Patents by Inventor Robert C. Kane

Robert C. Kane has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5007873
    Abstract: A cold cathode field emission device having a cone shaped emitter (112, 208) formed with a substantially normal (but not absolutely normal) vapor deposition process (109) wherein the substrate (101, 201) need not be rotated with respect to the vapor deposition target. The vapor deposition process forms an encapsulating layer (111, 207) that can either be utilized as an electrode within the completed device, or that can be removed to allow subsequent construction of additional layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 9, 1990
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1991
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventors: Herbert Goronkin, Robert C. Kane
  • Patent number: 4956574
    Abstract: A field emission device wherein two collecting electrodes are provided to selectively collect electrons that are emitted from an emitting electrode as induced by a gate electrode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 1989
    Date of Patent: September 11, 1990
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert C. Kane
  • Patent number: 4894627
    Abstract: A waveguide coupler for coupling energy from one waveguide to another, using a finline mode coupler. The coupler use a mode converter which changes the propagation mode in a waveguide from waveguide mode to finline mode. Finline mode waves are coupled into an adjacent waveguide via a slot in a wall, common to both waveguides wherein lies a finline coupler. After the finline mode waves are coupled into the adjacent waveguide, the finline mode converter reconverts the finline mode propagation to waveguide mode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1989
    Date of Patent: January 16, 1990
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert C. Kane
  • Patent number: 4816790
    Abstract: A linear microwave attenuator has an absorbing element which is selectively shaped to provide reduced capacitive coupling and increased attenuation by segmenting the absorber into at least two members. The selective shaping reduces both the surface area and mass of the absorber while maximizing the attenuation of possible from the absorber. In this way, reduced size, linear performance, and increased attenuation over those of the prior art are provided by the present invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 1987
    Date of Patent: March 28, 1989
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert C. Kane
  • Patent number: 4761621
    Abstract: A microstrip resonator (311) for a circulator/isolator is disclosed employing radial (815, 817, and 819) and circumferential (821, 823, and 825) slots to load the resonator and reduce the frequency of resonance. A resonator of small physical size is thus formed having a discontinuous outer ring (segments 807, 809, and 811) and a central triangle portion (827) each electromagnetically coupled to a ferrite element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 1986
    Date of Patent: August 2, 1988
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert C. Kane, Carl Kotecki
  • Patent number: 4704588
    Abstract: A microstrip circulator is disclosed in which a resonator (311) is metalized on one layer (309) of a multilayer printed circuit board (301) and a ferrite element (305) is disposed in another layer (303) of the circuit board. Input/output port termination mismatch due to port lead misalignment is eliminated and ferrite to resonator coupling is accomplished in a simple and repeatable manner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 3, 1987
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert C. Kane