Patents Issued in February 11, 2003
  • Patent number: 6516602
    Abstract: A flexible support and guide device includes a movable cable holder wound around a pair of pulleys rotatably supported on opposite ends of a support rod. The cable holder is comprised of a looped belt trained around the pulleys, and a pair of flexible tubes carried on an outer circumferential surface of the belt with ends of the tubes confronting each other mutually, the tubes accommodating within them cables. The cable holder has a movable end formed jointly by one pair of mutually confronting ends of the two tubes for enabling connection of the cables to a mobile machine or a movable machine part, and a fixed end formed jointly by the other pair of mutually confronting ends of the tubes for enabling connection of the cables to a fixed external power source.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Tsubakimoto Chain Co.
    Inventors: Toshimitsu Sakai, Michiya Hashino, Shoichiro Komiya, Takayuki Matsuda, Michiyo Mizumoto
  • Patent number: 6516603
    Abstract: A gas turbine engine is energized by a controlled supply of fuel thereto for operation under regulated conditions increasing efficiency and power output per unit mass of air under pressurized flow from a compressor to which the air is supplied with water droplets at a ratio predetermined to reduce operational temperature within the turbine engine. Operational conditions are also regulated by angular adjustment of the stator blades in the turbine stages of the gas turbine engine through which the pressurized flow of combustion products is conducted, so as to maintain a maximum inlet temperature arranged to maximize part-load efficiency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventors: Herman B. Urbach, Philip Levine
  • Patent number: 6516604
    Abstract: A micro-colloid thruster system may be fabricated using micro electromechanical system (MEMS) fabrication techniques. A beam of charged droplets may be extracted from an emitter tip in an emitter array by an extractor electrode and accelerated by an accelerator electrode to produce thrust. The micro-colloid thruster system may be used as the main propulsion system for microspacecraft and for precision maneuvers in larger spacecraft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: California Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Mohammad M. Mojarradi, James Polk, Colleen Marrese, Juergen Mueller
  • Patent number: 6516605
    Abstract: An aerospike engine has at least one nozzle surface and a plurality of pulse detonation devices mounted to the nozzle surface in place of the more common deflagration-based combustors. Each pulse detonation device is oriented such that its combustion products are directed along the nozzle surface Incorporating pulse detonation devices into the aerospike engine produces the advantage of a more efficient thermodynamic cycle. The pulse detonation aerospike engine is also capable of operating on either air or oxidizer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 15, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventor: Gregory Vincent Meholic
  • Patent number: 6516606
    Abstract: The invention discloses an aeroengine nacelle afterbody of the type comprising a common nozzle for exhausting the mixed hot and cold gases originating respectively from the fan duct and from the aeroengine combustion chamber, the said nozzle having a longitudinal axis more or less coincident with the axis of the said engine. The common exhaust nozzle consists of two half-nozzles which are more or less symmetric with respect to a plane containing the said longitudinal axis, the said half-nozzles being, on the one hand, individually hinged via one of their longitudinal edges to a support structure hanging down from the wing structure or from the fuselage of the aircraft and, on the other hand, lockable together along their opposite longitudinal edges.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Hurel-Hispano Meudon
    Inventors: Alain Fournier, Bernard Laboure
  • Patent number: 6516607
    Abstract: The method and the novel device clean exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxide from an internal combustion engine. Liquid ammonia is preferably added as reducing agent from a reducing agent reservoir through a reducing agent line and a metering device through the use of open loop or closed loop control synchronously and/or phase-displaced in a relation to the corresponding output of exhaust gas from the combustion chamber and in portions adjusted to the quantities of NOx generated. The synchronized and quantitatively adjusted addition of ammonia allows for NOx and ammonium emissions to be kept low with a catalytic converter disposed downstream and having a small storage volume.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: EMITEC Gesellschaft fuer Emissionstechnologies mbH
    Inventors: Rolf Brück, Wolfgang Maus
  • Patent number: 6516608
    Abstract: Method for controlling the injection and ignition in a direct-injection endothermic engine, in order to accelerate heating of a catalytic converter , which is disposed along the exhaust pipe of the engine, The method comprising the steps of executing, during a single cycle of the engine, and for each cylinder of the engine itself, at least a first injection of fuel, during suction stroke and/or compression stroke of the cylinder itself, in order to supply a weak mixture; priming combustion in each cylinder, at a priming moment which is pre-determined such that the combustion in each cylinder generates the same torque; and executing, in at least one cylinder of the engine, a second injection of fuel, during the exhaust stroke of the cylinder itself, such that the ratio of air/fuel of the mixture as a whole, which is supplied to the cylinder during suction stroke, compression stroke, expansion stroke and exhaust stroke, is close to the stoichiometric value; the fuel which is injected in the said second injectio
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 24, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Magneti Marelli S.p.A.
    Inventors: Luca Poggio, Marco Secco, Andrea Gelmetti
  • Patent number: 6516609
    Abstract: There is provided a compression ignition type engine comprising an exhaust gas purification catalyst, and an electric motor for generating an output separated from the engine output. The engine may selectively perform a first control to make the engine output an output larger than that determined on the basis of the engine operation state, and a second control to operate the engine under the first combustion mode in which the inert gas amount in the chamber is larger than that in which the soot generation amount is peak.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Kohei Igarashi, Shizuo Sasaki, Hiroki Murata
  • Patent number: 6516610
    Abstract: A device is configured to catalytically reduce internal combustion engine exhaust gases which contain nitrogen oxides. The device has an exhaust pipe, one end of which can be connected to at least one exhaust outlet of the internal combustion engine. A reducing agent, in particular urea, is introduced into the exhaust pipe with a feed device. At least one mixer is arranged downstream of the reducing agent injection, as seen in the flow direction of the exhaust gas. The mixer has a multiplicity of passages through which the fluid can flow. At least one catalytic converter is arranged downstream of the mixer. At least one diffuser is located between the mixer and the converter. The diffuser which has a multiplicity of passages through which the exhaust gas can flow and which have a cross section which increases in the flow direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Emitec Gesellschaft für Emissionstechnologies mbH
    Inventor: Jan Hodgson
  • Patent number: 6516611
    Abstract: A process for removing soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine by oxidizing the nitrogen monoxide present in the exhaust gas to nitrogen dioxide, separating the soot from the exhaust gas stream and oxidizing the soot using the nitrogen dioxide produced. The process is performed in at least two consecutive process stages and the soot is separated from the exhaust gas stream with an efficiency W between 0.05 and 0.95 in each process stage, wherein each process stage can be assigned a transmission for soot in accordance with T=1−W and the total transmission of the process for soot is given as the product of the transmissions of all the process stages.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Degussa-Huls Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Adolf Schäfer-Sindlinger, Wolfgang Strehlau, Egbert Lox, Thomas Kreuzer, Ulrich Göbel
  • Patent number: 6516612
    Abstract: An exhaust gas purification device including three-way catalysts connected to engine cylinder groups and arranged in parallel, and a NOx trapping catalyst connected with the three-way catalysts downstream thereof. A controller controls fuel injection for making an A/F ratio of exhaust gas flowing into one of the three-way catalysts rich relative to a stoichiometric A/F ratio when it is required to reduce the NOx trapped by the NOx trapping catalyst.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Tarou Yokoi, Hirofumi Tsuchida, Keiji Okada, Kouji Ishihara
  • Patent number: 6516613
    Abstract: An exhaust manifold device is provided to allow air to enter an exhaust manifold during normal operation or an engine to prevent exhaust gases being sucked into the cylinders via exhaust valves. Air can be supplied, via valves (18 and 21) to the exhaust manifold as required and, is supplied to the valve (21) at pressures, above atmospheric pressure, that increase with engine speed. Synchronized electrical pulses are supplied to a solenoid (18A) to open the valve (18).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Steven Valisko
  • Patent number: 6516614
    Abstract: A method and a control arrangement for driving at least one hydraulic consumer are disclosed. The control arrangement comprises a pump whose output is adjustable as a function of the load pressure of a consumer. The consumer is driven through a proportional directional valve forming a measuring orifice, a pressure compensator being associated with the directional valve, allowing the pressure drop across the measuring orifice to be maintained constant irrespective of the load pressure. According to the invention, a low load pressure is indicated to the pump when the pressure compensator is completely open, so that the pressure drop across the measuring orifice is reduced.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Bosch Rexroth AG
    Inventor: Burkhard Knoll
  • Patent number: 6516615
    Abstract: A system for an automobile has a compressed fuel source (14) having a first fuel pressure. An expansion device (26) is coupled to the compressed fuel source (14) and reduces the first pressure to a second pressure lower than the first pressure. The expansion device (26) generates a first quantity of work and forms a reduced pressure fuel. A chemical energy conversion engine (16) is coupled to the expansion device (26) and receives a reduced pressure fuel. The chemical energy conversion engine (16) generates a second quantity of work in response to the decompressed fuel. In one aspect of the invention, the first quantity of work and the second quantity of work may be coupled to an output shaft (20) such as the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine. In another aspect of the invention, the first quantity of work may be coupled to an accessory (40) either directly or indirectly. Indirect coupling may, for example, be performed using an accessory drive belt of the internal combustion engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: William Francis Stockhausen, Donald Cameron Bingham, Robert Jay Natkin
  • Patent number: 6516616
    Abstract: Large volumes of energy in the forms of gaseous fuels, such as, liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, compressed air, or liquid fuels, such as, propane, butane, are stored within an abandoned railroad, highway or aqueduct tunnel or similar such structure, in one or more pressure vessels or cylinders which have been permanently installed within the previously abandoned tunnel structure. The stored energy may be directly delivered at high rates to meet any “peak” demand requirements, or maybe delivered during times of normal demand based on market economics. The stored energy can also be utilized at the site to directly produce electricity for delivery to the end user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Pomfret Storage Comapny, LLC
    Inventors: Calvin R. Carver, Frank T. Bahniuk
  • Patent number: 6516617
    Abstract: The aim of the invention is to reduce exhaust steam losses and thus efficiency losses in condensation power stations such that the steam does not expand to the attainable vacuum (as is the case in the prior art) but, after extraction from a turbine or the like, is elevated in the caloric content thereof to a higher pressure stage in a heat transformer by means of pumps, which are connected upstream therefrom and which are provided for the secondary circuit, in order to effect a renewed expansion at said heat transformer. This is repeated as often as possible until the quantity of heat which otherwise escapes through the cooling tower is largely converted into electric energy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Joachim Schwieger
  • Patent number: 6516618
    Abstract: This invention relates to a gas-turbine engine which is provided in the turbine interior with a bearing chamber for a turbine shaft, the bearing chamber being sealed by sealing elements, and with a scavenge line for the lubricating oil which is supplied to the bearing chamber, in particular is sprayed onto the bearing(s) arranged therein. In accordance with the present invention, the single scavenge line, which is connected to a suitable lubricating-oil collecting compartment, features such an ample cross-section and the sealing elements have such a high sealing effect that the pressure in the bearing chamber is essentially equal to the pressure in the lubricating-oil-collecting compartment and maximally half the pressure in the turbine interior.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co. KG
    Inventor: Alexander Bock
  • Patent number: 6516619
    Abstract: A method of storing a gas comprises absorbing a gas into or onto an absorbent medium, in one example by cryosorbing the gas. The cryosorbed gas is then encapsulated. Encapsulating the cryosorbed gas increases the temperature at which the absorbent medium can be kept before the cryosorbed gas is released. The encapsulation layer can be provided by freezing a material that has a lower vapour pressure than the gas. One suitable material for forming the encapsulation layer in this way is water.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Roy Clampitt
  • Patent number: 6516620
    Abstract: A specimen holder for freezing water-containing preparations under high pressure is disclosed. The specimen holder possesses a housing sheath in which a cutout is provided. A specimen retention element is arranged in the cutout of the specimen holder, and can be sprayed with a coolant, from both sides, through the cutout. The specimen retention element is made up of at least a first part and a second part, a recess for holding the specimen is shaped in the second part. The second part is pressed with a screw against the first part in such a way that the recess is sealed in pressure-tight fashion. Also disclosed are a method and system for freezing water-bearing specimens under high pressure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 30, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH
    Inventor: Anton Lang
  • Patent number: 6516621
    Abstract: In a hybrid vehicle including an engine and an electric motor both for running the vehicle, an air conditioner includes a compressor driven by the engine, and an engine controller controls the operation of the engine based on a condition of the air conditioner and a condition of the vehicle except the air conditioner. While the air conditioner performs a defrosting control for a windshield, the engine controller drives the engine irrespective of the condition of the vehicle except the air conditioner. On the other hand, when the defrosting control is not performed, the operation of the engine is controlled in accordance with the condition of the vehicle, for example.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 15, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Denso Corporation
    Inventors: Toshinobu Homan, Yuji Takeo, Mitsuyo Oomura, Hiroki Nakamura, Tadashi Nakagawa
  • Patent number: 6516622
    Abstract: Compressor controls in a compressed gas system provides a variable frequency controlled refrigerant compressor in a dehydrator for compressed air or other cases. The system detects changes in a demand on the pneumatic air supply by monitoring a pressure of a refrigerant system associated with the air supply. Based on the changes in the refrigerant system pressure, a motor speed controller generates and sends a control signal to the variable speed compressor to adjust the speed of the variable speed compressor based on the demand in the air supply.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: BelAir Technologies, LLC
    Inventors: James J. Wilson, Donald A. Neve, William B. Thomas
  • Patent number: 6516623
    Abstract: A heat pump system includes a compressor (14), first and second heat exchangers (10,12) and a module (20) hydraulically interposed between the compressor (14) and the first and second heat exchangers (10,12). The module includes a heat exchanger component (22,24) together with an accumulator (34), an expansion device (40) and a four-way valve (52) for controlling operation of the system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 7, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Modine Manufacturing Company
    Inventor: Samuel J. Collier
  • Patent number: 6516624
    Abstract: The present invention provides: a cooling pillow which is easy to prepare, whose cooling capability lasts for a long time, which does not require a time-consuming operation such as changing the water, and which is effective in a hard-to-sleep summer night or when one has a fever from a cold; a cooling garment which has a reduced power consumption, allows one to avoid heat with a simple structure, and allows one to be comfortable even in a high temperature environment; and a cooling helmet capable of eliminating the discomfort caused by heat, preventing exhaustion of stamina, lowering of concentration, and lowering of work efficiency, and increasing the safety during work, etc. The above-described cooling pillow, the-cooling garment and the cooling helmet are all based on a principle that by allowing air to flow in close contact with a fibrous material which is in the vicinity of the body and contains a sufficient amount of water to promote vaporization of water so that the head, the trunk, etc.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Seft Development Laboratory Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Hiroshi Ichigaya
  • Patent number: 6516625
    Abstract: A juice dispensing apparatus particularly designed for dispensing a “not from concentrate juice” packaged in a bag in a box format, the apparatus having a compartment in which the bag in a box is mounted, a thermoelectric device for cooling the compartment and a piezoelectric device for agitating the juice in the bag to thereby maintain the juice in a suspension. The apparatus requires minimal maintenance while permitting the dispensing of fruit juices or vegetable juices which are not reconstituted from a concentrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Mark Bedard
  • Patent number: 6516626
    Abstract: A two-stage refrigeration system includes an intermediate slurry tank for receiving and storing a refrigerant vapor and a slurry of solid sublimatable refrigerant particles in a liquid. The intermediate slurry tank has a first outlet for outflow of the slurry from the tank, a second outlet for outflow of the refrigerant vapor, a first inlet for receiving at least the liquid, and a second inlet for receiving the refrigerant. The refrigeration system also includes a compression system having a first low pressure inlet and second intermediate pressure inlet, and having a high pressure outlet. A conduit connects the second outlet of the intermediate slurry tank to the intermediate pressure inlet of the compression system so as to compress the vapor with less energy than would be needed to compress low pressure refrigerant vapor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: FMC Corporation
    Inventors: Jeffrey Grant Escobar, Jon Almon Hocker, Håkan Ohlsson, John Richard Strong
  • Patent number: 6516627
    Abstract: An evaporator for a refrigeration chiller includes a tube bundle in which at least a portion of the tubes of the tube bundle are immersed in a pool which include both liquid refrigerant and is lubricant. Liquid refrigerant and lubricant are deposited into the pool at a first pool location. Because of the vaporization of refrigerant that occurs within the pool, a pattern of flow is established and managed that causes the lubricant in the pool to migrate from the location of its deposit into the pool to a second pool location. An outlet is provided at the second pool location from which lubricant is drawn out of the evaporator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: American Standard International Inc.
    Inventors: H. Kenneth Ring, Jon P. Hartfield, Sean A. Smith, William J. Peck
  • Patent number: 6516628
    Abstract: In a refrigerant cycle system, a low-pressure side gas-liquid separator is disposed between a refrigerant outlet side of an evaporator and a refrigerant suction side of a compressor so that gas refrigerant is sucked into the compressor, and a throttle passage through which liquid refrigerant is introduced into the compressor is disposed in the low-pressure side gas-liquid separator. Further, in a condenser for condensing gas refrigerant discharged from the compressor in a cooling mode, both first and second heat-exchanging units are provided in this order in a refrigerant flow direction, and a high-pressure side gas-liquid separator is disposed between the first and second heat-exchanging units.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Denso Corporation
    Inventors: Satoshi Izawa, Yoshiaki Takano, Mikiharu Kuwahara
  • Patent number: 6516629
    Abstract: In order to magnify capacity control of a refrigeration cycle for an increased efficiency and achievement of compactness, the refrigeration cycle includes a compressor, a four-way valve, a heat exchanger on a side of a heat source, a liquid receiver, a heat exchanger on a side of use, and an electronic expansion valve, all of which are connected other by pipes, and comprises a refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration cycle and being a non-azeotropic refrigerant, a second liquid receiver for taking out a refrigerant vapor from an upper portion of the liquid receiver to condense and store the refrigerant, and a pipe connecting the second liquid receiver to the liquid receiver via a shut-off valve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Hitachi Air Conditioning Systems Co, Ltd.
    Inventors: Kenji Matsumura, Susumu Nakayama
  • Patent number: 6516630
    Abstract: When the start button is pushed after the door of the supply chamber is closed, carbon dioxide gas is ejected from the nozzle placed at the upper part of the horn. The carbon dioxide gas is converted to powdered dry ice by adiabatic expansion in the horn, and the dry ice falls on fresh food or other items to be cooled in a box or plastic bag placed under the horn. In order to obtain a desired amount of dry ice constantly, the ambient temperature, the pressure of the carbon dioxide gas, the interval time since the last ejection are counted in determining the carbon dioxide ejecting time length.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Kakubayashi Shoji Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Michio Ishida
  • Patent number: 6516631
    Abstract: A cryogenic natural gas liquids recovery process which includes the use of a demethanizer and a deethanizer includes a step of recycling a portion of the deethanizer overhead to the demethanizer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Mark A. Trebble
  • Patent number: 6516632
    Abstract: A simple and compact device for wet granulation of liquid slag, comprising a granulating basin with a water injection device and a decanting basin that is separate from the granulating basin. A distribution channel for the granulate-water mixture extends above the decanting basin and is provided with outflow means along the entire length and on the lower side thereof for the granulate-water mixture. A vertical inflow shaft that is open towards the bottom is arranged underneath the distribution channel. The outflow means for the granulate-water mixture discharges into said inflow shaft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Paul Worth S.A.
    Inventors: Léon Ulveling, Jean-Luc Roth, Henri Radoux
  • Patent number: 6516633
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to microemulsion techniques for rapidly preparing photochromic glass nanoparticles and to the photochromic glass nanoparticles so prepared. More particularly, the method of the invention comprises the combination of two microemulsions, one containing a water-soluble silver salt and a glass precursor and the other containing a halide salt and an initiator for glass formation, which process rapidly yields silver halide particles. This invention gives nanometer-sized silver halide particles embedded in glass, thus providing photochromic glass nanoparticles without further annealing, or at most mild annealing. These nanoparticles are valuable as added components to any macro-material that one might wish to have photochromic properties. The particles would impart photochromism while not affecting the physical properties of the material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Nano-Tex, LLC
    Inventors: Lael L. Erskine, Dan B. Millward, David S. Soane
  • Patent number: 6516634
    Abstract: Embodiments include a method for forming a glass which displays visible cracking prior to failure when subjected to predetermined stress level that is greater than a predetermined minimum stress level and less than a failure stress level. The method includes determining a critical flaw size in the glass and introducing a residual stress profile to the glass so that a plurality of visible cracks are formed prior to failure when the glass is subjected to a stress that is greater than the minimum stress level and lower than the critical stress. One method for forming the residual stress profile includes performing a first ion exchange so that a first plurality of ions of a first element in the glass are exchanged with a second plurality of ions of a second element that have a larger volume than the first ions. A second ion exchange is also performed so that a plurality of the second ions in the glass are exchanged back to ions of the first element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: The Penn State Research Foundation
    Inventors: David J. Green, Vincenzo M. Sglavo, Rajan Tandon
  • Patent number: 6516635
    Abstract: Method and system for constructing and testing integrity of a combination of first and second spaced apart optical fiber couplers that each receive and hold two fibers. A segment of each fiber in a separation region between the couplers is heated, twisted and elongated by selected amounts to form a fiber complex, located between the first and second couplers. The fibers in the second coupler are subjected to further controlled elongation. A spectrum analyzer receives a common light beam passed through each of the two fibers and fiber couplers and measures successive maximum and minimum values of an interferometric variable IF and pit-to-pit or peak-to-peak spacing of the IF values as fiber segment elongation is varied.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Tera Fiberoptics, Inc.
    Inventors: Yawen Yang, Tzong-Shinn Jiang
  • Patent number: 6516636
    Abstract: In a known method for the manufacture of a tube made of a vitreous material, especially of quartz glass, a hollow cylindrical semifinished product made of a vitreous material is carried essentially vertically to a heating zone, wherein it is heated and drawn off downwards—without the use of tools—to the tube by forming a transitional area from semifinished product to tube, while diameter and wall thickness of the tube are continuously measured, and the tube's measured geometrical data being used to generate a control signal with the aid of which a pressure difference is regulated between pressure P1 in the interior space of the semifinished product, the transitional area and the tube, as well as pressure P2 in the heating chamber which is regulated in the heating zone at least in the transitional area from semifinished product to tube and its adjacent tube area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG
    Inventors: Frank Gänsicke, Oliver Ganz, Harald Hain, Thomas Bogdahn, Oliver Humbach
  • Patent number: 6516637
    Abstract: A warp knit elastic band that includes at least one and preferably two filler yarns knitted into the band on an outside surface thereof adjacent either the back weft yarn or the front weft yarn to provide a softer feel and a thicker construction. A method for manufacturing the elastic band is also disclosed in which at least one and preferably two filler yarns are laid into the band adjacent either the back weft yarn or the front weft yarn on a side thereof opposite the elastomer threads. An apparatus for manufacturing an elastic band is also disclosed in which four and preferably five weft insertion bars are used in the following sequence to form a warp knitted elastic band: a first weft yarn bar, an elastomer thread bar, a second weft yarn bar, a first filler yarn bar and a second filler yarn bar.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Elastic Corporation of America, Inc.
    Inventors: J. Von Fancher, Ronny Pate, Ken Durn
  • Patent number: 6516638
    Abstract: Washing machine having a drum (4) inclined to the horizontal and supported by a suspension system including a first, lenear suspension unit (1, 2) inclined at an angle substantially normal to the axis of the drum (4), and a second suspension unit (3) generally parallel to the axis of the drum (4).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Monotub PLC
    Inventor: Martin William Myerscough
  • Patent number: 6516639
    Abstract: A storage case comprises a top portion and bottom portion adapted to abut each other in a closed position. A locking strip is mounted on an edge of the closed storage case. The top portion and bottom portion receive the locking strip. The storage case comprises formations receivable by said locking member such that said locking member and said storage case is in a locked position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Carling Point Limited
    Inventors: Mark Geoffrey Newland Margetts, Neil Adrian Eaton, Andrew William Fisher, Simon Day, Mark Daniel Bagnall
  • Patent number: 6516640
    Abstract: The present invention provides a manner in which a lock bolt can be engaged and secured in locked and unlocked positions with respect to a steering column. In some preferred embodiments, a pawl is movable into and out of engagement with the lock bolt in two different locations on the lock bolt corresponding to two different positions of the lock bolt relative to the steering column: a position in which the lock bolt is extended to lock the steering column and a position in which the lock bolt is retracted to unlock the steering column. The pawl can be movable into and out of engagement with the lock bolt in a number of different manners, but preferably is pivotable about a pivot pin. Preferably, the pawl is connected to an actuator for actuating the pawl into and out of engagement with the lock bolt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 5, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Strattec Security Corporation
    Inventors: Ronald S. Jacobs, John Bailen, Melissa Fleming
  • Patent number: 6516641
    Abstract: A handle assembly of thin type permits through a computerized personal management system a plurality of persons to have easily access to instruments in a box with the handle assembly in which: a combination lock (6); opened by turning each of its dial discs (4) a given number of times to establish a combination of marks of the discs, is incorporated in a handle (2) and disposed adjacent to a cylinder lock (2) in the handle; and, a plate (11), interlocked with a rotor (8) of the lock (2), engages with a shoulder (15) of a lever (16) pivoted to a body (1), so that the handle is held in its folded position. When the lock (6) is held in its unlocked condition and the handle (2) is pulled, the lever (16) is swung upward by the plate (11) to release the handle (2) from the body (1).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Takigen Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
    Inventor: Shirou Segawa
  • Patent number: 6516642
    Abstract: An anti-theft device for securing a steering wheel of a vehicle. The anti-theft device includes at least one bracing member adapted to be positioned over a portion of a steering column and over a portion of the steering wheel. A column engaging member is detachably engageable with the bracing member to, in combination with the bracing member, form a linkage adapted to substantially surround the steering column in an installed configuration. A locking mechanism is adapted to detachably lock the anti-theft device in the installed configuration.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Robert A. Vito
  • Patent number: 6516643
    Abstract: Pop-Up Indicator, Replacement Lock-Cylinder with distinctive keys for owner, employee (or acquaintance), and some third party whose right to enter is legitimate only upon notice or in an emergency. The pop-up indicators are brightly and differently colored. The lock cannot be circumvented by pressing a pop-up in and endeavoring to turn the key, because the pop-up's barrel blocks rotation of the lock's core unless the pop-up is fully extended. Once triggered, the pop-up remains visible and in locked position until the lock owner resets it. A tactile indicator of sought entry is transmitted to the owner upon key insertion and rotation, as well. Meanwhile, the employee and/or third party enjoys unimpeded access. The owner will thus know whether the employee has been over—to inspect for termites, walk the dog, etc.—and the third party cannot allege lockout lease breaking. The lock operates quite normally with either or both pop-ups triggered.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Inventor: Michael Cohnitz Olshausen
  • Patent number: 6516644
    Abstract: A method of assigning change keys and master keys in a master key system using a 6 pin cylinder with 5 bittings based on an 8×8 checkerboard and pieces ¼, 1, 4, 16 squares in size representing 16, 64, 256 and 1024 change keys with a master key bitting combination available for each piece which would operate all the change keys assigned to that piece. A first alternate embodiment uses an array of (b−1)(p−3) elements (b being the number of bittings and p being the number pins used for master keying), each array element representing (b−1)3 change keys. The array being repeatedly divided into subarrays of (b−1)(p−x) elements, where x=4, 5, 6, . . . , p−1. Instead of assigning the change keys to a checkerboard piece, the change keys are assigned to a subarray representing at least the number of change keys.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Schlage Lock Company
    Inventor: Lloyd Seliber
  • Patent number: 6516645
    Abstract: Equipment and methods for the rapid and easy cleaning of metal forming dies while in a press and operating at elevated temperatures. The invention features the physical removal of excess lubricant collecting on the hot surface of the forming dies under operating conditions so that no lubricant-induced flaws occur on the show surface of the formed part for optimized production of high quality parts. Special and effector tooling is supplied with high velocity air which draws in solid CO2 which sublimes into pressurize streams of gaseous CO2 that is discharged through nozzles onto the forming surfaces of hot forming dies after a number of lubricated parts have been formed therewith to physically sweep foreign matter including lubricants from the die surfaces. A robot is employed to move the activated end effector in predetermined paths across the dies for fully sweeping and cleaning the forming surfaces. The gas then dissipates.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: General Motors Corporation
    Inventors: Arianna T. Morales, Edward Frank Ryntz, Nelson T. Brinas
  • Patent number: 6516646
    Abstract: A device for manufacturing a hollow body from two plates. The device includes an internal high pressure forming tool having an interior surface defining a mold chamber corresponding to a shape of the hollow body. The forming tool being arranged to receive two plates resting against each other. An expansion lance is insertable between the plates via an axial drive, and the expansion lance and the axial drive forming a pushing plunger. The expansion lance has a pinching section along a circumferential contour, and the plates to be pinched are arranged between the pinching section and the forming tool. The expansion lance includes a feed bore communicable with a high pressure fluid source. The expansion lance defines an axial stop to abut axial edges of the plates. The axial stop has a radial periphery which is smaller than that of the mold chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: DaimlerChrysler AG
    Inventors: Wilhelm Arns, Arndt Birkert, Matthias Schroeder
  • Patent number: 6516647
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method of manufacturing the outer part of a constant velocity joint, the outer part having in the finished condition a hollow chamber with a cylinder-shaped inner wall, in which there are provided ball raceways (1c) which run obliquely of the cylinder axis and are inclined with respect to one another. First, a wobble press die (4) is axially introduced into a goblet-shaped preliminary workpiece (1a) for the outer part having a conically developing inner and outer wall and pre-formed ball raceways (1c) in the inner wall. The preliminary workpiece (1a) is pressed (drawing process) by means of the wobble press die (4), sitting on the floor of the hollow chamber, through an opening in an outer die (2), so that a drawing process is carried out in which the preliminary workpiece (1a) is so cold formed that the inner wall of the hollow chamber is given a cylindrical shape.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Hirschvogel Umformtechnik
    Inventors: Manfred Hirschvogel, Karl Schuster, Peter Kettner, Walter Pischel, Michael Dahme, Hubert Nägele
  • Patent number: 6516648
    Abstract: In order to improve a bending machine for flat material, comprising a machine frame with lower and upper clamping tools arranged on the machine frame, with which the flat material can be fixed in a clamping plane, a bending tool moving device, with which a bending tool carrier with a bending tool for bending the flat material about a bending edge relative to the clamping plane can be moved into a plurality of bending positions, in such a manner that with a space-saving construction of the bending machine the movements of the bending tool can be realized technically with simple means it is suggested that the machine frame be designed to be laterally open at at least one of its transverse sides for the insertion of flat material in longitudinal direction of the bending edge and between the upper beam and the lower beam, that the bending tool be movable transversely to the clamping plane for passing through the bending positions and that the bending tool carrier remain exclusively on the side of the clamping pla
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Reinhardt Maschinenbau GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Kutschker, Erwin Pesold
  • Patent number: 6516649
    Abstract: A press brake die holder for holding a press brake die having an upper, work-contacting surface and a lower, elongated tang. The die holder has an elongated body having a slot defined by opposing walls, the slot being configured to receive the tang of the press brake die. One of slot walls has a cavity opening into the slot toward the other slot wall, and a resilient plug is received in the cavity and protrudes into the slot toward the other wall. As the tang is received in the slot, the resilient plug contacts and urges the tang resiliently into contact with the other slot wall to restrain the tang from wobbling in the slot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Wilson Tool International, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy Mika, Paul T. Johnson
  • Patent number: 6516650
    Abstract: A thread rolling dies for producing dog point threads is capable of preventing slips of an outer surface of screw blank when rolling, thereby avoiding breakage of the dog point thread. The dog point thread has a thread portion provided with external threads and a dog point having an outer diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the thread portion. The thread rolling dies is configured with a thread portion rolling surface having a thread portion dies ridge for forming a groove of the thread portion of the dog point thread and a thread portion dies groove for forming a ridge of the thread portion of the dog point thread, and a dog point rolling surface provided in parallel with the thread rolling surface and having a dog point dies ridge for forming a groove on the dog point of the dog point thread and a dog point dies groove for forming a ridge on the dog point of the dog point thread.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: OSG Corporation
    Inventor: Yoshitaka Watanabe
  • Patent number: 6516651
    Abstract: A method for testing a Coriolis transducer having a mass adapted vibrate along a vibratory direction in a resonant structure and undergo a displacement along a sensitive axis, perpendicular to the vibration, in response to an angular rate about a mutually perpendicular rate sensing axis. In the absence of an angular rate about the rate sensing axis, forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE are applied on the mass along the direction of vibration and along the sensitive axis, respectively, in a predetermined ratio, N. The output VOUT TEST of the transducer is measured in response to the forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Analog Devices, Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Geen