Assemblies Of Number Of Fuel Elements In The Form Of A Rigid Unit [g21c-3/30] Patents (Class 976/DIG58)
- Means to influence the coolant flow through or around the assembly [G21C-3/32B] *** (DIG. 246 takes precedence) (Class 976/DIG60)
- Coats and envelope surrounding the assembly [G21C-3/32C] (Class 976/DIG61)
- Made of moderator-material [G21C-3/32D] (Class 976/DIG62)
- Comprising fuel-elements of various compositions; comprising other pin-, rod-, or tube-like forms [G21C-3/32G] *** (elements influencing the coolant flow DIG. 60) (Class 976/DIG63)
- Supporting or hanging the elements in the assembly [G21C-3/32H] *** (Spacer grids DIG. 71); Means forming part of the assembly for inserting it into, or removing it from, the core; Means for coupling adjacent assemblies (means forming part of the element for inserting it into, or removing it from, the core; or means for coupling adjacent elements DIG. 49) (Class 976/DIG65)
- Means for the storage or removal of fission gases [G21C-3/32K] *** (means for the storage of fission gases in the elements DIG. 50; means for the removal of fission gases from elements DIG. 39+) (Class 976/DIG67)
- Assembling the bundle; Exchange of elements in the bundle [G21C-3/32L] (Class 976/DIG68)
- Spacer elements [G21C-3/32M] *** (spacer grids DIG. 71) (Class 976/DIG69)
- Spacer grids; other spacer devices [G21C-3/34] (Class 976/DIG71)
There are no patents to show for this class.