Imaging Elements Movable In And Out Of Optical Axis Patents (Class 359/381)
  • Publication number: 20030076585
    Abstract: This invention discloses an optical system for enhancing the image from a microscope's high power objective lens that permits the simultaneous viewing of an object at both high and low magnifications through a single high power objective lens. This is accomplished by the mounting of high and low power lens train tubes on a microscope body and by directing a light source through a microscope's high power objective lens, then through beam splitters and then through said high and low power lens train tubes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 6, 2002
    Publication date: April 24, 2003
    Inventor: Robert S. Ledley
  • Publication number: 20030058530
    Abstract: A high-performance microscope allows total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and interference reflection microscopy (or reflection contrast microscopy) to be selectively performed by using the same objective. The microscope has an objective optical system and an image-forming optical system for imaging light from a sample passing through the objective optical system onto an image pickup device. An optical member is provided in a viewing optical path extending from the objective optical system to the image-forming optical system. The optical member reflects illuminating light from an illuminating optical system so that the illuminating light enters the objective optical system, and allows the light from the sample passing through the objective optical system to pass through the image-forming optical system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 25, 2002
    Publication date: March 27, 2003
    Inventor: Yoshihiro Kawano
  • Publication number: 20030035208
    Abstract: A scanning microscope possesses at least one illumination source for emitting an illuminating beam that is conveyed via a beam deflection device and an optical system to a specimen and scans the latter, the beam deflection device defining at least one illuminating beam rotation point. A device for axial displacement in particular of the beam deflection device, or of a lens preceding the objective, is provided for imaging of an image of the illuminating beam rotation point into the pupil of the objective.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 14, 2002
    Publication date: February 20, 2003
    Applicant: Leica Microsystems Heidelberg GmbH
    Inventor: Johann Engelhardt
  • Publication number: 20030021018
    Abstract: A scanning microscope that defines an illumination beam path and a detection beam path, having an objective that is arranged in both the illumination beam path and the detection beam path, is disclosed. The scanning microscope is characterized by an interchangeable module that is also arranged in the illumination beam path and a [sic] detection beam path and that separates the illumination beam path and detection beam path at a fixed angular relationship to one another and comprises at least a first acoustooptical component. Also disclosed is an optical element having at least three ports.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 29, 2002
    Publication date: January 30, 2003
    Applicant: Leica Microsystems Heidelberg GmbH
    Inventors: Holger Birk, Johann Engelhardt
  • Patent number: 6508759
    Abstract: A surgical microscope comprising a microscope body, lens means attached to the microscope body for magnifying an object image, an eyepiece attached to the microscope body for viewing the magnified object image, and coupling means attached to the microscope body for retaining a supplementary lens in optical alignment with the lens means, the coupling means being configured for introducing the supplementary lens through a percutaneous penetration into a body cavity, wherein the eyepiece and the lens means are configured to facilitate stereoscopic viewing. In a variation of the surgical microscope, a plurality of binocular eyepieces are attached to the microscope body to allow multiple persons to contemporaneously view the magnified object image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 21, 2003
    Assignee: Heartport, Inc.
    Inventors: Charles S. Taylor, Brian S. Donlon, Timothy R. Machold
  • Publication number: 20020181094
    Abstract: A multi-element folded optical train is provided for the increase of magnification of an optical microscope. The apparatus includes a plurality of reflective elements arranged to provide a continuous optical path through each of the reflective elements. The apparatus is employed as an intermediary between the objective and eyepiece of the optical microscope such that light from the objective passes through the various reflective elements and to the eyepiece.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2002
    Publication date: December 5, 2002
    Inventor: Ronald J. Weinstock
  • Publication number: 20020171925
    Abstract: An inverted microscope of the present invention comprising a microscope main body including a relay optical system which forms a primary intermediate image of a sample by a light from the sample irradiated with an irradiation light via an objective lens and an image forming lens, and which relays a light flux from the primary intermediate image, and a light path switch unit which is disposed in the microscope main body to be attachable/detachable, and which branches the light flux relayed by the relay optical system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 2, 2002
    Publication date: November 21, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Masahito Tonooka, Kazuhiko Yamanouchi
  • Patent number: 6479807
    Abstract: A microscope which is capable of quickly switching different methods of observation such as phase contrast observation and bright field observation. The microscope comprises a condenser lens for condensing an illumination light, a diaphragm disposed on the optical axis of the condenser lens and having a variable aperture area, an aperture setting means for setting the an aperture area of the diaphragm, a slider disposed on the light condensing side of the condenser lens and having a first aperture portion having a ring slit and a second aperture portion, a first control means for restricting the aperture area to the full open aperture side when the first aperture portion is disposed on the optical axis of the condenser lens, and a second control means for releasing the restriction on the aperture portion when the second aperture portion is disposed on the optical axis of the condenser lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2002
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Kunio Toshimitsu
  • Publication number: 20020163715
    Abstract: The present invention concerns a microscope and a method for operating a microscope, in particular a confocal or double confocal scanning microscope, having an optical beam path (9) extending between a light source (1), a specimen (2), and a detector (7) and/or a detection optical system, in which context intentional and unintentional relative motions occur between the specimen (2) and the optical beam path (9), undesired relative motions of the microscope components in optical beam path (9) are intended to result in no (or only minor) image defects, and method steps are provided which eliminate or minimize the image defects brought about by undesired relative motions between the specimen (2) and optical beam path (9); and is characterized in that a first device (8) detects relative motions; and a second device (22) compensates for unintentional relative motions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2002
    Publication date: November 7, 2002
    Applicant: Leica Microsystems Heidelberg GmbH
    Inventors: Johann Engelhardt, Juergen Hoffmann
  • Patent number: 6473230
    Abstract: The invention concerns a microscope with a capability for switching between the deep ultra-violet and the visible spectral region having a displaceable tube lens changer (16) with at least one tube lens (17a) for the IV light region and at least one tube lens (17b) for the visible light region and additionally having a reflector carrier having multiple reflectors (12) arranged shiftably in the illuminating beam path on said reflector carrier (13). The reflector carrier (13) on the one hand and the tube lens changer (16) on the other hand are mechanically coupled to one another in such a way that shifting the reflector carrier (13) in the illuminating beam path to a specific reflector (12) automatically displaces the tube lens changer (16) in such a way that the latter arranges in the optical axis (15) a tube lens (17) corresponding to the reflector (12).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 2001
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2002
    Assignee: Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH
    Inventor: Roland Hedrich
  • Publication number: 20020154397
    Abstract: There is disclosed an inverted microscope comprising an objective lens disposed under a sample, a tube lens which is disposed in a light path of an observation light emitted from the objective lens and which forms the observation light into an image, an incident light illumination optical device which is disposed between the objective lens and the tube lens, and which introduces incident light illumination into the light path of the observation light, and an input/output port which is disposed between the incident light illumination optical device and the tube lens, and which splits a light flux from the light path of the observation light or introduces the light flux into the light path of the observation light.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 19, 2002
    Publication date: October 24, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Yasuteru Takahama
  • Publication number: 20020149844
    Abstract: A microscope, which may be a stereomicroscope, includes: at least one objective; at least one eyepiece; at least one optical component configured to form a beam path from the objective to the eyepiece, where each optical component includes a lens, mirror, or deflection prism; and a tube configured to enclose a portion of the beam path, including at least one region of modifiable length configured to connect to at least one optical correction element and configured so that the optical correction element may be inserted into or removed from the portion of the beam path. The microscope may include a linkage between the tube and the correction lens configured to pivot or slide the correction lens as a function of a length of the region of modifiable length.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 14, 2002
    Publication date: October 17, 2002
    Inventors: Juergen Pensel, Ulrich Sander
  • Patent number: 6456430
    Abstract: A microscope is disclosed that includes: a light source that emits light in a wavelength range that includes both visible and infrared wavelengths, an illuminating optical system for illuminating a specimen with the light from the light source, an objective lens for gathering light from the specimen and causing it to converge, a light beam dividing unit that divides the beam of light from the objective lens into plural divided light paths such that the wavelength ranges in the divided light paths differ from one another, a magnification conversion optical system in one of the divided light paths which converts the magnification of images formed by light in that divided light path, and an imaging device located in each of at least two of the divided light paths, wherein the objective lens has a magnifying power less than or equal to 32 and a numerical aperture greater than or equal to 0.80.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 24, 2002
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Takashi Kasahara, Katsuyuki Abe, Kenji Kawasaki
  • Publication number: 20020131165
    Abstract: An inverted microscope system comprises a microscope main body having an objective lens opposed to a sample, a primary image forming optical system which forms an intermediate image of the sample in cooperation with the objective lens, and focusing section for changing a relative distance between the sample and the objective lens and forming the intermediate image of the sample at a predetermined position, illumination section, which is detachable with respect to the microscope main body, for generating illumination light to the sample, and an additional unit which is detachable with respect to the microscope main body and includes an observation tube to observe the intermediate image of the sample.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 6, 2002
    Publication date: September 19, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Yasuteru Takahama
  • Publication number: 20020126375
    Abstract: A stereo microscope comprises: a main objective; a main observation output configured so that a left-hand beam path and a right-hand beam path are formed between the main objective and the main observation output; at least one input reflection beam splitter in each of the left-hand and right-hand beam paths configured to reflect additional information into its corresponding beam path; at least one output reflection beam splitter in at least one of the left-hand and right-hand beam paths; at least one first switchable shutter associated with at least one of the left-hand and right-hand beam paths, located in front of a corresponding input reflection beam splitter; and at least one second switchable shutter associated with at least one of the left-hand and right-hand beam paths, located between the main observation output and a corresponding output reflection beam splitter.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 25, 2002
    Publication date: September 12, 2002
    Inventors: Roger Spink, Jacques Alain Deverin, Benno Moser, Juergen Mannss
  • Patent number: 6449088
    Abstract: A variable dark-field illumination method and apparatus to produce microscopic and macroscopic images with a variable dark-field effect thereby making best use of various detector response characteristics. The variable dark-field of the invention is particularly characterized by an adjustable object contrast which optimizes the use of the various detectors dynamic range. The invention is particularly useful when coupled with a video camera and for macroscopic systems having a large depth object field. The dark-fields of the art have geometries which are objectionable because those geometries have very limited depths of field. The invention is particularly distinguished from the art as the dark-field methods and apparatuses of the art are generally geometrically restrictive and they do not provide variable contrast control for input images.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 10, 2002
    Assignee: EmCal
    Inventors: James T. Pettingell, James T. Snyder
  • Publication number: 20020118448
    Abstract: Provisions must be made in surgery microscopes for eye surgeries through the selective adding of optics so that a non-reversed and erect-standing image can be produced including that of the fundus of the eye. A device for the image reversion is fastened on the microscope so that it can be moved into the beam path and is then provided between the lens and the eye so that the overall height of the microscope is not influenced. This inventive arrangement can be utilized very universally on very differently designed microscopes and can be operated with prism systems of varying design's.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 17, 2001
    Publication date: August 29, 2002
    Inventors: Rainer Kirchhuebel, Josef Reiner
  • Patent number: 6437911
    Abstract: The objective changing-over apparatus of the present invention mounted on a microscope, for changing over two objectives on the microscope optical axis by electric power using a driving source comprises a rotation member to fit the two objectives, and two abutting members for limiting the rotation range of the rotation member, a transmission mechanism having a rotation area including a transmission area for transmitting the force and larger than the rotation range of the rotation member limited by the abutting member, for transmitting the force from the driving source to the rotation member by the transmission area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 2000
    Date of Patent: August 20, 2002
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Kazuhiro Hasegawa
  • Patent number: 6429967
    Abstract: An optical attachment unit is described which can be inserted reversibly into the detection light path of a confocal optical microscope, which has the effect of modifying the magnification of the specimen at the level of the detector iris. This modification consists in the preferred form of a demagnification, so that high sensitivity is obtained at the expense of confocal function, as is required for multiphoton imaging and other purposes. No optical telescope or other imaging system used for confocal function is disturbed or removed by the operation of inserting the unit, so that the confocal function can be restored reproducibly and rapidly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 2001
    Date of Patent: August 6, 2002
    Assignee: Medical Research Council
    Inventor: William Bradshaw Amos
  • Publication number: 20020101653
    Abstract: The invention concerns a microscope having a basic body on or in which are arranged at least one microscope objective, at least one eyepiece, and at least one beam splitter that is provided in the beam path between the microscope objective and the eyepiece and that reflects a portion of the light out of the beam path to the eyepiece or reflects images into the beam path going to the eyepiece.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 28, 2002
    Publication date: August 1, 2002
    Applicant: Leica Microsystems AG
    Inventor: Juerg Muentener
  • Publication number: 20020071175
    Abstract: A microscope unit of the present invention comprises various optical units relating to a plurality of different microscopic methods, a revolver for an objective lens, to which at least one objective lens is attached, a focusing mechanism which moves the revolver for the objective lens in a direction of an optical axis and focuses the objective lens selectively inserted onto the optical axis, an illumination light source, electromotive actuators which are individually disposed on the various optical units, the revolver for the objective lens, and the focusing mechanism and in which an electromotive control can be carried out, one microscope observation tube in which the various optical units, the revolver for the objective lens, and the focusing mechanism are integrally incorporated, and an attachment portion which is disposed on the microscope observation tube and which is attachable/ detachable with respect to supports of various test apparatuses.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 21, 2001
    Publication date: June 13, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Katsuji Murakami, Kazuhiro Kanzaki, Junichi Ono
  • Patent number: 6400395
    Abstract: A novel computer-controlled video microscopy system, features a rotatable objective lens turret. The lens turret is a rotatable cylindrical drum having an open end and closed end. A plurality of light-transmitting objective lenses are evenly spaced about the side wall of the cylindrical drum. The objective lenses are each directed perpendicularly to the axis of rotation of the cylindrical drum. A computer is used to select a desired objective lens and signal a motor to rotate the cylindrical drum about its axis of rotation, so as to move the selected objective lens into the path of an approaching light beam. When the light beam enters the drum through the objective lens, a prism or mirror inside the cylindrical drum bends the light beam at a right angle and directs it out of the drum through its open end. An image carried by the light beam is then focused onto the imaging plane of a video camera.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1999
    Date of Patent: June 4, 2002
    Inventors: Rex A. Hoover, Robert G. Hoover
  • Patent number: 6396039
    Abstract: An inspection system for and a method of inspecting defects on opposite sides of a glass specimen are set forth wherein a focusing filament is positioned in the light path of an inspection system having an objective lens. The filament is focused to the same plane that the objective lens uses to image a defect on the glass surface, so as to produce a shadow of the filament in the field of view when the objective is focused on either a front or back surface of the specimen. The utilization of the focusing filament provides an absolute surface reference that can automatically compensate for variations of the glass specimen position relative to a plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 11, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 28, 2002
    Assignee: Corning Incorporated
    Inventor: Jeffrey C. McCreary
  • Patent number: 6384967
    Abstract: An illumination apparatus of the present invention used for a microscope to guide illumination light to an objective lens attached to a revolving nosepiece comprises a light source for radiating the illumination light, an optical system for guiding the illumination light radiated from the light source, to the objective lens, an aperture diaphragm switching section provided in the optical system and having a plurality of aperture diaphragms and a light shielding portion, for switching the aperture diaphragm on the illumination light, linked with motion of the revolving nosepiece, when switching an observation method or the objective lens, and a control circuit for controlling operation of at least one of the aperture diaphragm switching section and the revolving nosepiece such that amount of light entering into the objective lens is prevented from undesirably increasing, when the observation method or the objective lens is switched.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 7, 2002
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Akira Watanabe, Minoru Sukekawa, Shunichi Kubota, Shinji Matsushita
  • Patent number: 6384992
    Abstract: The application describes a holder for attaching a component with outside dovetail carriages to a bearing surface. A pin-like bolt and, next to it, a ssion spring, which is bent away from the bolt under preloading, are attached in front of the bearing surface as interacting holder components. The cross sections, the lengths and the distance between the bolt and the compression spring are adapted to the inner profile of the dovetail carriage. To attach the component, the dovetail carriage is pressed manually by means of the bolt and the compression spring, until it comes into contact with the bearing surface, and is latched in place. The bolt and the compression spring are pressed into the inner sides of the dovetail carriage on both sides by the preloading of the bent compression spring. Advantageously, the compression spring is additionally preloaded toward the bearing surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 2000
    Date of Patent: May 7, 2002
    Assignee: Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH
    Inventor: Albrecht Weiss
  • Publication number: 20020044348
    Abstract: There is disclosed a microscope focusing apparatus comprising a light illuminator, an objective lens, an observation tube, a holder which holds these, a focusing main body including a focusing movable portion which linearly and vertically moves, and an attaching portion, formed in the focusing movable portion, which fixes the holder, wherein the holder comprises a first holder including a first support, the first support disposed on an observation optical axis, which supports the light illuminator, and a second holder including a second support, the second support disposed outside the observation optical axis, which supports the light illuminator, and one of the first and second holders can be selectively attached to the attaching portion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2001
    Publication date: April 18, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Hironori Utsugi
  • Patent number: 6373626
    Abstract: A bright and dark field switching device, according to the present invention, comprises a glare-proof filter 31 and a condenser lens 32 for a dark field, a guide mechanism 40, and a switching mechanism 60. The glare-proof filter 31 and the condenser lens 32 for a dark field are arranged on both sides with an optical path L of an illuminating optical system interposed therebetween. The guide mechanism 40 holds the glare-proof filter 31 and the condenser lens 32 for a dark field such that they can be moved to the optical path L and can be returned from the optical path L. The switching mechanism 60 moves the glare-proof filter 31 and the condenser lens 32 for a dark field to the optical path L and returns them from the optical path L. Further, the switching mechanism 60 moves the glare-proof filter 31 together so as to position the same on the optical path L only when returning the condenser lens 32 for a dark field from the optical path L.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 9, 2000
    Date of Patent: April 16, 2002
    Assignee: Mitutoyo Corporation
    Inventors: Shoichi Tanaka, Hidekazu Sano, Hitoshi Isobe
  • Patent number: 6366398
    Abstract: The observation apparatus of the present invention has a basic structure as a normal microscope with an objective system constituted by an interchangeable objective unit attached to a revolver and a tube lens unit fixed at a position to which a light beam is guided from the objective unit. Particularly, the observation apparatus has a mechanism capable of setting a special optical system (auxiliary lens unit) constituting part of the objective unit on the optical axis of the objective system between the revolver and the tube lens unit. A partial objective unit constituting part of the objective unit is attached to the revolver to constitute the objective unit by the partial objective unit and the auxiliary lens unit. In this manner, the objective unit for a very low magnification whose total length is larger than the parfocal distance for the objective in this apparatus can be constituted.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 2, 2002
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Yumiko Ouchi
  • Publication number: 20020036822
    Abstract: A rough motion shaft 54 and a fine motion shaft 55 are provided on a front side of a stage 37 with respect to an optical axis of an observation optical system of a microscope. Further, a rough motion shaft 45 and a fine motion shaft 46 are provided on a rear side with respect to the optical axis. The rough motion shaft 54 and the fine motion shaft 55 are linked with the rough motion shaft 45 and the fine motion shaft 46 so as to move objective lenses 43 selectively in rough motion or fine motion. Objective lenses 43A, 43B are arranged in a circular shape on a fixing member 111 and a rotating member 113 is provided for rotating these objective lenses 43A, 43B along the direction of the arrangement. This rotating member 113 is provided with a weight 123 and this weight 123 applies a rotation force in inverse direction larger than a rotation force by a rotating body comprised of the rotating member 113 and the objective lenses 43A, 43B depending on a rotation angle of the rotating member 113.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 16, 2001
    Publication date: March 28, 2002
    Applicant: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kenji Karaki, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Keisuke Tamura
  • Patent number: 6359731
    Abstract: An optical element switching apparatus can switch optical elements, as desired, without interference between the optical element and an object. The optical element switching apparatus comprises a movement member to which a plurality of optical elements are detachably attached and which is supported to be parallel-linearly movable by means of a guide mechanism, a drive mechanism for parallel-linearly moving the movement member, and a guide member for guiding, where the optical elements are to be switched, the optical element to be switched in such a direction as to retreat from the object when the movement member is to be parallel-linearly moved.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 19, 2002
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Kenichi Koyama
  • Patent number: 6337767
    Abstract: A microscope device has visible light observation and ultraviolet light observation capabilities wherein casting of ultraviolet light on a visible light objective lens can be reliably prevented. The microscope device includes a visible light illumination system that can illuminate a specimen with visible light, an ultraviolet light illumination system that can illuminate a specimen with ultraviolet light, a filter block to switch between a visible light illumination system and an ultraviolet light illumination system for use with the specimen, and observation system for purposes of observing a specimen. An electromotive turret supports a visible light objective lens and an ultraviolet light objective lens and selectively positions the objective lenses into the observation system optical path. A turret drive motor drives the electromotive turret. A filter sensor detects whether the illumination is from an ultraviolet light illumination system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 1998
    Date of Patent: January 8, 2002
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Atsushi Takeuchi
  • Publication number: 20020001126
    Abstract: The apparatus for objective changing comprises an inventory of at least one objective (5) which defines a longitudinal axis (6). The objective change between an objective storage position (22) and a reference objective position (5a) is made possible by the apparatus, and the reference objective position (5a) lies within an optical beam path that defines an optical axis (3). A retaining element defines the reference objective position (5a), and during the objective change, the objective (5) with its longitudinal axis (6) is movable, in the vicinity of the retaining element (26), substantially coaxially with the optical axis (3). The objective change is accomplished along a guide rail (17).
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 26, 2001
    Publication date: January 3, 2002
    Inventor: Johann Engelhardt
  • Publication number: 20010050809
    Abstract: A microscope includes a body unit that constitutes a microscope body and a plurality of units that are attached to the body unit. The plurality of units are electrically connected to a ground line. In this microscope, at least two of the units are imparted with conducting properties with conducting abilities different from each other.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 30, 2001
    Publication date: December 13, 2001
    Inventors: Nobuyuki Miyake, Kazumasa Aoyama
  • Publication number: 20010048551
    Abstract: A microscope unit of the present invention having a supplementary lens by means of which the distance between a view object and the viewing end of a microscope is adjustable. The unit has an intermediate member which is attachable between the microscope viewing end and the supplementary lens and has a dimension in the direction of the optical axis, where a first engagement part which is detachably fastenable to a lens attachment part at the microscope viewing end and a second engagement part which is detachably fastenable to the supplementary lens are formed in the intermediate member.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2001
    Publication date: December 6, 2001
    Inventor: Shinobu Sakamoto
  • Patent number: 6327080
    Abstract: A microscope with an exchangeable intermediate tube that is inserted between the microscope objective and an ocular eyepiece instead of the tube lens and which is adjustable in a defined manner with respect to its height and has relay or transfer optics with an essentially constant intersection length, comprising, in the observation direction, a first lens group with a long focal length, preferably greater than 10 m, and a second lens group with a short focal length whose common focal length corresponds to the focal length of a standard tube lens, preferably approximately 164 mm, wherein the distance between the first and second lens group is adjustable.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
    Inventors: Hans Brinkmann, Peter Dietrich, Hans-Juergen Dobschal, Heinz Ozimek, Georg Herbst
  • Patent number: 6323995
    Abstract: An optical element switching device is provided wherein a plurality of optical elements are held by a guide mechanism for guiding them to move straight or rotate and arranged on a turret, and positioned by a positioning part comprising a spring for pushing a ball into V grooves formed at a rotarys shaft of the turret rotated by a first motor wherein, a selected one of the optical elements is stopped in an optical path (i.e. an optical axis of objectives), and wherein the optical element is moved by a second motor along a direction in which it is guided by the guide mechanism, so that corrections such as adjustment of the contrast and the like are automatically executed at switching operations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: November 27, 2001
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Yasuteru Takahama, Mitsuhiko Saito, Sadashi Adachi, Tetsuya Shirota
  • Publication number: 20010040726
    Abstract: The invention concerns a microscope having an illumination beam path, in which a darkening of the illumination on the subject (21) is achieved by removing, or changing the position of, an optical component.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 2, 2001
    Publication date: November 15, 2001
    Applicant: Leica Microsystems AG
    Inventor: Ulrich Sander
  • Patent number: 6313944
    Abstract: A microscope turret assembly and a microscope with the turret assembly are provided so that active use is made of the space formed on an underside surface of a turret by providing an illuminator or an optical detector therein. The turret retains multiple objective lenses and, by rotation thereof, enables the selection of a single objective lens. At least a part of an illuminator that casts light on an observed specimen via the selected objective lens, or a part of an optical detector that detects light from an observed specimen, is located in the space.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 6, 2001
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Takashi Kawahito
  • Patent number: 6268958
    Abstract: A microscope is capable of changing over a magnification of an objective lens with a simple construction and by a simple changeover operation without operating a focusing handle when observing a sample within a chamber. The microscope includes an objective lens change unit for holding a plurality of objective lenses and selectively disposing the objective lenses on an observation optical path of the microscope. The objective lens change unit has a first objective lens holding member which holds a first objective lens among the plurality of objective lenses, and a second objective lens holding member which holds a second objective lens a working distance of which is shorter than that of the first objective lens. The first objective lens holding member is fixed to the objective lens change unit. The second objective lens holding member is so provided in the objective lens change unit as to be movable in an optical axis direction of the second objective lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 26, 1998
    Date of Patent: July 31, 2001
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Hidehiko Furuhashi
  • Publication number: 20010008461
    Abstract: An optical microscope has a revolver for selectively inserting a plurality of objective lenses including a low-magnification (very-low-magnification) objective lens on an optical axis for observation light. In fluorescence observation using the low-magnification objective lens, the effective diameter of an observation optical system is set larger than that of an illumination optical system. With this arrangement, fluorescence observation using the low-magnification objective lens can be stably performed. A cube unit having a plurality of cubes corresponding to the respective microscopic methods is arranged in the optical microscope. An auxiliary lens serving as a very-low-magnification objective lens is mounted in this cube unit. The auxiliary lens can be automatically used in observation using the very-low-magnification objective lens. With this arrangement, a compact optical microscope excellent in operability can be realized.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 5, 2001
    Publication date: July 19, 2001
    Inventors: Kenichi Koyama, Atsuhiro Tsuchiya, Masaru Fujiwara, Sadashi Adachi
  • Publication number: 20010005280
    Abstract: A stereomicroscope is capable of interchangeably fitting low- and high-magnification objective lenses. A transmission illumination unit thereof includes a light source, a shield element for cutting off partially light beam, first and second condenser lenses for converging the light beam passing the shield element, and a mechanism for selecting one of the first and second condenser lens and disposing the selected lens on the optical axis. The first condenser lens sets a position conjugate to an entrance pupil of the low-magnification objective lens in a position of the shield element. The second condenser lens sets a position conjugate to an entrance pupil of the high-magnification objective lens in the position of the shield element.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 27, 2000
    Publication date: June 28, 2001
    Applicant: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: Yumiko Ouchi
  • Publication number: 20010003488
    Abstract: A light collecting optical system wherein the position where light is collected is scanned in the optical axis direction by using a wavefront converting element capable of changing power without using a mechanical device, and aberration occurring during the scanning is canceled by using the wavefront converting element to minimize the degradation of light collecting performance due to the scanning in the optical axis direction.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 5, 2000
    Publication date: June 14, 2001
    Inventor: Takehiro Yoshida
  • Patent number: 6219180
    Abstract: An optical unit switching apparatus having a type-display section for displaying types of all optical units mounted on a movable member for switching and moving the optical units; and indicators arranged corresponding to respective mounting positions for the optical units for indicating a type of the optical unit inserted into an optical path. Since these indicators are located at different positions with respect to the centers of the corresponding mounting positions for the optical units, the indicators point at different positions in the type-display section when switching operations are performed. Accordingly, the type of the optical unit presently inserted into the optical path can be recognized by printing the names and the like of the respective optical units at the positions pointed at by the indicators corresponding to the respective optical units.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 13, 1999
    Date of Patent: April 17, 2001
    Assignees: Olympus America, Inc., Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kazuhiro Hasegawa, William K. Fester
  • Patent number: 6208462
    Abstract: A conversion optical system is interposed between an optical system for transmitting, at least once, an image formed by an objective lens and a final image transmitted and obtained by the optical system so that a convergent beam of light is converted into a nearly infinite optical beam.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1998
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2001
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Atsushi Yonetani
  • Patent number: 6188514
    Abstract: The invention relates to a confocal microscope which has high resolving power and a great focal depth and is capable of observing a sample in real time, so that a fine stereoscopic structure of a highly integrated IC or the like can be inspected, and provides a confocal microscope in which a pinhole substrate 2 having a plurality of pinholes, located at a position of an image formed by an objective 4, is illuminated by light coming from a light source 1 to focus light passing through pinhole substrate 2 onto a sample 6 by objective 4 so that an image is formed thereon, light reflected at sample 6 is again focused onto pinhole substrate 2 through objective 4 to form an image thereon, light passing through pinhole substrate 2 is focused by a relay lens 7 or the like to re-form an image in the form of a sample image, and sample 6 is scanned with light by high-speed rotation of pinhole substrate 2 to obtain a reconstructed image of sample 6, wherein a longitudinal chromatic aberration-producing optical element 5
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2001
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Yoshiharu Saito, Hiroyuki Nishida
  • Patent number: 6154312
    Abstract: An objective lens switching device of the present invention is a device in which assembly and adjustment in order to correctly position each objective lens on an optical axis are easy and a switching action can quickly be performed with certainty without receiving an influence of a mounting condition of objective lenses or a change in the revolver over time in use. A CPU reads an angular displacement from an angle sensor from a revolution position of a turret outside a detection range of an engagement sensor and issues a command of start braking to a driver when the angular displacement reaches a predetermined given angle. A revolution position of the turret at which the CPU starts the braking is correctly set all the time since the detection range of the engagement sensor and an engagement position of the turret are correctly adjusted.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 22, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 28, 2000
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Yasuteru Takahama, Mitsuhiko Saito, Toshihiko Tanaka
  • Patent number: 6130776
    Abstract: For observing transparent phase objects and the like, an optical microscope is provided with an aperture element 13 and an optical modulation element 14 that creates an image having the detecting sensitivity of the phase contrast imaging technique while simultaneously realizing an image having the three-dimensional sense provided by the modulation contrast imaging technique. In the present invention, the aperture is shaped as an angular segment of a circular ring that is centered on the optical axis and the corresponding optical modulation element includes either a light attenuating phase plate in the shape of a circular ring, or a light attenuating region in the shape of a circular ring with all other regions of the optical modulation element adding a phase retardation to the light passing therethrough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: October 10, 2000
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Hideyuki Takaoka
  • Patent number: 6128128
    Abstract: A microscope system for observing an image of a sample at desired magnifications includes a first objective lens having an objective side surface which is telecentric, a focusing lens, disposed in an optical path along which optical rays emitted from the first objective lens travel, for focusing the optical rays and forming a sample image and a second objective lens having a magnification factor different from that of the first objective lens. An interchanging member holds the first objective lens and the second objective lens and is used for placing one of the first and second objective lenses in an observational optical path between the sample and the focusing lens. The inequality 0.29<D/fI<0.40 is satisfied, assuming D to be a parfocal length which equals a distance between a surface of the sample and an attachment plane of the objective lens and fI to be a focal length of the focusing lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 1997
    Date of Patent: October 3, 2000
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventors: Tatsuro Otaki, Toshiaki Nihoshi, Manabu Sato, Hitoshi Kaizu, Yumiko Ouchi
  • Patent number: 6124952
    Abstract: A magnification-variation scanner modifies the resolution merely by changing the object distance and the image distance, with a constant focal distance. The scanner includes a light source, an object lens, an image detector, a holder for carrying the object lens, an optical path delay and a driver. The optical path delay can be located at the midway of the light path from the light source to the object lens, thereby modifying the optical path between the object surface and the object lens. In accompaniment with the movement of the object lens, the dimensions of the image projected over the image detector can be modified. The resolution can therefore be modified. The driver connects between the holder and the optical path delay.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 11, 1998
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2000
    Assignee: Acer Peripherals, Inc.
    Inventors: Han-Ping Shieh, Jinn-Chou Yoo, Der-Rong Hsu, Chong-Min Chang
  • Patent number: RE37445
    Abstract: A modular microscope system includes a plurality of stackable housing modules each having a plurality of inwardly pointing protuberances provided with one or more precision stop surfaces thereon for removably mounting and positioning a plurality of prealigned functional element carriers having corresponding precision stop surfaces thereon for engagement with the precision stop surfaces of the housing module protuberances.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2001
    Assignee: Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH
    Inventor: Karl-Josef Schalz