Strawberry plant named ‘Bish’

A new and distinct annual hill culture adapted variety of Fragaria×ananassa Duch. plant, designated ‘Bish’, is characterized by being significantly more resistant to anthracnose fruit rot than the current standard annual hill varieties ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’, while being equal to one or both these varieties for most other economically important fruit and plant characters. ‘Bish’ appears best adapted from the Southern Appalachians up through the Middle Atlantic regions of the United States.

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Latin name of the genus and species: The Latin name of the novel variety disclosed herein is Fragaria×ananassa Duch.

Variety Denomination: The inventive variety of strawberry disclosed herein has been given the variety denomination ‘Bish’.


The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of Junebearing or short-day strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.), which has been named ‘Bish’. This variety is the result of a cross between ‘FL 87-210’ (unpatented) and ‘Delmarvel’ (unpatented) made in 1993 in Raleigh, N.C. as part of a strawberry breeding program. Plants were first germinated in a greenhouse in Raleigh, N.C. in 1993. In the spring of 1994, germinated seedlings were transferred into seedling trays and allowed to grow over the summer. Subsequently, the seedlings were transplanted into the field in Reidsville, N.C. in the fall of 1994. ‘Bish’ was discovered in May 1995 in a cultivated field in Reidsville, N.C. and originally designated ‘NCR 95-08’ during the testing period.

‘Bish’ was first asexually reproduced by runners (i.e., stolons) and planted in Fletcher, N.C. in fall 1995. Subsequently, ‘Bish’ has also been asexually propagated by tissue culture micropropagation from runner meristems. The combination of traits disclosed herein that characterize ‘Bish’ have been retained true to type through successive cycles of asexual propagation.


‘Bish’ is a new and distinct variety of strawberry plant of the short-day type that is adapted to annual hill culture. It is significantly more resistant to anthracnose fruit rot than the current standard annual hill varieties ‘Chandler’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 5,262) and ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708), while being equivalent to both of these varieties for most other economically important fruit and plant characteristics. Fruit skin color of ‘Bish’ is dark red and flesh color light red. The calyx is medium in size and reflexed. Petiole pubescence on ‘Bish’ is more dense than on ‘Chandler’, and basipetal in direction, compared with perpendicular to acropetal in the latter variety. ‘Bish’ is also characterized by the presence of two prominent leafy petiole bracts on mid-tier leaves.


FIG. 1 shows fruit shape and color of ‘Bish’ strawberry.

FIG. 2 shows internal flesh color of ‘Bish’ strawberry.

FIG. 3 shows a typical leaf of ‘Bish’ strawberry.


The following is a detailed botanical description of a new and distinct variety of Fragaria×ananassa Duch. known as ‘Bish’. The observations described below are from mature plants grown in test plots established in an annual hill strawberry production system on raised beds covered with black plastic mulch and subsurface drip irrigation.

Asexual propagules derived from the original source were established in an observation plot at Fletcher, N.C., in fall 1995, and in replicated trials at Reidsville and Fletcher, N.C., from 1996-2001; at Castle Hayne, N.C., in 1997 and 1999; and at Beltsville, Md., from 1998-2000. Plants were established in double offset rows spaced 12 inches apart on the beds with plants also spaced 12″ apart within rows. The North Carolina test plots were established in a split plot design and the Beltsville plots in a randomized complete block design. All plots were established in late summer/early fall and data collected the following spring. Data from North Carolina locations in 1997-2003 and the Beltsville location from 1999-2001 are presented in Tables 1-30 below.

Those skilled in the art will appreciate that certain characteristics of the variety will vary with older or, conversely, with younger plants. ‘Bish’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. Where dimensions, sizes, colors and other characteristics are given, it is to be understood that such characteristics are approximations or averages set forth as accurately as practicable. The phenotype of the variety may differ from the descriptions herein with variations in the environment such as season, temperature, light intensity, day length, cultural conditions, and the like. Color notations are based on The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, The Royal Horticultural Society, London, 1995 edition.

‘Bish’ is a typical short-day strawberry variety with respect to seasonal growth cycle with a production pattern similar to ‘Chandler’, the most widely grown cultivar in annual hill strawberry culture in North Carolina at the present time. The five-plant observation plot of ‘Bish’ established at Fletcher, N.C., in fall 1995, yielded 1.04 kg of fruit per plant in 1996. On this basis, ‘Bish’ was chosen for further observation and testing, and was established in the first replicated trials in fall, 1996.

Technical Description of the Variety:

The performance of ‘Bish’ for yield and fruit size in replicated trials in North Carolina is summarized in Tables 1-14 below. Performance at Beltsville, Md., is summarized in Table 15. Fruit quality characteristics are summarized in Tables 16-26. Technical descriptive data are included in Tables 27-30.

In addition to overall performance on a site, planting date was also a variable, since ideal planting date varies by location and often also varies among varieties. In 2001 and 2002, “original” (OR) source plants of ‘Bish’ were also compared to meristemmed and virus-tested source plants. In the tables and description below, the latter are referred to as: (99) tissue-culture propagated in 1999; (00) tissue-culture (TC) propagated in 2000; and (MD) remeristemmed and virus-tested by the Maryland Department of Agriculture.

Yield and Fruit Size (weight): The performance of ‘Bish’ for yield and fruit size in replicated trials in North Carolina is summarized in Tables 1-14 below. Table 1 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 1997. The yield and size were based on four, five-plant plots each across two planting dates.

TABLE 1 Planting Date Sep. 17, 1996 Sep. 24, 1996 Marketable Size Marketable Size Selection Yield (g/plant) (g/berry) Yield (g/plant) (g/berry) ‘Bish’ 136* 17.1A 235* 16.0* ‘Camarosa’ 189* 22.2A 161* 20.0* ‘Chandler’ 151* 17.1A 180* 18.0* ‘Delmarvel’1 181* 14.7B  91* 17.0* ‘NCS 93-05’2 143* 20.5A 177* 20.8* 1,2Unpatented *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 2 discloses the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station, Fletcher, N.C. in 1997. The marketable yield and size were based on four, five-plant plots across two planting dates.

TABLE 2 Planting Date Aug. 15, 1996 Aug. 22, 1996 Market. Market. % Yield Size Yield Size Athrac- Selection (g/plant) (g/berry) (g/plant) (g/berry) nose1 ‘Bish’ 551* 15.2B 675A 17.0B 0.0 ‘Apollo’2 609* 15.3B 585ABC 16.0B 0.5 ‘Chandler’ 597* 14.9B 652AB 16.3B 5.0 ‘Jewel’3 536* 12.2B 499ABC 15.3B 3.4 ‘NCS 93-05’ 521* 24.5A 447BC 26.8A 0.6 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. 2Unpatented 3United States PP5,897 *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 3 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Horticultural Crops Research Station, Castle Hayne, N.C. in 1998. The yield and size were based on four, 10-plant replicates planted Oct. 15, 1997.

TABLE 3 Marketable Yield Fruit Size % Selection (g/plant) (g/plant) Athracnose1 ‘Bish’ 210A 17C  4.8A ‘Camarosa’ 201A 22B 38.4C ‘Chandler’  35B 18C 42.7C ‘NCS 93-05’  86B 25A 23.6B 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 4 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 1998. The yield and size were based on four, 10-plant replicates planted Sep. 15, 1997.

TABLE 4 Marketable Yield Fruit Size % Selection (g/plant) (g/plant) Athracnose1 ‘Bish’ 219A 14.7B 2.3A ‘Chandler’ 190A 13.9B 22.3C ‘NCS 93-05’ 132B 20.1A 11.3B 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 5 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture in Fletcher, N.C. in 1998. The yield and size were based on four, 10-plant replicates planted Aug. 15, 1997.

TABLE 5 Marketable Yield Fruit Size % Selection (g/plant) (g/plant) Athracnose1 ‘Bish’ 385A 14.9* 0.04A ‘Chandler’ 327B 14.2* 34.0C ‘NCS 93-05’ 274C 18.1* 12.6B 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 6 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 1999. The yield and size were based on three, 10-plant replicates for each of the three planting dates.

TABLE 6 Planting Date Sep. 10, 1998 Sep. 17. 1998 Mkt. % Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 277B 12.7C 0.0A 207C 12.3B 0.0A ‘Camarosa’ 316A 14.4B 4.0B 400A 17.5A 1.0B ‘Chandler’ 308AB 12.8C 4.2B 281B 12.2B 1.8B ‘NCS 93-05’ 168C 17.5A 0.0A 211C 17.9A 0.0A Planting Date Sep. 23, 1998 Mkt % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 246B 13.5B 0.3B ‘Camarosa’ 281A 15.9A 0.0A ‘Chandler’ 230B 12.6B 0.7C ‘NCS 93-05’ 149C 17.9A 0.0A 1Mkt. Yld. is marketable yield expressed as g/plant. 2Size is expressed as g/berry. 3% Anth. is percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 7 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at Fletcher, N.C. in 1999. The yield and size were based on three, 10-plant replicates for each of the three planting dates.

TABLE 7 Planting Date Aug. 17, 1998 Aug. 24, 1998 Mkt. % Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 580A 15C 0.1A 562A 15C 0.1A ‘Camarosa’ 445B 18B 30B 378B 18B 34C ‘Chandler’  88C 14D 50C 498B 14D 6B ‘NCS 93-05’ 547AB 21A 2.6A 413C 22A 0.1A Planting Date Aug. 31, 1998 Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 622A 16B 0.1A ‘Camarosa’ ‘Chandler’ 467B 13C 13B ‘NCS 93-05’ 408C 21A 0.1A 1Mkt. Yld. is marketable yield expressed as g/plant. 2Size is expressed as g/berry. 3% Anth. is percent by weight of fruit infected by stawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 8 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at Castle Hayne, N.C. in 2000. The yield, size, and % anthracnose values were averages of three, 20-plant plots on each of three planting dates.

TABLE 8 Planting Date Oct. 14, 1999 Oct. 20, 1999 Mkt. % Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 333A 13B 0 200A 19C 1.1B ‘Camarosa’ 132BC 22BC 41.9D ‘Chandler’ 174C 18A 0 80D 21BC 51.4E ‘Gaviota’4 199A 23AB 2.2B ‘Gem Star’5 113C 27A 33.0C ‘Sw Charlie’6 216B 16A 0 152B 19C 0.0A Planting Date Oct. 27, 1999 Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 205A 18B 0.0A ‘Camarosa’ 42D 22AB 50.6E ‘Chandler’ 177BC 19AB 35.6D ‘Gaviota’4 188AB 23A 3.9B ‘Gem Star’5 181BC 23A 19.0C ‘Sw Charlie’6 163C 20AB 0.0A 1Mkt. Yld. is marketable yield expressed as g/plant. 2Size is expressed as g/berry. 3% Anth. is percent by weight of fruit infected by stawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. 4United States PP10,461 5United States PP12,377 6United States PP8,729 Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multipie Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 9 discloses the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture in Reidsville, N.C. in 2000. The yield and size were based on three, 10-plant replicates each on each planting date.

TABLE 9 Planting Date Sep. 15, 1999 Sep. 22, 1999 Market- % Market- % able An- able An- Yield Size thrac- Yield Size thrac- Selection (g/plant) (g/berry) nose1 (g/plant) (g/berry) nose1 ‘Bish’ 327A 17B 0A 209AB 14C 0A ‘Cama- 303A 20B 26C 147B 17BC 12C  rosa’ ‘Chandler’ 257AB 17B  6B 241A 19B 10C  ‘Gaviota’ 135C 21AB  3B 145B 21AB 0A ‘Gem 216B 24A 11BC 232A 24A 5B Star’ 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry antracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 10 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at Fletcher, N.C. in 2000. The yield, size, and % anthracnose values were averages of three, 20-plant plots on each of the three planting dates.

TABLE 10 Planting Date Aug. 4, 1999 Aug. 11, 1999 Mkt. % Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 701B 16* 0.1A 639B 15B 0.1A ‘Chandler’ 781A 16* 0.5B 758A 16A 0.2B ‘Gaviota’ ‘Gem Star’ Planting Date Aug. 18, 1999 Mkt. % Selection Yld.1 Size2 Anth.3 ‘Bish’ 585B 16BC 0.1A ‘Chandler’ 705A 15C 0.8B ‘Gaviota’ 308D 17B 0.2A ‘Gem Star’ 543C 22A 2.0C 1Mkt. Yld. is marketable yield expressed as g/plant. 2Size is expressed as g/berry. 3% Anth. is percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 11 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 2001. The yield was reduced due to a cool fall resulting in reduced daughter crown development. The yield and size were based on three replicates of 10 plants each on each planting date.

TABLE 11 Planting Date Sep. 22, 2000 Sep. 29, 2000 Marketable Marketable Yield Size Yield Size Selection (g/plant) (g/berry) (g/plant) (g/berry) ‘Bish’(Original) 154B 20* 93B 16B ‘Bish’(99-TC) 201A 17* 96B 18A ‘Bish’(00-TC) 125B 18* ‘Camarosa’ 231A 21* 118AB 20A ‘Chandler’ 208A 18* 146A 19A *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 12 discloses the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture in Fletcher, N.C. in 2001. The yield was reduced due to a cool fall resulting in reduced daughter crown development. The yield and size were based on three, 10-plant replicates for each planting date.

TABLE 12 Planting Date Aug. 23, 2000 Aug. 30, 2000 Marketable Marketable Yield Size Yield Size Selection (g/plant) (g/berry) (g/plant) (g/berry) ‘Bish’(Original) 330C 16C 420B 16B ‘Bish’(99-TC) 420B 16C 392B 18AB ‘Bish’(00-TC) 391B 16C 357BC 15BC ‘Camarosa’ 537A 18AB 408B 19AB ‘Chandler’ 540A 18AB 542A 17B ‘NCS 93-05’ 255D 20A 231D 22A Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05.

Table 13 provides the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 2002. The yield and size were averaged across three, 10-plant replicates for each of two planting dates (Sep. 5, 2001 and Sep. 12, 2001).

TABLE 13 Marketable Yield Fruit Size % Selection (g/plant) (g/plant) Anthracnose1 ‘Bish’(Original) 231* 14.2AB 0.0A ‘Bish’(99-TC) 260* 12.8BC 0.0A ‘Bish’(00-TC) 257* 13.2BC 0.0A ‘Camarosa’ 446* 15.1A 3.5C ‘Chandler’ 440* 11.4D 0.3B 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 14 discloses the performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture in Fletcher, N.C. in 2002. The yield, size and % anthracnose were based on three, 10-plant replicates each on each planting date.

TABLE 14 Planting Date Aug. 15, 2001 Aug. 22, 2001 Market- % Market- % able Size An- able An- Yield (g/ thrac- Yield Size thrac- Selection (g/plant) berry) nose1 (g/plant) (g/berry) nose1 ‘Bish’(OR) 455B 12D 0.0A 390C 13B 0.0A ‘Bish’(MD) 382C 13C 0.0A 488B 12BC 0.0A ‘Camarosa’ 467B 14C 0.1B 520AB 14B 0.0A ‘Chandler’ 512A 15B 0.0A 548A 13B 0.1B ‘Gem Star’ 461B 17A 2.2C 559A 18A 0.4C 1Percent by weight of fruit infected by strawberry antracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

The performance of ‘Bish’ in annual hill culture at Beltsville, Md. between 1999 and 2001 is summarized in Table 15. ‘Bish’ was an outstanding performer in replicated trials at Beltsville, Md. The yield and size were based on results from replicated trials involving four, five-plant plots on raised beds with plastic mulch and drip irrigation, but without preplant fumigation.

TABLE 15 1999 2000 20011 Yield/ Size Yield/ Size Yield/ Size plant (g/ (g/ plant (g/ (g/ plant (g/ (g/ Selection plant) berry) plant) berry) plant) berry) ‘Bish’ 750A 13.7BC 620* 13.4* 530AB 14.2B ‘Allstar’2 880A 13.5BC 700* 13.9* 680A 14.9B ‘Chandler’ 720AB 11.7C 550* 12.8* 480AB 15.5B ‘North- 790A 13.1C 580* 15.0* 450ABC 17.2AB easter’3 ‘NCS 93-05’ 520B 16.3A 250C 20.1A 1Yields were reduced due to a cool fall, resulting in reduced daughter crown development. 2,3Unpatented *Indicates no significant differences observed. Mean separation was by a Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p ≦ 0.05 and values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Overall, ‘Bish’ was generally equivalent to ‘Chandler’ for yield and fruit size in North Carolina plots. This same pattern was observed when compared with ‘Camarosa’ for yield. However, ‘Camarosa’ typically produced larger fruit than ‘Bish’. Yields across locations in North Carolina were generally higher at Fletcher; the plant also appeared to be well-adapted at Beltsville, Md. Therefore, the preferred region of adaptation for ‘Bish’ appears to be the Southern Appalachians up through the Middle Atlantic States. A consistent pattern for yield differences by planting date was not observed. Thus, it is contemplated that planting dates suitable for ‘Chandler’ will also be suitable for ‘Bish’. Further, there was no consistent differences among plant sources, i.e., original vs. 99 vs. 00 vs. MD (see Tables 11-14). Accordingly, ‘Bish’ is genetically stable when propagated by micropropagation.

Fruit Characteristics: The performance of ‘Bish’ for fruit appearance (attractiveness), firmness, symmetry (shape and uniformity), skin toughness (resistance to abrasion) and flavor in subjective evaluations is summarized in Tables 16-26. The values provided in Tables 16-26 were based on a subjective 0-90 scale where less than 60 was unacceptable, 60-69 was acceptable, 70-79 was good, and 80 and above was superior.

Table 16 discloses fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at the Horticultural Crops Research Station, Castle Hayne, N.C. in 1998. The averages were of ratings across four, 10-plant plots with separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 16 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 77AB 77BC 76* 77* 73B 77B 76B ‘Camarosa’ 77AB 81A 75* 78* 76A 81A 71C ‘Chandler’ 75B 76C 75* 77* 77A 77B 76B ‘NCS 93-05’ 79A 79AB 76* 79* 79A 78AB 79A *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 17 shows fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at the Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 1998. The averages were of ratings across four, 10-plant plots with separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 17 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 74B 74* 74B 74B 73* 72.5B 75.0B ‘Chandler’ 75B 75* 75AB 75A 75* 75.0A 75.0B ‘NCS 93-05’ 78A 74* 77A 78A 75* 72.5B 77.5A *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 18 discloses fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station, Fletcher, N.C. in 1998. The averages were of ratings across four, 10-plant plots with separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 18 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 78* 79* 78* 79* 71B 76* 76* ‘Chandler’ 75* 76* 74* 76* 76A 76* 72* ‘NCS 93-05’ 75* 81* 75* 79* 76A 80* 75* *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 19 discloses fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at the Upper Piedmont Research station, Reidsville, N.C. in 1999. Values were of averages of three replicates for a September 17 planting date with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 19 Skin Selec- Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Tough- tion ance ness metry Color Color ness Flavor ‘Bish’ 76.3AB 80.8B 75.0AB 79.3* 72.5C 80.0B 77.1A ‘Cama- 75.2B 85.5A 73.3B 78.8* 78.2A 84.3A 68.7B rosa’ ‘Chand- 71.7C 77.5C 70.0C 80.0* 75.0BC 76.7C 76.3A ler’ ‘NCS 78.3A 80.8B 76.5A 79.2* 75.3B 80.5B 75.3A 93-05’ *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 20 discloses fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Fletcher, N.C. in 1999. Values were of averages of three replicates across each of three planting dates (Aug. 17, 1998; Aug. 24, 1998; and Aug. 30, 1998) with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 20 Skin Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Tough- Selection ance ness metry Color Color ness Flavor ‘Bish’ 77B 80B 77A 79* 72B 80B 79A ‘Camarosa’ 74C 84A 73B 79* 74A 83A 69C ‘Chandler’ 71D 77C 71C 79* 75A 77C 75B ‘NCS 93-05’ 80A 80B 79A 80* 74A 80B 78A *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 21 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Castle Hayne, N.C. in 2000. Values were of averages of four, 20-plant plots with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 21 Skin Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Tough- Selection ance ness metry Color Color ness Flavor ‘Bish’ 75B 76B 76A 78A 74B 74CD 75A ‘Camarosa’ 74B 80A 74B 76AB 76A 80A 72BC ‘Chandler’ 69C 75B 72C 75BC 76A 75C 74AB ‘Gaviota’ 76A 76B 75A 78A 76A 72E 75A ‘Sw. Charlie’ 76A 73C 74B 74C 70C 73DE 71C ‘NCC 87-45’ 70C 75B 74B 69D 69C 76B 71C 1Unpatented Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 22 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Reidsville, N.C. in 2000. Values were of averages of three replicates of a Sep. 5, 1999 planting date with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 22 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 76AB 76B 76A 79A 77AB 74B 78A ‘Camarosa’ 72C 80A 73B 78A 78A 80A 75B ‘Chandler’ 72C 75B 73B 76B 75B 75B 75B ‘Gaviota’ 78A 75B 75AB 80A 76AB 75B 75B ‘Gem Star’ 75BC 75B 75AB 75B 70C 75B 75B Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 23 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Fletcher, N.C. in 2000. Values were of averages of three, 20-plant replicates of an Aug. 18, 1999 planting date with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 23 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 76B 79A 75B 80A 72* 78A 73AB ‘Chandler’ 70D 70B 70C 75B 75* 70B 73AB ‘Gaviota’ 80A 80A 80A 80A 73* 78A 75A ‘Gem Star’ 73C 78A 75B 72C 70* 78A 70B *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 24 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Fletcher, N.C. in 2001. Values were of averages of three replicates of two planting dates (Aug. 14, 2000 and Aug. 22, 2000) with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 24 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 73AB 75* 73A 72* 73* 75A 70* (original) ‘Bish’ 70B 75* 72AB 72* 75* 70B 72* (99-TC) ‘Bish’ 75A 75* 73A 73* 75* 75A 72* (00-TC) ‘Camarosa’ 75A 75* 70B 72* 77* 75A 70* ‘Chandler’ 73AB 75* 72AB 75* 77* 73AB 68* ‘NCS 93-05’ 75A 75* 73A 72* 77* 75A 75* *Indicates no significant differences observed. Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 25 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at the Upper Peidmont Research Station, Reidsville, N.C. in 2002. Values were of averages across Sep. 5, 2001 and Sep. 12, 2001 planting dates with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 25 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ 77A 77B 75A 77A 71B 78B 79A (original) ‘Bish’ 77A 78B 75A 77A 71B 78B 78A (99-TC) ‘Bish’ 75A 77B 74A 77A 71B 78B 77A (00-TC) ‘Camarosa’ 72B 84A 71B 76AB 77A 82A 71C ‘Chandler’ 70B 75C 70B 75B 75A 74C 74B Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

Table 26 provides fruit characteristics of ‘Bish’ grown at Fletcher, N.C. in 2002. Values were of averages across Aug. 15, 2001 and Aug. 22, 2001 planting dates with mean separation by Duncan's Multiple Range Test with p≦0.05.

TABLE 26 Appear- Firm- Sym- Skin Flesh Skin Selection ance ness metry Color Color Toughness Flavor ‘Bish’ (OR) 78A 76B 75A 80A 72A 77BC 77A ‘Bish’ (MD) 77A 77B 75A 80A 72A 78BC 78A ‘Camarosa’ 73B 80A 70BC 78AB 74A 85A 68C ‘Chandler’ 72B 72C 70BC 78AB 74A 75C 74AB ‘Gem Star’ 75AB 76B 72AB 70C 64B 79B 72C Values designated with different letters are statistically different.

‘Bish’ was equal to or better than ‘Chandler’ for fruit appearance, firmness, symmetry, skin toughness and flavor. Further, ‘Bish’ was superior to ‘Camarosa’ for flavor, and equal to or better than ‘Camarosa’ for appearance and symmetry. ‘Camarosa’ fruit are extremely firm and also have excellent skin toughness. ‘Bish’ fruit were neither as firm nor as tough as ‘Camarosa’, but were satisfactory for both of these traits. In these subjective evaluations ‘Bish’ was equal to both ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ for skin color, and poorer than these varieties for flesh color, but still satisfactory for the latter trait. The skin of ‘Bish’ was uniformly glossy and dark red, but slightly uneven in color (FIG. 1). The skin color on the lighter side of the fruit matches Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) color chip 53A, and the darker side chip 187A. Flesh color of ‘Bish’ fruit matches RHS color chip 33A, and the central vascular cylinder was whitish (FIG. 2). Hollow centers occur in 80% of the berries. Where these occur, the mean diameter is 5 mm. The range is from 2-10(14) mm (observed May 2004 in Raleigh, N.C.). The achenes on the surface were yellow and slightly indented (sunken), so that the outer surface of the achene is even with the surface of the receptacle tissue between the achenes. As observed in May 2004, in Raleigh, N.C., the color of the achenes on the exposed side of the fruit is RHS color chip 53A to 53B. Achenes on the side away from the sun correspond to R.H.S. color chip 1C in color.

Subjective observations indicate that the shape of the fruit of ‘Bish’ ranges primarily from blunt conic (with some primary fruit) to conic (FIG. 1). The calyx is medium in size and reflexed (FIG. 1). Fruit shape of ‘Bish’ was more uniform than ‘Chandler’ across primary, secondary, and higher order fruits (Table 27).

TABLE 27 Length/Width Ratio Selection Primary Secondary Tertiary, etc. ‘Chandler’ Mean 1.22 1.12 1.29 Range 1.00-1.44 1.00-1.39 1.00-1.63 ‘Bish’ Mean 1.19 1.18 1.19 Range 1.00-1.34 1.05-1.24 1.07-1.41 Fruit shape characteristics were from plants grown in Fletcher, NC in 2002.

Flowers and Flowering Characteristics: Both primary and secondary flowers of ‘Bish’ were slightly larger than ‘Chandler’ (Table 28).

TABLE 28 Calyx Diameter (mm) Corolla Sepal Selection Outer Inner Diameter (mm) Number ‘Chandler’ Primary Mean 30 31 31 13 Range 27-34 28-34 27-35 13-14 Secondary Mean 25 27 30 13 Range 23-27 24-29 28-32 11-15 ‘Bish’ Primary Mean 32 34 34 11 Range 30-35 31-40 31-40 10-12 Secondary Mean 28 30 31 11 Range 25-30 28-32 30-33 10-12 Petal Petal Petal Selection Number Length (mm) Width (mm) ‘Chandler’ Primary Mean 7 12 12 Range 6-7 9-14 8-13 Secondary Mean 6 10 11 Range 5-7 9-13 9-13 ‘Bish’ Primary Mean 6 13 11 Range 5-6 8-16 7-14 Secondary Mean 5 12 11 Range 5-6 9-14 8-12 Flower measurements were from plants grown in Reidsville, NC in 2003.

For both ‘Bish’ and ‘Chandler’, the diameter of the outer calyx of primary flowers is generally equal to that of the corolla, and slightly smaller than the corolla on secondary flowers. The basal half of the calyx is fused (calyx tube) and adherent to the fruit. The apical half of the calyx lobes are free and typically range from clasping to perpendicular to slightly reflexed in pose on each fruit. The calyx is inserted beneath the fruit, with the calyx tube forming a concave indention in the base of the fruit. Sepal number averaged 11 for ‘Bish’ and 13 for ‘Chandler’. Mean petal number was also slightly less on both primary and secondary petals for ‘Bish’. Petal length for ‘Bish’ was somewhat greater than width, while for ‘Chandler’ they were essentially the same. The petal color of flowers produced by ‘Bish’ is white, corresponding closest to RHS color chip 155C, however the petals are whiter than RHS 155C or any of the other RHS color chips. The average date of first flowering for ‘Bish’ was three days earlier than for ‘Chandler’, while the range in first flowering dates was very similar for both varieties (Table 29).

TABLE 29 Date of First Flowering Date of First Leaf Emergence Selection Mean Range Mean Range ‘Chandler’ March 13 March 7-22 March 10 March 7-15 ‘Bish’ March 10 March 5-22 March 15 March 10-21 Observations were of plants grown in Reidsville, NC in 2003.

First leaf emergence in spring was, on average, five days later than the date of first flowering for ‘Bish’, while average first leaf emergence was three days earlier than first flowering for ‘Chandler’. For ‘Bish’, infloresence height is generally equal to foliage canopy height.

As observed in May 2004 in Raleigh N.C., the mean fruiting truss length was 21 cm, with a range of (18)19-24(27) cm. The average number of crowns was 4 (range: 3-5).

Plants and Foliage: Fruiting plants of ‘Bish’ are generally of equal vigor to ‘Chandler’. Mean canopy height was equal for the two varieties, although the range of variation in canopy heights was greater for ‘Chandler’ (Table 30).

TABLE 30 Variety Character ‘Chandler’ ‘Bish’ Canopy Height (cm) Mean 26 26 Range 22-30 25-27 Mid-tier Leaflet Length (mm) Mean 67 71 Range 55-80 60-82 Width (mm) Mean 62 60 Range 55-72 55-70 Mid-tier Leaf Length (mm) Mean 87 84 Range 70-105 70-100 Width (mm) Mean 119 136 Range 95-166 113-160 Leaflets/Leaf 3 (rarely 4) 3 Leaf Convexity Mostly Flat-Convex Mainly convex Some Flat Leaf Serrations Number Many Many Shape Semi-Pointed Semi-Pointed Leaf Pubescence Moderate Moderate Petiole Pubescence Density Moderate to Heavy Heavy Direction Acropetal to Mostly Basipetal Perpendicular Observations were of plants grown in Reidsville, NC in 2003.

Individual leaflets of ‘Bish’ were very similar in size to those of ‘Chandler’. Leaflets of ‘Bish’ tend to be broadly elliptic-ovate, while those of ‘Chandler’ are generally broadly elliptic. Leaves of ‘Bish’ are similar in length and somewhat broader than ‘Chandler’. ‘Bish’ leaves are generally convex (FIG. 3) while those of ‘Chandler’ are mostly flat-convex. Pubescence on leaves of ‘Bish’ is moderate, while petiole pubescence is heavy and mostly basipetal in direction. ‘Bish’ leaves generally show a slight puckering between the veins. The color of the adaxial surface of the leaves of ‘Bish’ matches RHS color chip 137B, and the abaxial surface corresponds to RHS color chip 147C. One notable feature of ‘Bish’ is the presence of two leafy petiole bracts (FIG. 3). These structures occur consistently on mid-tier leaves. They are typically quite prominent with a mean length of 43 mm and a range of 20-55 mm. Similar petiole bracts also occur on the variety ‘Sweet Charlie’. However, ‘Sweet Charlie’ can be distinguished from ‘Bish’ by having lighter green and more strongly convex leaves. Petiole bracts only occur occasionally on ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ and have been observed to be mostly rudimentary when they do occur.

‘Bish’ is more similar in overall morphological appearance to its ‘Delmarvel’ parent than to any other current variety. The primary morphological difference between ‘Bish’ and ‘Delmarvel’ is the absence of petiole bracts on the latter variety. In addition, ‘Delmarvel’ is not adapted to annual hill culture, which ‘Bish’ is.

Disease Resistance: One of the major disadvantages of ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ varieties in annual hill culture throughout the Southeastern region of the United States is extreme susceptibility to anthracnose fruit rot caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. With the industry-wide adoption of these two varieties, anthracnose fruit rot is now the primary disease limiting strawberry production in this region. Field reaction of ‘Bish’, ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ to anthracnose fruit rot is presented in Tables 1-14. The extent of anthracnose fruit rot varied widely from year to year and site to site. This variation is due both to the level of inoculum available and weather. Warm, humid and especially rainy weather is highly favorable to disease development. Consistently, ‘Bish’ was significantly more resistant to anthracnose fruit rot than either ‘Chandler’ or ‘Camarosa’. Throughout the test period, ‘Bish’ never exceeded 4.8%, by weight, of fruit infected, while both ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ had up to 50% infection. For annual hill culture strawberries in the Upper South/Middle Atlantic regions, carry-over plantings for a second year is an important consideration, and anthracnose susceptibility has been the main deterrent to this practice. The anthracnose resistance of ‘Bish’ makes it adaptable to carry-over in these regions. ‘Bish’ is at least moderately resistant to other fungal leaf diseases which commonly occur in this region including leaf scorch (Diplocarpon earliana), leaf blight (Phomopsis obscurans) and powdery mildew (Spaerotheca macularis).


1. A new and distinct variety of Fragaria×ananassa Duch. plant named ‘Bish’, substantially as described and illustrated herein.

Referenced Cited
Other references
  • Declaration of James R. Ballington, Ph.D. under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.132; Jun. 14, 2004.
  • Release Announcement for Strawberry ‘Bish,’ Southeast Strawberry Expo; Nov. 7-8, 2002; Greenville, North Carolina.
Patent History
Patent number: PP15552
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 14, 2003
Date of Patent: Feb 8, 2005
Assignee: North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
Inventor: James R. Ballington (Raleigh, NC)
Primary Examiner: Anne Marie Grunberg
Assistant Examiner: Annette H Para
Attorney: Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec, P.A.
Application Number: 10/685,163
Current U.S. Class: Strawberry (PLT/208)