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Registers Patents
Calculators Patents
Traveling Carriage Patents (Class 235/63R)
Traveling Carriage Patents (Class 235/63R)
Manually operated (Class 235/63A)
Machines with ten keys or less (Class 235/63B)
With master wheels (Class 235/63C)
Power operated (Class 235/63D)
Auto-control incident to multiplying and dividing (Class 235/63E)
Auto-control incident to dividing (Class 235/63F)
Divided - divisor aligning mechanism (Class 235/63G)
Automatic multiplication (Class 235/63H)
Both factors preset in full (Class 235/63J)
One factor only preset in full (Class 235/63K)
Miscellaneous (Class 235/63L)
Key operated (Class 235/63KP)
Key set (Class 235/63KS)
Decimal elimination (Class 235/63DE)
There are no patents to show for this class.