Patents Represented by Attorney Charles E. Temko
  • Patent number: 4909501
    Abstract: An anamorphic amusement device suitable for distribution and use as disposable service in fast food establishments and as disposable party goods for private comsumption. The device consists of a frustoconical reflective element having means for securing the same about the frustoconical surface of a drinking cup, and a planar placemat having a distorted image printed on an upper surface. The placemat includes a printed index area for locating the cup so as to enable viewing the image in corrected form on the reflective element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1989
    Date of Patent: March 20, 1990
    Inventor: Myrna S. Hoffman
  • Patent number: 4907263
    Abstract: A drain ground structure for use with telephone connector blocks interconnecting shielded conductor pairs in installations requiring maximum noise and induced current suppression. The structure includes an elongated coil spring capable of frictional engagement with the ground wire of the shielded conductor cable between adjacent convolutions. To prevent the development of induced current in the spring itself, a metallic shorting bar is positioned parallel to the axis of the spring, the bar having lanced tabs which extend laterally from the plane of the bar and are engaged between the convolutions of the spring at periodic intervals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 1989
    Date of Patent: March 6, 1990
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventor: Helmuth Neuwirth
  • Patent number: 4903865
    Abstract: A threaded cap having an axially-disposed element containing an additive adapted to be engaged upon a threaded neck of a container. After the cap is tightened, the element is distorted resulting in release of the additive which is in liquid form into the container without spilling. In the disclosed embodiment, the element is ruptured by an axially aligned plunger which is manually operable by the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 1988
    Date of Patent: February 27, 1990
    Inventor: C. Michael Janowitz
  • Patent number: 4904211
    Abstract: A multiple cradle structure for use in supporting a plurality of cradle-mounted telephone connector blocks upon a main frame or backboard wherein the wired blocks may be pressed into position to be supported thereon. The cradle is configured to provide separate passages for outside plant cable and inside office wiring so as to maintain cross talk and noise on individual subscriber pairs at a minimum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 27, 1990
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventors: Carl Meyerhoefer, Helmuth Neuwirth
  • Patent number: 4905275
    Abstract: A laminar type telephone protector block of quick clip type including grounding means incorporated into the individual laminae, and a novel protector module of gas tube type communicating with said grounding means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 27, 1990
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventors: Carl Meyerhoefer, Helmuth Neuwirth
  • Patent number: 4899376
    Abstract: An improved subscriber circuit identification construction for use directly upon telephone connector blocks having detachable block engaging device selectively positioning the identifying indicia in one of plural locations relative to an exposed surface of the block. The construction includes an elongated holder element having resilient projections arranged in parallel rows and selectively engaging corresponding bores extending from the surface of the connector block, the holder element retaining a replaceable indicia bearing strip. Depending upon the selected location, the holder element is positioned laterally of identified contacts on the block so as to allow ready access to them, or the holder element is positioned to overlie said contacts to provide a protective cover function.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 6, 1990
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventor: Helmuth Neuwirth
  • Patent number: 4899149
    Abstract: Novel decoding method and apparatus are disclosed for Huffman or variable-length codes. According to the invention, variable-length code-words are divided into two parts, a variable-length prefix part and the remainder of the code-word which is of fixed-length or approximately so. The variable-length part consists of a series of 1's terminated by a single 0 bit. The number of 1's preceeding the first 0 bit indicates the prefix of a particualr code-word. The code-words are arranged so that the ones with the same prefix have the same length, or as close as possible. With this novel codification, decoding the variable-length code-words is accomplished in two simple steps. In the first step the decoder determines the position of the first 0 bit in the present code-word, using this information to specify a section of the main memory. The second step is to index into that memory section using the remaining part of that code-word, and this retrieve the fixed length representation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 1986
    Date of Patent: February 6, 1990
    Inventor: Gary Kahan
  • Patent number: 4892210
    Abstract: A container cargo net for use with a shipping container of palletized or other type for the purpose of preventing shifting of the container when the net is interconnected to one or more fixed anchors on the inner surface of a vehicle in which the container is positioned. The net is particularly suited for use with containers having at least one movable door in a side wall thereof, permitting access to the interior of the container. The net includes a selectively closable T-shaped opening in that portion of the net overlying the door, which opening is closed by the use of color-coded hooks ot overlie the door in closed condition. Disengagement of the hooks permits access to the door as required, without the necessity of disconnecting a major portion of the net and folding it over the roof of the container.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 17, 1988
    Date of Patent: January 9, 1990
    Inventor: Julius B. Kupersmit
  • Patent number: 4888154
    Abstract: A device capable of being mounted in a small opening in a reactor vessel, after having been inserted through a manway, which permits the continuous sampling of the contents of the reactor during a reaction, and continuous monitoring of the pH factor or other characteristic of interest. Electrical probe replacement is possible without disconnecting the device from the reactor vessel, and requires only a minimum of down time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1987
    Date of Patent: December 19, 1989
    Assignee: Ethylene Corp.
    Inventor: Michael Sheridan
  • Patent number: 4882748
    Abstract: A series of individual telephone subscriber circuit modules for use with telephone connector blocks having flat insulation displacement clips projecting from a planar surface thereof. The block mounts a grounding strip medially positioned on said surface. The modules employ known protection components, and in various modifications, are suitable for providing alternatively three point protection or five point protection utilizing either or both of gas tube and fuse components. Depending upon specific requirements, each module protects either two or four subscriber circuits.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventor: Carl Meyerhoefer
  • Patent number: 4881255
    Abstract: An improved telephone subscriber circuit protector module particularly suited for use in interconnecting with protector blocks having exposed quick clip terminals on an exposed surface thereof. The module features a relatively few number of metallic parts, and can be assembled with a series of simple hand operations. A three-element gas tube is employed in which the contacts are formed with elongated extensions, the extensions providing interconnections with contacts in such manner as to maintain the contacts in operative position when the module is assembled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 1988
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1989
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventors: Helmuth Neuwirth, Carl H. Meyerhofer
  • Patent number: 4876900
    Abstract: An improved tennis racket string tension tester of enhanced accuracy and convenient adaptability to rackets of varying configuration and string spacing. To provide for strings of varying diameter and grid spacing, a series of interchangeable washers are provided which exactly fit a centrally disposed interstice and a string grid defined by two horizontal and two transversely extending strings. Deflection of a known type strain gauge is indicated by a liquid crystal readout.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1989
    Inventors: William P. Carney, Donald P. Carney
  • Patent number: 4873876
    Abstract: A chemical process sampler for use in monitoring the progress of chemical processing particularly suited for the handling of toxic, volatile, or otherwise dangerous substances. The sampler is characterized in the provision of multi-position valve structure for returning a contained sample to the processing vessel after use, thereby eliminating the need for separate disposal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 17, 1989
    Assignee: Ethylene Corp.
    Inventors: Michael Sheridan, Kenneth Jaffe
  • Patent number: 4872386
    Abstract: An interchangeable pick-up construction for standard electric guitars in which the guitar body is provided with a recess. A pick-up engaging means is permanently installed within the recess, the engagement means forming a pair of oppositely disposed grooves which extend transversely with respect to the longitudinal access of the guitar body. The pick-up element includes the usual electrical components, and a conductive plate, the longitudinal side edges of which are selectively engageable within the grooves to a predetermined position in which electrical communication is established between the pick-up coil and contacts in the pick-up engaging means. In a second embodiment, means is provided for adjusting the relative position between the pick-up engaging means and the guitar body, so as to adjust the position of the pick-up element relative to strings carried by the guitar body.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 10, 1989
    Inventor: Olivier Betticare
  • Patent number: 4860912
    Abstract: An improved collapsible shipping container adapted to conform to the configuration of a storage area in an aircraft fuselage. The container includes a removable dome-shaped roof element supported by a pair of combination side wall and door elements, which are detachably secured along the continuous lower edges thereof to a slip sheet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 29, 1989
    Inventor: Julius B. Kupersmit
  • Patent number: 4859429
    Abstract: An electronic type ozone generating device utilizing an elongated tube or cylinder having a negative electrode in the form of a fine wire, and a conductive coating on an inner surface of the tube connected to a source of positive potential, whereby air to be ionized forms a dilectric. In contrast to prior art devices in which the air to be treated flows in substantially continuous fashion, means is provided for injecting fixed quantities of air to be treated in pulsed fashion to provide for greater effectiveness. In a second embodiment, means is provided for moving a plurality of fine wire electrodes in an orbital path within the tube relative to the principal axis thereof to provide greater ionization.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1989
    Assignee: Technological Resources Corp.
    Inventor: Jules Nisenson
  • Patent number: 4860348
    Abstract: A telephone jack panel assembly suitable for modular digital installations which facilitates connection at a period of time when the frame upon which it is installed is already congested by previously installed connectors. As contrasted with conventional construction, the disclosed panel is provided with a rearwardly extending housing, which mounts plural multi-contact connectors which are interconnected to corresponding multi-contact jacks mounted upon the free ends of incoming telephone cables. Thus, only a relatively few plug connections need be made without the necessity of removing the jack from the main frame. The housings for each jack panel are so contoured as to form a horizontally oriented recess, one for each jack panel, when a plurality of such jack panels are assembled on the main frame in stacked relation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1989
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventor: Paul V. DeLuca
  • Patent number: 4858413
    Abstract: The present invention relates to safety edge-forming elements for the insertion of planar parts of furniture, the elements comprising two opposite longitudinally extending walls being rounded at the outside periphery thereof, and comprising positive wall engaging means for said planar parts of furniture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 15, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1989
    Inventor: Dov Grushka
  • Patent number: 4856060
    Abstract: A solid state protector module for individual subscriber circuits particularly suited for use with laminar type quick clip connector blocks. The module comprises a printed circuit board mounting integrated circuit protector units which are thermally sensitive. Solder preforms are resiliently urged against integrated circuit units by a shorting spring, mounting the solder preforms allowing the shorting spring to ground the individual circuit. The solder preforms including a camming circuit allowing the shorting spring to urge the preform perpendicularly to the normal direction of spring movement.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1989
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventors: Carl Meyerhoefer, Helmuth Neuwirth
  • Patent number: D305641
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1987
    Date of Patent: January 23, 1990
    Assignee: Porta Systems Corp.
    Inventor: Paul V. DeLuca