192 Clutches And Power-stop Control Patents (Class 192)
- Vehicle type (Class 192/13R)
- Same member (Class 192/14)
- Automatic check and release (Class 192/15)
- Peripheral brake (Class 192/17R)
- Sliding operation (Class 192/18R)
- Crank control (Class 192/19)
- Internal resistance (Class 192/12A)
- One-way engaging (Class 192/12B)
- Fluid operator (Class 192/12C)
- Electric (Class 192/12D)
- Automatic (Class 192/31)
- Plural clutch-assemblage (Class 192/48.1)
- Progressive engagement (Class 192/52.1)
- Torque responsive (Class 192/54.1)
- Fluent material and mechanical (Class 192/57)
- Fluent material (Class 192/58.1)
- Plow-lifting type (Class 192/62)
- Free-engine type (Class 192/63)
- Velocipede free wheel (Class 192/64)
- Axially and transversely engaging (Class 192/65)
- Axially engaging (Class 192/66.1)
- Transversely engaged
- Operators (Class 192/82R)
- Warning, indicating, and signal devices (Class 192/30W)
- Vibration dampers (Class 192/30V)
- Clutch element resiliently carried on hub (Class 192/200)
- Engaging surfaces (Class 192/107R)
- Thrust members, retarders, and stops (Class 192/109R)
- Shafts, bearings, and adjusting devices (Class 192/110R)
- Wear compensators (Class 192/111.1)
- Casings (Class 192/112)
- Lubricating, insulating, or cooling (Class 192/113.1)
- Locks (Class 192/114R)
- Supports (Class 192/115)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- Back-pedaling brake (192/5) (Class 192/FOR102)
- Automatic brake (192/7) (Class 192/FOR106)
- Electric control (192/9) (Class 192/FOR110)
- Belt shipper (192/10) (Class 192/FOR111)
- Belt tightener (192/11) (Class 192/FOR112)
- Automatic type (192/4 A) (Class 192/FOR113)
- Internal resistance brake (192/4 B) (Class 192/FOR114)
- Forward and reverse gearing (192/4 C) (Class 192/FOR115)