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Brush, broom, and mop making Patents (Class 300)
Brush, Broom, And Mop Making Patents (Class 300)
Miscellaneous (Class 300/1)
Brush-making machines (Class 300/2)
Drilling and tuft setting (Class 300/3)
Tuft feeding and setting (Class 300/4)
Tuft gathering and setting (Class 300/5)
Tuft gathering (Class 300/7)
Tuft setting (Class 300/8)
Filling (Class 300/9)
Work holders (Class 300/10)
Broom-making machines (Class 300/12)
Nailing and stapling (Class 300/13)
Winding (Class 300/14)
Wire banding (Class 300/15)
Mop-making machines (Class 300/16)
Brush and broom trimming (Class 300/17)
Dressing and assorting (Class 300/18)
Implements (Class 300/19)
Handle setting (Class 300/20)
Processes (Class 300/21)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 300/FOR000)