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Typesetting Patents (Class 276)
Typesetting Patents (Class 276)
Miscellaneous (Class 276/1)
Setting and distributing machines (Class 276/2)
Registerable magazine and composing channels (Class 276/3)
Circulating feeler and type-holder distributors (Class 276/5)
Ward distributors (Class 276/6)
Keyboard distributors (Class 276/7)
Setting and justifying machines (Class 276/8)
Measure-controlled justifier (Class 276/9)
Compressing justifier (Class 276/10)
Indicating justifier (Class 276/11)
Setting machines (Class 276/12)
Pattern control (Class 276/13)
Hand supply (Class 276/14)
Registerable magazine and composing channels (Class 276/15)
Conveyor (Class 276/16)
Converging chutes (Class 276/20)
Distributing machines (Class 276/22)
Feeler (Class 276/23)
Ward (Class 276/26)
Keyboard (Class 276/27)
Justifying machines (Class 276/28)
Measurer-controlled (Class 276/29)
Wedge (Class 276/32)
Galleys (Class 276/33)
Lead handlers (Class 276/34)
Type-line separators (Class 276/35)
Type arrangers (Class 276/36)
Hand type channels (Class 276/37)
Composing sticks (Class 276/38)
Positive knee lock (Class 276/39)
Galleys (Class 276/40)
Side and end locking means (Class 276/41)
Side locking means (Class 276/42)
End locking means (Class 276/43)
Type cases (Class 276/44)
Feeding (Class 276/45)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 276/FOR000)