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Textiles: Weaving Patents
Weft Manipulation Patents
Replenishing Patents
Feeler Mechanisms Patents (Class 139/269)
Feeler Mechanisms Patents (Class 139/269)
Suspended actuation (Class 139/270)
Positively withdrawn (Class 139/271)
Lay carried (Class 139/272)
Electric (Class 139/273R)
Photo-electric (Class 139/273A)
Magnetic (Class 139/274)
Detector in shuttle (Class 139/275)
Becoming quiescent (Class 139/276)
With auxiliary bobbin and shuttle contact (Class 139/277)
Yarn impinging and lay actuation (Class 139/278)
Yarn impinging and penetrating members (Class 139/279)
Rotary (Class 139/280)
Side slipping (Class 139/281)
Spring stressed (Class 139/282)
Pivoted carrier (Class 139/283)
Slidable carrier (Class 139/284)
Pivoted carrier (Class 139/285)
Slidable carrier (Class 139/286)
Feeler tips (Class 139/287)
Positioners (Class 139/288)
There are no patents to show for this class.