Abstract: A device with a gate release door and other water release openings to attach to the mouth of outlet pipes of flood control structures and similar reservoirs to control the storage and release of water, comprising a gate release door in initial closed position permitting the reservoir to rise during rainfall, above the intake of the stand tower or stand pipe in the reservoir. A float control switch mounted at a predetermined height above the surface of the reservoir, closes as the rising water reaches this maximum level, activating an electric winch, opening the gate release door, permitting the reservoir to return to normal pool level, and continue to serve the primary function of flood control. A pressure control switch mounted on the device, responding to the increasing hydrostatic pressure, provides a dual means to open the gate release door by activating a parallel circuit to the electric winch.
Abstract: A liquid barrier system includes a structure forming a below ground level float-receiving chamber. An inlet passageway for round water or other liquid directs the liquid into the bottom of said chamber to fill the chamber when it is desired that a barrier wall-forming part of the barrier system is to rise above ground level. Where the barrier system is a flood water barrier, the chamber bottom connects with a sewer system so that the chamber does not fill unless flood risk conditions exist, as when sewer back-up occurs. A float structure with which the barrier wall is associated is vertically movable in the chamber from a bottommost position therein when there is no liquid build up therein to an uppermost position when said liquid rises therein where the barrier wall is substantially above ground level. Seals are provided which prevent the liquid from gaining access to said one side of the barrier wall.
Abstract: In a flexible membraneous weir 1 having a bag made of a flexible membrane 2 such as a rubber membrane or the like laid on a river bed and slope surfaces of the both river sides across the river and adapted to be erected or collapsed by charging or discharging fluid to or from the aforementioned bag, a rigid fin 10 is provided partly at a predetermined location along the river width direction of the outer surface of the above-mentioned flexible membrane 2. In this flexible membraneous weir, when it is collapsed, V-notch deformation is generated surely at the location corresponding to the above-mentioned rigid fin.
Abstract: A method and apparatus for removing sedimented particles from a fluid stream in a settlement basin. In the bottom of the basis there is a sluice which may include a sluice gate. The basin includes a longitudinal, flexible pipe unit which is shaped such that it can seal the edges of the sluice. The pipe unit can move up and down within the basin by filling the pipe with a fluid, i.e. water or air. Depending on the initial position of the pipe, upward or downward movement causes the pipe to seal against the edges of the sluice. By adjusting the amount of water and air in the pipe, it is possible to adjust the extent to which the sluice is sealed.
Abstract: The system consists in producing an underwater foundation (1) in the appropriate place, close to the dam (2), in the vertical line of said foundation (1) producing a floating platform (4), with buoyancy that can be regulated, and on this platform (4) proceeding with the manufacture of the tower (6-7), by means of a continuous concreting process, up to the moment when said tower is capable of floating alone, given its hollow nature, at which moment the floating platform (4) can be removed and from which time the tower becomes increasingly submerged in step with the increase in the length of its shaft (7), by means of supplying water (8) to its inside, until the said tower is totally finished, at which moment it is positioned by means of a greater supply of water which may be removed if it is necessary to correct errors in positioning, and after said definitive positioning the tower is also definitively ballasted or rendered stationary, the control and command elements for the gates or valves for the various in
Abstract: A water-level control device is provided for controlling water levels between a high-tide level and a low-tide level. The water-level control device comprises a tiltable pipe connected to a drain pipe by a flexible joint. Tilting of the pipe allows flow of water from a high-tide point to a low-tide point. Water is pumped into a pond continuously, and the variable-height weir cyclically varies the outflow to simulate a tidal cycle.
Abstract: A self supporting rubbery flow blocking device of substantial thickness is mounted in a fluid passageway to automatically regulate flow. Due to its variable elastic stiffness, increases in pressure will cause the device to begin to flex away from the pressure, beginning at its free end. Further increases in pressure will cause the location of the flex to move towards the secured edge of the invention, unblocking larger areas of flow. Decreases in pressure will allow the invention to increase its blocked area until it regains its fully blocking state.
Abstract: A levee gate and the process for the production thereof. The levee gate of the invention includes a rectangular sheet of thermoplastic material with a rectangular sleeve located on one edge of the thermoplastic material, the rectangular sleeve being a portion of the rectangular sheet fused to the rectangular sheet. The process for the production of the levee gate includes extruding a cylindrical tube of thermoplastic material, inflating the cylindrical tube as it is extruded to provide an inflated length of tube, flattening the inflated length of tube without fusing the opposed walls of the tube to each other, and continuously fusing a portion of the opposed walls together to form a seam.
Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention is directed to a hydraulic lifting module hich is removable as a unit from a wicket dam. A hydraulic cylinder is pivotably mounted about an axis in the frame and extends outwardly of an apertured cover between extreme positions. A slidable shield is secured and is pivotable with a portion of the cylinder extending out of the cover for closing the aperture and the extreme positions of the cylinder. A flexible boot interior of the frame renders the housing water and silt resistant.
July 2, 1992
Date of Patent:
January 12, 1993
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army
Abstract: A weir construction has a weir gate which is tiltable around an axis suspended in a canal section above the bottom thereof, whereby the axis is situated between, and at a distance from, the lower and the upper edge of the weir gate closer to the lower edge of the weir gate than to the upper edge thereof, which weir gate cooperates with a floating counterweight for opening and closing thereof by rotation around the axis. In order to obtain an improved sealing of the weir gate and the canal section, a flexible seal strip is provided between the lower edge of the weir gate and the bottom of the canal section, which seal strip allows curvilinear movement of the weir gate lower edge and prevents flow of water between the lower edge of the weir gate and the bottom of the canal section.
Abstract: The barrier proposed by the invention consists of gate elements or components which move on inclined planes, characterized by the fact that in the rest position on the edge of the waterway, preferably on the shore, the gate elements or components can be inserted inside one another in telescope fashion. With suitable lengths of the foundations forming the inclined planes, the gate elements which can be moved in tracks independently of one another can be removed completely from the water and pushed together above the average high water level.The cross section of the gate elements has a triangular shape, whereby the ocean-side supports the dam wall and the inland side primarily absorbs the bracing forces.
Abstract: This invention is a device to prevent beavers (Castor fiber or Castor canadensis) from building dams or obstructions in or at the entrance to manmade structures for the flow of water, thus preventing the flow of water through such structures to the detriment of such manmade structures, adjacent or nearby structures and to the detriment of land, trees and agricultural crops upstream of the first said manmade structure. This device may also be utilized to limit the water level, or depth of water, in pools in water caused by beaver dams restricting water flow in water drainage channels. This device is not normally harmful to beavers.
Abstract: This invention relates to a sealing device ensuring lateral tightness of a weir gate with respect to the corresponding lock wall, of the type comprising a lip disposed over the whole length of each lateral face of the gate and a rounded rib extending the leading face of said gate, wherein the rounded rib projects transversely beyond the plane of the lock wall, so that its periphery, which takes a circular form, comes into abutment against the lateral face of a cylindrical chamber made in the lock wall. In this way, the displacements of the gate do not affect tightness.
Abstract: A method and apparatus for controlling an upstream water level by adjusting the elevation of a trough assembly of a weir. The weir is a open frame within which is slidably mounted a trough assembly, which may be raised or lowered by means of a tandem screw jack assembly, which caps the open frame. The perimeter of the open frame is lined with a continuous J-shaped neoprene seal, which provides a smooth slidable surface for movement of the trough assembly. The J-shaped seal also provides a substantially water tight barrier between the trough assembly and the open frame. Two vertical screw shafts extend downwardly from the tandem screw jack assembly and are bolted to the trough assembly. By rotating a hand crank, the vertical screw shafts raise or lower the trough assembly.
Abstract: A hinge assembly for barrier gates, sluice gates and the like attempted to be raised from beneath the sea, has a fixed portion mounted in a base which can be provided with a tunnel affording access to it and enabling a tierod to pull a replaceable body against this fixed portion. The body carries the movable part of the hinge and is provided with a rotating joint enabling compressed air to be delivered to the barrier.
Abstract: A vertically reciprocable gate assembly which includes a frame surrounding a port and a gate having a gate member connected by links to an actuating member which is slidably connected to the frame with the gate member between it and the frame. Unless the gate is closed, the gate member is held against the actuating member and out of sealing contact with the frame. When the gate is lowered, it engages a stop which establishes a predetermined position of the gate member relative to the port, further downward movement of the actuating member causes the links to thrust the gate member into its operative position.
Abstract: The sluice oscillates about a shaft (16) in order to control the level of a downstream reach (4) to occupy a reference level as defined by the position of an opening (36) for connection to the atmosphere and suitable for being closed by a needle (38) carried on a float (40). The plate (6) is driven by a caisson (18) which is immersed in the upstream reach (2) and which contains a quantity of water (28) that is increased by sucking air via a hydraulic Venturi (50) driven by the flow of water between the two reaches. The displacements of the float (40) control the pressure reduction which is actually applied to said caisson in such a manner as to obtain the desired level control. The invention is applicable to controlling irrigation networks.
Abstract: An irrigation channel gate uses flexible members which once released use the power of water flow to open and shut the gate. When flow in the channel is desired both an upstream gate and downstream gate are open. To stop flow the upstream gate is released. To reset the gates the down stream gate is closed and the upstream gate is opened. Opening of the downstream gate permits flow again. The gates essentially comprise a main member hinged on a horizontal axis at the base of the channel and flexible side pieces to connect the main member to a central frame.
Abstract: An irrigation ditch gate, comprising port means for defining a passage for conduction of water, configured for mounting in a wall of an irrigation ditch and attached to a frame. A plate means comprising a generally circular plate is pivotally mounted on the port means, for being pivoted transverse to the passage, between a closed position to cover the passage and prevent the flow of water therethrough, and an open position to substantially uncover the passage to permit the flow of water therethrough. A handle lever moves the gate between the closed and open positions being pivotally attached on a first end to the plate. A moving fulcrum is provided for the handle by a second lever having one end pivotally attached to the frame and a second end pivotally attached to the handle. A retention means exerts a retaining force on the handle so that the plate is urged into close wiping engagement with the port means.
Abstract: A flexible membraneous weir is disclosed. When air once filled in an air type flexible membrane weir is discharged in order to cause it to collapse, its membraneous wall is deformed in a V-shape at one portion in the river width direction, and a stream concentrates into this portion. However, the portion where the V-deformation will be formed is not certain. Therefore, it is required to reinforce the whole area of the river-bed and the river wall at the down stream side. In view of the foregoing, means is provided for starting V-deformation onto a bag-shaped member as a main body of the weir in a predetermined portion at a time when the bag-shaped member is collapse from its erected state. With this arrangement, the stream can be concentrated on the predetermined portion only. Therefore reinforcement is required only for a river-bed portion corresponding to this portion.
Abstract: This invention relates to river control structures, of the kind known as upstream tilting gates. A structure in accordance with the invention includes a chamber, (1, 2, 3 and 4) and a tilting platform (5). The upstream end of the platform includes a curved transverse wall (10), consisting of a plurality of leaves (12 and 13). When the platform is raised, the leaves provide a continuous wall between the platform and the top of the chamber, while when the platform is lowered, the leaves slide behind each other and are accommodated in the chamber. The structure also includes a channel (7, 8 and 9), extending along the length of the platform. The channel is provided with baffles to limit the flow of water down the channel, to enable fish to surmount the structure.
Abstract: Illustrative embodiments of the invention are directed to a technique for raising and lowering large tainter gates. Typically, two groups of lifting apertures are formed in the gate. A lifting mechanism, resiliently mounted on the tainter gate pier, inserts a movable pin into an aperture in one of the two groups and draws the gate upwardly. A stationary pin on the lifting mechanism then is inserted into an aperture in the other of the two groups to absorb the gate load while the movable pin is withdrawn and moved to a new aperture in order to continue the step-wise lifting process.To lower a gate, an essentially reverse procedure is followed.
Abstract: An upstream canal flow control device comprising a gate depending down into the flowing stream from a pivotal axis transverse to the stream and an arm extending downstream from the axis and gate containing a ballast to force the gate against stream flow, the ballast adjustable along the arm to cause the gate to retain an upstream water level as a function of the ballast position therealong.
Abstract: A sluice gate is provided in the form of a vane wheel on a horizontal shaft mounted transversally across the sluice in which it is installed, said vanes being distributed about the shaft and being partially immersible for the purpose of gate operation, same said vanes providing different sluice closing surface areas and said sluice gate comprising wheel locking means to maintain the vanes fixedly in the sluice. Application in small irrigation sluices is suggested.
Abstract: A gate assembly for sub-dividing a pond or reservoir into separate compartments comprises a gate (1) vertically slidable in a cooperating frame (2) secured in the floor and side walls of the pond. The frame (2) is of channel section and a sealing member (9) on the gate (1) cooperates with the frame (1) to provide a seal therebetween. The gate (1) is drawn against the frame (2) as it is lowered into position by means of cooperating wedge members (16,17) on the frame and the gate. On draining the compartment (4) at the side of the gate (1) carrying the sealing member (9) the gate is further urged into sealing engagement with the frame (2) by the pressure of the liquid in the compartment (3) at the opposite side of the gate (1).
Abstract: A radial or taintor gate utilized to control the flow of water to a turbine is provided with an independently movable flap-gate which is operable to control the release of small incremental amounts of water to flow to the turbine as required, such as speed synchronization; the large radial gate can be maintained closed until such time as synchronization of the turbine has been achieved.
Abstract: The invention is an improved weir means for use in algae growing reactors in a controlled natural purification system for advanced waste water treatment and algae farming. The invention is a pneumatic device that eliminates the need for a mechanically operated lift-type rigid weir for controlling the level of liquids and increasing the algal concentration in an algae growing reactor and separation of suspended solids in the effluent therefrom. The pneumatic toroidal weir consists of a toroid or doughnut shaped means that can be inflated and deflated. The device rests in and is affixed to a circular ring-like base. The interior periphery of the toroid or doughnut configuration is convoluted to improve controlled inflation and deflation; to reduce interior overhang, and to increase toroidal height without increasing volume.
Abstract: A collapsible dam comprising a flexible substantially rectangular substantially water repellant web stretched across the width of a waterway with one edge fixed to the bottom of the waterway and the opposite edge supported by a rigid rod adjacent to the water surface. The rigid rod is hinged with respect to the bottom of the waterway and connected at one end to a pressure actuated piston-cylinder assembly which moves the opposite end of the rod and attached web upwardly while the fixed edge remains submerged against the bottom of the waterway.
Abstract: A variable dam for a water channel having a longitudinal flow axis includes a frame having a bottom member extending across the channel and upright end members. A plurality of approximately planar plates are each connected by a pivot pin at one lower corner to a journal in the bottom member, the plates being in overlapping or staggered relationship with their respective planes approximately normal to the flow axis. The plates are movable by motors effective to rotate at least some of the pivot pins and are assisted in moving simultaneously by a link pivotally connected to each panel near an upper corner thereof. Guys extend to the panels from anchor blocks in the channel either upstream, or downstream, or both.
Abstract: A flow measuring flume is described which is compact, cost-effective, self-cleaning and of adjustable capacity. This flume is applicable in the chemical water treatment of acid discharge streams from coal mining operations. It incorporates the self-cleaning advantage of the Parshall venturi flume but without the fixed throat size limitation of a venturi. It further incorporates the adjustable capacity of the notched weir type flow meter without the debris blocking characteristic of the dam like weir. The flume comprises a rectangular open channel with a triangular base and with a discharge opening in one of its two side walls, adjacent to the common corner. A sliding door is used to adjust the discharge opening width, but does not alter the geometric similarity or flow discharge characteristics per unit width of outlet. In addition this flume has one side wall higher than the other for the purpose of protecting equipment from flood damage.
Abstract: A flow control system for selectively restricting or blocking fluid flow in an open channel or culvert. The system includes a normally collapsed inflatable bladder secured in the channel. When collapsed, the bladder and its securing structure presents virtually no obstruction to fluid flow in the channel. The bladder is selectively inflatable by delivering an inflating medium such as a pressurized gas (air) or a liquid thereto, and, when inflated, provides a controlled obstruction to fluid flow in the channel. The system includes means controlling delivery of the inflating medium to the bladder and also provides for selective and positive withdrawal of the inflating medium for deflation of the bladder. The bladder is sized and shaped according to the contour of the channel for maximum efficiency in controlling fluid flow in the open channel.
Abstract: The salinity intrusion of ocean tidewater into a communicating fresh water river is prevented by laterally restricting the out-flow cross-section of the river with a series of flotation weirs and control weirs so that the surface level of the out-flow cross-section is higher than the surface level of the adjacent tidal salt water. The weirs are located so as to not obstruct the ship channel of the river.