Abstract: A new cultivar of Cotinus coggygria named ‘Mincolem04’ that is characterized by its foliage coloration that is yellow-orange in color for new growth, yellow-lime in spring, becoming more green in summer, and then turning to a blend of yellow, green, orange and red in autumn, its strong stems, its medium to vigorous growth habit, and its erect, well branched plant form.
Abstract: A new and distinct Physocarpus cultivar named ‘GRDARK01’ is disclosed, characterized by very dark purple foliage. Plants are compact, bushy and dense. The new cultivar is a Physocarpus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Abelia plant named ‘Muabd’ is disclosed, characterized by yellow-green variegated foliage, abundant white flowers, and red colored stems. Plants have low rounded, slightly sprawling habits. The new variety is an Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct hybrid Calliandra eriophylla X californica named ‘Mexicali Rose’ shrub is characterized by strong cold hardiness (USDA zone 8), dense, rounded growth form of moderate size (4×5 feet mature), good growth under nursery conditions and a distinctive red flower color (50A).
Abstract: A new cultivar of Weigela plant named ‘TMWG18-04’ that is characterized by its compact upright vase-shaped growth habit, achieving a height and width of 60 cm-65 cm after two years of growth. The foliage of ‘TMWG18-04’ is bright yellow-green in color and the inflorescences of ‘TMWG-18-04’ consist of flowers borne in cymes ranging from eight to twelve flowers per cyme. Each flower of ‘TMWG18-04’ consists of five petals with mid-pink flared lobes arranged around red centers.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Buxus plant named ‘JN Select I’ that is characterized by its slightly tall height with a wide globe plant form with minimal shearing each year, its foliage that is very glossy and dark green in color during the growing season with the dark green foliage color retained in winter when provided shade, its very good cold hardiness with hardiness at least to U.S.D.A. Zone 4, and its high resistance to boxwood blight.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Tecoma plant named ‘SMNTSC’, characterized by its relatively compact, upright to somewhat outwardly spreading and mounding plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit and moderate growth rate; freely branching habit; medium green-colored leaves; freely flowering habit; large inflorescences with large bright yellow-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: ‘SueCKat’ is a new and distinct cultivar of Physocarpus opulifolius plant having an upright, mounded, dense plant habit; compact overall plant size; strong branching characteristics; small yellow-green foliage; short internode length that becomes shorter as the growing season progresses; resistance to powdery mildew; corymbs of small white flowers; green follicle color with very light coral-pink highlights in full sun for about a month after fertilization; and ability to root and grow vigorously from softwood and semi-hardwood stem cuttings.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Philadelphus plant named ‘SMNPSDW’, characterized by its upright to slightly outwardly spreading and uniformly mounding plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit and moderate growth rate; freely branching habit; dense and bushy appearance; dark green-colored leaves; numerous double type white-colored flowers that are fragrant; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Weigela plant named ‘TMWG19-108’ that is characterized by compact broad mounding plant habit, chartreuse colored yellow-green foliage, and deep red buds and flowers borne profusely in early spring, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Diervilla plant named ‘SMNDSD’, characterized by its upright to outwardly spreading and mounding plant habit; vigorous growth habit and rapid growth rate; freely branching habit; dense and bushy appearance; reddish brown-colored stems; leaves that are bronze orange in color slightly tinged with yellow green in the spring and become yellow green in color tinged with bronze orange during the summer and autumn; numerous soft butter yellowish green-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct Ceropegia woodii plant named ‘Merel’ which is characterized by a trailing habit, small narrowly cordate to near-deltoid foliage, conspicuously variegated foliage that is broadly margined white, a moderately fast rate of growth, as well as the stability of these characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: ‘Auntie B’ is a new and distinct cultivar of Physocarpus opulifolius plant having an upright, mounded, dense plant habit; compact overall plant size; strong branching characteristics; small orange-red emerging foliage that matures to purple; short internode length; resistance to powdery mildew; corymbs of small blush-white flowers that are produced in late spring into early summer and reliably and abundantly again on vigorous current season stem terminals from mid-summer into fall; coral-pink to red follicle color when in full sun for about a month after fertilization; and ability to root and grow vigorously from softwood and semi-hardwood stem cuttings.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Leucothoe plant named ‘SMNLFGRV’, characterized by its upright to outwardly spreading and mounding plant habit; vigorous growth habit and rapid growth rate; freely branching habit; dense and bushy appearance; leaves that are dark green and light yellow variegated that become tinged with reddish orange in the late summer and autumn; numerous white-colored campanulate flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Ceanothus plant named ‘UMNCNS01’ that is characterized by its inflorescences that are light pink in color, its coral red fruit capsules, and its crown cold hardiness to U.S.D.A Zone 4a.
August 18, 2023
Date of Patent:
May 28, 2024
Steven Thomas McNamara, Peter Christian Moe
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Loropetalum plant, referred to by its cultivar name, ‘Purlorocha’, is disclosed. The new cultivar is characterized by its deep purplish, red-colored flowers and it is also characterized by its dark, burgundy-colored foliage. The new cultivar provides a moderately vigorous, compact, and mounded, well-branched growth habit.
Abstract: A New and distinct Buxus sempervirens (Boxwood) cultivar of benefit to the Ornamental plant industry. This Boxwood shall here forth be known as ‘Clair Oliver’. The plant has a definite upright pyramidal form with 1 (one) central leader, with a radiating branch structure consisting of widely spaced internodes in an alternating pattern. The leaves are noticeably large. The coloration on large, newly emerged leaves possesses an opalescence. The adult foliage possesses a stable dark green color throughout the year. These traits have been observed over the past several winters to have survived temperatures of ?1 (minus one) degrees Fahrenheit in an outdoor, exposed site. Fragrance has not been observed in any season or condition. These traits were maintained throughout three generations of asexual propagation by rooted cutting.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Ligustrum plant named ‘NCLJ1’ is disclosed, characterized rounded upright habit, white flowers, glossy evergreen foliage, and no apparent female fertility. The new variety is a Ligustrum, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
June 6, 2023
Date of Patent:
June 25, 2024
North Carolina State University
Thomas Green Ranney, Andra Windorf Nus, Irene Palmer, Nathan P. Lynch
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of x Pyracomeles plant named ‘NCXP2’ is disclosed, characterized by abundant white flowers with showy red fruit. Plants have compact, rounded habits, and glossy green foliage. The new variety is an x Pyracomeles, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
June 6, 2023
Date of Patent:
July 2, 2024
North Carolina State University
Thomas Green Ranney, Andra Windorf Nus, Irene Palmer, Nathan P. Lynch
Abstract: A new Philadelphus variety distinguished by its upright and vigorous, yet compact growth habit, dense branching, deep green foliage late into the season, and prolific flower production.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Weigela plant named ‘SMNW9RB’, characterized by its upright to outwardly spreading and uniformly mounding plant habit; vigorous growth habit and rapid growth rate; freely branching habit; dense and bushy appearance; leaves that are dark green in color tinged with dark greyish brown; freely and remontant flowering habit; bright purplish red-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Sambucus plant named ‘HYFJOLAIS’ that is characterized by its short stem internodes, its leaves that are dark in color, its flowers that are distinct from foliage and white in color with burgundy and pink highlights, and its compact plant habit.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Abelia plant named ‘SMNAGBT’, characterized by its relatively compact, upright to outwardly spreading and mounding plant habit; vigorous growth habit and rapid growth rate; freely branching habit; dense and bushy appearance; developing leaves that are brownish orange in color and become green in color with development; freely and continuous flowering habit; large white-colored flowers that are tinged with light purple with light purple-colored throats; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Symphoricarpos plant named ‘Kolmapinpos’ that is characterized by its large berries that are light pink in color, its suitability for use as a garden plant and as a container plant, its dense growth habit with many lateral branches, and its straight lateral branches.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Vitex plant named ‘Bailtexfour’ that is characterized by its compact plant size; reaching 0.9 to 1.2 m in height and width, its early and reblooming flowering habit, its vigorous growth habit from a young plant, and its tight and rounded plant form.
November 15, 2023
Date of Patent:
August 13, 2024
David Jonathan Roberts, Oren McBee, Justin Schulze
Abstract: A new cultivar of Buxus plant named ‘HER2008114’ that is characterized by its large leaves (average of 4 cm in length), its leaves that stay green year round (even when planted close together) without browning, its upright growth habit, and its suitability for hedges and cloud pruning.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Tecoma plant named ‘SMNTSB’, characterized by its relatively compact, upright to somewhat outwardly spreading and mounding plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit and moderate growth rate; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; freely flowering habit; large inflorescences with large reddish orange-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Weigela plant named ‘PODARASNWOW1’ that is characterized by a thin leaf variegation with a uniform green and white color, a compact and tight plant habit, and low seed set, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Diervilla plant named ‘G2X88544VAR’ is disclosed, characterized by a rounded, compact habit, and variegated dark green and cream leaves with a reddish-pink flush. The new variety is a Diervilla, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Cotinus coggygria named ‘Mincolem04’ that is characterized by its foliage coloration that is yellow-orange in color for new growth, yellow-lime in spring, becoming more green in summer, and then turning to a blend of yellow, green, orange and red in autumn, its strong stems, its medium to vigorous growth habit, and its erect, well branched plant form.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Physocarpus plant named ‘SMPOCGT’ is disclosed, characterized by red-orange spring leaves, turning dark maroon with green undersides in summer. Plants have bright red stems, and light pink to white flowers producing bright reddish-pink seed heads. Plants produce bright red fruit. The new cultivar is a Physocarpus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Prunus plant named ‘UCONNPCSDR’ is disclosed, characterized by a low, compact, mounded plant habit, and dusky pink buds opening to white flowers. Foliage is red-purple-flushed in spring, to burgundy-colored in summer. The new cultivar is a Prunus, suitable for ornamental garden purposes.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Abelia plant named ‘Muabd’ is disclosed, characterized by yellow-green variegated foliage, abundant white flowers, and red colored stems. Plants have low rounded, slightly sprawling habits. The new variety is an Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Buxus microphylla plant, referred to by its cultivar name, ‘LP 03’, is disclosed. The new variety provides dark green leaf color, which is retained year-round. Excellent winter hardiness to at least USDA Zone 5 is exhibited. The growth habit is compact and rounded, which is wider than tall. The new variety is well suited for providing attractive ornamentation in the landscape.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of the Vitex agnus-castus plant named ‘V12-2-1’ is characterized by a combination of its heavy blooming with violet-blue flowers, its compact form, its short panicle length with closely spaced subpanicles and whoris of florets, and its tendency to re-bloom in late summer or fall.
February 8, 2024
Date of Patent:
October 29, 2024
University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Carol Robacker, Sherrod Baden, Allen Byous
Abstract: A new cultivar of Wax Myrtle plant named ‘JBG 1000’ that is distinguishable by its highly vigorous growth, high resistance to heat and humidity, and foliage has a pleasant fragrance and is a vibrant light green color.
Abstract: ‘WES10’ is a distinctive variety of Westringia plant which is characterized by the combination of a compact and globose growth habit, broadly ovate foliage with an obtuse apex, variegated foliage, an abundance of small white flowers in spring, and the stability of all characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: ‘WES09’ is a distinctive variety of Westringia plant which is characterized by the combination of a compact and decumbent growth habit, variegated foliage, an abundance of small white flowers in spring, and the stability of all characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: A new and distinct Physocarpus cultivar named ‘GRDARK01’ is disclosed, characterized by very dark purple foliage. Plants are compact, bushy and dense. The new cultivar is a Physocarpus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Buxus plant named ‘NSBBL’ is disclosed, characterized by large, round leaves maintaining deep green color throughout winter. Plants are very cold hardy with round, compact habits. The new cultivar is a Buxus, suitable for ornamental garden purposes.
Abstract: A new and distinct hybrid Calliandra eriophylla X californica named ‘Mexicali Rose’ shrub is characterized by strong cold hardiness (USDA zone 8), dense, rounded growth form of moderate size (4×5 feet mature), good growth under nursery conditions and a distinctive red flower color (50A).
Abstract: A new and distinct Styrax japonicus plant named ‘ORSTSTYx1’ is disclosed, characterized by its strict weeping habit, purple foliage, pink flowers, and vigorous growth.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Choisya plant named ‘Valencia Fizz’ that is characterized by its naturally branching spherical dense plant habit with short internodes and numerous basal and lateral branches. The foliage of ‘Valencia Fizz’ is dense and dark green in color when mature and exhibits orange blossom fragrance. The newly emerging foliage of ‘Valencia Fizz’ is lighter green-yellow in color. The flowers of ‘Valencia Fizz’ are borne in many compound corymbs, and are very numerous and relatively large for the genus and its varieties. The flowers of ‘Valencia Fizz’ are pleasantly sweetly fragrant, reminiscent of orange blossom. The flowers of ‘Valencia Fizz’ are rotate and bear five rotate free petals. ‘Valencia Fizz’ blooms profusely in May to August and sporadically in early and mid-spring and in late summer.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Photinia plant named ‘JBN 17001’ that is characterized by a naturally branching upright vase-shaped plant habit which achieves a height of 60 cm and a width (at full height) of 30 cm after one year of growth in a 2-gallon container, and a mature height in the landscape of 5 m and a width at full height of 4 m. The mature foliage of ‘JBN 17001’ is mid green in color. The new foliage growth of ‘JBN 17001’ is copper in color. The flowers of ‘JBN 17001’ are very numerous, small and white in color and borne in compound corymbs profusely and continuously in early and mid-spring and then sporadically during summer.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum plant named ‘LRD-51-22’, characterized by its compact, low-growing habit; lustrous dark black-purple foliage color that persists through summer and winter; dark pink flowers in spring; and improved cold hardiness compared to other compact purple-leaf cultivars. The new variety is a Loropetalum, typically for ornamental garden use.
July 2, 2024
Date of Patent:
February 4, 2025
Premier Introductions Inc.
Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Mahonia plant named ‘ALT 2’ is disclosed, characterized by narrow leaflets with a light greyed-green color, and a compact, dense habit. The new variety is a Mahonia, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Buxus plant named ‘WINTER JADE’ is disclosed, characterized by an upright plant habit with dense branching and dense foliage cover. Plants have shown resistance to the normal diseases and pests of Boxwood. Foliage is dark lush green. Plants have been observed to tolerate temperatures between 0 degrees F. to 110 degrees F. without negative effects. The dark green foliage color is maintained in both winter and summer under both low and high temperatures. The new cultivar is a Buxus, suitable for ornamental garden purposes.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Spiraea plant named ‘Golden Jack’ that is characterized by its compact and spreading plant habit, its foliage with young leaves that are bright yellow in color and mature to green-yellow in color, its flowers that are purple-pink in color, and its floriferous blooming habit.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Viburnum plant named ‘NCVX5’ is described, characterized by abundant white spring flowers with lustrous, evergreen foliage. Plants have upright habits and dense branching. The new cultivar is a Viburnum, typically for ornamental garden use.
June 17, 2024
Date of Patent:
February 25, 2025
North Carolina State University
Thomas Green Ranney, Irene Palmer, Nathan Lynch, Andra Windorf Nus
Abstract: A new and distinct Leucophyllum frutescens X L. langmaniae shrub plant named ‘Little Lynn’ is characterized by dwarf size (4 feet tall×4 feet wide at maturity), a compact, rounded growth form, possessing large, long lasting, colorfast, fragrant, lilac-colored flowers which are produced abundantly and continuously from April to November at the Sahuarita, Arizona growing location. ‘Little Lynn’ has among the most winterfast leaves (excellent winter retention of leaves with normal summer color) of any Leucophyllum cultivar. ‘Little Lynn’ has demonstrated excellent growth both in the nursery and in the landscape. ‘Little Lynn’ is highly resistant to the damping off organisms that normally injure or kill many Leucophyllum cultivars. ‘Little Lynn’ is hardy to USDA zone 7B/8A.
February 5, 2024
Date of Patent:
March 4, 2025
Nicholas Benoit Shipley, Russ A. Buhrow