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192 Clutches And Power-stop Control Patents
Clutches (192/30)
Operators (192/82 R)
Fluid Pressure (192/85 R) Patents (Class 192/FOR118)
Fluid Pressure (192/85 R) Patents (Class 192/FOR118)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Double acting (192/86) (Class 192/FOR119)
Multiple clutches (192/87.1) (Class 192/FOR120)
Having independent operators (192/87.11) (Class 192/FOR121)
Responsive to rotational speed of clutch-element (192/87.12) (Class 192/FOR122)
With selective distributor for fluid pressure (192/87.13) (Class 192/FOR123)
Alternatively operative clutches (192/87.14) (Class 192/FOR124)
Clutches coaxial with operators (192/87.15) (Class 192/FOR125)
Common or interconnected operator(s) (192/87.16) (Class 192/FOR126)
Operator between clutches (192/87.17) (Class 192/FOR127)
With selective distributor for fluid pressure (192/87.18) (Class 192/FOR128)
Having neutral position (192/87.19) (Class 192/FOR129)
Flexible motor (192/88 r) (Class 192/FOR130)
Flexible fluid motor-axially engaged (192/88 A) (Class 192/FOR131)
Radially engaged (192/88 B) (Class 192/FOR132)
Axially engaging-rotating motor and clutch (192/85 a) (Class 192/FOR133)
Axially engaging clamping rotating motor and clutch (192/85 aa) (Class 192/FOR134)
Axially engaging spreading rotating motor and clutch (192/85 ab) (Class 192/FOR135)
Transversely engaging rotating motor and clutch (192/85 at) (Class 192/FOR136)
Clutch and nonrotating motor (192/85 c) (Class 192/FOR137)
Clutch and nonrotating motor (192/85 ca) (Class 192/FOR138)
Centrifugal fluid clutches (192/85 f) (Class 192/FOR139)
Vacuum clutches and operators (192/85 v) (Class 192/FOR140)
Fluid release (192/91r) (Class 192/FOR141)
Motor concentric with clutch shaft (192/91 A) (Class 192/FOR142)
There are no patents to show for this class.