Flight Condition Indicating System Patents (Class 701/14)
  • Publication number: 20080071433
    Abstract: A method for inferring an altitude of a computing device, involving monitoring variable data associated with a plurality of variables measured within the computing device, inferring the altitude of the computing device using the measured plurality of variables in a multivariate correlation function, and controlling operation of the computing device based on the inferred altitude.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 15, 2006
    Publication date: March 20, 2008
    Applicant: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth C. Gross, Kalyanaraman Vaidyanathan
  • Patent number: 7346854
    Abstract: A system and method for facilitating user entry of a manually-adjustable data setting in an aircraft cockpit normally presents an image of the data setting on the display at a predetermined size. When the user commences to manipulate a control for manually adjusting the data setting, the imaged data setting on the display is automatically enlarged to a predeterminately enlarged size to thereby unambiguously direct the user's attention to the imaged data setting to be adjusted. The imaged data setting on the display is returned from its enlarged size to its normal size when user manipulation of the control has ceased, preferably a predetermined time interval after such user manipulation has ceased.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 2003
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2008
    Assignee: Innovative Solutions & Support, Inc.
    Inventor: Geoffrey S. M. Hedrick
  • Patent number: 7342514
    Abstract: A head-up display (HUD) is disclosed. The HUD is provided on board an aircraft. The HUD comprises a projector and a combiner. The combiner enables viewing of the world outside of the combiner and also allows viewing of information provided from the projector. A computer is coupled to the projector and provides airport runway and taxiway symbols conformally mapped onto the combiner. Also provided on the combiner is a mapping of automatic dependent surveillance broadcast advisory information and traffic onto the combiner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 11, 2008
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventors: Louis J. Bailey, John G. Wilson, Gary C. Bailey, Kenneth A. Zimmerman, Robert A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 7337045
    Abstract: An airborne windshear detection and warning system includes a pitot tube for detecting the airspeed of an aircraft and an angle of attack vane for detecting an aircraft's angle of attack. Signals are generated and fed to a signal processor for determining a relationship between the airspeed and the aircraft's angle of attack. A signal indicative of the aircraft's normal relationship plus or minus a preselected value is also input into the signal processor. Then when the actual relationship exceeds the normal value plus or minus the preselected value for a preselected period of time, a signal is generated by the signal processor and is an indication of a hazardous windshear. A warning is then given to the pilot to take immediate corrective action.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2008
    Inventor: Leonard M. Greene
  • Publication number: 20080039988
    Abstract: An assisted flight computer program and method which assist a non-pilot or partially incapacitated pilot to gain control of an aircraft, summon help, and then land the aircraft under the guidance of a tower controller. The assisted flight computer program is integrated into an avionics system and provides a guided, menu-driven user interface that is simple enough for non-pilots and partially incapacitated pilots to understand and follow in distress situations.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 8, 2006
    Publication date: February 14, 2008
    Inventors: John T. Estabrook, Mitchell S. Trope, Thomas J. Carr
  • Patent number: 7330780
    Abstract: This invention relates to a safety system for aircraft, wherein prohibited airspaces which aircraft may not enter are marked on a digitally stored image of the airspace, wherein the aircraft is provided with an automatic control device that automatically steers the aircraft on to an alternative route, which is situated outside the prohibited airspace, when the probability that the aircraft will enter the prohibited airspace exceeds a predetermined threshold value.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 16, 2003
    Date of Patent: February 12, 2008
    Assignee: Diehl Avionik Systeme GmbH
    Inventors: Harro Von Viebahn, Jens Schiefele
  • Patent number: 7327284
    Abstract: A method, computer software product, and system to generate altitude callouts according to proximity to a runway at an airport or heliport includes determining whether the helicopter is flying in proximity to the runway and automatically selecting an altitude threshold increment set based upon the determination. The threshold increment set including a plurality of altitude threshold values. A calculated terrain clearance value is calculated for each of the plurality of altitude threshold values. A suitable warning is automatically generated according to the comparison. Selecting an altitude threshold increment set includes selecting one of the group consisting of first altitude threshold increment set including a plurality of higher altitude threshold values and a second altitude increment set including the plurality of higher altitude threshold values and further including a plurality of lower altitude threshold values.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2008
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventor: Yasuo Ishihara
  • Patent number: 7324016
    Abstract: Red, green and white colored lights are emitted from navigation orientation indicating light emitting devices mounted within a helicopter rotor blade near its tip. The light emissions from such devices are under control to respectively indicate passage of the rotor blade through limited arcuate portions of the travel path of the rotor blade end tip. Operational control over the light emitting devices is effected by data processing of outputs from air-speed responsive sensors on the blade end tip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 2005
    Date of Patent: January 29, 2008
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventor: Judah H. Milgram
  • Publication number: 20080021601
    Abstract: The device (1) comprises means (10) for determining a theoretical height corresponding to the difference between an extrapolated height of an isentropic trajectory and the current height of the aircraft, and means (16) for comparing this theoretical height with a height threshold indicating a risk of turbulence.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 3, 2007
    Publication date: January 24, 2008
    Applicant: AIRBUS FRANCE
    Inventor: Stephane PUIG
  • Patent number: 7321318
    Abstract: Methods and systems for displaying aircraft operations information are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment includes receiving operations information, presenting a first portion of the information over a first area of a display medium having a first size, receiving a signal corresponding to an instruction to increase a fraction of the display medium occupied by the operations information, and presenting at least the first portion of the operations information over a second, larger area of the display medium. Multiple display media can be controlled by independent selectors, with each selector having two portions, one to select categories of aircraft operations information, and another to present groups of selectable options corresponding to each of the individual categories of operations information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2004
    Date of Patent: January 22, 2008
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Jean M. Crane, David A. Green, John Wiedemann
  • Patent number: 7312725
    Abstract: A display system for a device with reduced out-the-window visibility includes a display processor that receives an image from a sensor, wherein the sensor is capable of providing a continuously updated image of an area outside the device that is obscured from view of an operator by a portion of the device's structure. The sensor image can be combined with symbols representing information regarding the operational state of the device. The combined sensor image and symbols are output to a display device that is positioned to provide a portion of the out-the-window field of view to the operator. The entire desired field of view for the operator is provided by the display device in combination with the out-the-window scene available through windows of the device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 25, 2007
    Assignee: Supersonic Aerospace International, LLC
    Inventors: Barry L. Berson, Larry J. Bialecki, Peter A. Buck
  • Patent number: 7307549
    Abstract: One embodiment of the present invention includes an aircraft instrumentation system for a cockpit instrument panel having a first device associated with a first pilot of an aircraft and positioned on the instrument panel substantially in front of the first pilot. The first device may include a first display and a first controller, which may have a set of controls for controlling the first display and aircraft systems. The instrumentation system may also include a second device associated with a second pilot of the aircraft and positioned on the instrument panel substantially in front of the second pilot. The second device may include a second display and a second controller, which may have a set of controls for controlling the second display and the aircraft systems. The instrumentation may be configured such that at least one of the first display and the second display presents attitude, altitude and airspeed at all times.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 5, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2007
    Assignee: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
    Inventor: Steven Firra
  • Patent number: 7308343
    Abstract: The present invention provides an aircraft navigational system including a graphical user interface that is capable of displaying navigational information in a split-screen format. The split-screen format includes displaying multiple graphical user panels, each depicting different traffic information. For example, one of the panels displays a plurality of air traffic symbols corresponding to airborne obstacles and another of the panels simultaneously displays ground traffic symbols representing ground obstacles. The obstacles can include other aircraft in the air and on runways as the pilot's aircraft approaches for a landing. The navigational system also is capable of switching between a single graphical user panel and multiple panels in response to a triggering event, such as a change in the course of the aircraft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 2007
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2007
    Assignee: Garmin AT, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven Horvath, Robert C. Hilb, James C. Walton
  • Patent number: 7305286
    Abstract: A flight instrument and associated method where vertical speed information is combined with gyro information to produce gyro enhanced vertical speed information that is displayed to a pilot. The gyro information may include a pitch rate gyro and may include an azimuth rate gyro. The pitch rate gyro and azimuth rate gyro may be combined to yield a corrected pitch rate in turns. In one embodiment, the display is an airplane symbol that moves relative to a horizon line responsive to the gyro enhanced vertical speed information. The horizon line may also tilt in response to the azimuth rate gyro.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2007
    Assignee: TruTrak Flight Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: James R. Younkin, Charles R. Bilbe
  • Patent number: 7283064
    Abstract: An improved system and method are disclosed for facilitating target aiming and aircraft control by flight crews using electronic displays. For example, an aircraft display system is disclosed that includes a database for storing target location and boundary data, a processing unit, a position and direction determination unit for use in determining the position of an aiming symbol on a display, a graphics display generator, and a visual display. The processing unit determines whether or not a selected target to be displayed is obscured or covered by the aiming symbol to be displayed. If any portion of the target is obscured or covered by the aiming symbol, then the processing unit directs the graphics display generator to generate graphic control signals for the visual display, which increase the transparency of the portions of the aiming symbol that obscure or cover the target.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 16, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International, Inc.
    Inventor: Gang He
  • Patent number: 7280897
    Abstract: A system and method for efficient intervisibility determination. The intervisibility determination method of the present invention provides a multiple threat processing capability within a specified area of terrain using a common database. Computation is simplified through the method of processing data posts in the terrain elevation database. By taking integer steps and incrementing distance, x or y, and a predicted elevation value at each step, a small number of operations may be performed. Recomputing a change in elevation value may be reduced. An umbra database provides an enhanced look-up capability for displaying and updating the intervisibility display information. The systems and methods of the present invention may be suitable for use on a vehicle and in mission management activities.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 9, 2007
    Assignee: Lockheed Martin Corporation
    Inventors: Mark Allstadt, Marc Blais, Ira S. Glickstein, Peter N. Stiles, Ronald Vienneau
  • Patent number: 7274308
    Abstract: A processor, software code, and a method for generating warning indicating that flaps are not suitably in a take-off position. A first component is configured to receive a first signal indicative of one of a group of flaps positions, the group including a take-off position. A second component is configured to receive a second signal indicative of an aircraft position. A third component is configured to compare the aircraft position to the contents of a database and to, by the comparison, determine whether the aircraft position is within a runway perimeter. A fourth component is configured to generate an alarm when the aircraft is within the runway perimeter and the flaps position is not the take-off position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 2005
    Date of Patent: September 25, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Charles Donald Bateman, David Bryan Alexander Fleming
  • Patent number: 7271741
    Abstract: A method and device for detecting an overstepping of design loads of the fin of an aircraft. The device includes a set of information sources and a section for determining, with the aid of information emanating from the set of information sources, a current bending moment. The device further includes a section for determining, with the aid of information emanating from the set of information sources, a current twisting moment, and a section for carrying out a comparison by comparing the pair formed by the current bending moment and the current twisting moment with a safety envelope representing a chart formed in a plane on the basis of pairs of values of bending and twisting moments and defined so that, for any pair which lies outside the safety envelope, there exists a risk of appearance of permanent deformation on the fin.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 2005
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventors: Franck Delaplace, Sylvie Marquier, Gérard Mathieu, Gennaro Squeglia
  • Patent number: 7272473
    Abstract: Methods for analyzing system operator coupling susceptibility are described herein. In one embodiment, an open loop frequency response can be compared to a related over-steer point. An over-steer point can be the condition where, as operator gain is increased for an open loop system, the corresponding closed loop gain at a corresponding resonance peak increases by at least approximately the same amount as the increase in operator gain or at least approximately a selected larger amount than the increase in operator gain. In other embodiments, an open loop frequency response can be compared to a critical gain rate. The critical gain rate can be the rate of change of open loop gain per open loop phase angle of the corresponding open loop system response at an over-steer point that is associated with a zero decibel closed loop gain.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Dale W. Hiltner, Brian P. Lee
  • Patent number: 7272491
    Abstract: A flight plan for a tactical flight of an aircraft is generated using first input data including initial weight and initial loading of the aircraft, meteorological data, points of transit of the flight plan and at least one optimization criterion. With the aid of the input data and by implementing a prediction function and an optimization function, a flight profile of the flight plan is determined. The profile includes for each point of transit of the flight plan, a plurality of predictive information items and, between two successive points of transit of the flight plan, optimized parameters. The flight plan is presented on a display screen. A second input allows an operator to enter, for each tactical event of the tactical flight, a variation of at least one parameter which is modified by this tactical event at a particular point of variation of the flight plan. The flight profile is determined using each parameter variation which is taken into account at the corresponding point of variation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventor: Jérémy Berard
  • Patent number: 7271740
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a system and a process for providing improved operational safety for aircraft. The system/process of the instant invention utilizes real-time, two-way transmission of voice and/or text and flight-critical data between an aircraft and a ground-based computer workstation, where transmitted information monitored and acted upon as necessary by a qualified flight safety person, e.g., a appropriately trained individual (including but not limited to a safety pilot or other person trained in safety procedures). This safety person can perform a number of functions that would enhance flight safety, such as reducing the workload of the primary pilot(s), assisting in the performance of routine checklists, monitoring communications with air traffic control, and advising the pilot in the aircraft on how to handle any in-flight situations that may arise.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Inventor: Mark R. Fischer
  • Patent number: 7268702
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods are provided for flight instruments in an electronic format. The flight instruments may appear in a standard configuration, including both primary flight instruments and secondary flight instruments. The apparatus and methods may also provide some or all of the primary flight instruments in one visual representation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 24, 2003
    Date of Patent: September 11, 2007
    Assignee: Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
    Inventors: Bassam H. Chamas, Joseph S. Nalbach, Ryuichi Yokota
  • Patent number: 7262713
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a system and method for a safe flight display through increasing situation awareness by an optimal presentation, given limited capacity of the system. The system may determine which terrain area needs a detail representation and which area needs a coarse representation. A view-dependent visual error metric may be utilized to define and maintain an error bound and accurately minimize the amount of terrain data being depicted. By performing a breadth-first search on the terrain database, a user can determine amount of geometry to be displayed with limited bandwidth of data presentation. The user may be allowed to scale the application to his/her desired level of detail, given a capacity of the system. Therefore, the system may provide a safe flight display with an anticipated and graceful (all portions of the screen would be given an equal quality representation) degradation in performance upon the choice of the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 28, 2007
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventors: Thomas L. Vogl, Eric N. Anderson, Alexel Postnikov, Koji Katakura
  • Patent number: 7257487
    Abstract: A hybrid air collision avoidance system (HACAS) is an air collision avoidance system with extended existing air avoidance capabilities and incorporated with new hybrid capabilities to perform hybrid air collision prediction and hybrid air collision avoidance. This system works in collaboration with two other systems, hybrid ground collision avoidance system, and obstacle avoidance dispatcher and resolver module to form a bi-directional feedback network for processing and exchanging of verification and validation collision avoiding data. With the embedded hybrid prediction and avoidance processing capabilities, the system not only can refine air collision avoidance solution to eliminate any induced ground collision situation, but also provide verification for ground collision avoidance resolution in the air domain; and subsequent validate the final avoidance solution.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 20, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventor: My Tran
  • Patent number: 7256710
    Abstract: Methods and systems for graphically displaying sources for aircraft flight control instructions are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment of the invention includes displaying at a display medium a map of a region at least proximate to an aircraft and displaying an aircraft indicator at least proximate to the map. The aircraft indicator can identify current location of the aircraft, and its location relative to the map can be updated as the aircraft executes a flight. The method can further include displaying at least proximate to the map an indication of a current mode by which a path of the aircraft is currently being automatically controlled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2007
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Randall J. Mumaw, Daniel J. Boorman, William M. Bresley, John C. Griffin, III, Peter D. Gunn
  • Patent number: 7248219
    Abstract: A method of triangulating aircraft transponder signals using a number of receivers connected to a central station over communication links includes applying at least one logic rule at each receiver to incoming transponder signals to filter redundant transponder signals, time-stamping filtered transponder signals, and transmitting time-stamped transponder signals to the central station. Logic rules include at least one of altitude filtering, Mode S, Mode A/C code filtering, and change filtering. Replies are accepted when a change in state is indicated, such that the only those replies indicating a change in state are time-stamped and sent to the central server.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 24, 2007
    Assignee: ERA Systems Corporation
    Inventors: Alexander E. Smith, Bennett Cohen
  • Patent number: 7242311
    Abstract: A method is performed to provide a multi-functional user interface on a work machine for displaying suggested corrective action. The process includes receiving status information associated with the work machine and analyzing the status information to determine an abnormal condition. The process also includes displaying a warning message on the display device indicating the abnormal condition and determining one or more corrective actions to handle the abnormal condition. Further, the process includes determining an appropriate corrective action among the one or more corrective actions and displaying a recommendation message on the display device reflecting the appropriate corrective action. The process may also include displaying a list including the remaining one or more corrective actions on the display device to provide alternative actions to an operator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2007
    Assignee: Caterpillar Inc.
    Inventors: Brian D. Hoff, Sivaprasad Akasam, Thomas M. Baker
  • Patent number: 7236104
    Abstract: A hybrid ground collision avoidance system (HGCAS) is a ground collision avoidance system with extended existing ground avoidance capabilities and incorporated with new hybrid capabilities to perform hybrid ground collision prediction and hybrid ground collision avoidance. This system works in collaboration with two other systems, hybrid air collision avoidance system and obstacle avoidance dispatcher and resolver module to form a bi-directional feedback network for processing and exchanging of verification and validation collision avoiding data. With the embedded hybrid prediction and avoidance processing capabilities, the system not only can refine ground collision avoidance solution to eliminate any induced air collision situation, but also provide verification for air collision avoidance resolution in the ground domain; and subsequent validate the final avoidance solution.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2004
    Date of Patent: June 26, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventor: My Tran
  • Patent number: 7222017
    Abstract: A system and method are provided for the efficient entry and display of ground taxi routes on an electronic airport map display. The system may include a touchscreen entry device, a display device, a computer, a map database, a vehicle position sensor and a transmitter/receiver. The system may be configured to check the ground taxi entries to ensure that each successive segment is contiguous with the last or next segment, and any gaps or discontinuities in the displayed taxi instructions may be annunciated. An intelligent display of next possible segments may be incorporated into the system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 22, 2007
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Samuel T. Clark, Wayne R. Jones, Michael P. Snow, Eddie J. Trujillo
  • Patent number: 7221290
    Abstract: A packetized voice communication method and system. Techniques are disclosed for supporting communication between aircraft and ground stations using packetized digitally-encoded messages. The encoded messages, which originate from verbalized messages, may be transmitted using conventional and future radio frequency (RF) radio communication technologies. Virtual channels are employed to enable a single ground station or controller to communicate with multiple aircraft by employing different physical radio transmission channels for the aircraft. Messages sent from aircraft to controllers are received by various ground antennas and routed to an appropriate ground station identified by each message's packet header. The messages for a given ground station are inserted into a queue that is manually or automatically advanced. Upon reaching the top of the queue, the message is decoded and played back at the controller's headset. Controller-to-aircraft messages are sent in a similar manner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 22, 2007
    Inventor: Alvin H. Burgemeister
  • Patent number: 7219011
    Abstract: A vertical deviation indicator and predictor includes a vertical deviation scale having a plurality of vertically spaced markers, one of the markers indicating the vehicle's present vertical position. Current vertical flight path segment symbols are selectively superimposable over the vertical deviation scale in accordance with the vehicle's current vertical flight path segment. Next vertical flight path segment symbols are selectively superimposable over the vertical deviation scale in accordance with the vehicle's next vertical flight path segment, the position thereof being determined by backward extrapolation of the next vertical flight path segment. Thus, the type and position of the current and next vertical flight path segment symbols on the vertical deviation scale provide situational awareness of the present vertical flight path deviation and an indication of an efficient and timely manner for intercepting the desired flight path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 15, 2007
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventor: Sarah Barber
  • Patent number: 7215256
    Abstract: A method for displaying attitude, heading, and navigation data on a single display is described. The method comprises configuring the display with terrain data, overlaying the terrain display with a compass rose display, and superimposing an attitude direction indicator with the compass rose display, the attitude direction indicator referenced to a center of the compass rose.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 8, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Trent C. Reusser, Thea L. Feyereisen
  • Patent number: 7216069
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for simulating airport lighting aids by providing a generator having a processor structured to receive a plurality of navigation signals representative of position and altitude of a host aircraft; a signal generator operated by the processor, the generator being structured to retrieve airport information from a database as a function of the position signal, compare the position and altitude signals with a glide path, and output a signal representative of a degree of coincidence with the glide path as a function of the position and altitude signals; and a plurality of indicators structured to receive the signal output by the signal generator and responsively output a visual indication of the degree of coincidence with the glide path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 8, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International, Inc.
    Inventor: Charles L. Hett
  • Patent number: 7212135
    Abstract: Method and system for monitoring and comparing, in real time, performance of an aircraft during an approach to touchdown along a conventional approach path and along a contemplated modified approach path to touchdown. In a first procedure, a flight parameter value at a selected location is compared and displayed, for the planned path and for the modified path. In a second procedure, flight parameter values FP(tn) at a sequence {tn}n of measurement times is compared and displayed, for the planned path and for a contemplated or presently-executed modified path. If the flight parameter for the planned path and for the modified path differ too much from each other, the pilot in command has an option of terminating the approach along the modified path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2005
    Date of Patent: May 1, 2007
    Assignee: United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    Inventors: Robert E. Lynch, Thomas R. Chidester, Robert E. Lawrence
  • Patent number: 7206674
    Abstract: Method and system for displaying information on one or more aircraft flights, where at least one flight is determined to have at least one atypical flight phase according to specified criteria. A flight parameter trace for an atypical phase is displayed and compared graphically with a group of traces, for the corresponding flight phase and corresponding flight parameter, for flights that do not manifest atypicality in that phase.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 17, 2007
    Assignee: United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    Inventors: Irving C. Statler, Thomas A. Ferryman, Brett G. Amidan, Paul D. Whitney, Amanda M. White, Alan R. Willse, Scott K. Cooley, Joseph Griffith Jay, Robert E. Lawrence, Chris J. Mosbrucker, Loren J. Rosenthal, Robert E. Lynch, Thomas R. Chidester, Gary L. Prothero, Adi Andrei, Timothy P. Romanowski, Daniel E. Robin, Jason W. Prothero
  • Patent number: 7203577
    Abstract: Methods and systems for displaying the source of aircraft control instructions are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment to the invention includes receiving a first target to which an aircraft will be automatically directed upon authorization from an operator, and receiving a second target to which the aircraft will automatically be directed upon meeting a threshold condition. The method can further include displaying the first and second targets at least proximate to each other, with a target to which the aircraft is currently being controlled being displayed in a different manner than a target to which the aircraft is not currently being controlled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 10, 2007
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Peter D. Gunn, John Wiedemann, John C. Griffin, III, Jason L. Hammack
  • Patent number: 7196621
    Abstract: A tracking system (10) for tracking movable assets (16) and several methods for using the system are provided. The tracking system includes a monitoring device (22), a tracking information network (20), a data communication network (18), a tracker tag (12), and a tracking information server (14). The tracker tag uses GPS technology. The tracking information server provides programmed instructions to the tracker tag in messages via a messaging system. The tracker tag selectively retrieves the messages from the messaging system. The tracking information server provides tracking information and related information to a subscriber. In one embodiment, the tracker tag is in communication with an Iridium satellite constellation (28) and tracking information is displayed to the subscriber when the asset is substantially anywhere in the world.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2007
    Assignee: Argo-Tech Corporation
    Inventor: Gary Kochis
  • Patent number: 7194397
    Abstract: A command sequence for an autonomous UAV mission is optimized by simulating the performance of a mission in a model environment. Using a genetic algorithm, neural net, or other suitable technique this command sequence is then optimized, to improve the outcome of the mission. A factor in selecting an optimal command sequence will be its compressability. A set of one or more optimal command sequences is compiled. Each optimal command sequence is encoded into an algorithmic active packet of minimum size for uploaded to the UAV, which then executes the mission. To track the UAV in its performance of the mission without compromising its location, the active packets are executed in the simulated environment. The simulated environment is continually updated with the most current available information. The simulation results are an approximation of the current state of the UAV.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2007
    Assignee: Lockheed Martin Corporation
    Inventor: Stephen Francis Bush
  • Patent number: 7194342
    Abstract: The present invention provides an aircraft navigational system including a graphical user interface that is capable of displaying navigational information in a split-screen format. The split-screen format includes displaying multiple graphical user panels, each depicting different traffic information. For example, one of the panels displays a plurality of air traffic symbols corresponding to airborne obstacles and another of the panels simultaneously displays ground traffic symbols representing ground obstacles. The obstacles can include other aircraft in the air and on runways as the pilot's aircraft approaches for a landing. The navigational system also is capable of switching between a single graphical user panel and multiple panels in response to a triggering event, such as a change in the course of the aircraft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 2005
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2007
    Assignee: Garmin AT, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven Horvath, Robert C. Hilb, James C. Walton
  • Patent number: 7191406
    Abstract: An avionics system having displays with display configurations pilot selected for a phase of flight of an aircraft and reconfigurable for each phase of flight. A multifunction flight display stores and displays the stored phase of flight display configurations for each phase of flight of the aircraft. A cursor control panel connected to the multifunction display for changes from one stored phase of flight display configuration to another stored phase of flight display configuration when the aircraft changes phase of flight. The cursor control panel also is used for reconfiguring the display configuration for each phase of flight. The cursor control panel has phase of flight quick access pushbuttons for selecting a stored phase of flight configuration and for reconfiguring a stored phase of flight configuration into a new phase of flight configuration by selecting the new configuration and pressing a phase of flight quick access pushbutton for a predetermined time to store the new configuration.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2002
    Date of Patent: March 13, 2007
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventors: Sarah Barber, Stephen R. Johnson
  • Patent number: 7177731
    Abstract: Systems and computer-implemented methods for handling incoming aircraft operation instructions are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment of the invention includes receiving from a source off-board an aircraft an instruction for a change in a characteristic of the aircraft during operation (e.g., a change in heading, altitude or air speed of the aircraft). The method can further include automatically determining whether or not at least a portion of the instruction is to be implemented once a condition is met. If at least a portion of the instruction is to be implemented once a condition is met, the method can further include automatically carrying out a first course of action. If implementation of at least a portion of the instruction is not predicated upon fulfilling a condition is met, the method can further include automatically carrying out a second course of action different than the first course of action.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 2004
    Date of Patent: February 13, 2007
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Gordon R. A. Sandell, John C. Griffin, III, Peter D. Gunn, Charles A. Pullen
  • Patent number: 7173545
    Abstract: The invention relates to an aircraft navigation aid method. It comprises the following steps of defining an area to be sensed to the right and to the left of a first hypothetical path of the aircraft, sensing, for each of the two areas to be sensed to the right and to the left, a corresponding predefined underlying relief, in order to identify dangerous sub-zones to the right and/or to the left, computing, for each of the dangerous sub-zones to the right and/or to the left, a time ?T remaining to begin an avoidance maneuver before a point of no return, and determining for the dangerous sub-zones to the right a minimum ?T denoted ?T right and/or for the dangerous sub-zones to the left a minimum ?T denoted ?T left, establishing a navigation aid from ?T right and/or ?T left.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 4, 2003
    Date of Patent: February 6, 2007
    Assignee: Thales
    Inventor: Benoît Berthe
  • Patent number: 7161500
    Abstract: This invention concerns a display device for aircraft comprising a display surface (15) that has a punctual marking (11) arranged so as to represent the pilot's own airplane and one or more threat markings, each of which is arranged so as to represent a direction to an associated detected threat. The display device is characterized in that each threat marking comprise an indicator (14, 15) that contains information about the time to the associated threat, and in that it is arranged so as to present, on a display surface (15), a current time discrepancy relative to a planned mission and a remaining amount of fuel relative to the planned mission. The invention also concerns a method for presenting one or more detected threats in relation to an aircraft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 9, 2007
    Assignee: SAAB AB
    Inventors: Jens Alfredsson, Tomas Rosenblad, Örian Skinnars
  • Patent number: 7162335
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus are provided for interactively building flight paths for entry into an aircraft flight management system (FMS). The apparatus comprises a database containing map information, a display for presenting the map information, a user controlled cursor and selection buttons, all under the control of a graphics processor. The processor presents the map information with included navigation features on the display, correlated with the aircraft position and cursor location. When the cursor overlies a navigational feature (airways, waypoints, etc.), the processor highlights the feature. Feature ID information may also pop up when the feature is highlighted. Using a mouse button or equivalent, the user selects the highlighted feature or ID, whereupon the processor sends the information associated therewith to the FMS. By successively highlighting and selecting features or IDs an entire flight path can be identified and entered automatically into the FMS without the need for individual text entry.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 9, 2007
    Assignee: Honeywell International, Inc.
    Inventors: Gang He, Blake W. Wilson, John G. Suddreth, Carlos M. Gameros, Peter L. Daniel
  • Patent number: 7158053
    Abstract: A system for monitoring an aircraft receives navigation signals and deriving a position vector therefrom and also asserts an alert signal in the event that the altitude of the aircraft above ground level is less than a predetermined value. The system samples the position vector at a selected sample rate and outputs a succession of samples of the position vector, the sample rate depending on whether the alert signal has been asserted. Data packets that contain respective samples of the position vector are transmitted to a ground-based receiving station. The ground-based receiving station may calculate secondary data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 2, 2007
    Inventor: Kelly C. Crank
  • Patent number: 7148816
    Abstract: A method of displaying traffic information is disclosed. The method comprises providing traffic information from at least one of a first and a second traffic information system to a traffic display system. The method also comprises choosing to display, by the traffic display system, traffic information from the first traffic information system when no traffic information from the second traffic information system is available. Further, the method comprises choosing to display, by the traffic display system, traffic information from the second traffic information system when no traffic information from the first traffic information system is available. The method further comprises choosing to display, by the traffic display system, traffic information from either the first traffic information system or the second traffic information system using a predetermined selection algorithm when traffic information is available from both traffic information systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: December 12, 2006
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventor: Matthew J. Carrico
  • Patent number: 7145477
    Abstract: The disclosed device is directed toward an anti-terrorist aircraft pilot sensor system. The anti-terrorist aircraft pilot sensor system comprises a pilot sensor including at least one of a biometric sensor and a physiological sensor. An input component is operatively coupled to the pilot sensor. An aircraft central processor unit is operatively coupled to the pilot sensor. The aircraft central processor unit includes a transceiver operatively coupled to the aircraft central processor unit. The anti-terrorist aircraft pilot sensor system comprises an autopilot of the aircraft operatively coupled to the aircraft central processor unit. A ground control located remote from the aircraft is operatively coupled to the aircraft central processor unit. The ground control includes a transceiver coupled to the ground control. An aircraft override is operatively coupled to the ground control and operatively coupled to the aircraft central processor unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 5, 2006
    Inventor: Theodore McBain
  • Patent number: 7133754
    Abstract: A method, system, and computer program product for using airport information based on the flying environment are provided. When a helicopter is determined to be approaching a runway, ground proximity warning envelopes are automatically reduced to prevent unwanted, or nuisance, terrain alerts. On the other hand, when a helicopter is flown near a runway without intent to land or when a helicopter is taking off, ground proximity warning envelopes may remain unchanged. As a result, nuisance alerts are reduced when a helicopter is approaching a runway for landing and ground proximity warnings may remain in effect to maximize protection when a helicopter is flying near a runway without an intent to land or is taking off from a runway.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2003
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2006
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Yasuo Ishihara, Steve C. Johnson, Kevin J Conner
  • Patent number: 7129857
    Abstract: Method and system for automatically displaying, visually and/or audibly and/or by an audible alarm signal, relevant weather data for an identified aircraft pilot, when each of a selected subset of measured or estimated aviation situation parameters, corresponding to a given aviation situation, has a value lying in a selected range. Each range for a particular pilot may be a default range, may be entered by the pilot and/or may be automatically determined from experience and may be subsequently edited by the pilot to change a range and to add or delete parameters describing a situation for which a display should be provided. The pilot can also verbally activate an audible display or visual display of selected information by verbal entry of a first command or a second command, respectively, that specifies the information required.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2004
    Date of Patent: October 31, 2006
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Inventor: Liljana Spirkovska
  • Patent number: RE39618
    Abstract: This invention is a system that monitors many performance parameters and many aircraft operational parameters, and broadcasts this information along with aircraft identification, audio, video, global positioning and altitude data, to a world wide two-way rf network. This information is monitored and recorded at a remote, centralized location. At this location, this information is combined with archived data, ATC data, weather data, topological data, map data, and manufacturers' data. Analysis of this combined data allows identification of problems and generation of advisories. Six types of advisories are generated: maintenance, safety of flight, flight efficiency, flight separation, safe to fly and safe to take off. In the event of a crash the remotely recorded data provides an instant indication of the cause of the crash as well as where the crashed plane can be found. Use of this invention allows replacement of the current, on-board flight data recorders thus saving costs and weight.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 8, 2007
    Inventor: Seymour Levine