Abstract: When a rod extending out of the bottom of a hollow rigid plastic trunk encasing a collapsible basketball backboard is pushed up, the backboard comes out of the top of the trunk and opens and a rim rotates 90 degrees to an “up” position perpendicular to the trunk. A pulley system inside the trunk, one end of which is connected to the push rod, controls rotation of a hinge attached to a rim, the hinge sitting in an opening in the top of the trunk. When the rod is pulled, the planar segments of the backboard fold to a point one behind the other and go downward to fit into the trunk and the hoop moves to a “down” position. In open position the backboard segments fan out. The rod has a V-shaped attachment piece connecting the top of the rod to the common bottom border of the backboard.
Abstract: A show pom provided with a first set of streamers extending from the two ends of a baton handle and a second set of retractable streamers that retract within the ends of the hollow baton handle. The second set of streamers are usually constructed of a different color than the first set of streamers and are retracted into the baton handle so that the second set of streamers are not visible until they are deployed by spring action out the two ends of the baton handle by depressing a trigger pin provided on the baton handle.