Abstract: The present invention relates to a portable crozer adapted to be mounted above a new or used barrel for firstly creating a groove or “croze” along an inside surface to accommodate a barrel head, and secondly, for creating a bevelled top edge. In the case of used barrels, the croze is formed a short distance below the existing croze, and a new bevelled edge is formed to compensate for the lowered barrel head position. Conventional crozers are not adapted to be used on used barrels and have a number of inherent problems which are overcome by the present invention. In particular, conventional crozers are not portable which means they are not able to be used in mobile barrel reconditioning services, the time taken for each croze is significant, and they are generally in the form of bulky, quite expensive machinery.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a portable crozer adapted to be mounted above a new or used barrel for firstly creating a groove or “croze” along an inside surface to accommodate a barrel head, and secondly, for creating a bevelled top edge. In the case of used barrels, the croze is formed a short distance below the existing croze, and a new bevelled edge is formed to compensate for the lowered barrel head position. Conventional crozers are not adapted to be used on used barrels and have a number of inherent problems which are overcome by the present invention. In particular, conventional crozers are not portable which means they are not able to be used in mobile barrel reconditioning services, the time taken for each croze is significant, and they are generally in the form of bulky, quite expensive machinery.