Flight Condition Indicating System Patents (Class 701/14)
  • Patent number: 7835825
    Abstract: The subject of the present invention is a method for improving route and 4D prediction calculations by FMS in the framework of ATC tactical flight instructions, which method enables the FMS of an aircraft to carry out its usual predictions as precisely as possible when it has left or anticipates leaving its initial flight plan following an instruction from the air traffic controller, and has no instructions telling it where and when to return to the initial flight plan, and the invention is characterized in that it consists in transmitting to the aircraft, from an air traffic control centre, information enabling the FMS system to be aware of traffic crossing points (X1) and control sector changes, and to use this information to predict the coordinates of a point (X2) at which it is supposed to rejoin its initial flight plan at the earliest opportunity after the crossing point that required an alteration of trajectory and at the latest opportunity on the last point of the current sector.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 16, 2010
    Assignee: Thales
    Inventors: François Coulmeau, Guy Deker
  • Patent number: 7825830
    Abstract: This simplified self powered aircraft attitude survival indicator is easily and readily transportable from one aircraft to another and provides a simple indicator which gives a visual indication of aircraft attitude and alarms when the aircraft is in a dangerous attitude. The aircraft attitude indicator includes a housing containing a power source, multiple attitude sensors, and at least one piezoelectric alarm, and a front panel display with an arrangement of light emitting elements (electric bulbs or LEDs) providing visual attitude indicators.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 2, 2010
    Inventor: Danny C. Joyner
  • Patent number: 7817565
    Abstract: A data integrity checking system in a frame-switched on-board network, including at least first and second asynchronous transmitter terminals, with the second transmitter terminal being in charge of monitoring the first transmitter terminal, and at least first and second receiving terminals, with the second receiving terminal being in charge of monitoring the first receiving terminal. The system includes a first multicast virtual link connecting the first transmitter terminal to the receiving terminals, a second virtual link connecting the first receiving terminal to the second transmitter terminal, the second virtual link not passing through any of the switches that are common to the branches of the first virtual link, a third virtual link connecting the second transmitter to the first receiving terminal in order to transmit thereto the result of an integrity check on the data received by the first receiving terminal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 24, 2008
    Date of Patent: October 19, 2010
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventors: Remi Cabaret, Francoise David-Tupinier, Remi Andreoletti
  • Publication number: 20100262320
    Abstract: An actuator monitoring circuit 1 which is mounted in an airplane and monitors an actuator 30 having a piston (output portion) calculates the moving distance of the piston, and outputs, when the moving distance exceeds a predetermined threshold, an approaching notification signal 78s and a progression notification signal 79s to notify the excess over the threshold.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 13, 2010
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Inventors: Takashi Koizumi, Hiroshi Usui, Kiyoshi Yasuda
  • Publication number: 20100250034
    Abstract: A method of managing warnings in an aircraft, includes: receiving information signals associated with a malfunction or with conditions requiring the pilot to be informed; preparing warning instructions as a function of the context and forwarding the warning instructions to visual and/or audible indicator elements; allocating a visual and/or audible warning to each of the warning instructions; and using visual indicator elements to display the visual warnings and using audible indicator elements to emit the audible warnings.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 18, 2010
    Publication date: September 30, 2010
    Applicant: EUROCOPTER
    Inventors: Pierre BOUCHARD, Valérie JUPPET, Alexander REICH
  • Publication number: 20100241294
    Abstract: A method and a device for estimating on an aircraft at least one wind characteristic. The device (1) comprises means (7) for determining a corrective term being representative of an apparent wind created upon a rotation of the aircraft and means (4) for determining the wind characteristic taking into account such a corrective term.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 8, 2010
    Publication date: September 23, 2010
    Inventors: Pierre Virelizier, Thomas Bochot
  • Patent number: 7801650
    Abstract: A method for inferring an altitude of a computing device, involving monitoring variable data associated with a plurality of variables measured within the computing device, inferring the altitude of the computing device using the measured plurality of variables in a multivariate correlation function, and controlling operation of the computing device based on the inferred altitude.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 15, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 21, 2010
    Assignee: Oracle America, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth C. Gross, Kalyanaraman Vaidyanathan
  • Publication number: 20100235019
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a pilot assistance method for giving assistance in piloting a rotary wing aircraft, the method consisting in using a scale with collective pitch graduations that is movable on a display screen to indicate the position of the collective pitch, in determining the desynchronization pitch, in using a maximum limit value and a minimum limit value for the speed of rotation of the rotor, in transforming the maximum limit value and the minimum limit value in real time and as a function of physical flight parameters respectively into a bottom limit position and a top limit position for the collective pitch, and when a determined difference appears between the real value and the reference value Nr0 for the speed of rotation of the rotor, in displaying at least one item of corrective information about the adjustment of the collective pitch.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2010
    Publication date: September 16, 2010
    Applicant: EUROCOPTER
    Inventors: Karine DE BONO, Michel GODARD
  • Publication number: 20100222945
    Abstract: The present invention provides a device and method for determining aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft, in particular a pitch moment coefficient at an ascending force of the aircraft without a horizontal tail plane of zero and an aerodynamic neutral point of the aircraft without a horizontal tail plane. In the method according to the invention, forces and mechanical flight parameters on aerofoils and a horizontal tail plane of the aircraft are detected at various detection instants during at least one non-stationary flight manoeuvre of the aircraft. In this case, a linear system of equations is formed, which comprises a pitch movement moment balance equation for each detection instant, the pitch movement moment balance equation having the detected forces and mechanical flight parameters. This linear system of equations is evaluated to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 12, 2010
    Publication date: September 2, 2010
    Inventors: Hans-Gerd Giesseler, Wilfried Stegelmeier, Chloé Tauzin
  • Patent number: 7788002
    Abstract: A system and method are provided for managing mobile platform fault data. The method includes automatically collecting raw fault data regarding at least one fault that occurs onboard the mobile platform utilizing a central maintenance computer (CMC) onboard the mobile platform. The raw fault data is automatically transmitted from the CMC to an onboard computer system (OCS) of the mobile platform and to a central computer system (CCS) located remotely from the mobile platform. The method additionally includes automatically generating at least one electronic mobile platform cabin (MPC) draft fault report from the raw data utilizing a first portion of an electronic logbook function (ELB1) of the OCS. Execution of the ELB1 additionally generates a MPC draft fault report notification message viewable on an OCS display and is automatically downloaded to the CCS.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 31, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Steven J Yukawa, Tim W Anstey, Steven R Ecola, David L Allen
  • Patent number: 7788056
    Abstract: A method of auto-calibrating aircraft cabin pressure sensors in a cabin pressure control system while in service, wherein at a constant sensed cabin pressure during a cruise flight phase at least one pressure sensor output voltage from each of two cabin pressure sensors are recorded. Upon landing and opening of the cabin doors the sensed cabin pressure value is compared to an external field pressure. A new software slope variable and a new software offset variable are computed for the pressure/voltage function using an average computed pressure value in cruise and the recorded field atmospheric pressure sensor voltage value on the ground. Thereafter, a new cabin pressure value is calculated and control software is modified.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2008
    Date of Patent: August 31, 2010
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Harold Beekhuizen, Tom Whitney
  • Patent number: 7787999
    Abstract: A method of displaying flight management system (FMS) data, and an avionics system configured to implement the method, are provided. The method includes the step of providing FMS route data. The method also includes the step of using the FMS route data to display an FMS intent strip which represents current maneuvering intent of the FMS.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 25, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 31, 2010
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventor: Sarah Barber
  • Patent number: 7788034
    Abstract: One popular military aircraft mission is to meet or rendezvous with another aircraft. Presently used systems have limitations in rendezvous distance, low accuracy of computed rendezvous intercept position, and wrong results in special rendezvous scenarios such in polar regions or on a collision path. The present invention makes use of a numerical algorithm to accurately compute the rendezvous interception position with a preselected tolerance/resolution. The algorithm makes no assumption of angles and uses a proven Sodanos equation to compute a distance between two points on the earth or to compute a second position away from a first position at a known distance and bearing. Using the invention, the rendezvous intercept position can be computed with greater accuracy and a further distance in any region of the globe than the prior art methods and can be used even if the aircraft are in a rendezvous or collision/chasing path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 31, 2010
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventor: Tien D. Bui
  • Patent number: 7783394
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method and a device for constructing a low-altitude flight path to be followed by an aircraft. The device comprises a database including a terrain profile concerning the terrain to be flown over by the aircraft, a set of data sources, first unit for determining a lateral trajectory of the flight path, and second unit for determining a vertical trajectory of the flight path, the second unit being formed so as to determine the vertical trajectory during the aircraft flight, successively as the flight proceeds, segment by segment, and including an element for retrieving from the database a profile section, and an element for determining a vertical trajectory segment, using the retrieved profile section, based on the climb-out and let-down performances of the aircraft derived from the set of data sources.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 24, 2010
    Assignee: Airbus
    Inventor: Franck Artini
  • Patent number: 7783425
    Abstract: An integrity monitoring method for an aircraft is disclosed. The integrity monitoring method includes determining a set of non-uniform weights. The non-uniform weights are based on a least squares approximation of a linearized measurement equation. The integrity monitoring method also includes applying the non-uniform weights in a receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) system. Further, the integrity monitoring method includes determining a reduced integrity limit based on the output of the RAIM system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 24, 2010
    Assignee: Rockwell Collins, Inc.
    Inventors: Patrick Y. Hwang, R. Grover Brown
  • Patent number: 7783393
    Abstract: A vertical situation display system for use in a vehicle such as, for example, an aircraft, is provided. A side view of an intended route of flight may be shown with altitude restrictions, airspace and instrument approach information, a projected flight path and range to airspeed symbol. The system may show terrain, weather, and traffic information along the intended route of flight. The system may be used in conjunction with a navigational display to enhance situational awareness. The system includes a computer, an electronic display device, an electronic entry device, a memory and a database. The database may contain terrain, airspace and flight planning data and may be updatable.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 24, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Michael J. Tucker, Sherwin S. Chen, John Wiedemann, Jason L. Hammack
  • Publication number: 20100211237
    Abstract: A method for displaying information on a flight deck display element of an aircraft begins by obtaining a user interface command that represents a user-entered selection of a designated target. Relevant data is accessed and processed in response to this command, including aircraft status data for the aircraft, terrain data corresponding to terrain proximate the designated target, and graphics data corresponding to the designated target. Then, a target-focused display is rendered on the flight deck display element. The target-focused display includes a real-time synthetic perspective view of the designated target and the terrain proximate the designated target, wherein content of the target-focused display is influenced by the aircraft status data, the terrain data, and the graphics data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 17, 2009
    Publication date: August 19, 2010
    Inventors: Troy Nichols, John G. Suddreth
  • Publication number: 20100204855
    Abstract: The object of the invention is in particular a method and a device for aiding in the control of systems installed on board an aircraft comprising at least one display device capable of displaying configuration parameters of the said aircraft and at least one associated acquisition device. After the state of the said aircraft has been determined (900), a plurality of elements to be displayed on the said at least one display device is selected (905), according to the said state of the said aircraft, in a predetermined set of elements comprising at least one parameter for configuration of the avionics, at least one parameter for configuration of support subsystems and at least one activatable representation of least one command of support subsystems of the said aircraft. The said plurality of elements is displayed on the said display device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 11, 2009
    Publication date: August 12, 2010
    Applicant: Airbus Operations
    Inventor: Jean-Sebastien VIAL
  • Publication number: 20100204854
    Abstract: A hybrid electronics cockpit control panel system architecture is provided that includes optimized interfacing and partitioning. The architecture includes a digital function block with a digital signal processor and digital communication capabilities. The architecture also includes integrated cockpit control panels that employ a printed circuit board to avoid wire/cable connections for cockpit control panel components beyond the face panel. The architecture provides digital control and communication along a central communication bus that can eliminate the need for dedicated wire connections between the control panel and the electrical components throughout the aircraft, reducing weight and volume. One example aircraft cockpit control panel system includes a control signal processor that receives electrical control signals from pilot operating devices on the control panel and transforms them into digital status signals for communication on a communication bus.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 9, 2009
    Publication date: August 12, 2010
    Inventors: Jie Jay CHANG, Van TATAVOOSIAN
  • Patent number: 7774106
    Abstract: The present invention provides an alternative to the auto-throttle integrated in an aircraft autopilot by restricting the conditions in which the system operates. The proposed system removes the auto-throttle function from the autopilot system and gives it directly to the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). A Cruise Control mode is available to the pilot only under stable flight conditions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Assignee: Pratt - Whitney Canada Corp.
    Inventors: Salvatore Calandra, Keith Morgan
  • Patent number: 7774105
    Abstract: A system for an interior annunciator onboard a mobile platform (such as a train, marine vessel, aircraft or automobile) is provided. The system includes at least one speaker onboard the mobile platform. The system also includes a flight management control module that generates flight management data that indicates at least one status of an operation of the mobile platform. The system further includes an auditory control module that generates nonverbal auditory data based on the at least one status of the operation of the mobile platform. The nonverbal auditory data is broadcast by the at least one speaker to communicate the at least one status of the operation of the mobile platform to at least one passenger onboard the mobile platform.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 2007
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Calsee N. Robb, Heidi J. Kneller, William A. Harkness, Buddy L. Sharpe, James P. Schalla, Bethany L. Franko, Kwun-Wing W. Cheung
  • Patent number: 7774112
    Abstract: A method and system for acquiring aircraft parameters that includes sampling an aircraft parameter during a first sampling period, recording the full value of the aircraft parameter sampled during the first sampling period, then sampling the aircraft parameter during a fixed number of subsequent consecutive sampling periods, and recording the change between the value of the aircraft parameter sampled in the subsequent sampling periods and the value of the aircraft parameter sampled in the prior sampling period. A method and system for constructing a data stream that includes merging a voluntary data stream and the mandatory parameters and storing the merged data stream in a flight data recorder while maintaining the certification of the flight data recorder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Assignee: Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
    Inventor: Armen Nahapetian
  • Publication number: 20100198433
    Abstract: Flight management system for aircraft comprising computation means capable of determining a gain or a loss in terms of flight time remaining to a point of arrival, and in terms of fuel consumption, following the input by an operator of a modification of an initial flight plan using the Direct To function. The computation means are capable of suggesting to the operator a modification of the lateral flight plan that procures an optimum gain. The flight management system also comprises a display interface capable of presenting to the operator the information concerning the gain or the loss in time and/or consumption, and of prompting the operator to accept or refuse the modification.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 9, 2009
    Publication date: August 5, 2010
    Applicant: Thales
    Inventors: Stéphanie Fortier, Jérôme Sacle
  • Patent number: 7769501
    Abstract: An electronic flight bag for use aboard an aircraft during flight is disclosed. The electronic flight bag includes an electronic storage device which acts as a container for storing various user-configurable flight-related objects, such as flight routes as defined by way-points, airport information that includes approach routes, associated fight charts or other desired charts, temporary flight restrictions, and weather information as well as any other user-defined data objects associated with the flight. For example, the electronic flight bag may be used in corporate aircraft and may include one or more data objects that relate to the corporate policies with respect to flights. The data objects may also include time-sensitive data and contain time flags that can be updated by way of a communication link during flight. In accordance with an important aspect of the invention, the data objects are user-configurable so that a user can include virtually all information that is relevant to a particular flight.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 23, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Robert Allen Lusardi, Scott Myles Crockard
  • Patent number: 7769503
    Abstract: A method includes controlling an aircraft during descent, and controlling the engine pressure ratio of a jet engine so that the engine has a substantially equal pressure at the exhaust, and at the front of the engine during the descent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 2007
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2010
    Inventor: Hal Gerard Wick
  • Patent number: 7769376
    Abstract: A flight information communication system has a plurality of RF direct sequence spread spectrum ground data links that link respective aircraft-resident subsystems, in each of which a copy of its flight performance data is stored, with airport-located subsystems. The airport-located subsystems are coupled by way communication paths, such as land line telephone links, to a remote flight operations control center. At the flight operations control center, flight performance data downlinked from plural aircraft parked at different airports is analyzed. In addition, the flight control center may be employed to direct the uploading of in-flight data files, such as audio, video and navigation files from the airport-located subsystems to the aircraft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2010
    Assignee: Harris Corporation
    Inventors: Thomas H. Wright, James J. Ziarno
  • Patent number: 7765036
    Abstract: A device for constructing and securing a low altitude flight path intended to be followed by an aircraft. The device includes a first processing unit which has a Design Assurance Level (DAL) C requirement level and which determines a low altitude flight path, using data coming from a first database qualified according to a Data Process Assurance Level (DPAL) 2 standard, and a second processing unit which has a DAL A requirement level and which checks the flight path determined by said first processing unit, using data corning from a second database qualified according to a DPAL1 standard.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 27, 2010
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventor: Christophe Bouchet
  • Patent number: 7764198
    Abstract: An aircraft standby display device includes a set of data sources, a data processing unit, and a display. The display presents altitude control indicators representing speed, altitude, attitude, and a heading scale that includes a characteristic symbol indicating a next route point of an aircraft flight plan. The heading scale is independent of the altitude control indicators. The display also presents a quantitative value that: (1) indicates the remaining distance of flight of the aircraft to reach the next route point and (2) is associated with the characteristic symbol.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 27, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 27, 2010
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventors: Didier Brehin, Stephane Dattler
  • Patent number: 7761196
    Abstract: System, method and computer program product for determining bearing using ADS-B and TCAS standard reply bearing estimates are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for determining bearing based upon ADS-B signals includes receiving ADS-B signals and standard transponder reply signals. A first bearing estimate is based on the ADS-B signal. A second bearing estimate is based on the standard transponder reply signals. A database is developed according to the first and second bearing estimates via the ADS-B and standard transponder reply signals. In one embodiment, where ADS-B signals are unavailable, associated ADS-B signals associated with the standard transponder reply previously stored in the database are used to determine bearing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2010
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Ruy L. Brandao, Ruy C. Brandao, Sr., Christine M. Haissig, John Weed, Eric A. Euteneuer
  • Patent number: 7761197
    Abstract: A device and method for detecting air turbulence determine a theoretical height corresponding to the difference between an extrapolated height of an isentropic trajectory and the current height of an aircraft. This theoretical height is compared with a height threshold indicating a risk of turbulence.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 3, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2010
    Assignee: Airbus France
    Inventor: Stephane Puig
  • Publication number: 20100176244
    Abstract: A method performed by an aircraft, the aircraft including a wing, aircraft fuel, and a whole-aircraft parachute that is coupled to the aircraft. The method comprises: deploying the whole-aircraft parachute while the aircraft is in flight; and after deploying the parachute, but before the aircraft contacts the earth or any object coupled to the earth, discharging at least a portion of the aircraft fuel from the wing of the aircraft.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 13, 2009
    Publication date: July 15, 2010
    Inventor: Hoyt A. Fleming III
  • Publication number: 20100179712
    Abstract: Systems and methods for viewing systems and status of a vehicle are provided. One system includes memory configured to store schematic data representing a schematic of the vehicle and a processor coupled to the memory and configured to execute the schematic data. The system further includes a display coupled to the processor and configured to output an image of the schematic, the image providing a transparent direct view of the vehicle and the systems. One method includes the steps of generating an image representing a schematic of the vehicle and the systems, the image providing a transparent direct view of the vehicle and the systems and selectively rotating the image such that a user is capable of viewing the vehicle and the systems from a plurality of angles. Also provided are machine-readable mediums including instructions for executing the above method.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 15, 2009
    Publication date: July 15, 2010
    Applicant: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Dave Pepitone, Roger W. Burgin
  • Patent number: 7755512
    Abstract: A wireless engine monitoring system (WEMS) includes an engine monitoring module that is mounted directly on an aircraft engine and records, stores, encrypts and transmits full flight engine data. The system preferably interfaces to the Full Authority Digital Engine Controller/Engine Control Unit (FADEC/ECU) and can record hundreds of engine parameters with a preferred sampling frequency of about one second. The engine monitoring module is preferably formed as a miniaturized module directly mounted on the aircraft engine within its cowling and has a conformal antenna. The engine monitoring module can also upload data for onboard processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 13, 2010
    Assignee: Harris Corporation
    Inventor: James J. Ziarno
  • Patent number: 7755516
    Abstract: A aircraft traffic display system, aircraft including the display system and a method of displaying aircraft and vehicle traffic in the display system. The system includes an ownship location finder determining ownship location and maps, including airport maps stored in map storage. A traffic information collector collecting information on airport and other traffic. A local display displays ownship on a moving map at a selected range and all airport traffic within range, or a filtered subset thereof. An off-scale traffic processor monitors off-scale traffic beyond the selected range and identifies of-interest off-scale traffic. The local display also provides an indication of any of interest off-scale traffic. The indication may visibly indicate status (e.g., air or ground) of respective said off-scale traffic and may include traffic specific information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 20, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 13, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Samuel T. Clark, Roglenda R. Bowe, Taji Shafaat, Michael P. Snow
  • Patent number: 7756637
    Abstract: Methods and systems for a position indicating display system for an aircraft are provided. The system includes a map display unit configured to display a map representative of an area being traversed by the aircraft, and an overlay comprising an own ship depiction, said overlay displayed on the map for a period of time in response to an input from at least one of a user and an aircraft sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 13, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Patrick Ralf Wipplinger, Richard William Ellerbrock
  • Publication number: 20100174424
    Abstract: A monitoring system is disclosed for use with a mobile platform being operated by an operator. The system may make use of a database for containing operational information and procedures relating to the operation of the mobile platform by the operator. A processor may also be used that communicates with the database and with at least one subsystem of the mobile platform for monitoring operational information concerning operation of the mobile platform against stored information contained in the database. The processor may determine if the operation of the mobile platform is proceeding in accordance with predetermined standards.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 6, 2009
    Publication date: July 8, 2010
    Applicant: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Bradley D. Cornell, Michael E. Dey
  • Patent number: 7752567
    Abstract: A method and system for providing an easily recognizable visual feedback to a user in a multi-parameter aircraft instrument display, such as a flat panel display, of manually induced variations in individually selected manually adjustable data associated with a selected one of a plurality of displayable parameters in a simultaneous display of these parameters. The method and system provides visual confirmation of the parameter being manually varied in response to such manual variations by enlarging the display of the selected parameter, such as by zooming out the displayed image of the selected parameter to between two and four times its normal size in response to the manual variation of this parameter, and returns the image size to its original size, such as by zooming in, in response to a cessation in the manual adjustments by the user of the associated dimensional data, such as within a predetermined interval after such cessation, such as two to four seconds thereafter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 6, 2010
    Assignee: Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc.
    Inventor: Geoffrey S. M. Hedrick
  • Patent number: 7751948
    Abstract: Methods and apparatuses for displaying and receiving tactical and strategic flight guidance information are disclosed. A method in accordance with one aspect of the invention includes displaying at least one first indicator to an operator of the aircraft, with a first indicator corresponding to a first instruction input by the operator for directing a first aircraft behavior and implemented upon receiving an activation instruction from the operator. At least one second indicator corresponding to a second instruction for directing a second aircraft behavior at least proximately the same as the first aircraft behavior is displayed, with the at least one second instruction to be automatically implemented at a future time. The at least one second indicator is at least approximately the same as the at least one first indicator. Indicators can be hierarchically organized to simplify presentation and reduce pilot training time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 6, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Daniel J. Boorman, John C. Griffin, III, Peter D. Gunn, Randall J. Mumaw
  • Patent number: 7751947
    Abstract: Methods and systems for displaying assistance messages to aircraft operators are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment includes receiving an input from an aircraft operator at an aircraft flight deck, comparing a characteristic of the input to at least one target value for the characteristic, and, if the characteristic of the input differs from the at least one target value for the characteristic by at least a threshold amount, displaying an assistance message to the aircraft operator. The assistance message can include a complying input and/or an instruction for creating a complying input. The input and the assistance message can be displayed simultaneously.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 6, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Peter D. Gunn, John C. Griffin, III
  • Patent number: 7742847
    Abstract: A method and system for context sensitive navigation of an aircraft is provided. The method comprises obtaining data for use at takeoff, enroute, or at a destination, and interpreting the data to infer conditions during takeoff, enroute, or at the destination. One or more viable flight plans are determined based on the conditions during takeoff, enroute, or at the destination. The one or more viable flight plans are then presented to a pilot for optional selection. When there is more than one viable flight plan, a prioritized selectable list of flight plans is presented to the pilot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 2006
    Date of Patent: June 22, 2010
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Robert E. DeMers, David W. Meyers, Brian R. Buchanan, David T. Spoor
  • Publication number: 20100152932
    Abstract: A flight deck display element for a host aircraft is used to render a dynamic vertical situation display (VSD). The VSD includes a graphical representation of the host aircraft, graphical representations of one or more neighboring aircraft, and a graphical representation of a conflict zone surrounding the graphical representation of the host aircraft. The graphical representations of the neighboring aircraft are positioned on the VSD in a manner that indicates the respective altitudes of the neighboring aircraft relative to the host aircraft. They are also positioned on the VSD in a manner that indicates the respective lateral separation of the neighboring aircraft relative to the host aircraft.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 17, 2008
    Publication date: June 17, 2010
    Inventor: Sanjib Kumar Das
  • Patent number: 7733903
    Abstract: A method and system for converting a voice communication to a text transcription. The method comprises receiving by a computing system in a control command center, a first transmission identifier from a vehicle. The first transmission identifier identifies the vehicle. The computing system receives voice communication data for the vehicle from a user in the control command center. A software application within the computing system converts the voice communication data into text data. The computing system transmits the voice communication data, a first copy of the text data and a second transmission identifier to the vehicle. The second transmission identifier identifies the control command center. The computing system receives a confirmation request from the vehicle to confirm if the text data comprises correct information related to the voice communication data. The confirmation request is displayed on a video monitor system. The computing system transmits confirmation data to the vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 2006
    Date of Patent: June 8, 2010
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Kulvir Singh Bhogal, Gregory Jensen Boss, Rick Allen Hamilton, II, Alexandre Polozoff
  • Patent number: 7733243
    Abstract: The device relates to the signaling, to the pilot of a moving vehicle, for example an aircraft, of its lateral maneuvering margins taking into account obstacles placed in its maneuvering zone. This device determines, over the maneuvering zone of the moving vehicle, the contours of a first type of risk region that must be bypassed and those of two other types of risk region consisting of lateral margins surrounding the first type of risk region, of widths less than separation thresholds or their upper limit considered necessary for a lateral maneuver without space constraint and displays them for the pilot of the moving vehicle. The determination of the separation thresholds takes into account the bearing angle under which a point of the contour of a region of the first type is seen from the moving vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 4, 2005
    Date of Patent: June 8, 2010
    Assignee: Thales
    Inventors: Elias Bitar, Nicolas Marty
  • Patent number: 7729816
    Abstract: A system includes an angular rate sensor disposed in a vehicle for providing angular rates of the vehicle, and an instrument disposed in the vehicle for providing line-of-sight control with respect to a line-of-sight reference. The instrument includes an integrator which is configured to integrate the angular rates of the vehicle to form non-compensated attitudes. Also included is a compensator coupled across the integrator, in a feed-forward loop, for receiving the angular rates of the vehicle and outputting compensated angular rates of the vehicle. A summer combines the non-compensated attitudes and the compensated angular rates of the to vehicle to form estimated vehicle attitudes for controlling the instrument with respect to the line-of-sight reference. The compensator is configured to provide error compensation to the instrument free-of any feedback loop that uses an error signal. The compensator may include a transfer function providing a fixed gain to the received angular rates of the vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2006
    Date of Patent: June 1, 2010
    Assignee: ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert H. Josselson
  • Patent number: 7729817
    Abstract: An emergency flight plan useable for an aircraft provided with a navigation system wherein the flight plan includes a pointer matrix including a number of cells. Each cell of the matrix has a unique identification and each cell corresponds to a geographical area, and wherein each cell of the matrix includes an identification of a cell corresponding to a next waypoint in an emergency route.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 19, 2007
    Date of Patent: June 1, 2010
    Assignee: Saab AB
    Inventors: Simone Duranti, Erik Petrini
  • Publication number: 20100131126
    Abstract: A flight deck display system for an aircraft includes a processor architecture configured to receive aircraft instrument data, waypoint restriction information, and position data for the aircraft and, based upon the received data, generate image rendering display commands. The system also includes a display element configured to receive the image rendering display commands and, in response thereto, to render a display that includes a perspective view of terrain and at least one waypoint marker corresponding to an approaching waypoint. The waypoint marker includes visually distinguishable characteristics that convey waypoint restriction information (e.g., altitude or airspeed constraint information that governs the waypoint).
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 21, 2008
    Publication date: May 27, 2010
    Inventors: Gang He, John G. Suddreth, Thea L. Feyereisen
  • Patent number: 7725221
    Abstract: A method and apparatus is disclosed for displaying a dynamic parameter, the apparatus comprises a display unit receiving a display signal and displaying a scale that changes dynamically and non-linearly in accordance with a selected display algorithm, the display unit further displaying a pointer pointing to said scale in accordance with a reading of said dynamic parameter, thereby emphasizing a range of said reading of said dynamic parameter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 25, 2010
    Assignee: Marinvent Corporation
    Inventor: John Maris
  • Patent number: 7720579
    Abstract: In exemplary embodiments, braking of an airplane is controlled during a rejected takeoff. A rejected takeoff of an airplane from a runway is initiated. Position of the airplane is determined, such as by inputting aircraft position from a global positioning system. Distance remaining on the runway is determined. Deceleration to stop the aircraft in the determined distance remaining on the runway is calculated, and the calculated deceleration is provided to an autobraking system of the airplane. When the aircraft can not be stopped in the determined distance remaining on the runway, a predetermined deceleration that correlates to maximum braking may be provided to the aircraft's autobraking system. The calculated deceleration may be provided to the autobraking system until a pilot takes command of the aircraft's brakes or the aircraft has stopped.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 18, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: William L. Goodman, Andrew J. Peck, Thomas Imrich
  • Patent number: 7719483
    Abstract: A method of removing synthetic vision terrain and objects from a graphical display when unsafe to rely on the synthetic vision terrain and objects is provided. The method comprises receiving current position data from at least one sensor, determining when to fade out synthetic vision terrain and objects based on the position data received, and fading out synthetic vision terrain and objects gradually when determined.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 18, 2010
    Assignee: Honeywell International Inc.
    Inventors: Thea L. Feyereisen, Jeffrey M. Rye, Trent C Reusser
  • Patent number: RE41396
    Abstract: A system and method are provided for the efficient entry and display of ground taxi routes on an electronic airport map display. The system may include a touchscreen entry device, a display device, a computer, a map database, a vehicle position sensor and a transmitter/receiver. The system may be configured to check the ground taxi entries to ensure that each successive segment is contiguous with the last or next segment, and any gaps or discontinuities in the displayed taxi instructions may be annunciated. An intelligent display of next possible segments may be incorporated into the system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2008
    Date of Patent: June 22, 2010
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Samuel T. Clark, Wayne R. Jones, Michael P. Snow, Eddie J. Trujillo