Abstract: A device for converting gravitational force to energy. The device comprises a rotor (1). The rotor comprises a first outer chamber within which is contained a first displacement chamber (13), a second outer chamber within which is contained a second displacement chamber, and a outer shell (2). A piston (9) is slidably received in the casing between the first displacement chamber and the second displacement chamber, above the first displacement chamber. When the piston slides in the casing towards the first displacement chamber, displacement fluid (17) exits the first displacement chamber and enters the second displacement chamber, thereby causing the second displacement chamber to be heavier than the first displacement chamber. A pivot point (6), connected to the drive shaft, is provided wherein the rotor can rotate such that the second outer chamber becomes lower than the first outer chamber. A generator (19) is coupled to the shaft.
Abstract: A gravity actuated torque generator for generating torque to run a generator by continually adding weights to the apparatus. The gravity actuated torque generator includes a support assembly, a drive assembly being supported by the support assembly, and a weight assembly being engagable to the drive assembly while moving downwardly due to gravitational forces for generating torque.