Diverse Fluid Containing Pressure Systems Patents (Class 137/154)
  • Patent number: 4626131
    Abstract: A storage system and method for storing a valuable liquid in a subterranean cavity with a displacing liquid such as brine. The valuable liquid, which normally has a density above or about that of the displacing liquid, is modified by dissolving therein small amounts of a light fluid such as alkanes and alkenes of up to 4 carbon atoms, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide or combinations thereof. The amount of the light fluid dissolved in the stored liquid is sufficient to maintain the density of this phase below that of the displacing liquid so that the valuable liquid is stored over the displacing liquid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1985
    Date of Patent: December 2, 1986
    Assignee: The Dow Chemical Company
    Inventors: David N. Glew, John S. McIntyre, Jeffrey F. Gilbert, deceased
  • Patent number: 4616669
    Abstract: A method for mixing hydrocarbons in a underground storage cavern using immiscible fluids is disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1985
    Date of Patent: October 14, 1986
    Assignee: Phillips Petroleum Company
    Inventors: Stone P. Washer, Bruce A. Bush
  • Patent number: 4399831
    Abstract: The invention relates to a surface tension storage tank comprising a liquid outlet from where the liquid can be expelled under the action of a pressurant gas. A collector device issues into a chamber of a tubular device which also comprises a draining conduit opening at one end at the bottom of said chamber, the other end being situated higher than the first when the tank is being filled. On the side opposite its bottom, the chamber is situated close to the liquid-expelling orifice from which it is separated by an outlet gas barrier. Gas barriers are also provided at the other end of the conduit and on the level of the junction of the collector device with the said chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 1981
    Date of Patent: August 23, 1983
    Assignee: Societe Europeenne De Propulsion
    Inventor: Michel Robert
  • Patent number: 4294274
    Abstract: A method of introducing hydrogen into a gas pipeline or other pressurized gas containers is disclosed. The method comprises feeding hydrogen from a low pressure source into the gas container through a barrier which is freely permeable to hydrogen but impermeable to the gas in the container until the hydrogen partial pressure in the container becomes equal to the hydrogen pressure which is applied to the barrier.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 1979
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1981
    Assignees: Noranda Mines Limited, The Electrolyser Corporation Ltd.
    Inventor: Rodney L. LeRoy
  • Patent number: 4203817
    Abstract: The invention is in concern of a method and a device for moving a liquid sample material in a measuring chamber, particularly for use in electrophoretic measurements. To permit precise measurements the remaining sample material is prevented from mixing with the sample material under test. The valves employed have to be closed in the course of the sample movement. This is realized in displacing the sample material by means of two pistons rigidly connected to each other and arranged in a by-pass of the measuring chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1979
    Date of Patent: May 20, 1980
    Assignee: JENOPTIK JENA G.m.b.H.
    Inventors: Wolfgang Schutt, Hans-Ludwig Jensen, Werner Eberlein, Gunter Schoppe
  • Patent number: 4188967
    Abstract: A hydrostatic gradient generator has a first liquid chamber and a second liquid chamber detachably attached to a base provided with a pressure regulator. The regulator has inlets, one for each chamber and in communication with the lower end thereof with the two inlets opening into the regulator close to its upper end and at the same level to provide a pressure reference plane inclusive of the bottom of the gradient producing portion of the liquid in the second chamber. The portions of the chambers for the gradient forming volumes are of the same volumetric capacity with their cross sectional areas constantly increasing from a minimum at one end to a maximum at the other end, the minimum at the lower end of the first chamber and the maximum at the lower end of the second chamber. Means are provided to enable the first chamber to be offset vertically relative to the second chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 1978
    Date of Patent: February 19, 1980
    Inventor: John E. Joyce
  • Patent number: 4051859
    Abstract: Apparatus for permitting drainage of fluids from an evacuated space is disclosed to comprise a casing having a fluid inlet pipe, a drain fitting and a gas by-pass fitting. The fluid inlet pipe extends within a chamber defined by the apparatus body to a point substantially adjacent the bottom of the apparatus body. The drain fitting is displaced upwardly from the bottom of the apparatus body and permits passage of fluids from within the body chamber to a suitable drain connection. The gas by-pass fitting is disposed upwardly of the drain fitting and permits gas to pass inwardly through the drain fitting through the body chamber and out the gas by-pass fitting. The provision of the gas by-pass fitting permits drainage of fluids from an evacuated space to occur through the inlet pipe into the body chamber without being impeded by gas passing from the body chamber upwardly through the inlet pipe and into the space being drained.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 1973
    Date of Patent: October 4, 1977
    Inventor: George John Hoffman
  • Patent number: 4027690
    Abstract: A steam accumulator has an upright vertically elongated vessel provided internally with a guide that subdivides a body of hot water in the vessel into an outer upflow column and a central downflow column. This guide is at least partially formed as a downwardly tapering frustocone and may have an upper portion carried on a float so as to maintain the upper edge of its upper portion a predetermined distance below the surface of a body of water within the vessel. A discharge conduit opens at the extreme upper end of the vessel and may have a section extending downwardly through the liquid body in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 1975
    Date of Patent: June 7, 1977
    Assignee: Siempelkamp Giesserei KG
    Inventor: Georg Beckmann
  • Patent number: 4022687
    Abstract: A method of, and apparatus for, the non-mechanical conveying of a collected quantity of liquid from a lower level to a higher level wherein through freeing of flow paths a quantity of a heavier liquid located at the higher level flows to the lower level and while utilizing the different specific gravities of both liquids there is conveyed an at least approximately equal volumetric quantity of the lighter liquid to be conveyed to the higher level.The apparatus for the performance of the aforesaid method aspects embodies a container located at the higher level and which is filled with the heavier liquid, this container being in flow communication with the lighter liquid located at the lower level.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 21, 1975
    Date of Patent: May 10, 1977
    Inventor: Benno Perren
  • Patent number: 4014358
    Abstract: To load oil on tankers in which the tank holds are previously filled with water, for ballast, and to avoid the formation of explosive vapors, oil is introduced at a higher pressure level into the tank hold than the pressure required to displace the water, while, simultaneously, the water is drawn off, by pumps or syphon action; preferably, the oil is introduced into the tanker from a level above that of the highest point of the tanker level, and water is drawn out from the bottom of the tank hold to a storage reservoir having its highest point below the lowest of the tank holds of the tanker. To unload the oil, oil is withdrawn from the top of the tanker hold into a receptacle below the level of the bottom of the tanker hold, and replaced by water introduced into the bottom of the tanker hold from a level above that of the tanker hold, withdrawal and introduction of fluids into the tanker hold being carried out simultaneously.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 1975
    Date of Patent: March 29, 1977
    Inventor: Louis Andersson
  • Patent number: 3976104
    Abstract: A valve system is provided for completely draining a vessel which may contain corrosive liquids and for preventing leakage until the vessel is to be drained. This is accomplished by providing the vessel with a throat at the bottom, an outlet tube connected to the throat and a pressure tube connected to the outlet tube with a source of fluid or gas pressure connected to the outlet tube between the throat and the pressure tube to force gas upward against (and/or through) the throat, thereby preventing the flow of liquid downwad through the throat. Agitation of the vessel contents can be achieved by flow of gas through he throat.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 1973
    Date of Patent: August 24, 1976
    Assignee: Beckman Instruments, Inc.
    Inventor: Thomas J. Kehoe
  • Patent number: 3948607
    Abstract: An automatic transfer system for transferring a reaction sample to a sample cell in analysis apparatus in which a transfer pump draws in slugs of sample separated by slugs of air, the slugs being obtained through a coordinated probe oscillation, bringing a sample slug into the sample cell and holding it there for measurement, the system further including a wash pump for the depositing wash liquid in the sample cup which is also drawn into the system to flush it out between samples.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1974
    Date of Patent: April 6, 1976
    Assignee: The Perkin-Elmer Corporation
    Inventors: John G. Atwood, Lucien C. Ducret, Hamilton W. Marshall, Jr.