?).
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 26, 2009
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: Berkenhoff Gmbh
    Inventors: Ingo Baumann, Tobias Nöthe
  • Publication number: 20110290532
    Abstract: A headphone cord sleeve includes: a flexible tubular sleeve including an opening at each of a first end and a second end; a reinforced section of the tubular sleeve adjacent the first end reducing the flexibility of the tubular sleeve over the length of the reinforced section; and a loop extending from the side wall of the flexible tube, adjacent to the reinforced section. A method of managing a headphone cord comprising the steps of: providing a tubular sleeve including a first opening and a second opening; positioning the tubular sleeve onto a headphone cord, wherein the headphone cord includes a jack plug, a jack cord, a cord split, a pair of earbud cords and a pair of earbud housings; and selectively positioning the tubular sleeve between a use position and a storage position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 27, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Miguel A. Cano, JR.
  • Publication number: 20110290533
    Abstract: An insulator including an upper electrode and a lower electrode with an upper barrier and a lower barrier disposed outside respectively. The barriers can prevent moving charge from moving from one area to another and modify the electric field distribution within a concentrated area. Meanwhile, they also help to largely increase corona voltage and flashover voltage, reduce power loss in HV power transmission lines and radio interference, and mitigate degradation of insulators.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 20, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Desai ZHANG
  • Publication number: 20110290534
    Abstract: A printed circuit board includes a mounting area. The mounting area includes a first mounting portion and a second mounting portion. The first and second mounting portions partially overlap. The first mounting portion includes a number of first holes, a number of second holes, and a third hole. The first holes, the second holes, and the third hole are configured for the mounting of signal pins of a universal serial bus (USB) pin. The second mounting portion includes the first holes and a number of fixing holes. The first holes are configured for the mounting of signal pins of a USB connector. The fixing holes are configured for the mounting of fixing pins of the USB connector.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 17, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
  • Publication number: 20110290535
    Abstract: A wiring substrate includes a wiring board having a main face and a side face substantially perpendicular to the main face; a circuit pattern which is formed on the main face of the wiring board; a soaking plate which is disposed in an intermediate layer of the wiring board; and a plurality of protruding terminals are disposed in the intermediate layer and are projected outwardly from the side face. The protruding terminals are electrically connected in the intermediate layer to each other.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 27, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Mamoru Sawai
  • Publication number: 20110290536
    Abstract: A wiring substrate includes a wiring layer, and an insulating layer configured to cover the wiring layer, wherein the insulating layer is recognized to have any color in a range from purple to blue.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 26, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Kentaro Kaneko, Hitoshi Kondo, Kotaro Kodani, Tomoyuki Shimodaira
  • Publication number: 20110290537
    Abstract: A multilayer circuit substrate includes a substrate body in turn including a plurality of conductor layers and a plurality of insulating layers that are laminated alternately. The plurality of conductor layers include an uppermost conductor layer that includes a plurality of conductor patterns and a lowermost conductor layer that includes a plurality of conductor patterns. A plurality of semiconductor devices is respectively mounted on the plurality of conductor patterns of the uppermost conductor layer. The plurality of conductor patterns of the lowermost conductor layer includes a plurality of heat releasing patterns. The plurality of heat releasing patterns is respectively provided in one-to-one correspondence with the plurality of semiconductor devices. Each of the heat releasing patterns has an area no less than an area of the corresponding semiconductor device. Each of the heat releasing patterns is connected to the corresponding semiconductor device via a corresponding heat releasing via.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 20, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventor: Shigeki NAGASE
  • Publication number: 20110290538
    Abstract: A connecting structure of PCB using an anisotropic conductive film according to the present invention having members connected to each other by heat-compression using the anisotropic conductive film including an insulating adhesive as a base material and conductive particles dispersed in the insulating adhesive, wherein at least any one of the members has a flexible property, and a surface roughness value (Ra) of the member having a flexible property is 0.1 to 5.0 ?m due to dents formed by heat-compression.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 2, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Applicant: LG INNOTEK CO. LTD.
    Inventors: Chul-Jong HAN, Yoon-Jae CHUNG, Jong-Yoon JANG, Jeong-Beom PARK, Yong-Seok HAN, Sung-Uk CHOI, Il-Rae CHO, Hyuk-Soo MOON, Kyung-Joon LEE
  • Publication number: 20110290539
    Abstract: A pressure sensor includes a sense element port, a support ring and a plurality of interference fit slits to provide a flexible interference fit between the sense element port and the support ring to form a substantially flush lap joint. The sensor also includes an electronics board inside the support ring and attached to planar mounting tabs which provide a stable mounting. Gel flow barriers protect electronics board features from unwanted non-conductive gel. Double-ended symmetrical, tapered contact springs provide manufacturing cost savings and contribute to improved alignment of an interface connector of the sensor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 27, 2010
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Andrew F. Willner, Lauren Snedecker, Brian Wilkie, Gifford Plume, Prasanth Ambady
  • Publication number: 20110290540
    Abstract: Disclosed herein are an embedded printed circuit board and a method of manufacturing the same. The embedded printed circuit board includes: an insulating layer on which a cavity is formed; a chip mounted on the cavity; and a circuit layer formed on the insulating layer, wherein the insulating layer is made of photosensitive compositions including photosensitive monomer and photoinitiator. As a result, the cavity can be formed by selectively using only the insulating layer, thereby making it possible to secure a degree of freedom in the design of the embedded printed circuit board.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 29, 2011
    Publication date: December 1, 2011
    Inventors: Hyungmi Jung, Jaechoon Cho, Choonkeun Lee, Taesung Jeong, Seungeun Lee, Jinsun Park, Yeena Shin