Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Miscanthus plant named ‘Gentle Breeze’ that is characterized by an upright plant habit, arching foliage which turns intense orange-red in October, and flowers which are silky silver-white in appearance, is disclosed. In combination, these traits set ‘Gentle Breeze’ apart from all other existing varieties of Miscanthus known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Tripsacum dactyloides x Miscanthus sacchariflorus plant named ‘Mammoth’ that is characterized by its highly vigorous growth habit, its very tall plant height, its strong upright stems that do not fall over or flop, its leaves that are green in color with white center veins, and its lack of flower production.
Abstract: The present invention relates to the development of a novel, morphologically and genetically distinct clone of vetiver [Vetiveria zizaniodes (L.) Nash. syn. Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty; family Poacaeae] named ‘CIMAP-FORAGIKA’ that offers an ideal plant type to realize the twin applications of Vetiver i.e. mitigation of soil erosion and landslides, as well as, a prospective forage in eco-plantations and cropping systems. This clone sports—(i) deep penetrating tufted roots coupled with profuse lateral secondary and tertiary roots that form an interwoven web of roots facilitating enhanced soil binding in landslide and erosion prone sites; and (ii) profuse shoot tillers bearing thinner leaves that have reduced (less) lignified tissue enabling leaf softness and palatability. The leaves of this clone are rich in protein (41 g/kg fresh weight) and crude fiber content (25 g/kg dry weight) but low in carbohydrates (31 g/kg dry weight), thus providing desirable digestibility and nutritional features.
Abstract: A new and distinct Phlebodium plant named ‘RAADPHLE01’ which is characterized by an upright to arching growth habit, an abundance of light yellow-green juvenile fronds and dark green mature fronds, lobed fronds with crenulate margins that are strongly undulate, and the stability of these characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of ornamental Fountain Grass, Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Puppy Love’, characterized by vase-shaped habit of medium height and olive-green arching foliage that develops a blush of greyed-purple. Flowering begins in late August with a greyed-purple effective color period of about ten weeks.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Schizachyrium scoparium, ‘Chameleon’, that is characterized by its leaves that are striped green and cream in color in spring and early summer, its leaves that become flushed with pink and light purple in color in late summer and fall, and its small plant size.
Abstract: A new, distinct Pennisetum alopecuroides plant as shown and described, characterized by yellow foliage and yellow-green inflorescences on 50 cm stems that start in mid-August in northern Illinois.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Miscanthus, Miscanthus sinensis ‘EMPMIS02’, that is characterized by its flower plumes that are pink in color, its compact plant habit and short plant height, its long flowering period, and its floriferous blooming habit in producing numerous flowering stems.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Carex plant named ‘MMCream’ that is characterized by variegated leaves with green centers and cream-white margins, wide leaves and good stress resistance to frost and drought.
Abstract: A new and distinct plant of ornamental switch grass named Panicum ‘Gunsmoke’ with broad blue-green foliage that retains it coloration into the fall. The upright and dense culms produce tall plant with broadly-spreading airy panicles beginning greyed reddish-purple and becoming tan seed heads that are retained into winter.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Schizachyrium plant named ‘Ha Ha Tonka’, characterized by its upright, strong and rigid plant habit; moderately vigorous to vigorous growth habit and moderately rapid growth rate; acicular medium green and greyed orange-colored leaves that are densely pubescent; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Molinia plant named ‘Whirlwind’ that is characterized by its plant size of 1.35 m in height and width, its elegant and rather open inflorescences that are light brown in color, its stem that remain upright and don't lodge until late fall, and its floriferous blooming habit.
Abstract: A new, distinct Pennisetum alopecuroides plant as shown and described, characterized by thick greyed-purple inflorescences on 74 cm stems that start in late August in northern Illinois.
Abstract: A new, distinct Bouteloua gracilis plant as shown and described, characterized by a height of 100 cm, and 199 B color inflorescence, compared to 45 cm height and RHS 145 A inflorescence of the parent plant.
Abstract: The present invention relates to the development of a novel, morphologically and genetically distinct clone of vetiver [Vetiveria zizaniodes (L.) Nash. syn. Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty; family Poacaeae] named ‘CIMAP-FORAGIKA’ that offers an ideal plant type to realize the twin application of Vetiver i.e. mitigation of soil erosion and landslides, as well as, a prospective forage in eco-plantations and cropping systems. This clone sports—(i) deep penetrating tufted roots coupled with profuse lateral secondary and tertiary roots that form an interwoven web of roots facilitating enhanced soil binding in landslide and erosion prone sites; and (ii) profuse shoot tillers bearing thinner leaves that have reduced (less) lignified tissue enabling leaf softness and palatability. The leaves of this clone are rich in protein (41 g/kg fresh weight) and crude fiber content (25 g/kg dry weight) but low in carbohydrates (31 g/kg dry weight), thus providing desirable digestibility and nutritional features.
October 11, 2019
Date of Patent:
June 22, 2021
Abstract: A new cultivar of Fargesia plant named ‘JAN W3M’ that is characterized by its short plant height and a compact plant habit, its leaves that are small in size and dark green in color, and its moderate vigor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Fargesia plant named ‘JAN W2M’ that is characterized by its short plant height, its leaves that are small in size and dark green in color.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Schizachyrium scoparium plant named ‘ECGSS’, characterized by the combination of a compact mounded growth habit with arched foliage, green foliage that is longitudinally striped cream yellow in the spring and summer, foliage that becomes progressively suffused with pink towards the apex as the ambient temperature decreases in autumn, strong and resilient foliage that resists lodging in autumn and winter or with exposure to excessive rainfall, and the stability of all characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Indian grass, Sorghastrum nutans, designated cultivar ‘Whit LXXI’ substantially as illustrated and described herein having distinct blue-grey foliage and compact stature with stout culms supporting rusty-tan colored flower plumes beginning in mid-summer. This new cultivar is characterized by a transitioning growth habit during the growing season, beginning with blue-grey foliage, dwarf stems that grow about 16 to 25 inches tall during spring to mid-summer, then dense tufts of flowering culms supporting additional blue-grey leaves making the plant foliage about 30 to 40 inches tall, continuing with the extension of plume like very upright rusty-tan seed heads 46 to 58 inches tall. The new variety of Indian grass is a distinctly superior seedling selected from multiple generations of seedlings resulting from research that began in 1997.
Abstract: A new, distinct Andropogon gerardii plant as illustrated and described, characterized by an upright plant with a height of 190 cm, blue-green colored foliage with red stems, and purple fall color.
Abstract: A new and distinct plant of ornamental Switch Grass named Panicum ‘Niagara Falls’ with wide, blue-green, broadly-arching foliage that retains its coloration into the fall. The upright and dense culms produce medium-height plants with broadly-spreading airy panicles beginning greyed reddish-purple and becoming tan seed heads that are retained into winter. The broadly-arching foliage produces a wide skirt effect below the panicles. The new plant is useful in the landscape as a specimen, en masse, or in a container.
Abstract: A new, distinct Pennisetum alopecuroides plant as shown and described, characterized by yellow-green foliage RHS color 153 A-D inflorescences on 70 cm stems that start in mid-August in northern Illinois.
Abstract: A new, distinct Pennisetum alopecuroides plant as shown and described, characterized by yellow-green foliage RHS color 146 C, inflorescences RHS color 151 D on 84 cm stems that start in mid-August in northern Illinois.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Festuca plant named ‘Glow Sticks’ that is characterized by its light yellow flower stalks and inflorescences that rise above a dark green tuft of foliage and its foliage that is dark green in color with a subtle central stripe that is white in color.
Abstract: ‘NCMS3’ is a new cultivar of Miscanthus sinensis particularly distinguished by its triploid cytotype, low female fertility, and attractive variegated foliage and showy inflorescences. ‘NCMS3’ provides an attractive and highly infertile alternative to diploid cultivars where reseeding and naturalization is a concern.
May 24, 2022
Date of Patent:
November 1, 2022
Thomas Ranney, Darren H. Touchell, Andra Windorf Nus, Irene Palmer, Nathan Lynch
Abstract: A new and unique cultivar of Hakonechloa plant named ‘Hakbri1’ that is characterized by its variegated foliage that is chartreuse in color with yellow and creamy white stripes.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Carex plant named ‘ET CRX 904’, characterized by its relatively compact and broad outwardly arching plant habit; moderately vigorous to vigorous growth habit; long linear yellow green, light yellow and white variegated leaves; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Miscanthus sinensis plant named ‘Sunlit Satin’ that is characterized by its medium size compact, upright plant habit with a tight base; an average of 1.3 m in height, its upright flower tassels that when opening that have a satiny sheen and are pink in color, its foliage that has a thick central variegated stripe to provide early in the season interest, its flower tassels that turn to copper color later in the season above the maturing foliage, its foliage that has a thick central variegated stripe to provide early in the season interest, and its resilient, wiry foliage with wispy leaf ends that easily follow the direction of the wind.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Miscanthus sinensis plant named ‘Red Zenith’ that is characterized by its exhibits a strong and vigorous plant habit, creating a v-shaped form tightly gathered at the base, its average plant height of 2 m, its foliage that is dark green in color with well-delineated white strips turning yellow striped in autumn, flowers that are vibrant red in sunlight with a pink sheen when young and fading to a paler red in late autumn, and its upright v-shaped flower tassels on thick peduncles.
Abstract: A new, distinct Pennisetum alopecuroides plant as shown and described, characterized by dark greyed-purple inflorescences on 96 cm stems that start in mid-September in northern Illinois.
Abstract: The new and distinct cultivar of ornamental grass named Panicum virgatum ‘Red Flame’ with blue-green foliage that develops bright wine coloration in late summer on a large portion of the upper foliage, with upright and arching habit and dense culms producing airy panicles of burgundy, suitable as a multi-seasonal interest as a mass or specimen landscaping, potted plant, and for cut flower arrangements.
Abstract: A new and unique cultivar of Hakonechloa plant named ‘LUCMULL’ that is characterized by its yellow and green variegated foliage colors that develop very vibrant red tints from the tips of the leaves downwards in summer into fall and its slow growth habit.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Miscanthus plant named ‘Gentle Breeze’ that is characterized by an upright plant habit, arching foliage which turns intense orange-red in October, and flowers which are silky silver-white in appearance, is disclosed. In combination, these traits set ‘Gentle Breeze’ apart from all other existing varieties of Miscanthus known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Tripsacum dactyloides x Miscanthus sacchariflorus plant named ‘Mammoth’ that is characterized by its highly vigorous growth habit, its very tall plant height, its strong upright stems that do not fall over or flop, its leaves that are green in color with white center veins, and its lack of flower production.
Abstract: A new and distinct Pogonatherum paniceum plant named ‘ORPOCEY’ which is characterized by a very compact and densely-foliaged growth habit, broadly lanceolate foliage borne on short aerial stems, vibrant dark green and glossy foliage, a fast growth rate, as well as the stability of these characteristics from generation to generation.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Panicum plant named ‘Noneulby’ that is characterized by its compact, slightly broad and upright plant habit, its average of 76 cm in height and 61 cm in width in the landscape, its foliage that is blue in color, its flowers that are silver in color and changing to purple in color, and its flowers that are held partially above the foliage (about 1/3).
Abstract: A new cultivar of Panicum plant named ‘Nonlufht’ that is characterized by its plant height of 1.98 m (to top of inflorescence) and plant width of 1.83 m (at the widest point), its vase-shape with arching foliage at the top with a tight base, its green foliage, and its silver flowers.
Abstract: A new and distinct plant cultivar of little bluestem plant, Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Brush Strokes’ has a dense, upright habit with long arching lower foliage. Early foliage coloration is bluish-green which develops purplish-grey highlights by early autumn. The flowers remain effective with purplish tinting into winter.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Panicum plant named ‘Nondee’ that is characterized by its rounded and upright plant habit with nonlodging clumping foliage with upright flowering spikes above foliage, its average of 61 cm in foliage height, 1.2 m in inflorescence height and 1.2 m in spread in the landscape, its foliage that green in color and becomes flushed with purple in autumn, its flowering period from August to October in Michigan, and its flowers that are maroon-purple in color.
Abstract: A new, distinct Schizachyrium scoparium plant as illustrated and described, characterized by a height of 120 cm, extra wide gray-green colored foliage.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Panicum plant named ‘Nontlobg’ that is characterized by its average plant height of 2.1 m and plant width of 0.9 m in width, its upright, vase-shaped, and tight plant habit, its narrow base, its broad, green foliage, and its flowers that are rose in color that turn silvery in color.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Panicum plant named ‘Nonesory’ that is characterized by its average of 0.91 m in height (including inflorescences) and 0.69 m in spread as grown in the landscape for 3 years, its compact and vase shaped plant habit with nonlodging clumping foliage with upright flowering spikes above foliage, its foliage that green in color, its flowering period from August to October in Michigan, and its flowers that are deep rose in color.