Patents Represented by Attorney Berkeley Law and Technology Group
  • Patent number: 7162203
    Abstract: A method and system for reducing interference in a cellular radio communications network. At least one parameter affecting user terminals within a cell is adjusted such that the cell boundary is modified, such that interference in the network is reduced. In alternative embodiments the at least one parameter is adjusted adaptively.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 9, 2007
    Inventor: Christopher Brunner
  • Patent number: 7158267
    Abstract: A method for generating a calibration curve is disclosed. The method comprises the following steps. Calibration data of one line image of a previous scan are first provided. Reference pixels are selected from the image line. Then a calibration board is scanned and calibration data of the reference pixels are generated. Calibration data of the reference pixels of a previous scan are then selected from the calibration data of one image line of a previous scan. Ratios of the calibration data of the reference pixels and the calibration data of the reference pixels of a previous scan are calculated. Calibration data of all pixels of the image line are finally generated by multiplying the calibration data of the image line of a previous scan and the ratios.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 2, 2007
    Inventor: Chui-Kuei Chiu
  • Patent number: 7154639
    Abstract: A transmission mechanism of an image scanner with adjustable resolution is disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 26, 2006
    Inventor: Chuwn-Jen Chien
  • Patent number: 7154792
    Abstract: An improved redundancy architecture for embedded memories in an ASIC chip includes one or more compiler-generated embedded memory instances. Each embedded memory instance has a universal register for storing an address of a defective subunit of the memory instance from a variety of sources. A control block is located on the ASIC chip outside of the memory instances. The control block has a defective memory register for storing an address of a defective memory subunit. The address of a defective memory subunit from the defective memory register in the control block is transferred to the universal interface register in the memory instance. In one embodiment, the control block includes fuses for storing a defective subunit address in binary form. A fuse array is located outside of the memory instances and contains laser fuses that represent address of defective subunits for each memory instance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 8, 2006
    Date of Patent: December 26, 2006
    Inventor: Michael Tooher
  • Patent number: 7154643
    Abstract: A guiding apparatus for a scanner may comprise a V-shaped supporting surface capable of supporting a body on a shaft, wherein the body comprises optical components. The guiding apparatus may also comprise an elastic member coupled to the body and capable of contacting the shaft and an adjusting member capable of adjusting the position of the elastic member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 26, 2006
    Inventors: Heng-Hsiang Chang, Chin-Chung Lien
  • Patent number: 7151407
    Abstract: A switched-mode Class F power amplifier is provided for parallel connection with at least one other like amplifier, within a Chireix architecture, for combining the signals output therefrom. An input component includes at least one active device configured to be alternately switched by a signal input thereto to present an amplified signal corresponding to the input signal and constituting a low output impedance voltage source. A lumped element impedance inverter is provided between the input component and an output resonator component, the impedance inverter being configured for transforming the low output impedance voltage source to instead constitute a high output impedance current source configured for said parallel connection. In accordance with the invention, the negative reactive component values required by the impedance inverter are eliminated and effectively provided by incorporating those values into pre-selected reactive components of the input and output components.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 6, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 19, 2006
    Inventor: Johan M. Grundlingh
  • Patent number: 7149012
    Abstract: The present invention is to provide an image scanner, for scanning a reflection document or a transmission document. The image scanner comprises a shell, a document window glass, a transmission document carrier, and an optical chassis. The shell has a groove on its upper surface. The document window glass is capable of connecting with the groove, for scanning the reflection document. The transmission document carrier is capable of connecting with the groove, for scanning the transmission document. The optical chassis is provided at a proper location, for retrieving the images of the reflection document and the transmission document and converting them to an electronic signal. Wherein, by placing the document window glass or transmission document carrier into the groove, the image scanner is capable of scanning the reflection document or transmission document, respectively.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 9, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 12, 2006
    Inventors: Po-Hua Fang, Yin-Chun Huang
  • Patent number: 7149008
    Abstract: A stagger sensor and a method for improving modulation transfer function. The method of using the stagger sensor for improving modulation transfer function can be applied to scan an object. The stagger sensor includes a plurality of sensing modules. The method of increasing scanning resolution includes retrieving reference digital data and processing digital data of a computed pixel obtained from an object scanning operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 8, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 12, 2006
    Inventor: Shih-Zheng Kuo
  • Patent number: 7139904
    Abstract: A data byte insertion circuit includes circuitry to generate derivative intermediate data words from input data words of a current and a preceding cycle, repositioning data bytes of the input data words before and after data byte insertion points of the current and preceding cycles, and circuitry to generate re-aligned variants of insertion data bytes of the current cycle. The data byte insertion circuit further includes circuitry to generate a number of multi-bit data bit selection masks, and circuitry to generate an output data word by conditionally using selected parts of the derivate intermediate data words and the re-aligned variants of the insertion data bytes, in accordance with the multi-bit data bit selection masks.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 21, 2006
    Inventors: J. Zachary Gorman, Richard S. Willardson
  • Patent number: 7139107
    Abstract: A method and a device for automatic capturing of a static image. The automatic static image-capturing device is a scanner. The method includes the following steps. Any changes on a scanning platform are monitored. If a change in the static image on the scanning platform is detected, the change is gauged for a preset time interval to check for any further change during this time interval. If no further change is detected within this time interval, a preset operation is triggered.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 21, 2006
    Inventors: Shih-Zheng Kuo, Yu-Ru Yu
  • Patent number: 7136204
    Abstract: A full-zone optical image addressing apparatus, including an addressing device, an image extraction converter, a comparator, an AND gate and a counter. The addressing device is located at the enclosure of the scanner and includes a plurality of geometric patterns. Each of the geometric patterns includes a plurality of rows of pixels. While receiving an exposure signal, the image extraction converter extracts one row of pixels from the addressing device, such that a series of analog signals is obtained and output to the comparator. The comparator then compares the series of analog signals to an analog critical voltage to output a series of analog comparison signals to the AND gate. The AND gate synchronously processes the series of analog comparison signals and a pixel rate clock to output the pixel data corresponding to the extracted row of pixels to the counter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 8, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 14, 2006
    Inventors: Chin-Lin Chang, Chen-Ho Lee, Chen-Hsiang Shih
  • Patent number: 7136200
    Abstract: A method for position restoration. By comparing the graphic data and the restored graphic data, the graphic data closest to the restored graphic data is selected. Therefore, the graphic data scanned subsequently is correctly connected to the restored graphic data to avoid the missing line or repetition of graphic data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 14, 2006
    Inventors: Cheng-Kuei Chen, Chu-Hui Yu
  • Patent number: 7131736
    Abstract: An illumination system is provided with at least a first reflecting device that has a first focal point at the arc of an arc lamp. The second focal point of the reflecting device is located at the input end of a compound parabolic concentrator (CPC). The CPC is optically coupled with an optical integrator. Light exiting the optical integrator may be used in low étendue projection systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 2003
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2006
    Inventor: Serge J. A. Bierhuizen
  • Patent number: 7133164
    Abstract: An optical carriage of scanner has a mirror assembly and a device assembly, the mirror assembly has a mirror mount, some mirror holder, and some supporters, and the device assembly has a chassis. In this invention, the mirror assembly and the device assembly are mechanically connected after separately formation. Further, to ensure correct shape of these mirror holders and these supporters, they could be formed by metal punch, plastic ejection, or plastic process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2006
    Inventors: Tsung-Yin Chen, Chun-I Hsiao
  • Patent number: 7133409
    Abstract: An apparatus is equipped with classifier logic to programmably extract key data from a data packet of a data stream based upon a dynamically programmable offset, compare the key data with one or more lookup tables of key entries, and store the result of the comparison as at least part of a categorization vector. The apparatus is further equipped with filter logic coupled to the classifier logic to receive the categorization vector and to programmably determine group membership of the data packet based at least in part upon the categorization vector, as well as to dynamically determine a disposition for the data packet based at least in part upon the group membership.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 19, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2006
    Inventor: Richard Willardson
  • Patent number: 7133393
    Abstract: A method and system for implementing a prepaid service in a packet-switched mobile communication network, in which information requested by a mobile station is delivered to the mobile station so long as the subscriber has maintained a sufficient prepaid balance from which the service charges can be deducted. An access point name definition, which points to a service node via which access to or use of an associated prepaid service is provided, is defined. A control server is used to monitor the service traffic between the mobile station and the content server after the access point name definition identified in an activation request for data service has been sent from the mobile station. Traffic monitoring continues as long as the data service is active, and the prepaid service balance in a billing database is dynamically updated to reflect the subscriber's ongoing use of the data service based on the continued monitoring of the control server.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 10, 2003
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2006
    Inventor: Sami Ala-Luukko
  • Patent number: 7130948
    Abstract: An API including an interrupt handler registration function and one or more interrupt dispatchers, is provided to an optical networking apparatus to facilitate registration of interrupt handlers to handle interrupts triggered by the function blocks of multi-protocol optical networking modules (MPONM). Each registered interrupt handler may handle interrupts triggered by one or more function blocks of any of the MPONM, and/or for one or more cause. In one embodiment, the one or more interrupt dispatchers are equipped to determine the triggering function block and the cause, and determine the interrupt handlers, if any, are to be notified. Each of the interrupt handlers to be notified is notified accordingly, including the triggering function block and the cause.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 31, 2006
    Inventors: Qiyong B. Bian, Jonathan A. Tuchow
  • Patent number: 7127005
    Abstract: Circuits and methods are provided for use in a wireline or wireless transmitter to complement the digital generation of non-constant envelope modulation signals therein. A digital signal processor is configured for deconstructing a predetermined signal having an undesirable property into one or more fragment signals which do not have the undesirable property. In a preferred embodiment the predetermined signal is preconditioned by applying a preconditioning deconstruction process to another signal from which the predetermined signal is derived, whereby that other signal is deconstructed into one or more preconditioned fragment signals having an improved property over the other signal. For OFDM modulation schemes this undesirable property may be a relatively high peak-to-average power ratio. Signals formed from the fragment signals are subject to conversion to analog signals and processing by power efficient, dynamic-range limited analog circuits i.e.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 24, 2006
    Inventor: James Stuart Wight
  • Patent number: 7126728
    Abstract: A linear guiding mechanism for a platform type optical scanner. A V-shaped track is installed inside a casing and positioned parallel to the travel path of a carrier chassis containing a system of optical devices. The upper section of the V-shaped track has a pair of support surfaces forming an included angle. The V-shaped track supports a positioning wheel or a positioning bump attached to the carrier chassis. The carrier chassis moves along the longitudinal direction of the V-shaped track when driven by a driving system. The V-shaped track may be constructed from a pair of monorails so that the driving belt may move inside the space between the monorails. An additional positioning structure may attach to the interior sidewall of the casing to serve as a retainer for the chassis in an initial position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 24, 2006
    Inventors: Jen-Shou Tseng, Hsiu-O Hsu
  • Patent number: 7123387
    Abstract: An image scanning method includes pre-scanning a first document to generate a first original image according to the first document; adjusting parameter settings of the first original image to generate and store a plurality of pre-view images corresponding to different sets of parameters; pre-scanning a second document to generate a second original image according to the second document; and scanning the second document to generate a plurality of scanning images according to the different sets of parameters of the pre-view images. The parameter settings of the first original image include brightness, shadow, and contrast settings.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 17, 2006
    Inventors: Chung-Wei Cheng, Stone Cheng