Patents Examined by E. H. To
  • Patent number: 4585220
    Abstract: An insertion machine system includes an insertion machine 100 of a type wherein a plurality of insert stations 152 are positioned proximate conveyor means 120 travelling therealong for selectively feeding inserts onto the conveyor means 120. A buffer and turnover assembly 106 receives a printed envelope from in-line printer means 104 and automatically introduces the printed article onto the conveyor 120 travelling proximate the insertion stations 152. A data processor 108 governs the acquistion from an information storage medium of information indicative of text to be printed on an envelope and information indicative of insert machine control signals. The data processor 108 further governs the operation of the printing means 104 whereby the printing means 104 prints on an envelope readable text.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1984
    Date of Patent: April 29, 1986
    Assignee: Bell & Howell Company
    Inventors: Edward H. Zemke, deceased, Harold D. Pogue, Girish B. Shah, Myron A. Bowles
  • Patent number: 4581833
    Abstract: A laterally offset shovel assembly for the boom of a backhoe, or similar excavating machine, enables the backhoe to dig foundations or trenches in previously inaccessible locations. The assembly comprises a tubular member with a bucket securing to one end thereof and a pair of straps secured adjacent to the other end thereof. The conventional bucket is removed and the straps are bolted or otherwise secured to the free ends of the linkages extending along opposite lateral faces of the boom. The power cylinder on the boom transmits power through the linkages to the straps. The straps, in turn, pivot to oscillate the tubular member and the bucket secured thereon to perform digging operations in tight quarters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 31, 1985
    Date of Patent: April 15, 1986
    Inventor: Louie Zeravica
  • Patent number: 4582313
    Abstract: An improvement in a document feeder in an inserting machine, the inserting machine having a transport deck and being capable of nesting a plurality of sheet materials between the front and back covers of a booklet, and wherein the document feeder includes a demand feed roller. The improvement comprises a vacuum block located downstream of the demand feed roller and above the inserting machine transport deck, wherein one of the covers of a booklet is separated and raised when a booklet is fed out from the document feeder and passes under the vacuum block, thereby allowing other sheet materials assembled on the transport deck upstream of the document feeder to be nested between the front and back covers of the booklet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1985
    Date of Patent: April 15, 1986
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventors: Frank A. Oeschger, William P. White
  • Patent number: 4580770
    Abstract: Sheets are fed from the top of a stack (12) by a continuously rotating vacuum wheel (40). After the leading edge of a just-fed sheet is detected, a control circuit (110) de-energizes valve means (92) whereby the wheel (40) is effectively disconnected from a source of vacuum (90). Indicia borne on the just-fed sheet is read using a probe (23). If the indicia indicates that the just-fed sheet is related for grouping purposes to previously-fed sheets, the control circuit (110) energizes valve means (92) whereby vacuum is applied to the wheel (40) for the feeding of a further sheet. If the indicia indicates that the just-fed, just-read sheet is not related to previously-fed sheets, the control circuit (110) does not energize the valve means (92) for the feeding of a further sheet until the control circuit (110) receives an indication that all previously-fed sheets have been grouped and discharged onto an insert track (32).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 18, 1985
    Date of Patent: April 8, 1986
    Assignee: Bell & Howell Company
    Inventors: Gerald D. Warden, Kenneth A. Hams
  • Patent number: 4580494
    Abstract: A device for selectively converting, for either first-form alone or combined first-form and perfector printing, a turn-over device arranged between individual printing units of a sheet-fed rotary printing machine, including adjustment elements for the turn-over device, and hydraulically actuable control and clamping devices operatively connected with the turn-over device for performing controlling and clamping operations on the respective adjustment elements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 1984
    Date of Patent: April 8, 1986
    Assignee: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
    Inventor: Willi Becker
  • Patent number: 4577848
    Abstract: An insertion machine has a plurality of gripper arms (16), each gripper arm including jaw members (24,26) between which inserts are engaged and from which engaged inserts are released in precise placement upon a transport means (18). Each jaw (26) is actuated by actuating means (28) acting through linkage means (30) to perform the engagement and release operations. Upon insert engagement the activation of the actuating means (28) is controlled to be dependent upon the operating speed of the insertion machine. Upon insert release the activation of each actuating means (28) is controlled so that release is delayed by three release time delay components. A first release time delay component is occasioned by a master presettable release delay means (322) which delays the release operation actuating means (28) of all insert stations in accordance with a preset input value. A second release time delay component is dependent upon the operating speed of the insertion machine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 25, 1986
    Assignee: Bell & Howell Company
    Inventor: Kenneth A. Hams
  • Patent number: 4577555
    Abstract: A numbering device for an offset printing press including a slide mechanism. The slide mechanism includes a pair of slide plates fixed to frames of the numbering device and two pairs of rollers fixed to frames of the main machine, wherein the slide plates are received between respective pairs of the guide rollers such that the numbering device can be slid towards and away from the main machine. A first gear is mounted on a drive shaft of the main machine, while a second gear is mounted on a numbering impression cylinder of the numbering device. The two gears are engaged when the numbering device is slid towards the main machine and disengaged for the opposite direction of movement of the numbering device. A detent mechanism is provided for fixing the numbering device in either the engaged or disengaged positions of the gears.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 25, 1986
    Assignee: Ryobi Ltd.
    Inventors: Koji Ishii, Kenso Maehara
  • Patent number: 4575066
    Abstract: The web laying machine comprises a unit for laying cloth or stock material. The unit is mounted on a pivotable casing, support arms support the roll of material, and a transfer roll in juxtaposed relationship with the roll of material effects a pay-off of the material. A spring urges the transfer roll toward and into contact with the roll of material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 2, 1984
    Date of Patent: March 11, 1986
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Kawakami Seisakusho
    Inventor: Nobuo Nasu
  • Patent number: 4574502
    Abstract: A plow blade for snow plowing or other plowing applications is constructed prepared from a transparent material to reduce plow weight and to permit the normal lighting of the plow vehicle to be seen through the plow blade, thus eliminating the need for auxiliary lighting. The plow blade is especially suitable for use with small plows, such as those designed for use with small four-wheel drive passenger cars. In the preferred embodiment, a transparent, replaceable plastic plow face member is supported by a light weight frame.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 11, 1986
    Inventor: James R. Blau
  • Patent number: 4575065
    Abstract: A web laying machine has a laying carriage driven back-and-forth over the laying table in a web laying direction. The laying carriage includes a chassis, an upper part mounted on the chassis and movable transversely to the laying direction relative to the chassis and rotatable about a vertical axis. A sled, carrying a support mechanism for a web supply reel is arranged on the upper part, and has a first position and a second position spaced from the first position in a direction parallel to the laying direction. The sled is movable from the one to the other position by rotating the upper part through an angle of or by linearly displacing the sled relative to the upper part.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 11, 1986
    Assignee: Krauss u. Reichert GmbH & Co. KG, Spezialmaschinenfabrik
    Inventors: Rolf Jung, Winfried Buchmann, Albert Buss
  • Patent number: 4575067
    Abstract: A collating machine includes a serial array of vertically oriented stacking bins, each bin receiving a stack of sheet material to be collated. The upper edge of each stack is a reference and needs to be at a machine reference plane. The machine normally places the reference edge of the stacks of each bin in the same reference plane only when the stacks have the same length. An insert for one or more bins adjustably places the reference edge of stacks dimensioned different than the stacks in the remaining bins in the same reference plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1984
    Date of Patent: March 11, 1986
    Assignee: RCA Corporation
    Inventor: Robert J. Ciatteo
  • Patent number: 4574692
    Abstract: In a photofinishing operation, the correlation of order envelopes, films and the paper prints produced therefrom is carried out automatically. The order envelopes, films and the strip of paper prints are provided with the same machine-readable control number per order. These control numbers are monitored during final processing by machine and, in case of a lack of agreement, the cutting of the film and the paper is prevented and an appropriate alarm is actuated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 5, 1984
    Date of Patent: March 11, 1986
    Assignee: GRETAG Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Robert Wahli
  • Patent number: 4573670
    Abstract: Apparatus is provided for folding continuous web in zigzag fashion into a stack, which apparatus is suitable for forming a stationary stack from lightweight web from below the stack. The apparatus comprises a reciprocating carriage containing guide elements forming a passage for the web to feed through the carriage as it travels. Belts running around the guide elements and anchored at both ends position the web and support the stack without tending to tear or wrinkle the web as it is being folded. A brake prevents reverse web travel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 1984
    Date of Patent: March 4, 1986
    Assignee: Jos. Hunkeler Ltd.
    Inventor: Willi Felix
  • Patent number: 4573671
    Abstract: An automatic slow down setting device for a signature prior to folding thereof in chopper forders for web fed printing presses comprises a single detector of abutment of the signature, relay timing means connected to said detector and having an opening contact means and closing contact means, and two different phase setting motor control circuits, i.e. a "more advance" circuit with relay means and said closing contact, and a "less advance" circuit with relay means and said opening contact, and by means of which the signature can be precisely adjusted to abutment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 4, 1986
    Assignee: Harris-Marinoni S.A.
    Inventor: Andre Reponty
  • Patent number: 4573672
    Abstract: A folding machine for folding sheet material comprises a housing defining a space and having an in-take opening and a discharge opening for sheet material before and after it is folded. A frame is provided in the housing and carries four rollers which are engaged with each other to form a take-in nip for receiving sheet material from the in-take opening, a first folding nip for executing a first fold on the paper and a second folding nip for executing a second fold of the paper. The rollers are engaged to each other by gears and are rotated by a single electric motor for moving the sheet material from the take-in nip to the first folding nip and from the first folding nip to the second folding nip. A pocket is formed upstream of the first folding nip in the housing for receiving the sheet of paper to stop its forward progress. The sheet of paper is continued to be fed by the take-in nip so that it folds into the first folding nip which draws the now once folded paper from the first pocket.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 13, 1985
    Date of Patent: March 4, 1986
    Assignee: Mathias Bauerle GmbH
    Inventors: Werner Lehmann, Rainer Fecker, Manfred Fuss
  • Patent number: 4572073
    Abstract: A system for remote sensing, indicating and remote control provides for the non-smear guidance of sheets through a sheet-fed machine and is especially useful for printing machines which print on both sides of the sheets. Sheet guides are adjustable during machine operation from a control panel at a central location outside of the machine. The positions of the sheet guides are preferably displayed in direct comparison with zones of ink application. Also, the sheet guides are adjustable from the control panel so that the guides fall within the gaps between printed areas on the sheet. An immediate and graphic check of the sheet guides is provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 19, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Rudolf Mitze, Claus Simeth
  • Patent number: 4572071
    Abstract: A sheet guiding device for use with a multicolor printing press having multiple printing units and a sheet stacker wherein the sheet guiding means is disposed between at least one of a pair of printing units and the stacker for guiding sheets therebetween, the guiding means including a chain conveyor with sheet grippers overlying a guide surface between the printing units and the stacker with a plurality of air nozzles formed in the surface of the guide surface and communicating with a plurality of flow ducts, the guide surfaces being disposed continuously and uninterruptedly between the printing units and the sheet stacker and the air nozzles being in the form of apertures in the guide surfaces having a diameter of about 15 mm, the area of the apertures being from 15 to 30% of the total guide surface area, the apertures being supplied by low-pressure high-volume-flow fans disposed in the flow ducts and the fans being reversible so that the nozzles can be selectively supplied with air at a positive or negativ
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 19, 1985
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1986
    Assignee: M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Bert Cappel, Norbert Kreuzer
  • Patent number: 4572497
    Abstract: In an apparatus for collecting sheets in a set thereof, two juxtaposed receiving stations (16,17) receive incoming sheets. A transverse conveyor means (53) is utilized to transfer the contents of one receiving station to the other receiving station. The transverse conveyor means (53) has a conveyor belt (58) adapted to be revolved through a course of travel. The upper portion of the course of travel of the belt (58) lies substantially in the plane of a sheet-supporting surface (18). The conveyor belt (58) has perforations (52) provided therein. A source of vacuum communicates through a suction block (57) to the perforations (52). According to a disclosed method, a sheet is transversely transferred from one receiving station to the other when conveyor belt (58) is revolved and the perforations (52) in the conveyor belt (58) communicate with the source of vacuum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1986
    Assignee: Bell & Howell Company GmbH
    Inventors: Jurgen Dreschel, Heinrich Mobs, Peter Hog
  • Patent number: 4572495
    Abstract: The apparatus comprises a laying carriage which travels over a laying surface to deposit web material on the surface. The web material falls as a suspended web. Behind the suspended and descending web there is at least one pivoting air nozzle which directs a jet of air at the suspended web to avoid creasing the material as it is laid. The pivoting air nozzle fans the jet of air across the downwardly descending web as it falls. Means are provided for varying the speed of the pivoting nozzle as the speed of the laying carriage varies.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1985
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1986
    Inventor: Gunter O. Stumpf
  • Patent number: 4572496
    Abstract: A trim rewinder eliminates manual removal of trim, and increases rewinder capacity several fold. A stripper portion of a bin of the rewinder strips wound trim from elongated members of the rewinder into the bin as the bin is removed. A pressure member wipingly presses trim tightly about the elongated members to compact the trim.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1983
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1986
    Assignee: Moore Business Forms, Inc.
    Inventors: Mark S. Casper, Robert I. Thomson