Nuclear Technology Patents (Class 976)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- Combined fission-fusion reactors [G21B-1/00B] *** (see also DIG. 5+) (Class 976/DIG2)
- Inertial confinement fusion reactor [G21B-1/00C] *** (plasma produced by laser H05H-1/22B; by particle beam H05H-1/22C) (Class 976/DIG3)
- Using a beam of particles some of which react with other particles [G21B-1/02] (Class 976/DIG4)
- Integral reactors (i.e., the reactor core and the heat exchanger are placed in one vessel; the reactor vessel and the heat exchanger form an integral construction) [G21C-1/00B] (Class 976/DIG6)
- Fast fission reactors (i.e., reactors not using a moderator; metal cooled reactors; fast breeders) [G21C-1/02] (Class 976/DIG11)
- Thermal reactors; Epithermal reactors [G21C-1/04] (Class 976/DIG16)
- Subcritical reactors; Experimental reactors with exception of swimming-pool reactors, zero-energy reactors [G21C-1/30] (Class 976/DIG34)
- Fuel elements [G21C-3/02] *** (manufacturing DIG. 283) (Class 976/DIG38)
- Assemblies of number of fuel elements in the form of a rigid unit [G21C-3/30] (Class 976/DIG58)
- Fuel units consisting of a single fuel element in a supporting sleeve or in another supporting element [G21C-3/38] (Class 976/DIG83)
- Structural combination of fuel element with thermoelectric element for direct production of electric energy from fission heat; or with another arrangement for direct production of electric energy (e.g., a thermionic device) [G21C-3/40] *** (temperature measurement DIG. 236; combination with thermoelements for temperature measurements DIG. 241) (Class 976/DIG84)
- Selection of substances for use as reactor fuel [G21C-3/42] (Class 976/DIG85)
- Details [G21C-5/02] (Class 976/DIG100)
- Characterized by composition (e.g., the moderator containing additional substances which ensure improved heat resistance of the moderator [G21C-5/12] *** (purification of fluid moderators during the operation of the reactor DIG. 266) (Class 976/DIG105)
- Characterized by shape [G21C-5/14] (Class 976/DIG108)
- Characterized by the provision of more than one active zone [G21C-5/18] (Class 976/DIG110)
- Flux flattening [G21C-7/00B] (Class 976/DIG114)
- By using self-regulating properties of reactor materials (e.g., Doppler effect) [G21C-7/02] *** (arrangements that involve temperature stability DIG. 136) (Class 976/DIG115)
- By application of neutron-absorbing material (i.e., material with absorption cross section very much in excess of reflection cross section) [G21C-7/06] (Class 976/DIG117)
- By displacement of the moderator or parts thereof; by changing the moderator concentration [G21C-7/26] (Class 976/DIG132)
- By displacement of the reflector or parts thereof [G21C-7/28] (Class 976/DIG134)
- By displacement of the reactor fuel or fuel elements [G21C-7/30] (Class 976/DIG135)
- By varying flow of coolant through the core; by adjusting the coolant or moderator temperature [G21C-7/32] (Class 976/DIG136)
- By utilization of a primary neutron source [G21C-7/34] (Class 976/DIG137)
- Control circuits [G21C-7/36] (Class 976/DIG138)
- Pressure suppression [G21C-9/00B] (Class 976/DIG140)
- Core catchers [G21C-9/00D] (Class 976/DIG143)
- Against explosions (e.g., blast shields) [G21C-9/00F] (Class 976/DIG144)
- Against Na- or Ka- reactions [G21C-9/00I] (Class 976/DIG145)
- Means for effecting very rapid reduction of the reactivity factor under fault conditions (e.g., reactor fuse, control elements having arrangements activated in an emergency) [G21C-9/02] *** (control elements, per se, DIG. 113+) (Class 976/DIG146)
- Means for suppressing fires; Earthquake protection [G21C-9/04] (Class 976/DIG151)
- Biological sheilding; Neutron and gamma shielding [G21C-11/02] *** (in general DIG. 319+) (Class 976/DIG153)
- Reflecting shields (i.e., for minimizing loss of neutrons) [G21C-11/06] (Class 976/DIG159)
- Thermal shields; Thermal linings (i.e., for dissipating heat from gamma radiation which would otherwise heat an outer biological shield); Thermal insulation [G21C-11/08] (Class 976/DIG160)
- Details (e.g., seals, supporting constructions, ventillating arrangements, tube joints with a vessel wall) [G21C-13/02] (Class 976/DIG167)
- Vessels characterized by the material; Selection of materials for pressure vessels [G21C-13/08] (Class 976/DIG180)
- Means for preventing contamination in the event of leakage (e.g., double wall) [G21C-13/10] (Class 976/DIG186)
- Arrangements or disposition of passages in which heat is transferred to the coolant; Coolant flow control devices [G21C-15/02] *** (DIG. 246 takes precedence); (coolant flow control through fuel assemblies (e.g., flow restrictors) DIG. 60) (Class 976/DIG188)
- Comprising means for separating liquid and steam [G21C-15/16] (Class 976/DIG195)
- Emergency cooling arrangements; Removing shut-down heat [G21C-15/18] (Class 976/DIG196)
- Partitions or thermal insulation between fuel channel and moderator [G21C-15/20] (Class 976/DIG197)
- Structural association of coolant tubes with headers [G21C-15/22] (Class 976/DIG198)
- Promoting flow of the coolant [G21C-15/24] (Class 976/DIG199)
- Selection of specific coolants; additions to the reactor coolants (e.g., against moderator corrosion) [G21C-15/28] *** (if serving as the moderator DIG.105, Compositions, per se, C09K-5/00; Organic coolants DIG. 106; purification and regeneration of the reactor coolants DIG. 266) (Class 976/DIG206)
- Mechanical simulators [G21C-17/00B] *** (electrical or magnetic simulators G06G-7/54) (Class 976/DIG208)
- Detection of leaks [G21C-17/00C] *** (by testing the coolant or the moderator DIG. 224) (Class 976/DIG209)
- Remote inspection of vessels (e.g., pressure vessels) [G21C-17/00D] (Class 976/DIG210)
- Inspection or maintenance of pipe-lines or tubes in nuclear installations [G21C-17/00F] (Class 976/DIG214)
- Devices or arrangements for monitoring coolant or moderator [G21C-17/02] (Class 976/DIG215)
- Devices or arrangements for monitoring or testing fuel or fuel elements (e.g., for burn-up, for contamination, for leak-tightness) not during reactor operation [G21C-17/06] *** (DIG. 235, DIG. 236 take precedence) (detection of leaking fuel elements during reactor operation DIG. 224) (Class 976/DIG231)
- Structural combination of reactor core or moderator structure with viewing means (e.g., with television camera, periscope, window) [G21C-17/08] (Class 976/DIG235)
- Structural combination of fuel element, control rod, reactor core, or moderator structure with sensitive instruments (e.g., for measuring temperature) [G21C-17/10] (Class 976/DIG236)
- Period meters [G21C-17/14] (Class 976/DIG243)
- Details of handling arrangements [G21C-19/02] (Class 976/DIG245)
- Characterized by their adaptation for use with horizontal channels in the reactor core [G21C-19/14] (Class 976/DIG256)
- Articulated or telescopic chutes or tubes for the connection to channels in the reactor core [G21C-19/16] (Class 976/DIG257)
- Apparatus for bringing fuel elements to the reactor charge area (e.g., from a storage place) [G21C-19/18] (Class 976/DIG258)
- Arrangements for introducing object into the pressure vessel; Arrangements for handling objects within the pressure vessel; Arrangements for removing objects from the pressure vessel [G21C-19/20] (Class 976/DIG259)
- Arrangements for removing jammed or damaged fuel elements or control elements; Arrangements for moving broken parts thereof [G21C-19/26] (Class 976/DIG264)
- Arrangements for introducing fluent material into the reactor core; Arrangements for removing fluent material from the reactor core [G21C-19/28] *** (pumping coolant DIG. 199+ and 294) (Class 976/DIG265)
- Apparatus for removing radioactive objects or materials from the reactor discharge area (e.g., to a storage place); Apparatus for handling radioactive objects or materials within a storage place or removing them therefrom [G21C-19/32] *** (disposal of waste material DIG. 375+) (Class 976/DIG272)
- Apparatus or processes for removing canning or casings from fuel; Separation of fuel and jacket material; also fuel elements, perforation (e.g., for sampling); Separation of fuel elements and fuel element-jackets in pieces; removal of end closures [G21C-19/34] *** (shielded cells DIG. 355+) (Class 976/DIG273)
- Arrangements for preventing occurence of critical conditions (e.g., during storage) [G21C-19/40] (Class 976/DIG276)
- Reprocessing of irradiated fuel [G21C-19/42] (Class 976/DIG277)
- Nuclear facilities decommissioning arrangements [G21D-1/00B] *** (decontamination arrangements; treating radioactively contaminated material DIG. 375+) (Class 976/DIG293)
- Arrangements of auxiliary equipment [G21D-1/02] (Class 976/DIG294)
- Pumping arrangements [G21D-1/04] *** (within the reactor pressure vessel DIG. 199+; electrodynamic pumps H02K-44/02) (Class 976/DIG295)
- Using magneto-hydrodynamic generators [G21D-7/02] (Class 976/DIG316)
- Using thermoelectric elements and/or thermoionic converters [G21D-7/04] *** (structural combination of fuel element with thermoelectric element and/or thermoionic converter DIG. 84; structural combination of fuel element with thermoelectric element DIG. 415, DIG. 84) (Class 976/DIG317)
- Containers for fluid wastes [G21F-5/00A] (Class 976/DIG342)
- Containers for solid radioactive wastes (e.g., ultimate disposal containers) [G21F-5/00B] *** (DIG. 347 takes precedence) (Class 976/DIG343)
- Shock absorbers, specially adapted therefor (e.g., impact buffers for containers) [G21F5-00D] (Class 976/DIG346)
- Containers provided with a rotatable drum [G21F-5/00F] (Class 976/DIG347)
- Specially adapted heat removal systems (e.g., by a circulating fluid or by cooling fins.); Specially adapted protection against external fire [G21F-5/00H] (Class 976/DIG348)
- Closures for containers or corresponding sealing arrangements [G21F-5/00J] (Class 976/DIG349)
- For storing radioactive sources (e.g., source carriers for irradiation units); Radio isotope containers [G21F-5/00L] (Class 976/DIG350)
- Specially adapted containers or shipping cask handling devices (e.g., transporting devices) [G21F-5/00N] (Class 976/DIG352)
- With provision for restricted exposure of a radiation source within the container [G21F-5/02] (Class 976/DIG353)
- Shielded passages through walls; Locks; Transferring devices between rooms [G21F-7/00B] *** (between glove-boxes DIG. 362) (Class 976/DIG356)
- Room atmosphere, temperature or pressure control devices [G21F-7/00C] *** (glove-boxes DIG. 364) (Class 976/DIG358)
- Observation devices permitting vision but shielding the observer (e.g., window, periscope) [G21F-7/02] (Class 976/DIG359)
- Shielded glove-boxes [G21F-7/04] (Class 976/DIG361)
- Structural combination with remotely controlled apparatus (e.g., with manipulators) [G21F-7/06] (Class 976/DIG367)
- Decontamination of contaminated objects, apparatus, clothes, food; Preventing contamination thereof [G21F-9/00B] (Class 976/DIG376)
- Recovery of isotopes from radioactive waste (e.g., fission products [G21F-9/00C] (Class 976/DIG377)
- Treating gases [G21F-9/02] (Class 976/DIG378)
- Treating liquids [G21F-9/04] (Class 976/DIG379)
- Treating solids [G21F-9/28] (Class 976/DIG391)
- Cells charged directly by beta radiation [G21H-1/02] (Class 976/DIG411)
- Cells using secondary emission induced by alpha radiation, beta radiation, or gamma radiation [G21H-1/04] *** (discharge tubes H01J-40/00) (Class 976/DIG412)
- Cells wherein radiation is applied to the junction of different semiconductor materials [G21H-1/06] (Class 976/DIG413)
- Cells in which radiation ionizes a gas in the presence of a junction of two dissimilar metals (i.e., contact potential difference cells) [G21H-1/08] *** (discharge tubes H01J) (Class 976/DIG414)
- Cells in which radiation of disintegration heats a thermoelectric junction or a thermionic converter [G21H-1/10] *** (devices where heating occurs from fission reactions DIG. 39; discharge tubes functioning as thermionic generators H01J-45/00; thermoelectric devices comprising a junction of dissimilar materials H01L-35/00) (Class 976/DIG415)
- Cells using conversion of the radiation into light combined with subsequent photoelectric conversion into electric energy [G21H-1/12] (Class 976/DIG418)
- Using diaphragms, collimators [G21K-1/02] (Class 976/DIG428)
- Using diffraction, refraction or reflection, e.g., monochromators [G21K-1/06] *** (DIG. 435, 445 take precedence) (Class 976/DIG431)
- Deviation, concentration or focusing of the beam by electric or magnetic means [G21K-1/08] *** (electron-optical arrangements in electric discharge tubes H01J-29/46; details (e.g., electric or magnetic deviating means for direct voltage accelerators or in accelerators using single pulses) H05H-5/02; arrangements for injecting particles into orbits H05H-7/08; arrangements for ejecting particles from orbits H05H-7/10) (Class 976/DIG432)
- Scattering devices; Absorbing devices [G21K-1/10] (Class 976/DIG435)
- Using charge exchange devices (e.g., for neutralizing or changing the sign of the electrical charges of beams) [G21K-1/14] *** (producing or accelerating neutral particle beams H05H-3/00) (Class 976/DIG437)
- Using polarizing devices (e.g., for obtaining a polarized beam) [G21K-1/16] *** (ion sources, ion guns H01J-27/02; polarized targets for producing nuclear reactions H05H-6/00B) (Class 976/DIG438)
- Having no beam-forming means [G21K-5/02] (Class 976/DIG441)
- With beam-forming means [G21K-5/04] (Class 976/DIG442)
- Holder for targets or for other objects to be irradiated [G21K-5/08] (Class 976/DIG443)
- With provision for relative movement of beam source and object to be irradiated [G21K-5/10] (Class 976/DIG444)