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Coin handling Patents (Class 453)
Coin Handling Patents (Class 453)
Change computation and delivery (Class 453/1)
Electric computation (Class 453/2)
Assorter (Class 453/3)
Photoelectric (Class 453/4)
Largest first (Class 453/5)
Smallest first (Class 453/9)
Supply level detector (Class 453/16)
Electric (Class 453/17)
Deliverer (Class 453/18)
Delivery from plural sources by a single actuation (Class 453/19)
Delivery of a distinct number of plural coins from a single source (Class 453/29)
Delivery of a single coin (Class 453/39)
Vibratory (Class 453/55)
Belt or chain (Class 453/56)
Rotary (Class 453/57)
Counter or indicator (Class 453/58)
With means to wrap coins (Class 453/59)
Graduated markings (Class 453/60)
Stacker (Class 453/61)
With tapered guide (Class 453/62)
Miscellaneous (Class 453/63)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 453/FOR000)