Patents Examined by E. H. To
  • Patent number: 4611539
    Abstract: A method is shown for photoengraving locator apertures on a single plate or a series of flexible printing plates that form a set of color printing plates simultaneously with the production of the raised printing surfaces on the faces of the plate or series of plates. These locator apertures are used on a novel apparatus to support the plates on a common locator roll. The locator roll with an etched plate draped over it, is held by the apparatus to be precisely aligned with a plate roll or printing roller having a sticky back surface thereon. The apparatus for holding the locator and plate rollers, cooperates with the respective rollers to assure the precise alignment of the printing plate with its plate roll during the plate mounting process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 1985
    Date of Patent: September 16, 1986
    Inventor: Carl Ireton
  • Patent number: 4611798
    Abstract: A cloth spreading apparatus for spreading superimposed layers of cloth on a plurality of tables which are connected together side-by-side, the superimposed layers of cloth being in correct alignment with each other. The apparatus includes a cloth laying machine supported on the working surface of the tables for side-to-side traversing movement. As the machine moves from side to side, it will deposit a plurality of superimposed layers of cloth on the tables. The cloth laying machine includes a frame having a front portion normally disposed adjacent a front edge of the tables. The apparatus further includes guide means for guiding the cloth laying machine. The guide means includes a plurality of cylindrical rods, dowels which align the guide rods in end-to-end relationship, and a rail assembly which is rigidly interconnected with the guide rods and with front legs of the tables.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 1985
    Date of Patent: September 16, 1986
    Assignee: Cutting Room Appliances Corp.
    Inventors: Michael E. Hoffman, Roy Stevenson
  • Patent number: 4610198
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a device for turning paper in verso-recto printing, adapted to be arranged on the path of the paper between two printing stations and having an assembly of turning bars which are angularly staggered with each other. The device has a fixed support forming a horizontal slide and extending perpendicularly to the path of the paper, and an upright removable body supporting the assembly of turning bars and adapted to be aligned in position and fixed on the support.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 24, 1984
    Date of Patent: September 9, 1986
    Assignee: Seailles & Tison SA
    Inventor: Flaujac Raymond
  • Patent number: 4610200
    Abstract: An arrangement in a silkscreen printer for positioning a second pattern (4b) deriving from a first pattern (4a) provided on a stencil (4) in relation to material (2) to be printed while using a first memory arranged to store data relating to the desired position of the second pattern in relation to a reference point. The material (2) on to which the second pattern (4b) is to be printed is displaced to a printing position, in which means (5, 5') are arranged to evaluate the true position of the material. In addition means are provided for evaluating the discrepancy which would occur if the second pattern (4b) were to be applied to the material (2) in its present position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 1985
    Date of Patent: September 9, 1986
    Inventor: Matti Metso
  • Patent number: 4607831
    Abstract: A signature aligning and trimming apparatus wherein a stream of overlapping signatures are conveyed past first and second alignment stations on a lower conveyor belt system. Immediately after the second alignment, and while the signatures are still carried by the lower conveyor belt system, the signatures are engaged by an upper conveyor belt system and are pressed firmly against the lower belts as they are moved over large diameter rollers. The edges of the signatures are trimmed by single cutting wheels positioned to engage the edges of the signatures as they move over the top of the large diameter rollers. A pair of anvil plates, which are positioned beneath the cutting wheels and are rotatable with the large diameter rollers, provide a supporting surface for the signature edges against which the cutting wheels act in trimming the signature edges.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1986
    Assignee: Trimmer Machine Co., Inc.
    Inventor: William B. Raybuck
  • Patent number: 4607572
    Abstract: A printing system for printing characters in various fonts and formats onto webs of sheet stock of various sizes includes apparatus for cutting the web into various lengths to accommodate various formats as well as for providing different lengths of tags which are interposed between batches of tags to permit easy separation of the batches. A stacker is also provided which selectively stacks the tags in a shingle fashion or into piles. Circuitry is provided to detect jams in the system and to assure that the proper size web corresponding to the selected format is used. Also, the system is provided with circuitry for adjusting the line print position to compensate for positioning errors caused by mechanical tolerances in the printers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1986
    Assignee: Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Frederick M. Pou, Richard L. Straub
  • Patent number: 4607626
    Abstract: A mechanically-expandable instrument (bougie), especially useful for treating diseases in the urethra and the neck of the urinary bladder, comprises an adjustable-speed driving unit (20) and a probe (22) composed of two rods (64) and (66) pivotally connected together at one end thereof and attached to output sliders (54, 56) of the driving unit at their other ends. Each of the rods (64) and (66) has a semicircular cross section so that in an assembled state the probe has a complete circular cross section. Reciprocations of the sliders cause expansions and contractions of the probe, thereby to stretch urethral constrictions in the radial direction and to subject the urethra and its the surrounding tissue to massaging and vibrational actions which are extremely efficient for treating diseases of the urethra and the neck of the urinary bladder. Other embodiments of the rod employ cams, wedges, and threaded means for creating radial expansions and contractions of the probe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1986
    Inventors: German Borodulin, Maxim Persidsky, Alexander Shkolnik
  • Patent number: 4606534
    Abstract: A combined separating, bursting and sorting apparatus for a continuous web of multi-forms having sheet divisions fixed by perforation lines, provided with a bursting device, a path of travel, and a sorting device consisting of a plurality of receptacles for separated and bursted sheets, said path of travel beginning at a plurality of plate-shaped infeed elements with connected, elongated, tensioned guide elements which extend substantially linearly to a deflection at a receptacle, which infeed elements for inserting a layer of the continuous web of multi-forms are capable of being deflected or swivelled away from each other and are combined to a packet by inserting thin distance plates in the side edge regions on both sides of the path of travel and the guide function of a guide element receding at the point of deflection is taken over by a guide plate which extends to the next deflection and follows same, and adjoins the path of travel on one side, the other side of which is formed by belt conveyor means or
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 8, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 19, 1986
    Assignee: Hadewe B.V.
    Inventor: Jacobus F. Gombault
  • Patent number: 4606533
    Abstract: A machine for laying out flat sheets made from tubular fabric in which a horizontal cross bar is hingedly connected to a supporting frame and is in contact with the fabric being fed, so that variations of the tautness of the fabric causes the cross bar to pivot and change the speed of a variable speed drive motor, thereby changing the rate of feed of the fabric.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 19, 1986
    Assignees: Rockwell-Rimoldi S.p.A., Officina Mecannica Mario Fonio
    Inventor: Carlo Fonio
  • Patent number: 4604818
    Abstract: An under reaming pile bore excavating bucket by which an under reamed part of a pile bore is excavated and the excavated soil is moved into the bucket for easy removal of the soil. In use, the bucket is lowered to the bottom of an already excavated straight pile bore; side apertures of the bucket are opened; the slidable wing drill bits are rotated and moved downward and outward along guide rails to excavate an under reamed part. The excavated soil is taken into the bucket through the side apertures and openable bottom apertures. When the drill bits reach their lowermost position, the drill bits are rotated reversely to house the drill bits again into the bucket and lastly the side apertures are closed. The soil within the bucket is raised from the excavated pile bore. In particular, a drive shaft is spline engaged with an outer pipe fixed to the center of the bucket body for allowing the slidable bits to rotate and further move downward or outward.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 24, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Tokyo Seisakusho
    Inventor: Hachiro Inoue
  • Patent number: 4605213
    Abstract: The folded items (9) arriving from a folding apparatus (1) are grasped on the leading folded spine (10) by forward grippers (12) on an opening cylinder (8). Then the overhang (11) of each item is grasped by rearward grippers (13). Because of centrifugal force and optionally by means of an electrostatic charging device (7), the lower part of the folded item (9), after being released from the conveyor belts (5, 6), is repelled. As a result, rods (14) secured on a chain system (15) can be introduced, during their upward movement that is at a tangent to the opening cylinder (8), it between the two halves of one printed item, after which the transporting of the folded items (9) to further chain systems (such as 17) can be effected. Subsequently, folded items (9) can be collected one on top of the other and/or accelerated or delayed in accordance with how the transfer location is embodied.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N. Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hatto Hechler
  • Patent number: 4605210
    Abstract: A plurality of folding stages, in which each folding stage carries out a folding operation, in steps, are provided. The folding stages each have a folding roller pair (2, 2'. . . 5, 5'), one each roller being located above, and one below the web or superposed webs (6) to be folded. The folding roller pairs, except for the first, are formed with matching groove - ridge profile. The folding roller pairs are offset, in coordinates in space, with respect to the coordinates of a first roller pair which has cylindrical shape, such that the spacing of adjacent folding stations, e.g.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hatto Hechler
  • Patent number: 4605212
    Abstract: For accepting folded products (5) and transporting them further, a revolving belt or chain system (7) on which drivers (8) are provided is used following the transfer point between a folding blade cylinder (1) and a folding gripper cylinder (2). After the folded spine (6) has been grasped by the folding grippers (4) of the folding gripper cylinder (2), drivers (8) are laterally inserted into the wedge-shaped region A, after which the folding grippers open. Then the drivers (8) accept the folded products (5) from the folding gripper cylinder (2) or the folding blade cylinder (1) and guide them further, preferably in a suspended condition, for further handling.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 19, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N. Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Ingo Kobler
  • Patent number: 4605211
    Abstract: An automatic sheet processing device is adapted to be mounted to the sheet outputting portion of an image forming apparatus which outputs sheets one after another and used to receive the sheets successively output from the sheet outputting apparatus, automatically align the received sheets to one another, and then automatically bind the bundle of aligned sheets.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 7, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Hiraku Sonobe
  • Patent number: 4605209
    Abstract: To permit easy threading of a plurality of paper webs through rollers which have projecting pins thereof to provide for positive feed of the paper webs by perforating the paper webs, the pins are located such that they can be selectively positioned below a cylindrical generated outline defined by the largest radial dimension of at least one of the engagement rollers, for example by being selectively retractable (FIG. 1) within the outline of the cylindrical roller, or by being located (FIG. 2) in flutes or depressions of fluted rollers. If the pins are selectively retractable and projectionable, preferably, a positioning cone (5) is located within a hollow roller (1), the axial position of the cone being determined by an external hand wheel (23) which, over a rod (4), axially positions the cone, while including a rotation-isolating coupling (14-22) between the hand wheel and the rod (4).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hermann Fischer
  • Patent number: 4603633
    Abstract: An arrangement for application of liquids, such as a coating unit for a printing press, with a liquid supply above the metering gap formed between a metering roller and an applicator roller interacting therewith, a partition designed to damp vibrations dividing the liquid supply along the length of the rollers in order to compensate for turbulence, resonance and irregular air occlusions as far as the metering gap and to prepare uniform quantities of liquid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 29, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 5, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Johannes M. Schubert, Gerhard Geuppert
  • Patent number: 4603629
    Abstract: A printer utilizes an automatic stacker that has a conveyor belt whose speed and increment of advance is varied as a function of the size of the tag being printed in order to provide a more even overlap when different size tags are stacked in a shingle fashion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 5, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 5, 1986
    Assignee: Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Frederick M. Pou
  • Patent number: 4602774
    Abstract: To pick up folded paper sheets, being folded, for example, by a standard folding apparatus (1, 2, 4-6), an endless transport belt or chain (71; 7, 7, 7', 18) retains thereon carrier elements (9) made of highly elastic flat spring steel, being guided by the endless transport means in a path which places the flat spring steel strips edgewise between the folding products at the folding zone, then transport the folded products along the path and then decelerates the folded products while spreading them apart. The latter combined effect is obtained by guiding the transport means over a deflection wheel (11, 16) at the region of attachment of the carrier elements to the transport chain or belt, while retaining the flat strip free end portions, forming hangers, at or close to the center of rotation of the deflection wheel, so that, effectively, the folded paper products will be spread while, at the same time, will be slowed, or have a linear speed of, or close to 0.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1985
    Date of Patent: July 29, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Ingo Kobler
  • Patent number: 4602879
    Abstract: A multicolor printer for providing a printout of record data in desired colors by using the three primary colors of cyan, yellow and magenta either singly or by subtractive color mixing for developing a magnetic latent image and/or at least one type of electrostatic latent image formed on a recording drum having a conductive material layer, a magnetizable material layer and an insulating material layer superposed one over another in the indicated order. A multiple magnetic head forms on the magnetizable material layer a magnetic latent image of the record data corresponding to a first primary color, and a multiple stylus forms on the insulating material layer a positively charged electrostatic latent image and/or a negatively charged electrostatic latent image corresponding to a second primary color and/or a third primary color.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 1985
    Date of Patent: July 29, 1986
    Assignee: Brother Industries, Ltd.
    Inventor: Kazuhiko Takagi
  • Patent number: 4602775
    Abstract: A modular cover inserter unit is located between a copier/duplicator which produces sets of copy sheets and a finisher which forms booklets from the sets of copy sheets. The cover inserter unit includes a sheet transport that advances sheets from the copier/duplicator to the booklet finisher. Covers are stacked on two supports in the inserter unit and fed from the supports to the sheet transport. An inverter in the unit can invert a cover before it reaches the booklet finisher.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1985
    Date of Patent: July 29, 1986
    Assignee: Eastman Kodak Company
    Inventors: Lee M. Calhoun, John D. Gross