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Bridges Patents (Class 14)
Bridges Patents (Class 14)
Truss and arch (Class 14/2)
Transportable (Class 14/2.4)
Having launching means (Class 14/2.5)
Floating (Class 14/2.6)
Truss (Class 14/3)
Arrangement (Class 14/4)
Structure (Class 14/13)
Suspension (Class 14/18)
Compound system (Class 14/19)
Simple system (Class 14/20)
Towers and anchors (Class 14/21)
Cables and cable clamps (Class 14/22)
Constructive apparatus (Class 14/23)
Arch (Class 14/24)
Compound (Class 14/25)
Abutments and anchorages (Class 14/26)
Floating (Class 14/27)
Adjustable height (Class 14/28)
Draw (Class 14/29)
Draw (Class 14/31)
Swing (Class 14/32)
Lift (Class 14/42)
Horizontally sliding (Class 14/43)
Lazy tongs (Class 14/45)
Locking devices (Class 14/46)
Aprons (Class 14/47)
Buffers (Class 14/48)
Signals (Class 14/49)
Gates (Class 14/50)
Gangway, ramp, or dock leveler (Class 14/69.5)
Endless conveyer (Class 14/70)
Attached (Class 14/71.1)
Wheeled (Class 14/72.5)
Deck (Class 14/73)
Joint (Class 14/73.1)
Expansion device (e.g., bearing pad) (Class 14/73.5)
Covering (Class 14/74)
Girder (Class 14/74.5)
Pier (Class 14/75)
Fender (Class 14/76)
Bridge construction method (Class 14/77.1)
Pier (Class 14/77.3)
Miscellaneous (Class 14/78)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 14/FOR000)