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Motors: spring, weight, or animal powered Patents (Class 185)
Motors: Spring, Weight, Or Animal Powered Patents (Class 185)
Composite (Class 185/2)
Animal powered only (Class 185/3)
Weight only (Class 185/4)
Spring only (Class 185/9)
Animal powered (Class 185/15)
Pivoted seat (Class 185/15.5)
Belt tread (Class 185/16)
Drum tread (Class 185/17)
Pivoted disk tread (Class 185/18)
Sweep type (Class 185/19)
With driving or whipping means (Class 185/24)
With anchor (Class 185/25)
Weight (Class 185/27)
Operator's weight (Class 185/28)
Oscillating (Class 185/29)
Escapement controlled (Class 185/31)
With weight raising means, (e.g., winding) (Class 185/32)
Spring (Class 185/37)
Escapement controlled (Class 185/38)
With winding means (Class 185/39)
Spring mounting (Class 185/45)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 185/FOR000)
Spring powered toys (Class 185/DIG1)
Foreign digest (Class 185/DIG2)