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Coopering Patents (Class 147)
Coopering Patents (Class 147)
Barrel-making machines (Class 147/1)
Heading machines (Class 147/6)
Setting-up machines (Class 147/2)
Setting-up formers (Class 147/3)
Barrel-compressing machines (Class 147/4)
Cone (Class 147/5)
Truss hoops (Class 147/49)
Hoop drivers
Miscellaneous (Class 147/7)
Cam-operated (Class 147/8)
Hydraulic and steam (Class 147/9)
Lever-operated (Class 147/10)
Screw-operated (Class 147/11)
Weight (Class 147/12)
Crozing and chamfering barrels
Clamped barrel
Rotating barrel
Hand crozes (Class 147/24)
Crozing staves
Miscellaneous (Class 147/18)
Rotary cutter
Sliding knife (Class 147/23)
Jointing staves
Miscellaneous (Class 147/25)
Inclined molding heads
Rotary cutter
Converging saws (Class 147/28)
Disk cutter head (Class 147/29)
Single saw
Slicing knife (Class 147/32)
Sliding plane (Class 147/33)
Traveling saw
Longitudinal cutter cylinder (Class 147/35)
Shaping staves (Class 147/35.5)
Barrel head-making
Miscellaneous (Class 147/36)
Fixed chuck
Rotary saw (Class 147/38)
Rotary chuck
Hand scribers (Class 147/41)
Chamfering tools (Class 147/42)
Hoop machines
Miscellaneous (Class 147/43)
Racking (Class 147/44)
Lapping and pointing (Class 147/45)
Lock-cutting (Class 147/46)
Basket-forming (Class 147/48)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 147/FOR000)