Patents Represented by Attorney Sierra Patent Group, Ltd.
  • Patent number: 6771200
    Abstract: A DAC-based voltage regulator system for a non-volatile memory device comprises a charge pump circuit having an enable input and a voltage output node. A voltage-to-current converter has an input coupled to the voltage output node and an output coupled to a virtual ground node. A current source is coupled to the virtual ground node and sinks one of a plurality of currents in response to states of a plurality of digital input signals. A transconductance amplifier has an inverting input at the virtual ground node, a non-inverting input coupled to a reference voltage potential, and an output. A comparator has a first input coupled to the output of the transconductance amplifier, a second input coupled to a reference voltage potential, and an output coupled to the enable input of said charge pump.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2004
    Assignee: Atmel Corporation
    Inventors: Massimiliano Frulio, Stefano Sivero, Simone Bartozi, Sabina Mognoni
  • Patent number: 6772387
    Abstract: A method for detecting an error in data stored in configuration SRAM and user assignable SRAM in a FPGA comprises the steps of providing a serial data stream into the FPGA from an external source, loading data from the serial data stream into the configuration SRAM in response to address signals generated by row column counters, loading data from the serial data stream into the user assignable SRAM in response to address signals generated by row and column counters, loading a seed and signature from the serial data stream into a cyclic redundancy checking circuit, cycling data out of the configuration SRAM and the user assignable SRAM by the row and column counters; performing error checking on the data that has been cycled out of the configuration SRAM and out of the user assignable SRAM by the cyclic redundancy checking circuit, and generating an error signal when an error is detected by the error checking circuit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventor: William C. Plants
  • Patent number: 6768109
    Abstract: An apparatus for the separation of oppositely charged ions comprises a body including an inlet fluidly coupled to a first outlet and a second outlet. A flow director including a discharge is disposed in the body between the inlet and the first and second outlets. The flow director is configured to fluidly couple the inlet and the first and second outlets. The flow director discharge is proximate to the first and second outlets. A magnetic field is orthogonal to the flow director discharge and the magnetic field is located between the flow director and the first and second outlets. The magnetic field is configured to separate the oppositely charged ions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 20, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 27, 2004
    Assignee: 6×7 Visioneering, Inc.
    Inventors: Charles E. Brokaw, Thomas E. Brokaw
  • Patent number: 6767769
    Abstract: A method of fabricating a metal-to-metal antifuse, comprising planarizing an insulating layer and a tungsten plug, forming an antifuse material layer over the insulating layer and the tungsten plug, defining the antifuse material layer, forming a barrier metal layer over the antifuse material layer, defining the barrier metal layer, forming an oxide or tungsten layer over the barrier metal layer, forming a layer of photoresist over the oxide or the tungsten layer, defining the oxide or the tungsten layer, removing the photoresist, forming a first masking layer over the barrier metal layer, defining a shape of the antifuse, removing the first masking layer, forming a metal interconnect layer over the insulating layer, forming a second masking layer over the metal interconnect layer, and removing the second masking layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 2003
    Date of Patent: July 27, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventors: Frank Hawley, John McCollum, Jeewika Ranaweera
  • Patent number: 6763807
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for controlling a fuel injector assembly of an internal combustion engine during cold operation thereof is disclosed. If a combustion-absent condition is detected in one or more of the cylinders associated with the engine, an engine control module cuts out the affected cylinders thereby preventing additional fuel from being delivered to the cylinders for a predetermined period of time, such as 4-5 seconds. During the period of time in which the cylinders are cut out, the pistons in the remaining cylinders associated with the engine continue to operate thereby heating the engine block. After the predetermined period of time, fuel is again injected into the cylinders if a combustion-present condition is detected therein.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 1997
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2004
    Assignee: Clean Fuel Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: James C. Gilles, Andrew Rockwell
  • Patent number: 6765427
    Abstract: A steering circuit for a programmable circuit employing programming voltages that exceed normal operating voltages comprises a plurality of steering transistors. At least one steering transistor has its gate driven by a bootstrapping transistor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventor: John McCollum
  • Patent number: 6766496
    Abstract: Methods are apparatuses are disclosed for a software tool adapted to function with at least library cells for designing an integrated circuit. Various embodiments cover one or more of virtual buses; virtual tap cells; placement primarily for electrical coupling to a well or substrate; placement at a granularity level of electrical coupling to a well or substrate; metal substantially octagonal via structures; free placement according to a minimum drawing resolution of significant features, cell boundary vertices, and routing wires; and cells permitting overlap.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2004
    Assignee: Virtual Silicon Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael J. McManus, Billie J. Rivera, Richard Talburt, William G. Walker, Michael A. Zampaglione
  • Patent number: 6762621
    Abstract: The invention disclosed an architecture for the input/output buffer section of an FPGA. It provides a convenient and efficient addressing scheme for addressing fuse matrices that are used to configure programmable input/output buffers in the FPGA.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 13, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventor: Khaled A. El-Ayat
  • Patent number: 6760070
    Abstract: An integrated active pixel sensor array arranged in a plurality of rows and columns comprises a saturation level line coupled to a source of saturation level control voltage, a global current-summing node.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 2000
    Date of Patent: July 6, 2004
    Assignee: Foveon, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard B. Merrill, Richard M. Turner, Milton B. Dong, Richard F. Lyon
  • Patent number: 6757258
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for reducing OSPF flooding is provided for a router device. The flood reduction invention enables hello protocol communication while providing do not age link state advertisements. When a change in network topology is determined, subsequent do not age link state advertisements are communicated to convey the change of network topology with outer routers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 29, 2004
    Assignee: Cisco Technology, Inc.
    Inventor: Padmadevi Pillay-Esnault
  • Patent number: 6754342
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for improving the mute function of an IP telephone is disclosed, where the method comprises determining, by a transmitting IP telephone, whether the mute function has been activated; and if the mute function has been activated, then providing, a predetermined output. Various aspects of the method are disclosed, including: an aspect where the predetermined output is characterized by the absence of silence as detected by an RX unit when the mute function of a TX unit is activated; an aspect where the predetermined output comprises a signal in which voice information has been removed; and an aspect where the removing of voice information is performed by an audio filter disposed within the TX unit of an IP telephone.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 22, 2004
    Assignee: Cisco Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Luke Surazski, Michael Knappe, Pascal Huart
  • Patent number: 6752519
    Abstract: A lighting device for installation in a substantially plane surface, comprising at least one lamp device that emits light essentially in a light direction which forms an angle with an exit face of a light refracting means in the lamp device. The lamp device comprises a light source that emits light towards an incident face of the light refracting means, where the light refracting means has a longitudinal direction coincident with the light direction, and where the exit face is approximately parallel to the substantially plane surface. The exit face is set a slight angle of inclination relative to the substantially plane surface, the angle and the angle of inclination in combination causing light from the light source to be brought to an emergent angle above the face that satisfies pre-set requirements for light intensity close to the surface. A prism is also described wherein at least the edge formed between the exit face of the prism and a side face which forms an acute angle with the exit face is rounded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 22, 2004
    Assignee: Advanced Light AS
    Inventors: Henrik Seland, Eldar Hagen
  • Patent number: 6749931
    Abstract: A diamond foam article comprises diamond deposited material on a substrate having an open contiguous structure that permits the flow of fluids in at least one direction through the material. Methods for forming a diamond foam article comprise providing a foam substrate; preparing the foam substrate for diamond deposition; and depositing diamond material on the foam substrate by one of several diamond deposition methods.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignees: P1 Diamond, Inc., Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Inventors: John M. Pinneo, Howard Davidson
  • Patent number: 6749199
    Abstract: A dice-less Craps game is disclosed. The game may be played by dealing, by a dealer, a pair of cards having numerical indicia thereon; determining whether the pair of cards are of a like suit; if the cards are not of a like suit, then adding the numerical indicia together to determine a roll in accordance with the rules of Craps; and if the pair of cards are of a like suit, then arriving at a predetermined result other than a roll in accordance with the rules of Craps. In a further disclosed aspect, the first predetermined result comprises a NoCall. In a further disclosed aspect an apparatus for playing a dice-less Craps game is disclosed, comprising a deck of cards comprising 48 cards having numerical indicia thereon including four like-suited pairs each of Aces, Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, and Sixes; and a Craps playing surface having additional indicia thereon for wagering on a predetermined result if a pair of dealt cards are of a like suit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Inventor: David A. Boyd
  • Patent number: 6748777
    Abstract: The disclosed device is directed towards a key operated lock. The key operated lock comprises a barrel defining an interior, the barrel having an alignment block at the interior. A core is insertable into the interior. The core demountably coupling with the alignment block in both a clockwise and a counterclockwise direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignee: VSR Lock, Inc.
    Inventor: Dwain Livingston
  • Patent number: 6750674
    Abstract: A field programmable gate array comprising a plurality of logic modules each logic module having two clusters, said logic modules arranged in rows and columns. The logic module clusters having a plurality of receiver components, a plurality of transmitter components, at least one buffer module, and at least one sequential logic components. Each logic module also comprises at least one left combinatorial logic unit having a carry-in input and carry-out output and at least one right combinatorial logic unit having a carry-in input and carry-out output adjacent to said left combinatorial logic unit. The carry-out output of the left combinatorial unit is hardwired to the carry-in input of said right combinatorial logic unit providing dedicated carry-in/carry-out logic circuitry.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventors: Arunangshu Kundu, Jerome Fron
  • Patent number: 6751723
    Abstract: An system-on-a-chip integrated circuit has a field programmable gate array core having logic clusters, static random access memory modules, and routing resources, a field programmable gate array virtual component interface translator having inputs and outputs, wherein the inputs are connected to the field programmable gate array core, a microcontroller, a microcontroller virtual component interface translator having input and outputs, wherein the inputs are connected to the microcontroller, a system bus connected to the outputs of the field programmable gate array virtual component interface translator and also to the outputs of said microcontroller virtual component interface translator, and direct connections between the microcontroller and the routing resources of the field programmable gate array core.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 2, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignee: Actel Corporation
    Inventors: Arunangshu Kundu, Arnold Goldfein, William C. Plants, David Hightower
  • Patent number: 6750852
    Abstract: The disclosed device is directed towards a method for recognizing a gesture made on a touch-sensor pad in a touch-sensing system providing X and Y position information to a host comprising detecting a first presence of a conductive object on the touch-sensor pad. The method includes comparing the duration of the first presence with a first reference amount of time, and initiating a first gesture signal to the host if the duration of the first presence is less than the first reference amount of time. The method also includes detecting a second presence of the conductive object on the touch-sensor pad and comparing the duration between the first presence and the second presence with a second reference amount of time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignee: Synaptics, Inc.
    Inventors: David W. Gillespie, Timothy P. Allen, Ralph C. Wolf, Shawn P. Day
  • Patent number: 6751738
    Abstract: The present invention, generally speaking, provides a firewall that achieves maximum network security and maximum user convenience. The firewall employs “envoys” that exhibit the security robustness of prior-art proxies and the transparency and ease-of-use of prior-art packet filters, combining the best of both worlds. No traffic can pass through the firewall unless the firewall has established an envoy for that traffic. Both connection-oriented (e.g., TCP) and connectionless (e.g., UDP-based) services may be handled using envoys. Establishment of an envoy may be subjected to a myriad of tests to “qualify” the user, the requested communication, or both. Therefore, a high level of security may be achieved. The usual added burden of prior-art proxy systems is avoided in such a way as to achieve fall transparency-the user can use standard applications and need not even know of the existence of the firewall.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Inventors: Ralph E. Wesinger, Jr., Christopher D. Coley
  • Patent number: D493579
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 2003
    Date of Patent: July 27, 2004
    Inventor: Cindy DeAngelis