Abstract: The present invention provides a face guard for a sports helmet having at least two ear holes. The face guard includes a main body having an arrangement of elongated members. The face guard also includes a pair of quadrilateral projections for securing the face guard to the helmet, wherein the projections are integral with and extend from the main body. The projections are positioned below the ear holes in the helmet when the face guard is secured to the helmet. Also, the projections are positioned adjacent a lower edge of the helmet when the face guard is secured to the helmet. The projections are positioned below a rear lower edge of the helmet when the face guard is secured to the helmet. Each projection has first and second vertical members that are configured to engage a connector that secures the face guard to the helmet.
October 28, 2004
Date of Patent:
May 2, 2006
Riddell, Inc.
Thad M. Ide, Ralph J. Infusino, Nelson Kraemer